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That's not what she asks him. She asks if hitler was the man of his life. When he wqs young, otherwise she would have said "is" instead of "was"
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anyone can make the full into webm?
the full version is on telegram at
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Heil Hitler based Hitler
Is this AI or did he really say so in the movie.
its from a movie in a diner scene
he's a self hating jew.
like most of 4chan pawel

captcha sk8 0G
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I mean, yknow, how can I say he was wrong? When you hear this you gotta admit it is exactly what everyone wants for themselves and their country. So how was he wrong?

Apart from the fact he threw away these values he's proclaiming he holds when he invaded France and other countries and decided they'd be his, and then when he tried to kill all Jews. If he had just kicked out all non Germans and made sure Germans came first and that was the end of it, he'd probably have gone down in history as a hero and a revolutionary.
It is precisely these words, which no one in Germany knows, that have been erased from the history books.
Instead of it said that Hitler wanted the war.

Exactly the same liars are back in the political chairs, and are lying to us about Russia today.
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der führer always had very determined eyes, yet also a touch of something else, expectation I guess, as though he knows what will happen if we do not do this
NOOOO! you are a silly goyim and you MUST accept multiculturalism!!!!!!!
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HAHAHA fucking amazing anon
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Videos such as this make me weepy. The aged vanguard of Europes final struggle against the American world order, still filled with love for the last truly great European...
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It's from the movie The Believer, one of Gosling's first serious roles. He plays a secretly Jewish Neo-Nazi, and the audio you're hearing comes from a scene where he explains to a journalist why he despises Jewish culture / Jews in general so much.
You really sound like one massive retard. How does one fight against the subjugation of ones nation? By force, you imbecile. There is no other way. Democracy and liberalism are lies to placate fools.
Can some fren make a sub 6MB webm version for this please? (preferably a version which doesn't sound a lot worse)

literally me
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NS is a political ideology not a religion
The Greeks created the ideology of democracy. Look how long it took to go from Greece to Rome, from Rome to America. Political ideologies work the same way.
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>What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.
—Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda, 16 October 1928
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>invaded france
They declared war on him first, genius. He made it abundantly clear that anything west of the German border was off limits and he only focused on the east. He only took Alsace-Lorraine after France and England decided to go to war with him bc Poland. Never mind that the allies had no problem with the Soviets straight up invading all of eastern Europe without any reasonable claim to the land or even negotiating with them for a fair deal..
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Anyone got the one with the dude repeating 'OSTDEUTSCHLAND' with his fist in the air? It was very funny.
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Wrong, at least Goebbels use the word
Because he was a CIA nigger
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this thread is the biggest fucking blackpill
i didn't need this on a fri night
>being nat soc is based!!!
>why yes, I do support russia, why do you ask?
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Shut the fuck up Capitalist Pig
Finally someone made a webm. I've spammed it many times (linking it in bitchute), but nobody would even comment on it.
It's truly an eye-opening evidence to present to the people still falling for the holocaust narrative.
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Thank you for this
For all my life I thought the lyrics said lies instead of eyes
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It really helps you understand why when the first generation of the Hitler youth joined the werhmacht everything went turbo. Hitler had given those children everything Germany had to offer. The German people had given everything they had for this.
And had Germany won, those children would have ruled the world. This is the elitism that the socialists hate, not the protection of the elites but the creation of elites, the creation of a master race.
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He's in his 20s? He looks like he's in his late 40s.
that dumb cunt has no brain on her makes me wanna strangle her to death
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Nazi kino best kino
Is the full interview available?
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Based Joel
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Everytime make one of these threads here i get ban. Is it because i post links, put a name in the name section along the post or label it a Nazi thread ?
might be one of the links you post
if Germany wanted peace why did they break the peace treaty with the USSR?
He wanted peace with the west, because they weren't his enemies. The USSR was poorly managed at the time and was probably at its weakest during Barbarossa. It was now or never and the pact would've been broken by the other side eventually.
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Not sure, sorry
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Degrelle was an amazing man and a warrior of true passion, i highly recommend reading The Eastern Front by him
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does anyone have this video: https://archived.moe/wsg/thread/5081422/#5089239? I'm trying to find its song name
>the shit stained tranny crack of /wsg/
got the version of this song with the hitler youth?
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i hope its this

88 o/
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anyone know who this "paulus" is?
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>It was real in my mind, goy!
Fucking jews.
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how do schizo nazis support russian when they hate nazis? you cant make this shit up
nazi =/= capitalist

national socialists were all for social programs that would go against capitalism as they are for the betterment of the people and would not increase capital. it is entirely possible for there to be a national socialist state with a communist economy but VERY unlikely as most natsocs prefer private property ownership and not all of them will even get on board with a syndicalist economy at the very least.
No politician that wants a war is going to admit he wants a war. Are you this naive or just dumb.
it's exactly that! thanks
now i'm off to shazaming the song of it for like a hunredth time lol
its probably perturbator, carpenter brut, or another one of those synth guys
please provide the name of the song if you find it
>>Nazis lost
>>manlet Hitler with one ball sack cocaine addict failed painter lost.
The world that hitler dreamed of will never come to pass. The only thing that awaits skin heads is eternal humiliation and the rank social rejects.
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i've skimmed through the entirety of carpenter brut's bandcamp and nothing matches; maybe i've missed something though
although it does sound really like him
does anyone have the hyperborea edit where it's like the black sun and sneed and the grubhub delivery dance set to taylor swift?
I'm thinking it might be Dan Terminus just from the arpeggios
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That twat doing those pretentious "mmmm"s while he's talking.
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Song sauce? Shazam doesn't know.
Found it.

Xurious - Huwheat Fields
Looks like someone from star trek
only christcucks deny that national socialism is a religion because they know they can't compete with it
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bros dont you know theyre coming for our children!?!
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>>Hollywood Nazism will save the west
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Of course, National Socialism is much more than just another political ideology. The Catholic Church itself recognized its religious nature and feared it.

>"The peak of the revelation as reached in the Gospel of Christ is final and permanent. It knows no retouches by human hand; it admits no substitutes or arbitrary alternatives such as certain leaders pretend to draw from the so-called MYTH OF RACE AND BLOOD."
— Pope Pius XI's encyclical "Mit Brennender Sorge" on the German Reich, 1937

>"And in the 20th century, in the darkest period of German and European history, an INSANE RACIST IDEOLOGY, born of NEO-PAGANISM, gave rise to the attempt, planned and systematically carried out by the regime, to exterminate European Jewry. The result has passed into history as the Shoah. The victims of this unspeakable and previously unimaginable crime amounted to 11,000 named individuals in Cologne alone; the real figure was surely much higher. The holiness of God was no longer recognized, and consequently, contempt was shown for the sacredness of human life. This year, 2005, marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps, in which millions of Jews - men, women and children - were put to death in the gas chambers and ovens."
— Pope Benedict XVI to the Synagogue of Cologne
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>brainlet OP immediately pulls his cope webm
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Nostra Aetate:

"Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone."

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better to have fought and lost than to have never fought for anything at all in your miserable pathetic existence, wage slave
Rome has always been Germany's enemy. The Kirchenkampf (and its spiritual predecessor, Bismarck's Kulturkampf) didn't happen for no reason.
it wasn't "now or never" it was the tactic conjures by a meth-addled brain. Hitler was a fucking retard and doomed the white race.
anyone who uses the term "white race" is not european, either a mongrel mutt from the burgerland or a non-white looking to stir up trouble, we have germans, french, english, polish, dutch races, there is no blanket term "white race" that mutts so deperately cling too because they're all 1/23rd of norweigan ancestry
Is there anything more corny than non germans playing a nazi
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995 KB GIF
what you think germany invented national socialism or something?
>anyone who uses the term "white race" is not european
>or a non-white
>there is no blanket term "white race"
pure cognitive dissonance
Did anyone save this? Seems like valuable knowledge to have in a natsoc thread
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Here, brother.
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The fact that they kept calling it neo-paganism says it all. Völkisch and pagan mean the same thing, that is the cultural manifestation of the native spirit of an ethnos, which is why the peddlers of such an international, rootless, and multicultural religion felt threatened by National Socialism.
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>Russia just took most of Eastern Europe and were massing tanks on the border as a joke, Truman told me Russian uncle Joe was a great guy
>I blame the Man who's beliefs and principles I mostly agree with for the things the international clique did after they ganged up on Him.
>also he was a jew, an mkultra pawn, a virgin who raped his neice, a germaphobic shit eater, had one ball, did meth, had parkinsons, injected animal semen into his scrotum, and left almost empty milk jugs in the fridge
el oh el
Don't quote me, I'm not commenting on whether it's a religion or not, I'm defending the idea that it will prosper even if it's not.
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fuck off nigger. as usual, you ain't shit and you don't know shit
cope and seethe tranny
and you will never be evropean not will you ever be welcome here juanchez
>having white or non white skin is the same as being "racially white"
illiterate third worlder cant into a first world language, figures
>i-it's just about skin colour
lmao the absolute state
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Not that anon, but this might be what you are looking for.
kill yourself golem
ironic when jews are trying their best to make people believe white identity isn't real and you're here parrotting their narrative like a good goy
stop trying divide and conquer. There is a white/european race and it has multiple subgroups like nordic/germanic, slavic and so on, which stand in a hierarchy of worth, but the race as a whole is elevated in comparison to other races. Mixing within the white race as it happened in America may come with a loss of cultural, but not of racial roots. Whites everywhere must stick together in a world in which they are a minority and under attack from every side
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Could someone upload this on a online driver or something so it's easily downloadable? Thanks for the good clips, especially those from Norway. I am gonna save them for future generations and AI.
As someone who is studying all of this out of curiosity, it is quite obvious these guys are controlled opposition. This cartoonish depiction of Nazism is obviously repellent to those who hold any sort of easily palatable ideology-whether it be fiscal conservatism, Trumpism, neoliberalism, progressivism, or anything of the like. In other words, this is a caricature of a Nazi just as the media would depict them or even how Hollywood would depict them on a studio set in this comic book villain image. It really is silly.

If National Socialism were to ever come about legitimately in the US, most likely by a different name, it wouldn't have this blatantly malevolent aesthetic, it would unironically sway well-intentioned and good-hearted individuals to their side, as Hitler did for Germans.
JFK unironically lifted this for his "Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
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of course it's the jew!
An incredibly powerful one, and so damn true, democracy is nothing but a jewish plot to create horizontal wars.
Ukraine is led a by jew placed there by other jews. No matter your pilpul, jews are the number 1 enemy of humanity, this is a unchanging fact. It doesn't matter who is facing the jews, any threat to the jews is better than the jews. I don't care about Russia, I don't like russians, same for palestinians, but anything that can hurt the jews is better than the jews.

National-Socialism most important component is race, it is the protection of your people. There has never existed a greater threat to the Aryan race, the greatest of all races, than the jews. Only the jews possess pilpul an chutzpah, only they are so deep into dishonesty and lies that they have even had to create those terms, only they can so effectively subvert our natural racial tendency to create high-trust societies and cooperate, to then turn it into something wicked, evil and wrong.
Any adult today who is not NS is a retard whose brain works in the jewish false dichotomy of "you must hate either the proletariat or the so-called bourgeoisie". This war of classes invented by the jew son of countless rabbis Karl Marx is the trick the jews used to murder dozens of millions of Aryans.
Nowadays, shills argue that because Hitler didn't genocide the rich like commies did (to then steal their riches anyway and establish a brutal jewish tyranny) he somehow wasn't a socialist, when he was the purest socialist leader of the time, simply a real socialist, not a jewish one.
Is that Julius Streicher speaking?
Hitler meng
Anyone have the Take Back Our Future vid with Anon's journey into basedn?
I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Robert Ley
the opposite, they caused the American world order
based, glad there are still non retards in these threads
dont samefag shlomo
Who is this? please
This guy look weirdly like bolsonaro
>Aaahh vi ar ze ubermensch!! we conquering all of ze lebensraum, need more land so we can make more meth camps aaaah!!
Checked. Based Rockwell.
SS Marschiert In Feindesland, AKA "Teufelslied"
Lauren Rose. She left social media about 6 years ago. I hope she has a large family and lives happily now.
Image limit reached, somebody bake a new thread.
If only he had loved what his mother had loved.
Does she have a bitchute or something? I am interested in learning more
Somehow I don't think Pius XI's mother knew about National Socialism
>The soviets asked us to do it
>There was a mentality that just one more bombing would bring the regime down
>We were desperate to end the war asap

The scale of the lying is astonishing. My grandad was a 14 year old anti air helper in Dresden and that raid killed his sister and displaced him from his family for the REST of his life. The modernist historian making excuses while the veteran beside him says unabashed that it was a horrific crime would have angered him immensely to watch
does anybody have the speech where Hitler talks about his early struggles? may have been posted already but i dont see it
>secretly bombing German civilians
What exactly is he referring to? I see this mentioned on this website regularly and I am not aware of any example of Britain bombing non-military targets before Germany bombed Britain.
Where can I find this video in HD?
on odysee
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