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LMAO, those were liberals, godless sodomites and therefore 100% disposable.
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amalek amiright?
God these jews are amazing
how the fuck did ya forget to name this thread "Jewish Thread" or something
I don't come here very often and I wanted to engage organic traffic, so I used a novel md5 with no text to avoid immediate detection and botting.
Based kosher shit stirrer
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So, Q confirmed? Patriots in control? What is this ultimately saying other than creating hype and crypticfagging?
well damn, if this random no name guy in a 12 second video says so, then it must be true
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>What is this ultimately saying
>well damn, if this random no name guy in a 12 second video says so, then it must be true
see >>5588969
Spell it out, please.
Well it is true, at least up to a point.
Israel funded hamas from the start because it's easier to rally the west against crazy islamists than against secular resistance. Netanyahu is on record saying that "it's part of our strategy" to let qatar fund the hamas to prevent a palestinian state from appearing. And it seems they were aware of an attack coming.

Now maybe their golem went out of control, and they were hit harder than they expected. But yeah, the whole thing was a set-up.

That being said, how can even the anti-sionist jews like >>5588963 look so insufferable ? That fucking smile man...
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>Spell it out, please.
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>to let qatar fund the hamas
they use Qatar as a middleman to fund HAMAS
> to prevent a palestinian state from appearing.
and to do things like Oct 7 to justify doing whatever they want to do (which is kill Palestinian babies).
>And it seems they were aware of an attack coming.
I've never known these ghouls to leave anything to change, I would bet ever nickle I've ever had or will ever have, that there was at least one IDF special forces team conducting hyper critical aspects of the raid, like maybe taking down the communications systems or something like that.
These ikinds of things CANNOT fail because if they do everyone goes to prison for the rest of their lives they go to extreme measures to ensure they result they want is achieved; for example, they didn't even use planes on 911. The hijacked teh planes, the killed everyone on board, but no planes were crashed into ANYTHING.
And when you start to think about the disaster of trying to plan for an actual airplane crashing into a building, it's clear why, imagine if one building just got winged, so there was barely any apparent structure damage, how could they justify the collapse?
So they used the e-team to plant the explosives to hoax the impacts and just masked the planes in using commercially available masking technology that was already in use.
all to avoid taking chances.
I guarantee Israel did not leave oct 7 in the hands of some filthy stupid Arabs (in their eyes).
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>look so insufferable ? That fucking smile man...
say you're God
you understand that the inherent fallen nature of man, combined with the demand for perfect cosmic justice means all of the souls of your creation can't ever join you in heaven. So you manifest yourself on earth, to experience humanity first hand, and your chosen fucking people have you brutally tortured to death.
they got off light as far I'm considered.
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its INCREDIBLE how awful they are
I LEGITIMATELY like Jewish culture, I think the surface of their religion is cool (Talmud is pure smut, but the G rated version most jews actually practice is really neat, lots of cool historical holidays, and great food, and focus on family; I think jews are hilarious, I've almost exclusively dated jewesses (they LOVE big goy cock) and despite all that built-in affection for Jews, they totally lost me. AS soon as they said it was their 911 I knew it was bullshit and they were just using it as an excuse to kill Palestinians.
I think it's useful though; once and for all we've totally explored the concept of a jewish homeland, they absolutely do not deserve one. If they can scrape out of the sane somewhere, whatever, but as the dollar collapses we're going to withdraw from the region and Israel will be totally vulnerable to their neighbors.
And the Arabs have been awfully quiet. Seems like they biding their time.
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It's so fucking crazy it's like everyone who publicly opposes the jews is immediately lifted up by God and they somehow get even better.
Ana's been on fire recently.
btw this has been successfully resolved, she literally created the pressure to resolve this issue.
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That chick is a 10 with a great set of bobs.
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>That chick is a 10 with a great set of bobs.
totally agree. I'm am incredibly attracted to her, she's exactly my type. I want to see her news thong.
this is an unpopular opinion but I actually preferred her nose before the nose job.
vid unrelated.
Right? They literally have the supposedly dominant civilization of the world under their control and always stand out everywhere, whether as bankers, artists, ciencie or politicians, and they know how to wield their power at will.
If everything they say about them is true, it seems they are superior to the average human in general, really
trump literally loves the jews, and so doeselon musk.
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>it seems they are superior to the average human in general, really
kike said what?
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>trump literally loves the jews, and so doeselon musk.
Not a real jew
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>it seems they are superior to the average human in general,
Why do people keep posting this clip? It's clearly just a joke designed to be offensive as possible without meaning anything really. I love Nick Mullen but he's not saying anything here, unless I"m missing something.
>Why do people keep posting this clip?
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how the fuck are kikes so incredibly sensitive to create an automatic response to a webm after it was posted once lol
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Lol Shut up jew. You aren't Christian.
I'm sure that's everyone killed by the state, isn't it?
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just like the holla cost, it didn't happen, but it should have
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I feel so bad for her. these fucking niggers are so jealous.
>40 ad
the eternal jew
Jimmy Dore got to see it and you will die jealous
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>Jimmy Dore got to see it and you will die jealous
Jealous of Jimmy?
honored to sniff his finger is more like it.
Man's a legend.
>I feel so bad for her. these fucking niggers are so jealous.
what a shining example of white excellence though
and an incredible demonstration of the petty jealousy at the heart of anti-white racism
I'd like to see her coach hire the dirtiest WNBA player that's ever lived, just to protect her, but it's been glorious to watch her just take the abuse and continue beating them at their own game.
anon 2 planed did hit the WTC, there is no way they could not have planes not hid.
thing is the buildings were already full of semtex, thermite etc before hand to make sure they fell and will minimal damage to surrounding building.
Most likely the planes were remotely flew in. Still they might have even funded the actual terrorist cell to do it so it went down as the story is told minus the controlled demolition.
Too many holes in the story like dancing isrealis and phone calls etc from the planes, though that could be actors.
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>anon 2 planed did hit the WTC,
prove it.
> there is no way they could not have planes not hid.
not a sentence
but the plane isn't even there before the zoom
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>thing is the buildings were already full of semtex, thermite
no they weren't.
if traditional explosives were used there'd be much more rubble.
>Most likely the planes were remotely flew in.
that's not even possible the nosecone over penetration proves that conclusively.
>Still they might have even funded the actual terrorist cell to do it so it went down as the story is told minus the controlled demolition.
how would you get people to kill themselves by paying them?
>Too many holes in the story
there's zero holes.
>dancing isrealis
obvious red herring. the E-Team was MOSSAD and the mossad hijacking teams, one was lead by Lewellen.
>and phone calls etc from the planes,
again, that proves my claim, many of the calls were from cells, that's impossible the calls prove they weren't in planes.
>though that could be actors.
they were real, CC Lyles said, 'its a frame'.
I cannot prove it but use fucking logic. There is videos of 2 planes hitting the towers on multiple sources, angles by random civillians, there is no fucking way they could maintain and prevent actual videos being used by people to then see the "non planes" that didn't fly in.
Its ore simpler and easier to either get some muzzies to hijack the planes, or remote fly the planes in yourself than it would be to try and trick an entire city and the world at large that planes flew into a building that never happened.

>not a sentence
>but the plane isn't even there before the zoom
You cannot be this retarded.
Its zoomed, the plane will be tiny and unable to be seen out of zoom plus it could enter frame from a different angle.
That camera is miles away from the towers dingus.

idk wtf they used but that is a controlled demolition.
>the nosecone over penetration proves that conclusively.
Its easy to get a plane on a remote control. Just adjusting it.
>how would you get people to kill themselves by paying them?
Fucking muzzies...They were already doing a suicide mission attack on the towers a few years before that
>there's zero holes.
lol wut
There is massive holes you must be retarded or a kike
>that's impossible the calls prove they weren't in planes.
>CC Lyles said, 'its a frame'.

You only have to look at the shit yourself, I dont need some faggot to tell me its a controlled demolition.
I was 15 when i saw that shit and I did physics at school and have seen demos. That shit defied physics and gravity, its clearly a controlled demo.
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>I cannot prove it
>use fucking logic
I've posted webm's demonstrating that you're claims are impossible.
Here's another.
the nose cone over penetration is absolutely impossible.
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>There is videos of 2 planes hitting the towers on multiple sources,
no there's not.
There's exactly 1 video of the first plane hitting.
None of the videos of the second plane hitting are actually consistent, i.e. if you create a 3d model out of each angle, and put them all together, every video depicts a different plane, there is zero overlap.
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>there is no fucking way they could maintain and prevent actual videos being used by people to then see the "non planes" that didn't fly in.
here's one with no planes.
>Its ore simpler and easier to either get some muzzies to hijack the planes,
no it's not, you're going to trust a trillion dollars in psyops to some sub 70 iq muslims?
you're a retarded nigger.
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>There is massive holes you must be retarded or a kike
actual holes;
lack of rubble
lack of seismic signature
magnetosphere reading
watch the building turn to dust
you can't explainm the collapse, you can't explain lack of rubble, you can't explain no p or s wave, you can't explain anything you have nothing.
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>You only have to look at the shit yourself, I dont need some faggot to tell me its a controlled demolition.
>I was 15 when i saw that shit and I did physics at school and have seen demos. That shit defied physics and gravity, its clearly a controlled demo.
it's clearly not .

So its not planes hitting the buildings and them falling
and its not a controlled demolition.
So let me guess, its aliens who beamed them to another fucking dimension.

Schizo fucking retards.
At least try to make sense.

>no it's not, you're going to trust a trillion dollars in psyops to some sub 70 iq muslims
Yes, its not difficult.
Still the most logic situation is this:
Weeks before the event under the guise of whatever the fuck military tech niggers were in the buildings planting explosives, cutting steel etc.
At event they "hijacked" the planes, executed the passengers and probably the already caught supposed hijackers who were long time guests of some guantanamo tier shithole, retrofitted the planes to be flown remotely and struck the buildings with them. Or just downed the planes and had 2 duplicates already waiting.
Bombs go off, buildings collapse in free fall
Jews who did inside stock scam all get paid
USA justify wars in middle east for isreal and USA geopolitics and financial gain and services from future oil pipelines.
USA get BTFO by goat fuckers decades later
The end.
>that webm
The plane is coming from behind the tower in view.
just look at this webm>>5601934
idk actual magnetic cardinals of that but just say its coming from the south heading north and the camera is facing south...the plane is behind the tower.
How does he not cum his pants watching her get angry?
They deleted the 10-hour nick vs hollywood compilation on youtube.
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see >>5601913
and vidrel
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>Still the most logic situation is this:
asserting over and over again the official narrative is not how discussions work, you're very bad at mimicking natural conversations.
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fuck the faggot in vidrel

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