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Any webms related to the black pill, looksmaxxing, incels and the modern day dating market
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she focussed so much on finding red flags that she neglected to notice she herself had become a red flag
Enough with this demoralizing nonsense. Yeah most women are stupid and don't know what they want. We know. But not all of them. Stop complaining, fix your life, measure your expectations, and don't give up so easily. It wasn't easy for your ancestors either but somehow they made you.
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the fact is evolution made women despise bad genes if they had the strength to kill men they would genocide most sub8 there is a reason why the nazis won on the women vote and why the most prominent eugenicists were women i dont see why the gay edit was added to this great example of female brain wiring.
Yes women actively hate the majority of men. They see them as disposable workers. Keep the lights on, the water running, and the trash taken out, otherwise don't bother me. When women complain about sexual harassment, this the type of man theyre complaining about. At best they're indifferent. See: the bear study, or, if you grew up in America like me, it's been shoved down your throat since you were a child. Women don't want, or need you.
>or need you
get in the sewers, bitch and clean out those pipes. go run the oil rigs, whore.
you need men. you're just to stupid to see it.
you use the toilet and drive cars too retard people dont do these jobs just for women.

in fact this post is double pathetic since you arent even lashing out at a woman but at another man on a anonymous anime site.
>you use the toilet and drive cars too retard people dont do these jobs just for women.
you're so fuckin retarded.
reread what I posted.
and you read the post above dumbass you little gay protest at reality on a anime site wont change female sexuality
Taking the black pill is not about giving up.
>Stop complaining, fix your life
This is exactly what looksmaxxing is for dumbass. You don't have to be an ugly pessimistic doomer to be blackpilled. It's just information more than anything.
not gonna spoonfeed you retard.
get some reading comprehension, then try to talk to me.
open your mouth so i can spoonfeed you shit and cum dumbass
I've met irl some very attractive men who have good jobs and girlfriends and believe in the black pill ideology a lot. This stuff is not just for lonely incels. It isn't demoralization and If your looks can be improved the black pill actually offers you real advice on how to improve instead of naive bullshit like "you will just meet the right one eventually" which often ends up hurting unattractive people even more.
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>You don't have to be an ugly pessimistic doomer to be blackpilled
So what does "redpilled" mean then?
>two pair eugenics wins
We probably should. Would be nice if everyone was tall and good looking with full head of hair, good eyesight, and healthy. In the mean time just be the best you can be
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>thinly veiled faggot thread
>you use the toilet and drive cars too retard people dont do these jobs just for women.
How does that stop women from needing men? When did he say men only do those for women?
Is this American education or just femoid brain?
We need some men, but not you, creep
These women have only experienced 90 percent trash men and thata true. Only trash men would date or approach them. Their dads n brothers are prol shit too, because they are also shit
> She wants to sue for her emotional damage
Who is she suing? These guys were just living their lives (Minus the guy who seemed to have issues with male neighbors)

I agree, but we must do the same with the women too.
men today are so weak they'll give value to the words coming from a hole and be demoralized by it
>But not all of them
Still waiting to see the exceptions to the rule.
>"Stop the demoralization not all snakes are poisonous!"
Ligger it's good to know how reality is so you can prepare for it. Do you need censorship to feel comfortable? Maybe it's a good thing to know how crazy women are and how to protect yourself. Most will try their best to divorce rape you or similar.

The main issue is you find one crazy woman and she will not only ruin your life, she will also have the support of society while doing it and have the courts hunt you down.

Don't date unprepared.
>watches birds
>is into cars
>red flags
I just cannot fathom the levels of stupid mental gymnastics she had to preform to see two of the most innocuous hobbies on earth as red flags.
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Get off the internet faggots. The shit in this threads would hardly constitute as even half truths. most normal men and women do not think like this, act like this or believe any of this shit.
>widespread acceptance solely determines the veracity of claims
Back to wherever you came from
well anon? don't leave me hanging, what about those with low credit scores?
CCP's hands are all over this, they have rigged the system to encourage breeding compliant, party-loyal couples that will have compliant, party-loyal children, disgusting
>Stop complaining, fix your life, measure your expectations, and don't give up so easily.

Why? Why should a man who makes less than 40k a year, who will never have a family, nor ever rise in status in any way, care about what happens to society?
>most normal men and women do not think like this, act like this or believe any of this shit.

Lol yes they do.
In fact, the internet just accelerated and pronounced what was already there. Dating apps are a good example of this, retards think the apps are what makes people only care about looks, but people already only care about looks and that's why dating apps even work in the first place.
If you got rid of all non white men women would suddenly love men again
because there would be so many more women than the remaining men? you could say the same if you got rid of all white men, and that might actually be a good idea.
You should just get rid of yourself
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>you could say the same if you got rid of all white men, and that might actually be a good idea.
Why, because the new norm would set a precedent of low standards?
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you guys fall for the most obvious ragebait. Even if it's not ragebait, who fucking cares? Young women are fucking stupid just like every other young person, what else is new?
From my experience it is INCREDIBLY easy to hate people just for being unattractive. Your brain just tricks you into thinking it's something else.
But no matter how ugly everyone is there's still going to be a hierarchy of attractiveness.
hi. to all lurkers / doomers: a certain proportion of women think like that. they are also the ones who are more likely to be on tinder. but not all women think like this and, from experience, i would guess they amount to less than half of all women.

you have heard this often, but i will repeat it: looks are important, but they are not everything. being attractive is about much more than looks.

in life out there, you'll find all sorts of couples and among them not too few ugly men with decent looking women (so ~3/10 with ~6/10). if you are 3/10 and your expectation is to be with a 6/10, you need to do well. unfortunately, if you're on this board, you are most likely low life and can't offer much to such women.
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>Young are fucking stupid just like every other young person, what else is new?

>young people have always been stupid. its completely normal, dont think about it

its not normal. its also not old. It's modern. The mandatory public education system and the consequences of mass media have been disasterous for human intellegence and maturity. Young people are only as stupid as they are allowed to be, and we as a society intentionally extend childhood way beyond what is normal or acceptable.

Before compulsory public schooling, childhood ended around 10-12 years old. 13 year olds were expected to have some kind of responsibility in their lives, and it was common for people of that age to enter the work place or persue higher education. There are historical records of teenagers leading armies, captaining ships, running businesses, and living independently with ease. A 16 year old has the same intellectual capacity as a 30 year old, the main difference between the two is the difference in experience. Through experience comes wisdom and maturity, and we intentionally deny people the oppertunities to grow and obtain those things.

Its not normal, you shouldnt tolerate it, and you shouldnt excuse it. Its a completely artifically concieved social engineering scheme designed to create maladeptive adults who will submit to authority, consume irresponsibly, fall into debt and other bad habits.

And what Im saying isnt anything new or special. In the 1700s, adam smith wrote about this very blantantly, and got into much trouble. The main difference between the rich and the poor, the noble and the peasent, is that the nobility provides their children with an education and gives them responsibilites at a young age. The peasent/poor instead let their children run wild under the pretense of a 'child hood', where they live like animals until circumstances force them to 'grow up' and assume responsibilities. In this manner, the rich always have years more experience.
When it comes to Indians true, other groups commit alot of crime and bring down the qol in areas
people who arent willing to take care of themselves usually arent willing to take care of others, at the very least they dont care about bothering others which means ugly people are intrinsically selfish.
Man kind of similar shit happened to me. Met a woman who was 10/10 for me and we got on so well but because I didnt have the lifestyle she wanted she dumped me.
Irony of it all is she lives the same lifestyle I do now, is a single mother, poor...
You're right, just keep being miserable and waiting for your fairy godmother to show up. Have fun with your pity party I guess.
brazilian music is without question the consistently worse shit I've ever heard. brazilian portugese is such an ugly language making worse the already terrible "club music" they produce there.
i'm so happy there are some people who delude themselves this deeply into thinking they will never accomplish anything simply because they don't have mass appeal attraction. lmao fucking absolute losers and i love that there are people lower on any totem pole than me simply because i worked at something JUST A LITTLE BIT hahahaha
if you are on 4chan gloating about not being the lowest in the totem pole, you are the lowest on the totem pole
I had the makings of a chad:
Tall, good jaw, put on muscle easily, blood work shows I have very high natural testosterone.
I've had horrific skin since I was 13, repeated severe acne breakouts. My entire face, scalp and clavical area are all scarr tissue.
Every type of scar.
It fucking sucks.
>Don't know what they want
Until they're 35 years old, single mothers - they're all explicitly chad sexual.

As the years go by they never get chad again or never got even one so they're less vocal about it.
I hate women, I hate myself.
I have a simple proposition for all you anons in thread.
>If you think women's standards are too high or unreasonable, just be celibate
>if you are on 4chan
>HURR DURR being on this site means you're a loser
nigger this is not 2004 anymore this is the most fucking normie site aside from fucking reddit and you all fucking crosspost all day long anyway, get fucking real

also lmao FUCKING LOSER hahahaahaha
sounds like she's criticizing him for not being around enough or emotionally available enough, like he's using money for conflict resolution instead of hashing it out properly, etc. I don't think this is the gold digger webm you think it is
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children are stupid because they are taught to be stupid.

children are 'immature' because they are never made to mature.

a 6 year old child has the motor skills to drive a car, sail a ship, or fly an airplane but government says: you must wait until 16.... because you just do okay.

we could be mature adults with valuable skillsets by 14 if the public school system didnt spend 10 years wasting your time on 'social issues' such as lgbt, blm, or the holocaust.
I don't get it. Were all women always like this? Or is this a case of biased data?

If they really were and are like this, I do not think it realistic to change them at this point. Instead us losers ought to try and convince chads (the 10%) to reject 90% of women. I really think this is the best strategy going forward, until we might get robot wifes.
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it is when you're shallow. most girls are

so this dumb bitch thinks 9 women will share 1 man? stupidest thing ive ever heard
>Close! But no cigar!
i doubt it was simply that she had male neighbours
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i dont get this, id pick 2000000 bears better, u can predict what a bear does, bears dont carry malice like people do nor do they wish u harm, they might attack on instinct or to defend their territory but they'll never celebrate killing you or dance on your grave
A bear is a much more entertaining answer
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It's over.
Is that Dick Masterson, AKA Dax Herrera, AKA Juju the Cow who likes to get fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow?
>why are you telling me this
-r9k- really is pathetic
Post more, i need it. Morale is too high recently.
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This is what I'm doing
Women still hate me though and therefore they will cause me issues when j finish college and go into work
Even short ugly poor dudes get married and have families. I think the person you're replying to is telling you that living in your feelings doesn't get you anywhere. Or just mope and cope, your choice.
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quality post
oh the irony
okay? why would you save this?
Not certain its been saved anon.
Anon, I don't know how to fix your situation, nor do you. You need to figure something out, soon. Your not entitled, you don't need to man up. Man hood comes from a place of stability, if you don't have that don't even worry about fitting some archetype. Focus on something small, plant a potato plant, keep it in your window and grow it. Work with it and understand it, you can do the same thing with Home economy, take control over part of your life. You need to have a place to return to that is entirely yours, reintegrating is hard, you are going to be lied to, backstabbed, hurt, and betrayed. Make certain you are still picky and do not fall into the wrong crowd.

Join the job core, or enroll in an apprenticeship program you need to be around people, and simply learn how to talk and hold normal conversations with others again. Spend time in nature, look for beauty, make it in yourself and around you.

I had my own similar experiences. I have sympathy anon. I am not ok yet, I need more stability. But I now have one friend along with being able can feign normalcy, and unless I think about my situation with an intenseness and with a dooming outlook I am no longer am sad.
t- 1st friend never grew mentally from kindergarten. 2nd died when I was 10 after but a short 1 year of knowing me. 3rd went down a path I can not follow. 4th I see sometimes. Bullied since preschool, was very ugly for a long period, started balding at 16, suffered grave illness and am on frequent injections to keep my immune system down.

I will admit I am tall, intelligent and conventionally attractive these days, but I had to fight for that. I am lucky to have a good genetic lottery, but autism and fatal illnesses certainly did not make for good upbringings.

If you do follow my advice, and you fail at any task, know you are not a fuck up, just inexperienced, try again. It took me years to even begin to have a semblance of a good life.
nowadays it's all trannies and faggots sprinkled in with some discord pedophiles
Absolute brutal truth nuke.
What's the name of the movie?
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BrazIl in general is just a shit country.
>There are historical records of teenagers leading armies, captaining ships, running businesses, and living independently with ease
yes, all ten of them
meanwhile 99.99% of kids this age would be kids and would be exactly as stupid as their parents and grandparents and their whole lineage line starting from amoebae for that matter
it was only after public schooling was introduced that those families were lifted from perpetual cycle of being stuck in stupidity and limited mindset
She's really good looking this is brutal I thought only ugly bitches were whores
Damn assuming she went to college at age of 19, she already fucked 6 guys
imagine that
Lets say she lost her virginity at 16 (probably sooner, but this is the most common age), that means she fucked 6 guys in 3 years, that's 1 guy every 6 months.
Fucking brutal, future cat mom
Then also 60 dudes (not even counting the girls) in 3 years is a lot. It's like 1 every other week.
Absolutely brutal.
You don't. But the fact of the matter is, you're not doing fucking ANYTHING about the unfairness either, except complaining into the void on a Fingolian bee-keeping forum.
>just work on urself bro
Man I wish I was this clueless.
Extension du domaine de la lutte, it's based on a very good book of the same name, by Michel Houellebecq. Would rec you read that as well.
>Would rec you read that as well.
Unfortunately I can't speak french thoughever.
what's the controversy, i'd choose a bear too
The controversy is that women exist in a state of perpetual fear from men so much so that they see a random guy and think that he's going to rape them
if you want to know why people are confused about this, your post is why
your post assumes the absolute worst case man, some kind of psychopath that will do worse than a bear, do you really see most men like this?
if i was to choose between being dropped in a forest next to a random bear or a random man, i think i'd have a better chance of survival with a random man. the question doesn't specify what (kind of) man, i one can only assume a completely random one
even if the man doesn't help, a bear sure as fuck won't
>do you really see most men like this?
you should get out more
What an awful thing to say to your friend.
The key to understanding their answers is to imagine if he had asked her "would you rather meet an indian/nigger/whatever or a bear". They're not thinking of normal white men with good intentions, they're thinking about the same guys who'd pop rohypnol in their drinks while they're looking the other way
Is it though? I feel like brutal honesty is better than endless copes and delusions.
What should he have said instead? "Just be urself bro" or maybe "Just go to the gym bro"?
Especially to your friend honesty is the best and most helpful thing you can give, even if it's unpleasant.
and if it's not true? Plenty of guys who aren't tall or rich or hot still get girls and families. Maybe it's harder for them, but that doesn't mean it's impossible
Just doomporn. Get off the internet guys, there's more to life than repeatedly posting and watching videos that tell you there's no hope.
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It is easy to hate them. Mainly because they are vulnerable and the chances of them taking it are high.
You might just be a bully tho anon.
This is mostly on point but jews are one of the single largest power groups in the west.
sauce on those tits?
they arent friends though, you'd know this if you've seen the film (Whatever 1999)
maybe the luddites were right, just not for the reason people have been taught to believe
Jazmen Jafar
oof that's rough
lol wtf is this? are those really the same guys?
>u can predict what a bear does
There it is. Woman know they can outsmart a bear.
Basically that "game" matters more than looks.
If that's what he asked, they'd say they choose the nigger, even if they'd actually rather choose the bear. Because it's politically incorrect to suggest that nigger men are more dangerous than bears, but perfectly fine to suggest that men in general are more dangerous than bears.
I love how clueless people are, how does nobody realize the pre-industrial agriculture was far worse than industrial societies AND pre-agricultural societies?
>A 16 year old has the same intellectual capacity as a 30 year old, the main difference between the two is the difference in experience.

You're either retarded or a 16yo. The human brain is still develping up until the mid twenties. Stop larping as a scholar, and go into any rural area in the middle of nowhere, where 10-12 yo boys are still living like in the old times. You're not going to find developed adults, you're going to find functional retards.
ok musiclet
Women are openly racist towards Indians
This is what american food does to a man.
>she actually believes this
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now ask if they would rather share one great man with 9 other women, only seeing him 3 days every month, or have an average guy all to themselves.
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I love this video so much, thank you anon
Gay but kino
Dont care
Still dont care
Tranime containment board needed
Loli poster talking about maturing kids faster
Any chance of taken seriously was ruined by ducks scrapping on eachother
Asian child
If its clean no harm in upping the count and going
Most impactful one probably
Off topic but kino
Guys a cuck who cares
Also very impactful
The number of situations where a woman can successfully give her life for her husband is next to 0 unless the husband is a complete fag
Look at the crazy eyes and tell me 6+ feet men aren't the real victims here
Looks like a hoe what do you expect
Clear nepo baby who cares
Hoe physignomy not a loss on tablets
>Illegitimate business defends their operation
This is normal not black pill
>negotiating to re add a beneficial element for her to the dating market
Again this is just normal even if its le mean. Not black pill
More of a findom thing probably
Attention whores aren't normally this extreme again not by just hoes being weird
Nepo again
Hoe only knows to hoe what else did you expect
Nepo again (white lizzo)
Definetely not black pill
Hoe physiognomy and motivations return
No hoe cares abt anything but getting railed
Hoes dont like humanity because it gives them guilt when they move on again this is to be expected
Cinderella syndrome or whatever let her dream
Low value female (hoe) that looks attractive again not black pill
This is just simping
Plain black pill no comment

Should've seen it coming because she looked like a guy (hoe thing again)
Hoe thought again who cares
Again just narcs/histrionics
Cali nepos
Black pill is on the system not the fact people try to gain it
Hoe thing again
As working class this hits home
Hoe and nepo
Had a good start but speed ran reddit mode further down only being necromanced by nicocado but then slipped back into reddit
it's easy bro just be someone else
Just be a chameleon bro
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it's a fact + even chads get rejected sometimes
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what about this guy??

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"women don't care as much about looks" is the biggest lie everyone seems to know
in my experience it's actually the opposite
This one is great.
Nice blogpost fag
he's tall. That basically cancels out fatness
Thanks fag
I hope it was a good roadmap to what videos are worth it
They care as much as they can, shitskins breed like crazy and it sure is shit ain't because they're good looking
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