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no blacks
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dunno i assume she's tweaking out on drugs or maybe a thief
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what did he do
where do you start training for mauy thai?
No shit, you said SEA. What does that have to do with blacks?
are those grapes growing up a tree? I'm so confused this is funny as fuck
i asked on int but no one knows the webm i'm looking for or its source.
it's a transvestite pinoy in a policestation. he gets slowly surrounded by handsome policemen and then he starts dancing at them sexual style. has anyone seen this and have source?
thread was originally posted on /gif/
t. knower
it's bilimbi/kamias. they're really sour especially when not completely ripe. good with salt.
who's the indonesian girl?
>He doesn't know

>He doesn't actually know

If he would just grow his hair out, he would be pretty hot.
The short hair breaks the illusion.
these three actually drip so hard wtf
when did austronesians get so stylish
just wearing bright colours
It really sucks you can't talk about places around the world like this on /trv/ anymore.
>travel destination explicitly marketed as sex/club tourism and whose economy relies upon it
>can't talk about it
/trv/ would just turn into a sexpat board
have you been there? that's literally all they talk about. there are no mods enforcing any rules there. the "Travel to Israel" thread had someone spamming gay porn pics on a blue board and it stayed up for a week
she is wanted for raping every white man in the city
She is into straight men so we are in the clear, right?
they have gyms all over the place my man
IME most gyms which have "BJJ" in the name also tend to train MT, just look at the sign in the window
hot if male
you were always in the clear, it was only a mental hang up
>dunno i assume she's tweaking out on drugs
I am not 100% sure and its hard to tell as I have no experience IRL with these type of races but from her eyes and behaviours she seems actually mentally ill, like going through a sort of psychosis.
So using that and the way they are dealing with her, and looking sort of bewildered themselves I am assuming she is going through some mental health issue having an acute period of psychosis and they are holding her because she is doing mad shit.
whatever happens in thialand stays in thialand.

Serious though that is strage, he is a gay guy, not a tranny who thinks he is a woman but he enjoys looking like a woman but wants to fuck only straight (looking) men.
As long as it is only wanting to fuck straight looking men I guess he will easily find a guy but trying to allure straight men by looking like a female seems weird as fuck.
Like a sexual fetish that goes a bit crazy
You can start by training how to spell it properly you fucking idiot
if you're attracted to the opposite biological sex you're gay
if you like do dress/act/look like the opposite biological sex you're gay
everything else is extreme gay cope
Imagine being an Asian woman walking the streets in SEA and a man approaches you to ask if you're a ladyboy so he can suck you.
And they say being white is easy.
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>if you're attracted to the opposite biological sex you're gay
i meant the same
He's right.
The only straight move is being atttracted to 2d depictions of the opposite biological sex.
I can fix her.
Yeah I bet you did, Mr. Zesty.
how come thai trannies pass so much better than ameritrannies?
no, that's the worst part of their fashion. i like the shirt scarf with the sleeveless long shirt. and i wish i had a sea-faring body like the guy on the left and wear a necklace and earring.
video link with sound?
There was a version with sound before and someone claimed the old man talking to someone off-screen saying she is a runaway.
But take it with a pinch a salt with how some people get about mystery stories.
Asians are more feminine.
Found it with sound but every Fillipino I know only knows Tagalog and this is in Cebuano apparently. Maybe someone else can get it translated.
You don't have to ask if it's gay if that's a she, but that's a dude wearing makeup and women's clothing.
She looks so weird, like.. a bug. The tweaking makes it even more uncanny
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Junglegooks > gooks
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the interview is in tagalog but she either says things that i don't understand the context of, are in another language, obscure place names, or just plain tweaker gibberish.
basically the guy asks where she's from, but doesn't understand her answer (ati na kami/atina kami/hati na kami/atin na kami??). then he asks if she's from makati and she affirms. she says some more that i don't understand and he asks her how she got to parañaque. she calls out to someone called josefin. (josepin) both makati and parañaque are in metro manila and they speak tagalog.
2 hour commute on CrackGPT
Love me SEA threads. There's just never enough videos
still would tbdesu
too lazy to make webms desu
I fucking hear you. Converting shit is a pita
I want to live here, and sit on the balcony to watch the rain with a ladyboy in my lap.
If only webm for retards allowed queuing. I have a folder full of shit that be good for all kinds of threads but I don't want to individually convert 100+ files
She is clearly in psychosis. This is coming from someone who has both taken shit loads of drugs and once been in psychosis. She is not on drugs, this is mental, psychosis.
where're the boats? fishes? water?
SEA(South East Asia)
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mental psychosis or no, she's still strangely beautiful. Hope she's ok
its not, you're just lazy.
Some people value their time. No you, obviously. But actual human beings.
Yes but she says clearly, if I like you and we fuck, you are straight.
ok and?
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wow sttuck a nerve huh?
lazy fuck
What i heard from Asia that they “warn“ you openly that they have a dick. Guess thats why we see more south american killed trans than asian ones. They probably know it is dangerous to not be open about being a ladyboy.
She looks mixed. Dont know if it is just her dyed hair.
Yes, anon. You struck such a nerve you seethe about my post for 2 days before you finally came up with that scathing remark.
Feudian slip? =)
Why does this tweeked out bug interest more than most white women?
This. When you're in SEA none of those labels matter. You wanna fuck a tomboy or a johngirl, it don't even matter the age.
Yeah well that would be the smart thing to do. Its not like you get a guy back home and he is not gonna find out you have not got a pussy but a cock instead.

Still the point is it seems like a strange fetish. A man (who likes dressing up as a woman) who likes other men who do not like men.
Not in Thailand, they never warn a horny foreigner. Generally you can obviously tell, but there's some that are just naturally smaller and had some extensive work done which makes it way harder to detect.. especially if you're drunk. From my experience you just ask them, the vast majority will be honest because they know you might not be interested if asking about it, hence will refuse to pay if found out, so in order to skip the bullshit and not waste time they will give you an honest answer. BUT if you're shitfaced, then good luck have fun
Going to Thailand and not fucking ladyboy is like going to Turkey and not eating a kebab.
I just came back to the thread. though I bet you would like to image you matter that much lol
have fun lazy shit :^)
It seems consistent to me, though I don't agree with it per se. They want to be treated like a lady, flirted with like a lady, picked up like a lady, etc.
It may also be easier to compartmentalize away that persona like that. if they even need to do that idk, are they always ladyboys 24/7 or just for the money?
Ok, ESL.
You say that, but if you're actually in bed with one and the semi-hairy ripped butthole comes up in full display you're gonna puke. Read some stories about picking up ladyboys in Thailand, there's clean ones, but a lot of nasty ones aswell
Moar sfw ladyboys, please
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Did he stab him?
>They want to be treated like a lady, flirted with like a lady, picked up like a lady, etc.
Yeah I suppose that is the fetish and only a straight man would desire a woman like that.
Very strange fetish.

ngl I get a bit weirded out by them because a lot of them look very woman like, beautiful women but its a guy. It messes my head up.
>you just ask them
You promptly ask a woman if she is a tranny lmao
>like going to Turkey and not eating a kebab.
Kebab is not even a speciality turkish dish. I went to turkey and never had a kebab. Pide though, ohhh shit that was nice.
ikr, looks like he stabbed him but is hugging him too, wtf
he threw the knife away
filename jejej
some weird insecurity thing. i wouldn't read too much into it
nerve gas dealer
oh noes I put image instead of imagine. I guess that everything I posted just doesnt matter now huh? lol
clown world
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nigga you gay
I know it's faggy.
But at least I'm not attracted to masculine faces and torsos. Now post moar sfw ladyboys.
What does SEA stand for? am i gay? Wtf
South East Asia
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>I guess that everything I posted just doesnt matter now huh?
You assumed it mattered before, or at all? Lmao.
someone in the background towards the end suggests to give her something to drink, to which someone else says cold drinks are no good for her in this state. altered mind+cold drink being dangerous+having walked a long way suggests heatstroke to me.
is that a ball? at least she(male) are transparent about expectation.
I know which webm you're talking about but I'm not on my PC rn.
I can fix her
she acted like the lizard guy from Fullmetal Alchemist.
this is r/wsg now given how many redditurds there are.
most of them love posting nigger videos regardless of thread topic- hence op saying "no blacks"
anyone got the video of the guy who catches a snake in the subway and smack it on the floor
They say don't put your dick in crazy.
I really wanna put my dick in that crazy...
Where is this in SEA?
>No blacks
There's black people in SEA countries?
There are. Melanesians.
Kinda like a mix between abbos and Africans. Faces look more African than abbos, but they got abbo's straighter hair sometimes, and can have a ruddy blonde color hair.
I want to fuck her so hard.
please post it. also have never seen it with audio.
thanks doctor anon
is it dyed hair and color contact lenses? or mixed? or do some thai actually look that white?
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Warinrat Yolprasong
Half Dutch half Thai
Thai language is interesting.
Chesty, confident. I like it.
why do whites always look like lanky fruits no wonder they're flocking to these places
It's too bad the writing looks even more confusing and difficult to decipher to me than Chinese.
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is there a yt link on this? want to see the comments
>see SEA thread
>immediately get my dick out in anticipation without realizing this is a SFW board
Secretly Erect Asian
>spotted about 5 white guys
Bros what the fuck, stop banging thai trannies we need you producing white babies
does thailand has a electronics district? do other places like vietnam have those kind of places.
I honestly can't tell.
from what I've heard she's apparently high on something. when that video first circulate back on maybe 2018, her friends commented on the original post saying "delete this".

>but every Fillipino I know only knows Tagalog and this is in Cebuano apparently
lmao that is pure tagalog
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It's not the nicest language in the world, but it's okay. They often say "shy" which I guess means "yes" or something in their language, and that word sounds nice.
There is a bit of the rough throat-clearing sound "kh" which you can hear in this webm when the girl says "nuh-*khah".
>that look at the end
I would take her on the spot
>me walking my government mandated sex slave
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JUST torch my shit all up
so true lol
Look up "Creampie in Asia", it's a series where a Japanese guy finishes uncensored in various Southeast Asian girls. They joke and laugh a lot more with him than the white mongers I see, they don't starfish nearly as much

And for my thirsty frens, if you want to experience real crazy, make an account on Interpals and post decent pictures and bio. I'm telling you, Indonesian girls WILL flood your inbox (I have no idea why it's specifically Indonesia, not even the Philippines or Thailand responds like them), many of them are real and will be romantic if you don't act like an Indian with them. I don't know what's in the food over there, but it's like they were bred to be nice and soft for a white bf, it's crazy
Indonesia, not bali?
if only cops in this country would do this sort of thing , unfortunately they would jusy light him up like the 4th of July. Sometimes you just gotta talk to someone to understand why they are acting out.
good thing im not into whores

Yes, they come from all over Indonesia. In fact, I had no idea how many different islands and kinds of people are in Indonesia until all these girls started telling me where they came from lol, I learned that there are over 1,300 ethnicities there
how did you get this video of me
i have no idea what he meant by this
No. Never. Its my right as a white man.
yes why else would you keep replying to me?
that asshurt? ;)
she's good either way imho
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I remade this one from KL.Foodie's instagram .mp4
>I don't think you are gay, because I'm into straight men

Read between the lines bro, this trap wants you to pump her butt.
She looks like Max Holloway, I feel like I'm watching an episode of UFC Embedded.
If some fatass ever fell off and caused people to backup at the exit, that tube would fill up with water immediately killing everyone inside.
what kind of bucket is that? it looks like plastic but wouldnt the charcoal melt it?
The charcoal isn't burning before it's added to the fire...

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