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post 3
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i still love goose cause he's literally me
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not that kind
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lmao I think you got lost on the way to /pol/
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lmao I think you got lost on the way to reddit
and what pray-tell is "/pol/" about friends bantering with each other or you drinking alone in the shower while your friend shower with this girlfriend/wife?
Do betas dream of electric gyatts?
omg thanks for the gold
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no one tell him
In that particular clip the guy drinking alone got double cucked. His friend Rick got the girl, then went missing, and the girl got with him out of necessity. Then just as he got used to the free pussy, Rick showed back up and now he's back to using his hand.
only if they frfr senpai rizz on god with drip
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Nice job cropping a 2.5 : 1 film with a vertical phone preset. Retard.
am also huge faggot btw
HA I knew it

Boys or men? or both
I love how having kids somehow precludes being a loser and/or autistic.
tells me more about whoever made picrel than anything.

having kids only seems like some insane goalpost to actual kids.
most pathetic thing ive seen today
shut up normalfag retard
all my intuition tells me she will balloon up soon
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this is why we're here foreverz fren
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him driv
He's a normalfag but he's not wrong.
What film?
what's that song again
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Except the line is "married with two kids" genius and not "came in a random hole and became a father." Maintaining a happy marriage with two kids is absolutely a challenging goal, beyond the reach of many.
Now get off your high horse you illiterate bellend lmao this board. Also nice Reddit spacing
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absolute kino
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seconding this
mac demarco chamber of reflection
Blows my mind this shit works
cute girl, too bad about the fivehead though
You can depict when he's scared of the nigger in his car by when the driver door is locked and unlocked. They thought of it all!
aw that's fuckin adorable
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This was too savage. Not cool /wsg/, not cool
actually good
they can't have been that good a relation if they're at #5
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fun fact
a scorpion tattoo in the gay community generally indicates someone who has HIV/AIDS
t. a fag
tell him what?
I guess this anon doesn't own a mirror
that's part of the point anon
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holy fuck you retard just use ezgif to crop it out
ftfy faggot
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that character was a good father though so...
Me on the top (the blue haired one)
I'm 34 man
that black girl played such a good "good guy-villain" in Burn Notice. every time she was on screen hate was dripping out of my ears there was so much.
Song name?
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I need the one with the edit, other movie stars and its something along the lines of "me around normal women vs me around mentally ill women"
He's a normalfag AND he's wrong.
jesus christ my sides
Nightcall - Kavinsky
Apocalypse Now
The point is they're experience. Rarely anyone meets the one on their first time.
They're like jobs or internships before finding your dream one, and if you don't have any previous experience, it only makes it harder to get there
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I honestly admire this guy. It's happened to me a bunch but I never articulated it out loud like that, and especially not to the women in question. So far as they still know, everything was peachy keen and cool, no hurt feelings, no problem. At least he left a mark.
Her pussy was the driest it's ever been in this moment.
Why would getting cucked be political though
I'd never once think about the socioeconomic status of the country while railing someones wife
This may sound insane to you but not all breakups indicate a bad relation
I have moved a lot in my life and I've stopped seeing so many people (not that I've ever dated but it would have been the same) after moving, even to a neighbouring city, because there are times when you can simply not adapt to geographical changes
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Literally me
I wish you stupid fucks would encode these properly so I don't lose my hearing from a bee in my ear
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>Post literally me stuff
Works fine on my machine. You probably just have tinnitus.
File: literally me.webm (6 MB, 360x360)
6 MB
zoomers get out reeeeeeeeeeeeee
I can guarantee you're a porn addled coombrain
based granny
Just like jobs, after your first one you care less and less about the company you keep or sticking with it for better or worse.
too many whores
what's the film
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dunno if this is the thread but i made this
I wish you stupid fucks would add the source in the filename
day of the wacko
What film? Looks awesome
The duality of man
[spoiler]Is it worth watching?[/spoiler]
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kino loop
fucking kek
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dude vaporwave and edge is sooooo me!!!
God, I wish that where me
imagine being that girl knowing this clip is out there being viewed by millions
some self hating black in the world just nutted the hardest ever
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Hello Rajesh are you still fantasising about being a nigger because at least they're not pajeets?
That's 90% of them
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anon, I...
Altered States
>Americans need to be told they don't need permission to say a word
This is incredible kek
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Just read the synopsis
Sounds absolutely kino
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If you are going to watch Apocalypto, make sure to watch it without Dubs. It is so much better subtitled.
me when they wont leave my swamp
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>I had forgotten I was human
rookie numbers
Change months to decades to make it more realistic
Miserable twice
that happened to me yesterday
i didn't even expect her to hug me
she even initiated it and i just went by automatically
at the moment i didn't even know how much i wished for her to do it
only later i realized that the experience was so innocent and pure because of that
i smiled my way home
am i going to make it
or am i learning to understand my emotions
how can i tell her

Please post here.
love it
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>how can i tell her
My immediate intuition tells me that I wouldn't tell her, unless it's a relation for the ages and you know each other well and you feel comfortable opening up.
The most likely reaction is raised eyebrows from someone who is normally adjusted - you don't want others to think of you as a social recluse/weirdo/basement dweller.
But who knows, can't pretend I know the answer. Do what feels right. Vulnerability is supposed to be sexy under the right circumstances.
Gents lemme tell you this. I'm almost 30. I've tasted the forbidden fruit. I did a few weeks ago. We held hands. We kissed. We made love. The morning after, she made it awkward. Or maybe I did unintentionally, who knows. She ghosted me.

Nothing compares anymore. I have lost all my will to fap. I don't even get an erection when looking at porn anymore. It won't ever compares to interlocking fingers, looking her in the eyes, and fucking her slowly.
Oxytocin withdrawal is one son of a bitch gents. My advice is to not do it if you're not certain that something long term is going to come out of it. Having had a taste of it and then having it taken away so soon was gut wrenching.
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>funny content every 20 minutes
You wish
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There losers
What is this from?
Day of the Wacko
fuck off failednormie, 4channel is for kissless incel loser virgins. you've crossed the line and you're no longer welcomed.
>Day of the Wacko
Ty anon
Ana de Armas is so beautiful it's not even fair
As someone that works for a security company that watches thousands of sites all over north America, you might be surprised with how often there's a camera watching.
Don't worry, we all think you look cool as fuck.
Who said nothing about being happy?
You're a doomer retard. Getting women is like becoming a multi-millionaire. Obtaining your first million is extremely hard, but after that it just gets easier and easier.
A huge part of why anons can't get women is they've never had a woman. Women can smell virginity and they really don't like it. Being a virgin in your late 20s or early 30s implies something's wrong with you. If you pull just one woman, you're basically co-signed for life.
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A brazilian man riding through the favela with a tranny in the backseat.
I hate this because I didn't even touch a woman until 31, when I lost my virginity. People who have never been in a relationship do not and cannot understand the excruciating and unimaginable psychological agony that is losing someone you love. Even breakups are rougher than loneliness. If I could go back in time, I'd rather have remained a lonely virgin forever.

However bad you think you have it, the moment you finally pour your decades of unrequited love unto a recipient and that bond is snatched away from you, by whichever method or circumstance, you'll regret it, and curse the day you thought you knew better.
Is this game still worth playing or did I miss the window when it was good?
>tfw we'll never get a live action batman as cool as this one
I'm no znyderfag but he was a great batman for a bit.
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based tony poster.
Does anyone have the edit of SSgt. Barnes?
I find it most amusing that 2 guinea homo manlets are regularly cast to portray badasses
it's the quality of woman too
no matter what you look like
if you can somehow pulled an 8 or above, you'll get hotties from then on because women judge you by the women you get
only absolute Chad's can date mids and still pull hot ass
but for regular guys, if women see you with a hot women they assume there's something intriguing or special about you
Bullshit, its a strong temporary feeling thats all.
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This guy was insanely charismatic. I'm suprised he didnt get more roles after that.
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mfw no italo-american gf
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I want to say Sliders (1995) but again could be wrong
Why is everything about women?

WTF is wrong with you people. Are people just slaves to sex and have nothing else in life that gives meaning? Jesus, what animals.
Is that cornpop?
God this is old.
me rn
wtf are you talking about
Sounds like you just had your first experience with a psychopath.
I've had a shitton of experiences with psychopaths, but no romantic one. This is why when (if) I do have a romantic relationship, I won't be fooled and heartbroken
Thanks, I really needed that.

It's kind of funny how K is supposed to live such an awful and lonely life that he has only an AI girl to keep him company and I'm supposed to pity him, while we don't even have that, and I'd consider it a blessing to have it. They wanted to honestly portray genuine misery of a life of a lonely man and it still doesn't match the truth of mundane reality
>last 3 partners were actually jewish
Why does this keep happening?
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actual fear of mine
Kek nicely done

I wish there was a proper bardcore version of it like these


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Congratulations, you have made a vertical webm that takes up almost my entire screen...
I disagree completely. Simply because of the way the world looks in Bladerunner would make your life an indisputable downgrade. Also, the point is that the AI companion isn't even his. "It"'s effectively just a drive with memories; he doesn't own anything, and isn't happy anyway. If there's any blessing in there, it's a curse disguised as one. The same is bound to happen in reality as well, because people don't want to own and run their own things.
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This one hurts
kino, wish that was my life
thanks I just ripped it from a YouTube compilation and converted it
This is just a cope. Having lived life and experienced emotions is always better than not having. The pain that comes with living is what makes life worthwhile
>The pain that comes with living is what makes life worthwhile
Go back
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Well, I didn't mean the whole dystopian reality, just the ai companion. I know I will be always alone, so for me I'd prefer an illusion of companionship over nothing at all. It might be considered unhealthy, but I think it would actually help with my mental health. If a pet can be a source of comfort and motivation, then ai could be even more so.
I've spent most of my waking hours on 4chan or playing games since i was 14 (33 now) yet somehow I got my dick sucked at 14, had sex at 17, banged a bunch of hot asians in college, i'm a software engineer and married a cute japanese woman 7 years ago. You guys are all pathetic faggots.
Acquire a 2D wife instead.
I feel that I am a sad cross between AJ Soprano & Gregory Hirsch. Quite literally
It is absolute kino but why the fuck would you not know what it is or have never seen it especially if you know the word kino.
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off topic but I have this
Pure bardcore
>If a pet can be a source of comfort and motivation, then ai could be even more so.
This is a good point. I mean stimulkation via human contact and conversation is why most of us shitpost on the internet.
Which a pet can give you physical intimacy (non sexual you weirdo) it cannot really give you mental stimulation other than via entertainment, playing.
The combination of a lifelike talking AI like in the movie Her with juaquin pheonix, a prostitute for sex and a pet for loneliness and comfort would probably sate these issues people like you have.
Still there are prozzies who do the whole GFE thing.
I don't care how normie The Wire may be, it was good shit.
It didn't hurt I lived in Baltimore when I watched it and them filming there really helped nail it.
The town was the epitome of one step forward, two steps back.
still amazing no video game studios have capitalized on central american lore yet
having an aztec or mayan action game would be absolute kino
Let me tell you something I was a virgin until 27 and now have a live in gf and every day I wish I was still a virgin playing video games
>Webm has no women in it, and references nothing about women
>"Why is everything about women? WTF is wrong with you people."
Bit of a self report there projecting anon, maybe stop thinking about women so much? KEK
>months . . .
fucking hell
I was a virgin until 32 and this guy is full of shit.
The pain of being utterly unwanted and being considered a biological failure that is good for nothing by the entirety of your species is far, FAR, worse than being toyed around by a girl or dumped so she can go hop on Chad's dick.

I would never want to go back to that life. Incels deserve to make normalfags suffer and every time there is a shooting I consider it justified for how they're treated.
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Massive NUT
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let me guess you also cut up your arms and wrists
>as a concerned citiz-
>*knock knock knock*
>draws pistol and points it right at his face
>as a concerned citizen...
Holy fucking based.
Fucking lmao. I still play Helldivers with the boys every night and I have to pick this one in the whole thread to be literally me.
Yes. Game is fun. I personally think it requires voice comms with people you know though. Or, at least know online. If you're a normalfag use something like Discord; we have a different service. I play with the usual fags I met on 4chan. Joining random missions in any squad-based co-op game always irritates me because people are retarded. I gotta have voice comms.
Can't make a good game without portraying them like savage bloodthirsty slavemongers, which modern ESG DEI SDG companies will not finance and invest in.

It's not financially doable for a big company.
This is really good.
I hope his social credit score is amazing, one of my favorite silly asian characthers
Fuck off back to twitter, normie.
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>you know remember Guild Wars Utopia
I appreciate the trance
humans are so fuckin cool, bros. every other animal is a bitch, compared to us
fuckin lol
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3.9 MB
The 40 Yar Old Virgin if it wasn't made by fat, jewish stoners.
>modern ESG DEI SDG companies will not finance and invest in.
Many games are made without their input.
>It's not financially doable for a big company.
Truth is kikes running the companies don't want to do it.
hes so fucking based
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I hate everything about my life and this world, but don't bet on me giving up if you don't like losing.
Gay jew shit. Yeah teenage love was nice, but you're not crippled or ruined if you didn't have it.
omg thank you soo much ive been looking for this for 3 years
love bowden
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Hugging changes nothing, it won't change jewish power, it won't stop immigration, it won't stop housing prices skyrocketing, it won't stop crime, it won't stop the haitan cannibals from then eating that woman who hugged you.
Find an anti-zionist Jew and be there for her when her family and community abandon her.
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I feel like some of these "literally me" casts should include animals like dogs, cats, or horses
you should focus on the immediate problems in your life that you can see, yes, that means politics is too much for you
>caring about things way beyond your control
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I'm not going to waste time going deep into what the other anon posted since you'll just ignore it, but being with someone at least proves to yourself it's possible. I lost my virginity at 30 and she ended up fucking my roommate. It made me feel sick just thinking about it for years after, but I'm still glad I got it out of the way with an uncaring whore than never having sex, feeling like I'm missing a basic part of the human experience , and still being petrified at the thought of sex at 36 years old.
What is it with normalfags and being afraid of rain, anyway? They all start running the moment it starts raining even if it's a small shower that won't even get them properly wet.
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Wtf I hate rain. Whats wrong with you
Wtf I love rain. Whats wrong with normies
It's not even real, it's a movie scene.
im feeling personally attacked
fun as long as you don't get paired with retards who run across the map and leave you to do the actual mission.
>2023+ pending
this is literally me and let me tell you... it didn't change. gonna end it all soon. my kid is the only thing that keeps me going and when she finds out I'm a loser it's over
lmao imagine thinking politics is for anyone when our "leaders" sold us out for this. face it, kid. there's no hope for mankind. it's over.
>tfw you want to warn them about the inevitable pain but know they won't listen
you sound like a pathetic retard. you've never had a fucking job? worthless leech.
This too
Day of the Wacko
Original title: Dzien swira
The only good scene in the film
>fun as long as you don't get paired with retards
That's the issue I have. I almost always get paired with retards when I go in dry without a squad of my own. And not just in Helldivers. Like I said, any squad-based co-op I seem to always roll the most retarded idiots who somehow figured out how to install a video game. Gotta have those voice comms, or at least know each other enough to know their actions and what they're gonna do.
Anyways, to the other guy–yeah, Helldivers is still fun. Would recommend.
Are you implying that I cuck my friends?
Wife material
Nothing here was related to politics, retard.
How is it that you stupid gen z morons have turned everything into politics when you arent even old enough to have fully developed brains?
NVM, as I finished typing that I came to the realization that I answered my own question.
STFU about politics, kids. Seriously.
lmao race isnt politics idiot
*face palm
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try years
feels like it was last week when I saw this in 2022
Is this the Jewish guy from Saving Private Ryan?
You just know
File: 1714982083355445.gif (2.17 MB, 391x295)
2.17 MB
2.17 MB GIF
that's an interesting take
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2.92 MB
2.92 MB GIF
>when I have to face my problems I show up in the back of a limbo wearing a $2000 dollar suit and a $40,000 dollar gold fucking watch
>back of a limbo
>$40,000 dollar
ESL tiktok meme farms are invading
Whats the name of ryans hair cut?
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2.87 MB
2.87 MB WEBM
penalty for unnecessary wheelies
"If I could be reborn, I would like to comeback as a weed. I was told by a woman I once knew that no matter how much they get treadable, they always snap back. That's the kind of existence that I'd like to have in the next life"

--Kiyoshi Ōkubo, 1976
Dude, what the fuck
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3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM
Could someone make this into a webm? https://m.youtube.com/shorts/D5-6NjZxCnM
I think it would fit well here.
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1.19 MB
1.19 MB WEBM
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1.32 MB
1.32 MB WEBM
File: matlock.webm (3.95 MB, 1280x720)
3.95 MB
3.95 MB WEBM
I really like the sound on this one.
Movie name?
File: teenage wasteland.webm (5.68 MB, 900x506)
5.68 MB
5.68 MB WEBM

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