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she went to jail, 20 years, btw
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so are u not allowed to drop weights like that or something, what a cunt either way
Why would they bully John Cleese like that?
Wow, I never knew there was a part 2. Crazy how she just keeps doubling down over and over.
Are you implying the nephew is the karen? Otherwise this webm doesn't belong here.
>10k at a vape store
Announcing to everyone how much of a useless addict you are is a massive lose.
It doesn't matter how many supporters are retards, if you support israel, you're the enemy. You're standing for continued subjugation of the west simply because the jewish media told to you hate impotent muzzies whose land they want. Shameful.
>you're telling courney I'm a man
>that means you're transphobic
Lol, no she didn't she wasn't even charged.

Agreed. Based.
not supporting one doesn't mean you support the other retard
I have never gotten the story straight about what exactly is happening here.

So, what exactly is happening here?
Pushing the weight like that could have caused a really fucked up injury, the employee should be shot right quick.
hahaha based nigger the only one who actually defended himself
It's not even especially based, it's just a normal reaction to being smashed in the case with a metal bar. Norwegians are just particularly cucked
Good of them to mic up
People like this deserve public execution
God I hate jewish people
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Adolf Sitler haha
Man look like a harkonnen
Based qt mulatta beastmistress
>Hmm lemme just stand between the back of my car and the front of the deranged woman's car
On a side note, why are the crazy ones so hot, bros?
What was the name of the bad guy in sonic the hedgehog? Dr something…
I don't get it, is he not allowed to look across the table or something?
missed watching Neg on Balls of Steel
Bruce here. Car with the two Red Ensign aussie flags is on its way to Parliament House to protest against the mask mafia. The black Captiva that's on top of it is from one of the local university airheads who obviously love sucking state government cock all day. Woman inside had a sperg meltdown about the "antivaxxers" or whatever she thought they were and tried to trade paint, but she had all-terrain tires on and climbed on the fucking bonnet instead. People are crowding to sort it out and get the cars out the way, because Canberra's town planning is the most expensive highdea of all time and it jams in minutes
lmao this schizo
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having a little faggot sitting at the table slurping soup loudly on purpose wouldn’t piss you off? She should have thrown a brick at him
japanese people reading this and slowly backing away
fuck off
He's not wrong though
the dude that fist bumps him LOL
So the Tranny is the Karen, or?
No shit, retard, it's a nicotine addiction. Regardless if it's vaping or any of the other ways most are spending thousands.
If you can't/won't control the weight on the way down, you don't need to be picking it up outside of a competition.
thanks Bruce
Fair call.
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youz such a silly ho
he wasn't an employee just a seething gymcel
he was banned from that gym
anyone in the west that gets all into this shit is fucking retarded
fuck israel
fuck palestine
fuck russia
fuck ukraine
>Why do people that buy things from countries all over the world care about things happening in other countries
Is she referring to playing monster truck with others in traffic or…?
That's a pretty good roast though.
Can we deport all niggers please?
It is redeemd
Based fuck karens
Why'd you get so defensive?
I assume you're an addict?
need more please
You're a fucking snowflake retard.
stop noticing things
you see a nigger. I see a doctor and a scientist
>go to cafe
>pajeet idiots refuse to wash their hands and ignore you
>It's his fault cause he's black!
Where is this where after he threatened them directly they don't just call the police and have him tossed in jail?
wow no manners at all
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She got exposed as a whore in Canberra. Someone found her ads with tits and pussyshots
I don't really think this qualifies as a karen moment lol

Just a wild drug addicted cunt
>It's his fault cause he's black!
This mutherfucker had a knife and was threatening people’s lives that were within a couple feet of him and they didn’t shoot him.

He grabbed someone and put the knife to them and they still didn’t shoot him.

The woman had time to tense up and he even had time to utter another sentence before get closed the distance to deploy a taser. Jesus fucking Christ… Tazers aren’t always effective and that woman is lucky he didn’t kill her. What cucked shithole country is this? I mean don’t get me wrong, the US has definitely reached shithole status, but the cops at least usually shoot people who are an imminent threat to others.
Is this Jeffrey dean morgan?
Hi America
Dr. Robotnik
No he wasn't, retard.
>gibs me
seriously. We got enough of our own problems here. Im fucking sick of it.
easy assault charge
It's bewildering how nobody moves away from the danger until ordered to by the police. I would've gone to the back of the tram and hit the door release.
I don't understand how people would sit around in an environment with knives, tasers, mace and guns about to go off.
He was obviously making empty threats because he was having a mental episode trying to get the cops to suicide him. The cops recognized that and went in to get him under control with non-lethal force. I'm assuming you're from America because your first response looking at the situation is they should have just filled him full of lead. Those cops did a very good job that day.
Aussiefag here, my country is so desensitized by daily knife violence, it's just innocuous, while hate speech is more threatening though.
Yes, this makes sense fellow aussie, that bondi mall knife massacre was handled well
I'm not Australian, I can just use my eyes and ears.
oh, you're not? ok then, fuck off you stupid larping cunt
I never implied I was from Australia you retard, I am just saying those cops understood that situation and acted well instead of being trigger happy idiots and gunning him down.
yes, an opinion of a neutered cuck

At 14 secs I think he's biting himself so he doesn't do the salute, kekkkk
Congrats on being as stupid and subhuman as an American lol
Video was about an incident in Australia, but this shitskin somehow makes it about the USA, k, gg schizo
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Your reading comprehension sucks. What a surprise from former prison colony dipshit idiot genes.
>He was obviously making empty threats

Shoves knife in the girl's face

You have no argument, boy. Also, trolling is not permitted. Fuck off you daft cunt
All I'm saying is they properly read the situation unlike the trigger happy yahoo idiots in the thread. And I don't need an argument, it's all right there lol. The cops did an ace job that day. It's all good.
>I am just saying

>All I'm saying

Retard, your opinion is based on the outcome, go troll elsewhere
I'm sorry you lack the ability to understand human actions. Comically typical.
>I'm sorry

Ok then, buck broken successfully, k, bye
no you dumb bitch.
all you said in your reply was
"Hi America"
obsessed inferiority complex faggot
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Knife violence is just a threat to poor people, so that's okay.
'Hate speech' comes from an idea (either founded or unfounded, depends on the individual) and ideas are threats to your rulers.
You misunderstood. The karens (3) are the ones that come up to him unprovoked and try to start shit.
buddy it's just fucking sugar water go home and make it yourself if you're that worried about germs.
This. Dude's lifting the weight of your average refrigerator, if someone's carrying that much you either ask to help them or wait for them to finish, anything short of that is inexcusable.
>having a little faggot sitting at the table slurping soup loudly on purpose wouldn’t piss you off?
No. In fact, I'd go as far as to argue that slurping is the proper way to drink anything that's hot.
I would knock that stupid cunt on her ass if she hit me.
I said I was in America you fucking retard. You got so triggered you didn’t even read my entire post you brain dead pig fucker.
>obvious empty threats
Glad to know your police are mind readers. I guess my question to you then, if he was making empty threats, why did they have to taze him retard? Seems to me they could have just cuffed him, dipshit.
They gambled with someone’s life. They did a good job because it came out ok. There was absolutely no way to know he wasn’t going to kill anyone faggot. People are assaulted with knives all the time. Walk us through how they knew he wouldn’t act.
Go fight in ukraine, coward
People jam into each other and/or give each other fender benders constantly by accident or on purpose in Canberra?

No wonder people are needing or trying to get out of there.
His teeth are falling out, that's why he's doing it
You wanna get killed? You fuckin little faggot.
they came up to him? the starbucks employees in a starbucks?
you are a histrionic babyman
why was this post deleted?
Why is he sounding so proud of filming "for the police"? I'm willing to bet money this video never ended up in the hand of the authorities.
Does he think he is helping? The thief was already being apprehended.
I swear this self-righteous prick ended up being more a nuisance than the thief herself.
That was just a power trip wasn't it? Chances are he will brag about it later when he did nothing, half the video is him yelling when the scene was already over.
"Shut up, yeh! You telling me to not to record? You think I duno the law? I know the law!"
She's already left, as did everyone that could and valued there time. Who is he saying that to?
Yeah, someone who is psycho and going on a stabbing spree takes their knife and starts knifing anyone on their way. A retard having a tantrum wanting to get suicided by cops because they're too much of a pussy to do it themselves stands on a bus yelling "I have a knife I'm going to stab people so shoot me!"

It is far better to recognize that person is having an episode and needs to be subdued so they can be treated rather than supporting their psychotic episode and killing them. The cops were well trained and made the right call, there's nothing bad about any of this. Except perhaps the comedy that all this went over your heads.
yes, quickly dropped
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Unreal sexual tension in this
>Knife violence is just a threat to poor people
This is the most retarded thing I’ve read all day.
They gambled with someone’s life. Had they be wrong, someone would have died. You aren’t adding any information as to how the cops would know he wasn’t going to carry out a threat. How do you know he wouldn’t have carried out the threat in order to get suicided? You don’t.

It was the right call because it turned out ok. I guess every dumbass thing anyone does is “the right call” after the fact as long as nothing bad happens.

You still haven’t answered why they even needed to taze him if he was absolutely no threat to anyone.

I guess it was ok for a civilian to have a knife to their throat but the cops didn’t want to take a chance with themselves…
I'm not one to get into fights, but even that made me want to throw a punch.
this is a very confusing webm
Nigger holding the camera is mad that Jeet made him pay upfront.
based fuck wamyn, they are not but a simply life support for their vaginas
lol wot
holy fuck maskers were retarded.
Not how that really works with deadlifts
lmao based

>well give me whatever you have
she has degree(s), you know
Literal esl post
i bet you have a massive fat thick veiny cock anon
Jesus Christ is this what Canada really looks like?
>you smell
the fucking irony
bro ireland, and bong land as a whole is so fucked. I think we should just fucking nuke them and be done with it.
not a single white person in the video and they're importing more uneducated jeets every single year.
Why is she even recording herself being an asshole, this only proves her ass guilty.
Because the right and wrong isn't as clear cut/black and white as you seem to believe.

This is two people filming each other, because each person wholeheartedly believes themselves to be correct and to be standing up for decency.

They are in fact both homosexuals.
stupid bitch prolly serving 350 degree soup
>menstrual dog
hahahahah. he's right, and based af
The one chance to really fuck some asshole up without repercussions and you're not taking it. Even if they've never fought in their life they could have floored the fatty with the two of them.
Do you think rich people use public transportation?
Use public anything?
if you support muzzrats, you're also the enemy
impotent my arse, they're BOTH scum
>scamming indians
holy shit didn't know thai girls are this based
Finally we know where Steiner's Panzer division ended up
Underrated post, get a (((you)))
fucking lol
No it's not you dyel faggot, it's a deadlift.
actually based jeet
>retard clapping while talking
Now I hate thay shitty meme even more where they put the clapping hands emoji between words.
Seething jews lol
>knife violence only happens on public transportation
Shit for brains.
>t. imagines beating up people whop are mean to him in public but has been in a real fight outside of that one time he totally almost kicked his bullies ass
this is the dumbest, most boomer answer you could ever hope to see.
Based asf. In the war between blacks and women, I know whose side I'm on.
>words are hard
Pretty based.
Bases babushkas.
>Nicki Minaj
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
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You first honky. Back to estonia or wherever the fuck you come from.
Every woman under 30 has shared her nudes online.
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even the worst slavnigger is better than the best africoon
hot women get treated like angels who can do no wrong their entire lives, especially if they lack a father figure
My great grandfather fought in the Easter Rising... If only he could see Ireland today.

I wager, in the hypothetical sense, that he alone would blow this bottom feeder's head off with an .303 Lee Enfield and display his body in the streets as a message to all others.

In Minecraft, of course.
you'd hope but australia is a shithole so bet nothing happened to her
and you wonder why muslims beat their women
gave me a good chuckle
>starts talking weird shit about hitler and aryans
Jewdar going crazy here.
damn this guy is based
Just give the man his kebab.
>>5594512 >>5604182 >>5606727 >>5608234
>I have to be disgusting deliberately as a le funny joke even though I'm a grown adult
nah, you are a little faggot
fake set up by some troon
damn, look in a mirror before you start being racist
>be Pujit Patel
>hear about a specail massage parlor
>thai girls look with disgust upon your skinnyfat brown 5'3" body with rancid curry body odor that doesn't wash off
>none can bring themselves to deliver the happy ending even though you paid their exorbitant prices
based as fuck, bro rocks
all this adult acting more immature than kids how pathetic is America

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