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street food
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do chinks really?

Literally every ingredient and even the cooked food must go through dirty indian hands.
how to make instant noodles more unhealthy, add butter and murky water.
literal cannot just pour eggs into vat, needs to pass through hands first.
how to improperly use a spoon for no reason at all.

make a fucking mess for no reason, wasnt any faster, just made a mess.
no cutting boards, just cut everything up in your hands
The O.G.
They wake him up in his hut and bring him the food he is destined to serve. He has nothing to do with cooking the food, he just serves it and throws herbs at it.
He is groggy and he wipes his face with a towel which is also used for food sanitation.

He doesn't know what's in the food, nobody does. Lumps of grey matter sunk in a pool of brown grease. He agitates the mixture, bringing the lumps to the surface.

He serves the food with passion, as if he is uniquely qualified to slop out portion. He has a concubine whose job is to place bread atop the portions. They all sit down because of vedic tradition or something.

The queue for the slop is down the block. Somehow this slop can make a business for 3 or 4 employees.
He is absolutely reckless with that mandolin. Also, can anybody taste that 1 tomato that he added? Fuck. At least he serves it neatly
don't do reposts
jesus. No wonder they're so small
korean are retard
>constant beeping
The fuck are they doing?
Would eat
slime time live
Its not just the food, or the people, or the cooking apparatuses

Absolutely everything in these webms just looks so filthy.
>how to get kidney stones
Healthier than potato chips
Im racist because if I see any other race cooking with their hands it's fine. But if it's an Indian it's poop
Prol made her aspirate
Fucking lost at the end
the clips are like 2 seconds each and almost every one has beeping
what the fuck
would try it desu.
i don't see the problem if it's cheap.
sar what talking about I didnt heerd constant beep sar
Thank god there is someone out there pre-cooking microwave ramen packets for me, saving me 90 seconds that I can then apply to my employer.
Same. Just seeing tongs, spoons, and gloves puts this one so much farther above the other funny slop that gets posted to these threads.
lmfaoo lost hard
>tfw no chinese gf to fireman carry me out of a drunken pickle
Yo, this one has evidence that they do own at least one (1) spoon! But it makes such a brief appearance and they still use their hands for all the other actions that would be easier and cleaner with a spoon.
>and with only 400 ingredients and 12,000 steps, in the span of 8 hours, you too can make one really big tortilla
>yep. perfect end to a shitty day.
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Nice one
Does canned flame like that not flavor the food in a bad, chemically way?
it's famine food. chinks do know a thing or two about starving to death.
to be fair, China only got ice cube technology for the first time last year, so they're going to want to experiment a little, it's only natural
just letting other people know they're there i guess. that's what a behicle horn is for, after all
yes it tastes like shit, yet fancy restaurants do it all the time. fucking retarded. ever tried to roast a marshmallow with a blowtorch? tastes like shit.
that's a constant, they love washing their hands over the pot, to the point they build faucets over the stove to do it. the only thing that makes a bit of sense is that they want to make sure not to waste the bits of food stuck on their hands
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seriously wtf is wrong with these fucking people? is making disgusting food in retarded and unsanitary ways part of their religion?
been there a few times, delicious flatbread sausage rolls.
sort of yeah. not sure about preparing food, but they have vedic explanation for eating with their hands. and since eating cow poop and drinking cow urine is a sacrament to them, handling food unsanitarily wouldn't seem so bad.
there are no road rules or laws in these countries
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>how many arm hairs are in that?
>naan, sir
The way he eats hot dogs is disturbing
I just watched several indian nuclear holocaust dishes, didn't bat an eye. As soon as I saw that.. thing, I instinctively threw my phone away.
Proof that chinese cooking methods make anything palatable
How to scrape the enamel off your teeth 101
>$2.30 to suck oil off pebbles
more spice added.
as if it will make a difference
always wondered why indian food is almost always brown
you are what you eat I guess
It’s no different than sunflower seeds
literally what's the point in grilling them?
>This practice is historic and premised on the cultural premise that eating is a sensory activity, and touch is part of the experience along with the taste, aroma of the food, and its presentation such as on a thali, or on a large plate made from washed banana leaf (used in south), or stitched and washed siali (used in the north) leaves.[1] Traditionally, the fingers are also used to feel the temperature of the food to one's taste and to combine flavors.
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>Not pictured: deep fried butter
He touched every single molecule of food at every stage of preparation. It's like instinct to them. They have to search with their bare hands for every untouched atom
they were irresponsible for letting their friend get that drunk. good thing her bff could look after her. asshole man got what he deserved
>pour flour into hand
>pour handful of flour into cooking pot
>wash flour off of hand in cooking pot
>make dough into big disc by flopping onto bare arms until it touches armpits
>your naan is now ready for consumption
that rock dish in OP would do her good
He looks angry
>Women have no agency and have to be told what they can and cannot do like children
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i refuse to believe the fucking rat burrito with fur still on it is real
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sometimes its hard to tell if its China or California. also, is homie 'cooking' with a putty knife and bucket trowel?
I hate obese sluts showing off cleavage that looks like huge tits because they're actually just two sad pancake tits pushed so close together that you can't tell what they actually look like.

Roads in India and similar countries often don't have lanes and if they do, nobody follows them. So they're weaving through traffic constantly, honking to clear the way. If there's a jam, they just keep shoving more into it and honking.

After a month in India, I just tuned it out. Europe felt so eerily clean quiet after 7 months in Asia.
hahahahaha, and the vomit! i fucking lost it
everyone just living in the moment, no phone in sight
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Jesus christ what the fuck is that shit? Sewage slime filtered through a bull's ball sack? Everytime I think I can't possibly see a more fucking disgusting Indian food video reality proves me wrong. These people aren't fucking human.
they aren't actually ice cubes, you think you'd be able to grill an ice cube for that long before it melts? they are likely rice or potato starch and water or maybe gelatin.
I've always wanted to try real American corn dog.
tf you doing in india?
Trying to get the others pass out from drinking after work is way too common in East Asian countries
My toilet drain pipes are probably cleaner than that mixer
He even has a ring on!?
Imagine giving up on life and yourself to the extent that you think displaying yourself in such a state is acceptable.
Quit my last job, took a few months off, we backpacked around SE Asia with my wife. On the way home we made a stop in India, started in Kolkata and ended in New Delhi. It was fun. Mainly because these places are cheap as fuck for a European. It made me realise most of my prejudice against these countries was 100% correct and they indeed are major shitholes in many aspects. India in particular is just pure insanity most of the time. I never expected I'd ever get used to telling impoverished kids begging for money to fuck off, but when you do it 10 times a day you just lose any empathy for them.
Gutter oil covered pebbles versus fried potatoes. Pretty sure you're wrong there, buddy.
Yeah, like causing famines by deciding to kill birds.
>It made me realise most of my prejudice against these countries was 100% correct
Same story I've heard from everyone who visits India.
And all on the dirty floor, right by their feed and
Irony because india has a vast culture,, like 10k years ago it was a capital of human intellect.
There is so much beauty in the country but it is caked in shit.
I dare say that the british raj ending for them was the issue.
I mean they still have open defecation and no laws prohibiting it or enforcing it.
That is "going back" from british raj who would have guaranteed to have outhouses and I would expect enforced usage of them.

Still I feel similar with america, it has some outstanding natural beauty and some great architectural work but overall minus some places like new england and mid-west farming state areas, its caked in shit.
Its a un-unified mess.
How can anyone even eat all of this shit in 1 day
Wtf does famine have to do with putting sauce on rocks that you need to spit out.
The slime must be from the aloe vera
exactly, you took the words right out of my keyboard
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The ONE Indian guy cooking properly
Alternate universe
If it's so bad, why do they all have perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect skin, perfect teeth? Or is it their strong spirit?
God I love the "look at our YUMMY and COOL street food, foreigners!" trend that went through india because the fact that nobody looked at the footage and went "dude this makes us look like a bunch of savages" really says a lot about the country
>What the fuck even is th-
>one of them sneezes
>Oh it's snot
>The rat burrito
Based friend or sister
it is obvious troll, not even the savages of savages eat rats with their fur still on.
lmao poor guy
>famine food
It's literally rocks. it's not food.

They are literally taking calorie laden oil and wasting it. This is the opposite of famine food.
All that honking wtf how does anything get done?
active noise cancelling
I unfortunately work near an Indian supermarket. Indian drivers are fucking retarded, the amount of times I've gotten stuck because they decided to drive the wrong way in a one lane parking lot and then get angry like I'm at fault has made me a racist. They'll also walk in the middle of roads for no reason instead of just picking a side or crossing, further blocking traffic
That only happens if you hold the torch improperly. Some people will aim the nozzle directly down which causes the liquid fuel to leak out and possibly not burn out before dropping to the food. If you hold it properly and only gaseous fuel gets burned up then nothing should reach the food
You forgot the part where he uses his teeth to rip open the bag of ghee/butter. And the ring
It's still bright by the end of the video, the day isn't over
First Indian food video where I didn't gag while watching.
>Pours the eggs through his hand.
What fair is this?
If I didn't know better, I'd say those hands were recently washed with soap and water. Will miracles never cease?
>satan food
Throw a raw egg on top and this becomes top tier Japanese cuisine.
Japanese cuisine is easily the most overrated in the world, most of it's good stuff is just taken from other cultures (like Indian food but clean and Portuguese food but worse)
Absolutely atrocious. Fucking annoying people.
that bitch should get slapped hard for throwing everybody's drinks like that. they paid for that stuff. you have no right to throw it on the ground.
i dont want to be racist but they make it so hard, what the fuck
they could at least use gloves jesus what the fuck
their women are stronk feminists who chop little boy's dicks off (literally) and poison men at work to death (also literally) because patriarchy or something, they hate their men and use every opportunity to be massive cunts about everything
if white people had the same religion they'd still be more sanitary and they sure as fuck wouldnt eat cow shit
which country? korea?
The eating of cow poop is a part of the religion though, that's the thing. Not that it doesn't seem completely fucked up to anyone outside it, but pretty much all religions are like that. Christians larp drinking blood and eating human flesh then both a lot of them and Jews cut the tips of babies' penises off which is also pretty fucked. Gun to my head I'd way rather eat some cow shit than go through life without a foreskin. Those are the ones I really feel bad for.
Of all the other Indian options in this thread, this seems like the sanest one.
The honking, there's always the honking in the background.
fucking KEK
Aloe vera?
I bet this was all in the span of one hour.
go ahead and crack a pebble open with your teeth and eat the inside contents and see how that goes for you
I can't even focus on the food being made becuase the honking is so annoying. Imagine living there
shut up pajeet and go eat some more cow shit
>color is only skin deep
>one race, the human race
Did she die or not jet?
she's speaking swedish and looks relatively swedish but her accent sounds weird as fuck
The fucking firewood looks like the cleanest thing there
She can speak Russian so she's from one of those countries
It's probably treated wood. Just to keep up with the theme.
This never fails to make me lol.
why do retards do these livestreams with donator speaker access
It always goes wrong
Huge knife right next to him, uses a toe nail to cut the food.
Indians always have this blank stare like they can only focus on one thing at a time (nor do they possess the ability to disguise what it is).
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Watch this, fish with *grass seasoning*
They assume that by continuous gaslighting, otherwise logical individuals will pity accept them. And so many do exactly so, they begin to believe it's true
marry me
Why'd he do it?
This would go hard at 2:00am when you're completely blasted and like 6 blocks away from your hotel.
I can't tell if this is satire.
If it was satire, he wouldn't actually eat it. You can tell it's actual poop and he didn't switch the seasoning because of the colour it turns after cooking. That's burnt dung.
Yummy canned slop on a tortilla.
It's partly a religious thing there because cows are sacred. If we did it it would likely make us very sick, but they've been culturally doing it for so long their gut bacteria is used to it.

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