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File: newnasheed.webm (5.54 MB, 1280x1230)
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Isis just dropped a new one.
good to see they're still producing
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anyone has a remix of "halummu halummu"? (هلموا هلموا حماة المك)
I can't listen to these without imagining highly-produced gore which is a shame because it really is beautiful music
ISIS is Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Dont listen to this garbage. Post Houthi or Palestinian martyr songs
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Still they haven't released high quality stuff that matched those produced by the people behind Ajnad
What's the subject?
ISIS is cringe and probably has worked opportunistically with Western intelligence here and there (as did Hamas, and the Houthis work on and off with AQ btw). But this theory is so fucking schizo lol. If ISIS were Mossad why would they encode that into their name? Also doesn't even make sense in Arabic, it's Hotep tier language pareidolia
Explain why several of their top brass have been exposed as MOSSAD agents. Explain why despite occupying vast regions including the Golan heights they not once fired a single bullet at an Israeli soldier or attempted an Israeli incursion. Explain why they filmed 1080p professionally filmed snuff films murdering fellow muslims that simply rejected ISIS rule. The answer is simple, as somebody who grew up a muslim, knows the Quran and hadith and worships Allah 5x a day, I can assure that non of this is Islamic behaviour and if they were seriously a “jihadist” group they would have taken up arms against Israeli occupation. God knows at the height of their mobilization they could have easily rallied support of Iran, HezbAllah, hamas, Nasrallah etc and probably extinguished the Israeli vermin. But they didnt, because they’re a JEWISH organization with nothing to do with Islam!
how come iran doesn't attack israel mr rafida
>several of their top brass have been exposed as MOSSAD agents
According to who, Press TV? That's the only source for the Libya "confession" story, I'm not sure what other top brass you're even referring to.
>despite occupying vast regions including the Golan heights
IS never occupied any land in the Golan and they did attack Israel.
>God knows at the height of their mobilization they could have easily rallied support of Iran, HezbAllah, hamas, Nasrallah etc and probably extinguished the Israeli vermin. But they didnt, because they’re a JEWISH organization with nothing to do with Islam!
Find me a major Sunni alim from history who doesn't consider Twelver Shias kafir and them tell me in detail what the rules of allying with kafirs against kafirs are.
File: JEWS.webm (5.51 MB, 1280x656)
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Good nasheed but the translation is off.
>According to who, Press TV? That's the only source for the Libya "confession" story, I'm not sure what other top brass you're even referring to.

Abu bakr al baghdadi, the self professed “caliph” head of ISIS is a jewish actor and MOSSAD asset named Elliot Shimon, several captured commanders have confessed having connection with Israeli intelligence under interrogation. I could provide a dozen upon request.

>despite occupying vast regions including the Golan heights

Russian forces have confirmed ISIS activity in the Golan heights as recent as March of this year. But I know you’ll go on msn.org or whatever Jewish website you’re getting your propaganda from and spread your despicable hasbara.

> Find me a major Sunni alim from history who doesn't consider Twelver Shias kafir and them tell me in detail what the rules of allying with kafirs against kafirs are.

Of course the Jew tries to divide our ummah with sectarianism, no surprise there, but if you want to go down that route sure, I’ll entertain what your jewish nonsense only briefly as to make you look like the despicable lying talmudic rat you know you are. First of all, I’d like to clarify that Shia are Muslims whether you like it or not. Second, there is absolutely nothing in the Quran or hadith that prevents Muslims from conducting military, economic or diplomatic relations with non-muslims, and to add to this, it is said that during the end times Christians (probably the rus) would be our greatest allies against the antichrist and his army of kikes such as yourself. Let me provide you with a beautiful verse of the Quran so that you may familiarize yourself with the beauty of our religion

Surah Al Ma’ida ayat 5:82

You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews and polytheists and the most gracious to be those who call themselves Christian. That is because there are priests and monks among them and because they are not arrogant.
>rallied support of Iran, HezbAllah, hamas, Nasrallah etc and probably extinguished the Israeli vermin
خلس اللغو إقر القران
>I could provide a dozen upon request
So do so, with citations. I already gave the request.
>Russian forces have confirmed
>during the end times Christians (probably the rus) would be our greatest allies
You're a useful idiot of Dugin and his orbiters like Imran Hosein.
>ISIS activity in the Golan heights
>occupying vast regions including the Golan heights
See the difference there?
>several captured commanders have confessed having connection with Israeli intelligence under interrogation
people will tell you what you want to hear when you torture them
also source
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Anybody here have the video for "Tends Ta Main Pour L'allégeance"?
catbox ofc, the video itself is NSFW so posting it as a webm would be breaking board rules
File: غزة الصمود.webm (5.41 MB, 458x532)
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File: لا تنوحوا.webm (3.53 MB, 458x532)
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He has a similar tone to that one Ajnad munshid, maybe because they're both Qassimis, also that part at 1:35 is amazing wish he done more of it through out the nasheed
File: اسود السنة.webm (2.69 MB, 500x500)
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Islam (the fighter) recently uploaded a pic on Instagram (now deleted) with this nasheed and the rawafidh were seething although he probably didn't even know what the lyrics mean
When did 4chan get so many sandniggers
anything to own da joos, anon.
go back to r*ddit
Anyone got 'My Ummah dawn has appeared'?
This and Farfur
>Worked opportunistically
Yikes. They were founded, funded by like orgs like MI6, CIA, with mossad handlers on site in Iraq/Syria.
>Never shot at zionists
Moshe, they did... Then apologised.
The zionist entity was even evacuating injured Isis soldiers, almost like they were Zionist entity agents top to bottom.
I like islam but I'll never, ever accept bowing head down, ass up with my nose and inch from a man's ass, feet.
File: be like they were.webm (4.41 MB, 1280x1280)
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waste of time trying to argue with retards like this

then you've still got arrogance in your heart, sorry to tell you. bowing down is one sign of true submission (aka islam)
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Screw off anon, nasheeds are kino.
And these guys somehow defeated the US militar in an war, just how?
Brothers please post those French Nasheeds if you have them
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These are short form nasheeds meant for the purpose of being used in video releases
Do anyone have vaporwave nasheed of Qad Tasama?

Cloudflare can suck on cold rods.
What kind of source you'd consider good enough, it's pretty annoying when someone starts to cry only Western MSM can be trusted.
they didn't defeat them, the US just up and left.
The US miltiary is super-duper powerful and didn't rout live on camera.

Sure, whatever makes you feel better honey.
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File: For Allah.webm (5.28 MB, 600x600)
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File: Go Forth, Go Forth.webm (5.58 MB, 1280x720)
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I've had two Google accounts mysteriously get suspended for "seriously violating terms of service" while having the mic open listening to this music on my phone. Be careful
Get out kuff
i need nasheed that used in isis kill complication
does anyone remember
it was a remix trap version i think
i need that so bad
I never got the appeal of ISIS nasheeds, they sound kinda poppy.
it wasnt isis nasheeds, it was recited by young boy but used for isis propaganda, been looking for that one since 2020
File: درب الفداء.webm (4.54 MB, 460x286)
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Isn't it just a typical recidation of Al-Fatiha in local tunes?
what's the name of this one?
okay nevermind, I just noticed it's this one >>5601894
Isn't it obvious? Allah is on their side.
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When did the homoglobo west get so gay?
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who cares about a bunch of goat raping shit eating arab jews?
they rape white women daily.
i dont see much farsi posted, so, theyre white faggots with an arab fetish. theyre so docile and conditioned, domesticated, castrated, that any savage can become their hero. they cling to anything that is not their own, to escape their own
this is what jews have done. they want us to be vile subhumans who live by emotion. like arabs and niggers. easy to manipulate, control, direct.
look at the "palestinian protests" jews always own both sides. till the whiteman says "fuck you all, this is gay, i have a better idea"

most of them probably dont even have dads. again, like niggers.
On ISIS' side? Hell no, they are just a bunch of jews.

Try Taliban, Hamas, Houthis or Hezbollah instead.

You're trying too hard.
>When did the homoglobo west get so gay?
What do you mean by so gay? If you mean obcessed with virtue signalling, petty, obcessed with pleasing Jews... I'd say some 20 years after Luther.
I remember one that used to get posted on /f/ years ago, maybe before ISIS, it was about a specific fighter and the lines were like
>"Do you know who this man is?
>Katab! Katab! Katab! Katab! Katab!
With pictures of the guy holding an RPG, I wanted to make a SFM video parody with the soldier from TF2. If anyone has that please share.
>>On ISIS' side?
We are discussing the Taliban, nitwit.
Banger. The last asdaa nasheeds are nearing Ajnad quality
AMBJ (IS in Sinai) raiding Eilat, an Israeli city:
Um Rashash attack on Jews:
Terrorist Attack on Eilat:
Eilat Attack in 2011:
ISIS launching Rockets on Eilat:
ISIS executing a MOSSAD spy:
ISIS attacking Israel from Sinai:
ISIS blowing up Israeli-Egyptian gaslines:
Israel and Egypt work together against ISIS in Sinai:
saved thank you
Hey thanks man!
>mainline ISIS
Repeat this until it becomes true.
wtf does isis make such good music. just become a band, ffs.
>say bs
>get destroyed
you already repeat this every thread
Retarded amerigoblin kek
No idea how the nuances of culture work, you only understand the jewish forced melting pot of amerimutt "cities"
>I des... destroyed you, reeeeee
Sure honey, you totally did it.
ok retard
I takes a culture to understand other cultures.

You're trying too hard, calm down.
muhammad was a gay faggot that liked to fuck pigs and eat their pig pussies out he licked their shit crusted pussies clean so he could fuck them with his own shit crusted penis
I give 3 generations before Americans are mostly Muslims, 2 for Europeans. Wouldn't it be nice to see it with you own eyes?
If anyone has any more FSA/HTS nasheeds please post "samidour" one, it was used heavily during Battle of Aleppo by soldiers of Muhaysini (pbuh)
Does Saddam's Sword of Islam counts as a Nasheed?
Anyone has the Rage for Al-Aqsa song ?
Who the fuck are you calling moshe, shlomo?
File: This Is Ibadah.webm (5.91 MB, 800x800)
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It's strange that ISIS only had one English speaking munshid, one would think that it would be more common to have people speaking English nowadays
File: قطع الليل.webm (1.69 MB, 800x800)
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>it's pretty annoying when someone starts to cry only Western MSM can be trusted
Do you not see the difference and asking for a source from a non-Iranian outlet? They have a natural interest in discrediting all Sunni groups that don't submit to them. And I don't say that as someone who likes ISIS.
Who's their main guy now? Didn't Abu Yasser die in an airstrike some years ago?

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