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File: 1710668883398166.webm (1.72 MB, 720x1280)
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post cute/attractive/hot/handsome males
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This is the owner and founder of eBaum's World.
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Dat jawline OMG!!!!!
Moot really was a handsome motherfucker. I hope he's doing well, wherever he is.
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Twinks both look and sound annoying. We should all force them to bulkmaxx
I think twinks look nice in still images or from a distance, if I were to want to actually live with or even just fuck a guy, I wouldn't want him to act like a stereotypical twink.
At least that's what I think now, when I was in college all I could think about was how much I wanted a twink bf, funny how tastes change as you age.
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who is left? Any socials?
I love twinks but twunks make me unbelievably horny so I somewhat agree
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built for my churka cock
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tfw no cute bf
Why bro?
because no bf
Can I have one that doesnt talk like a retarded dude zoomer
Just don't try to date twinks and you'll be set.
He's hot. He could pull off a killer Leon Kennedy cosplay if he bulked up a little.
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they had to know that this looks kinda gay
it'd be hot if they were naked
Who is he?
Why does the blonde one look so nervous? Is he okay?
>le silly Russian face
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Wow, he's cute!
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where can i meet commited gay boys, fags pls help :(
this thread made me fucking sad, thanks /wsg/
How does it feels being cute/handsome?
College dorms only
not cool anon
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Worst cases of gay face I've ever seen
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Obligatory rope fuel thread.
why are the actors in gay jav so handsome? almost kpop idol level
post black twinks NOW
source desperately needed
Notice how they're all lean, take the lean pill bros. do most gay guys already know about the lean pill
needs to do more overhead tricep extensions for his long head
Cause only pretty boys get famous and popular in gay jav market
>ywn have this
What is the "lean pill"?
OP said that they have to be cute/attractive/hot/handsome. This excludes so called black "twinks".
Lean pill:
There's a bunch of twinks posted in thread. Just post cute black boys
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this thread makes me wanna kill myself god im so fucking alone
we could have so many cute couples if /fag/ anons started dating
I'm afraid of relationships because I'm selfish and don't want to accommodate another human being or compromise my way of living.
But I also want a bf because I'm selfish and want that kind of connection and love.
Same reason 99% of gay men don't marry even if they can lol
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Sir, this is a blue board.
Did you get a boner?
Of course I did, retard, what do you take me for?
literally yohio
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I don't think he needs to.
Looks kinda 'special'. Not very cute
>/gif/ 99% is straightoid garbage
>comes in a thread specifically dedicated to fags to bitch about
seethe harder, maybe someone will care eventually.
tfw you will never have this
I wish I was never gay fuck you
4chan made me faggot
everything hurts
Whos the hottest kpop idol rn
God I love twinks
Leon S. Kennedy.
The S stands for Sexy.
You enjoying summer break, champ?
wish i wasnt a neurotic and miserable fuck
maybe i'd be having someone to love and be naked with right about now
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Need asian bf
Hey man, at least you know the qualities about yourself that you dislike, some people just wallow if their loneliness and blame the world.
Now it's up to you if you want to change your percieved flaws, or learn to live with them and still get what you want out of your love life.
i wanna deepthroat this man and swallow every ounce of his cum down my throat
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omfg this hunk daddy!!!!
fuck off nigger
I feel unsafe.
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you seem lost, buddy.
Go back to /gif/ you troon faggots.
>the dog’s face
What has that poor thing seen
the thought of girls seething over these attractive boys who will never want them is so funny to me, i love you gaybros
Whenever I see a cute twink I immediately imagine him pregnant, does anyone else?
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do you really want to know?
File: seth griff car.webm (350 KB, 640x1138)
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omfg that's so cute

>that smile when he gets caught and cuddled.

why are bottoms so easily rizzed?
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Im not gay, but this is cute as fuck
You don't need to be gay, I find straight couples cute.
Love is just nice to see.
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I don't know but here have this as consolation.
Have there ever been warrior twinks in history?

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