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Post porcine creatures injuring themselves, being disgusting, humiliating themselves, or otherwise being a waste of oxygen
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This isn't a Nikocado thread, he has plenty of his own threads
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Good God the perverts are really getting up to some sick stuff lately. This is a cursed video.
>waste of oxygen

Yes, (YOU), kys retard
being fat is on the same level as being a drug addict in my eyes
>Fatty Hate Thread
you misspelled fetish
>being fat is on the same level as being a drug addict in my eyes
OMG finally a normie gets it.
File deleted.
>itt: self hating, closet architects
c'mon bros, give in to your fat lust
This would be a great prank video to play in the classroom or something.
chubby chasers huh?
It's just as bad for you too.
The life expectancy of an obese person is about the same as the life expectancy of someone that's an active cigarette smoker.
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What if healthcare were free except for fat tubs of shit? We need some kind of policy to stop these detestable blobs from surviving and procreating
Calm down gordo de mierda
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Yo, there's a fat hate thread outside /fit/? Fucking BASED.
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Well you fucked up OP, cause thats a great chris farley impression
This is just Chris Farley reincarnated. Why would i hate this?
Oh man those sounds and that music
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Why do fat people all smell really bad? Every time one gets near me, my first instinct is to move away from the stench
I wouldnt be able to stop a guy as big as him from repeatedly abusing my holes and inpregnating me, wish i could find guys like him more often
Fat is just a normal part of american culture that goes with racism and thinking of others of the same race as potentially "illegal". Thats why you see them trying to make being fat fashionable. Growth is also stunted by chemical and hormone induced diets which corporations hope for its increasingly dependent and brainwashed populations to fully and willingly e mbrace. You are what you eat... Which is The world in the hands of someone with a fat head with a narrow perspective that resembles a part of you in the mirror. Nobody likes to be reduced to words such as fat because we are a whole person. In our culture we tend to make serious judgements about people based on first appearances so "uglier" people will be less likely to be "successful" in the context where we do that... It wasnt possible to be fat for most of known human history... maybe its no coincidence bunch of mental health issues we suffer come from lifestyles without alot of physical activity... Maybe its not just" ironic" that alot of people actually indulge in eating things that they know are shit... Like ha ha so much irony in my life ? Its a big big world with alot of liars in it.
They can't wipe their own asses properly and fat-folds are basically anaerobic, the closest to physical activity they're likely to get.
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what is this, some kind of group home?
Yeah, philanthropist Jason Goldstriker set up a home for autistic people
that makes me lactose intolerant
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Currently trying to bulk and it's difficult. Stuffing food down your throat for gains is one thing but doing it out of sheer boredom is disgusting. How can anyone enjoy eating that much food. You feel bloated and like shit afterwards and need about an hour or so to recover. How one can become overweight is beyond me. Even when you are addicted to the sugar the artificial flavors as soon as you get too fat to fit in your clothes and it becomes difficult to walk up stairs your mind should tell you that things need to change. But fat people never change they are weak minded faggots just like drug addicts.
I eat A LOT of sugar and, while I don't exercise intensely, I do so at least frequently; however, I still idle around an ideal weight with a fairly slim body. This really makes me wonder just how much does one have to eat to reach these monstrous proportions.
most sane fatty
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>every woman is beautiful
>men prefer big women

Then why do they have to constantly tell us?
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Do these people suffer from legitimate mental retardation? Is this satire?

This is truly incredible, because this doesn't even properly represent their supposed cause: a dissatisfaction with society's beauty standards. They should be destroying a representation of that, for example a beauty magazine. This literally doesn't even make any sense. Instead, they are destroying a representation of objectivity. An item used to measure, an item used to display the truth. They are destroying a symbolic representation of the truth.

Think about this for a second.

These fatties have, without realizing, shown the world, through METAPHOR, that their movement has NOTHING to do with oppression, but is instead ENTIRELY about their proud. collective DENIAL of reality, and their complete inability to handle THE TRUTH like functioning adults. They are literally admitting to the world their answer to reality is to scream and strike and destroy when confronted by it, like fucking children who don't get what they want.

Christ lads. I knew these hamgalaxies were fucking stupid but this is just too much. That beef goblin is even striking with a wholesome tool of carpentry that burns calories with every swing, which she could take up as a hobby if she wanted to lose weight in a fun and constructive manner.
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>Do these people suffer from legitimate mental retardation?
>Is this satire?
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Like a dead rising villain
fuckin gravity man
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>money comes out after KO like a a GTA NPC
"I HATE GRAVITY!" - Carl Johnson
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It's like the end of Shamu where they transport him to the ocean
Sickly heifer getting sent to the vet to be put down
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I really wish this board would allow mp4s
most exercise she's gotten in years
this nigger has never once in its life listened to slayer
dios mio...
>black is more than a color
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Animal abuse
Horses have a weight limit for a reason.
They don't take them to the vet for that. The most common method is they tie chains to the legs and have four motorbikes pull the cow apart like soft bread.
that's a llama
She gets exactly what she deserves
This one made me laugh for a straight 30 seconds. Just the way her flip flop went flying kek
I wish I could be a fatass for a day just to see what it's like.
thats fucking ~57 stone
what the fuck
Very original thought. bravo, mad lad.
>money flies out like it's Yakuza 0
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would be original if they didnt copy and paste it from another post
based stone doggo
She'd have an easier time listing the times she isn't triggered.
Why does he sound like he's 12?
Imagine dying in 3 ft of water because you're fat
I've been trying to find the original upload of this on youtube for years.
Seems self loathing isn't a very effective source of rage. A hammer that size should've broken that cheap scale in one shot.
at least this one does sports
same thing
Would love to see a guy like this try to run from a pack of hungry wolves
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Revolting. A greater effort must be made to make these cows hate themselves again
Yep, what he said. When you eat this much and you are this far, you shit A LOT. But they can't reach to wipe or wash, so they usually sit in a bath. But that doesn't always get everything, and of course there are those who don't do it. So, the shit start rotting between the folds. Obese fucks are unfathomably disgusting.
kek gets me every time
>Do these people suffer from legitimate mental retardation?
They're women, anon, you already know the answer.
that has to be some kind of humiliation fetish shit
>physically abusing women is... LE FUNNY!
Yeah, but he's filming himself from multiple angles despite being clearly terrible at it.
Which indicates he's either:
1) Doing it for accolades, which wear off pretty quickly
2) Doing it for comedy, which means he's not actually trying to improve.

In either case, fatty is not taking the journey to self-improvement seriously. ngmi.
fat cunt detected
You're absolutely right! Let's do it some more!
I almost feel sorry for the woman for no other reason than that is a really shitty curb.
But that's where my sympathy ends.
Meanwhile, most of us would walk on that and barely notice.
what show is this?
for some reason i have no hate against fat people just walking around or falling, but I get really incensed when I see those videos of the fat bitches at disneyland eating like $200 of disgusting garbage.
Watching them feed is viscerally disgusting. Disturbing to watch
If you are going to kill yourself at least do everyone the courtesy of hiding it, these fucks spend decades suiciding publicly
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So it sounds like she's triggered pretty much any time she's not eating
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It's kind of like any other addiction. You feel awkward and shitty without your fix but you only feel awkward and shitty because you already overindulged.
the cia is losing its edge
This one is disappointing to watch. No big fall.

Just rolling down the hill being helped along by a normal person before finally crashing in an unspectacular manner. It's a metaphor for the unimpressive lives of the obese
women with large noses are seldom fat
where are these things from? what genes are at play here?
>What if healthcare were free except for fat tubs of shit?
Are you talking about the UK?
American excellence.
Almost saw it happen before at a wave pool. Fucking 450 pound lady was sun bathing at the shore and and fell face first into maybe two feet of water and kept getting knocked back down when the waves came in. She fought for about 30 second before anyone noticed and called for help. I saw the whole thing and didn't say a thing, then again I was like 9 or 10.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Except unlike drugs, drunks, or criminals, fats don't get sympathy and programs to try and help them break their cycle.
I love my 600lbs life. Its the best motivator to not be a fat slob
Boom-boom chubby choom-chooms don't go out stabbing and robbing to pay for their habits, they just sit back and fade into the couch like a good little blob, so other than the shortly-lived drain on the health system, why bother?
Functional people don't care about fat people, so why would politicians make an effort to sign in programs and sign funding? THey cost us a lot but it's not in our face.

I don't want past a jiggling fatty boombalatty at 2am I don't wonder if they have a cheese knife concealed in their folds ready to stab me.
I will now, but my bodily concern remains the same.
so edgeless it's round
Looks like some troll. Maybe a little goblin too.
>I really wish this board would allow mp4s

Nah, it'll just be Anons shitposting every 'funny' video they find on Twitter/Reddit. Having to make every video into a webm that's under the size limit ensures the board isn't flooded with more shite than it is already.
Based reference
It's Geneva, retard
2000s UK TV loved bullying anyone desperate enough to go on these 'reality' shows and get their face on TV.
>not the one with sonic rings sound
You had 1 job
Kek. Everytime.
Does it reproduce by mitosis?
Hysterical xDDD
more like fooba
cus shes fat so it doesnt count
S 0 V I E T B 3 A R
no by the dragon dildos on the shelf
Goddamn, I missed the finer details of this trash
>we are beautiful
I mean, I can say that the open sore on my dick is beautiful, but ultimately it's up to the public's opinion
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Having worked for one, that was my first thought as well
>Giant pause trying to come up with something else
>I go for a walk
Ok shes fat but shes also so fuckin tall, if she just lost like 50 pounds she'd be a dream come true
tf is this from anon?
Ciao Darwin, italian game show
god damn waste of chocolate milk
Because it's a different time.
File deleted.
would be good with some bowling pins sound effects
The fatass has no concept of respect
only when they're fat
Imagine how strong a fatty like that could be if they lost 150lbs.
>im triggered
cause your FAT and its OBVIUOS when you DO ANYTHING even more so than when doing nothing, most of the time tho at least?
ik fucked up if they didn't copy and paste it from another post
hehehe fuckingggggggggg
imagine dying becuase you get in the ocean and your too fat and slovenly to get up
The only reason he has any muscle mass is because he's lifting all that flab all day. The only way such a disgusting slob would ever lose the weight is surgery, and he'd lose the muscle soon after
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Posting my favorite
that's not a fall, that's a fucking divebomb from standing height
absolute chad
They'll lose any muscle with the fat.
This one is actually joyous. This is what fatties were made for. Comic relief at their expense.
At the turn of the 20th century they had fat men's exclusive clubs, fatties took pride in it but only because they were considered jovial and friendly, it was all a joke
In the mid 20th even extending up to Chris Farley at the end, people saw being fat as gross but funny in certain circumstances
But now we live in the cursed times. Being fat is celebrated and glorified but we aren't allowed to laugh at their ineptitude and failure. We are asked to sit our white ass down and listen as some fat cow cries about her feelings. It's devoid of the humor and self awareness that fatties once had
goes too far desu. making a 3 minute video about some disgusting heiffer is simply caring too much
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he looks like a black nikocado
I despise people who think being fat is OK. It's mindblowing to think like that, that said, I have no problem with obese people who recognize they are leading unhealthy lives and actively try to better themselves. I'm always reminded when I was a teen working at McDonalds and one of the best managers was an obese woman, she was nice, kind and I really enjoyed working with her. She also actively tried to lose weight constantly.

So respect for fat folk who try to not be fat, and pointing and laughing for the rest.
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i second this
The fact that he did this in the bathtub and not over the living room carpet tells me he isn't really committed to the bit.
Typical lardass.
Don't put them all in a box. Black Kyles exist just the same as black weebs.
You see plenty of them on Harley Davidson motorcycles.
Anyone got the one with the fatty who tries some ballerina move but snaps a ligament? It was on a stage.
I really just feel bad for their joints and organs. They didn't sign up for all that over time.
She's already done every step in not giving a fuck except for her own opinion. It's almost like a desperate cry for attention.
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Hit the gym, fatty
fatties can never commit to anything. 16 seconds before he gave up and surrendered. About as long as he would last on a diet or a treadmill
just mean
wtf is the deal with otherwise normal black dudes and white fucking hamplanets
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Literally me trying to get out of the bed to take a piss. Usually just end up pissing my self and going back to sleep.
They've already been conditioned to like black fatties after a century of fried food and grits but white fatties are less annoying and easier to abandon. Also they were once the forbidden fruit
But consider this
I love this post but don't pretend it's original. It's from like 2015.
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>get in gunfight
>die of heart attack
hitting the water at that weight is like hitting concrete
>we won't need a stove anymore
>we'll just cook everything with this janky flamethrower
a couple things from this video. never live in an apartment and certainly dont import these people to your country so they can live beside you in an apartment
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fat bitch aside, home owner needs to learn to secure a handrail if they plan on being lazy and having fat blacks deliver their food instead of picking it up
She lives there, also that looks like it was previously damaged, or the balustrade are not installed to the base rail for whatever reason, looks like an insurance scam to me.
Being obese as a parent is borderline abuse on its own. Too fat and retarded to stop your kid from getting run over. Almost negligent homicide there
I wonder if that kid will ever see how useless his mom was when he rolled off to certain doom.
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Why do you retards always assume the wrong thing? kek, do an image search and you get the news article. It turns out the woman is the great (elderly) aunt of that child who she was babysitting. And she's not even fat, she's just mexican, they are known for developing a square frame at old age. Fucking retards lmao
Maybe it's because we're not interested in knowing the pointless trivia behind every retarded clip that runs through this site. The better question is, why are you so buttmad that we aren't reverse image searching all damn day?
>why are you so buttmad that we aren't reverse image searching

Not mad, just for my own amusement I find all these RIGHTEOUS opinions/assumptions hilarious, and when I check on the actual facts and post the actual information, I like to see you retards seethe that you were DEAD wrong, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>I'm not mad
>retard>can't read>can't image search

No rebuttal, k, retard.
Don't need one. Reverse image search deez nutz. I've got better things to do.
Kid, go get a job dummy
It's over
I like it
Man, I'd certainly love to be a kid again. Nobody told me how early the age related bullshit got going.
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Found this one again finally. Fat limey pile of shit from a arse hole
The rail has suffered years of fat people abusing it.
OnlyUseMeBlade looking rough
if this isn't your wakeup call nothing will ever be
>We are asked to sit our white ass down and listen as some fat cow cries about her feelings. It's devoid of the humor and self awareness that fatties once had

Speak for yourself, I find fatties crying about being fat pretty damn funny.
Fat causing body dysmorphia - don't change body.
Gender causing body dysmorphia - do change body.
sounds too involved
Always thought the titanic sunk cause it hit the ice berg. Didn't realize it was because the ice berg got onto the ship.
RIP Shelley
I'm Mexican and no one in my family is a fat unfit sack of shit like that, not even my grandparents in their 80s, they still do their own yardwork in summer and go on hikes. That is just a fat out of shape piece of garbage.
>Cross hanging above the dragon dildos
i heard that was the babysitter
Judging by looking at 10 sec i can tell they are devout christians
You don't have enough life experience, PUTO
You're a lliar.
Nigger posted a news segment.
>the group meet up each week to chew the fat
the "you fucking bitch" at 52 seconds had such a satisfying bite to it, really put all of his rage into the delivery
but hitting concrete at that height is like hitting water
is water like concrete hitting height that from hitting?
How could multiple people have both the brain damage and money required to make this? It's impressive how much they've made me want them to feel pain though.
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Getting that high underwater is more like concrete getting hard
Imagine dying in 3 ft of water because you're black
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> I saw the whole thing and didn't say a thing
this is what killed the dinosaurs
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Fly you fools!
perhaps the skibidi toilet threads would be more to your liking zoom zoom?
top kek
>HA you retards its the kids aunt not the mom
>all other criticisms and opinions remain valid
yeah, you sure showed us...

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