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2 wheels, skateboards and tricycles accepted
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he'll be fine
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Stunt Jump Complete
Sit the fuck down.
>can I get your number
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I hope that old bastard got put in jail for a long time
Why does the bitch defend the thief?
Even the bovine hates cyclists.
Little asswipe.
She’s not defending him retard. She’s stopping someone else from committing a murder.
Seek mental help
wow absolutely brutal.
I can't belive she didnt die.
>big wheels
>not street skating
Classic clipless pedal fail. Once you start tipping over its almost impossible to make the ankle twisting motion to unlock your shoe from the pedal.
retards retards retards all around. why did they put that massive thing on the track, right after a turn exit? why didn't the faggots stop when they saw the red flag? so many questions
Track bikes have 1 fixed gear without out the ability to coast, if the rear wheel is moving the pedals have to move. The second guy was riding very close to the first guy for aerodynamics and couldn't see the obstacle until the first guy moved around it. The lead guy should have called out the hazard.
golly, this made me feel really really sick
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Genuine question, what's the point of the big fuckoff red flag then?
my cabbages!!!!
Why didn’t the guy in the back see the red flag? Why was there a fucking pad easel on the track lmao. It looks like they were setting up for a game of Pictionary.
Absolutely worth the wait
This is for bicyles, not motorcycles.
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>zero distractions around them
>1 direction to look in
>3 men in orange
>red flag waving
>still can't spot an obstacle
These dickheads think they belong on the road.
was the blurred dude on his phone?
it looks like both his hands are where the handlebars should be. the guy he collided with wasn't looking forward though.
the blurred person looks like an older man, there's a frame you can clearly see heavy balding
i couldn't say why he started on the other side of the road then veered towards the riders we have the perspective of
it's a bicycle race track... they do belong there
Idk fren, they seem to be struggling with the bicycle race track.
it's called positioning, faggot. the retard that crashed was out-positioned and tried to pass too late. plus he's an adult on a bicycle so he deserves it anyways
Something people don't tell you, but you end up learning after falling a few times, is that you could hear gunshots at your back while driving on a motorcycle, you still shouldn't look back.

Literally half a second looking behind you is enough to get you fucked
which is why you should get one of those universal rearview mirrors, i wouldn't even ride in traffic without one
Yeah but think of all the aerodynamic drag just for a stupid little mirror.
These people would run direct-drive if they could, i.e, pedals clamped right on the axle.
Is that a cycling lane on their right?
there's a bike lane and these retards just ignored it
I remember seeing the full uncensored version of this back in the day on 4chan.
I hope he got made mayor of the city, you seething clown XD
You had all the clues to figure it out yourself
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I mean in the end none but the bovine survived the onslaught, everyone knows that
Thanks for the kino anon
I don't see how going slightly slower is worse than going slow.
Especially if it results in more safety.
Mind you, I also stop at intersections and redlights, so I guess I'm just a fake cyclists.
now you know why drivers hate these pretentious cunts
Anyone who is a cyclist: stop being a cunt. You have a bike path/lane; use it. You are not an automobile.
I am not even a driver and I hate these cunts.
I rode a bike since I was a teen but simply as a means to get from A to B faster, sure I was a kid and would ride no handed or whatever down streets but I would always be cautious on roads.
I have been hit off my bike twice, 1 my fault and 1 simple accident from a woman driver. 1st 1 I was injured a bit.
Anyway More recently, well its gotta be like 10 years ago now I was riding down my local street going home and on a massive main road had one of these fucks speeding like fuck and he smashed right into me at a T junction.
Funny thing Is I didn't even flinch, shit I been street riding for decades and this cunt went flying. He was proper fucked. I felt bad and I was not 100% blameless as there was a van and I came out the side of it but fuck me this guy was flying down a serious busy road at drive time and didnt even think to slow down when coming to side roads.
Shit I was on a bike and I hate these cunts. I only imagine what drivers have to deal with.

Anyway I dont ride bikes at all any more.
Hearing the cyclist in pain makes me laugh :)
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Pero que tontos son joder
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Lol what a fucking idiot (the driver)
Cyclist is to blame 100% of the time. No context matters other than 'there was a cyclist.'
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good kitty
upvoted and saved my good sir!
I don't get, what happened?
I believe the driver got a fined or sued for this.
what kind of injures do you sustain from a hit like that? A ruptured liver? Punctured lung?
if they had been americans they wouldn't have flown as high and the person in the car whould've died
qrd? is this real or from a movie?
all that food gone to waste

there's several reasons to not use the bike lane
1. pedestrains and slower cyclists are to bike lanes what cyclicts are to the roads, they're in your way, often even more ignorant and unware of their surroundings and can switch lane in a blink
2. bike lanes are secondary roads in the meaning they rarely leave you priority when passing streets
3. bike lanes have often poorer asphalt than roads
4. there isn't always bike lines so you get used to the roads
5. you assume people on the roads signal to you in situations like >>5599565, a big honk from the truck/bus would likely gotten their attention (meh, looking at the clip these cyclists were dumb, the big shadow should've been enough of a tell to make them stop, step aside and let the traffic through)
It sounds like you guys never have been on a fast bike. When you cycle, once you reach 30-40km/h as your average speed, you feel like a vehicle, and paths/lanes are less functionable to you than the roads. It doesn't excuse the carelessness from the cyclists but I believe drivers doesn't fully comprehend the vulnerbility of a cyclist. Sometimes drivers acts in a very reckless way.

Speed is danger and potentially a killer. As a cyclist you have to be more aware since you have less time to react and respond. Pot holes, traffic encounters, and sheltered passages and such can be devastating.

Law-abiding, secure emergance, consideration and tolerance is the cure. The realization that 20-30 seconds of your life isn't worth the full life of your fellows. When in doubt, slow down instead of speed up. Acess the situation and act according the golden rule (and the traffic laws).

Dirty pajeet le mad lmao
China gutter oil rat
The motorcyclist passed the car and flipped him off.
Karma instantly broke his leg with a dumpster.
Why the fuck is a one lane mountain road two ways? Fucking third world.
The old guy in the stands reached out and pushed the cyclist, retard.
Watch for the arm grabbing his handlebar you mong
All of this boils down to
>I don't like to use the infrastructure explicitly intended for me, so I shit up your infrastructure
There's plenty of reasons to inconvenience people in lots of different ways but most people aren't huffing their own farts enough to think they're entitled to it
>I believe drivers doesn't fully comprehend the vulnerbility of a cyclist
See this is exactly what I'm talking about.
You're vulnerable because you insist on biking next to lethal weapons instead of the safe path. That's my problem? Get in the fucking bike lane. You're literally confirming everyone's assumptions about bikers without a shred of self-awareness.
Bikers get what they deserve.
At most a bruised rib, bruised liver and the wind knocked out of him.
idk why the biker was mad at the car, but the dumpster he wasn't looking at clipped his leg
ok, its still the bike line and you are illegally using spaces not meant for you by using anything else
I am sure that driving on rail lines is faster point to point between two large cities than a deadlocked rush hour motorway but if a train rams it up my cars tailpipe at 112 mph I only have myself to blame
wow, speed kills huh
how about you go slower there on those bikes then there buddy
just needs to walk it off
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Have a couple more.
no audio. kys
Only cool trick ever done on a scooter.
What's the point in the high vis if you can't even see a huge metal barrier?
(i dont even like that show)
Rub some dirt on it.
90% of cyclists are fucking assholes who want to treated like a vehicle on the road, but don’t want to follow the rules themselves. I seriously doubt you’re going to find any sympathy here.
>explicitly intended for me
That the issue, in some countries bike lanes are deliberately made with no other purpose than to get cyclists off the road. Usually there is zero way to get on the bike path/lane safely (oftentimes using it requires you to cross the road in a place with no crossing) and what's worse a cyclist riding on such a path is usually (almost by design) barely visible to a car either going a main road or on the intersection. I'd say that your visibility for cars is the main issue. Those paths are simply not designed for bikes going even just 30 kph. Those points about poorer asphalt or slower cyclists/pedestrians present is just a dumb meme.
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Cool 2-wheeled vehicle bro.
The guy you are replying to just told you.
Tell us more what it's like to compete on an Olympic level, retard.
Yeah because race cars never crash into obstacles on the track, right? I can only hope your post was bait, fucking embarassing logic desu.
Does that look like a white country to you? Can you drink the tap water where you're from anon? Be honest.
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>nonsensical questions
fuck off poltard cunt
Well that webm took place in Brazil, so yes you can drink from tap water, seethe shitskin
Please know that I always appreciate this webm when it gets posted Anon
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do you have this with sound?
Regardless, She is still defending the thief.

The USA is full of those people defending bad actors. When the beatdowns stopped and became illegal, the thievery increased in both quantity and boldness.

Video: Both moterocycles and scooters are stolen by thieves who use them as cheap getaway vehicles.
>regardless, She is still defending the thief.

>The USA is full of those people defending bad actors. When the beatdowns stopped and became illegal, the thievery increased in both quantity and boldness.
Sure thing tough guy. We both know you aren’t going to beat someone to death to make a point so just stop with the keyboard warrior shit.
Rats grow up robust in China. But the real problem is the front tire suddenly turning sideways from the rat. The driver probably didn't have a firm grip on the handlebars and was just mindlessly riding without firmly gripping the steering.
Bike thief got knocked out, and if there were more people at the moment, he would get lynched, it's a common practice in the south of the border (brazil), and the good Samaritans female companion did the right thing to stop him from further injury to the bike thief, this is what normal people do, you stupid psycho faggot.
I wanna agree also with this guy okay
This is the dumbest post I've seen in days and sometimes I read /x/ and /pol/
>retard biker blaming car driver when he clearly had the turn signal on
hope his bike was trashed and his license revoked for driving like an idiot
Lmao the duality. Pain changes everything.
These mfs cant die peacefully without disturbing others.
Amazing, any other home made Mad Max tier contraptions?
Pelvis broken either side and/or right femur, shoulder dislocated or worse, maybe a concussion.
>I believe drivers doesn't fully comprehend the vulnerbility of a cyclist. Sometimes drivers acts in a very reckless way.

The only thing incomprehensible is the Eternal Cyclist's immunity from all serial moving violation danger-- it's daylight spelunking and comes with commensurate hazards to health they in no way mitigate.
just this in the africa thread >>>5592304
Why do you defend criminals?
What? I didn’t quite catch that. Your keyboard cut out.
>stopping someone else from committing a murder
it shouldn't be murder in the first place
look at him go
it's so the huge metal barriers can see you, retard
you suck my balls for free
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This is the type of retard i expect when i see cyclist hate threats.
You utter dumbfuck. This is a bicycle track with Olympic riding events.
go back.
tell me that was a dummy. if it wasnt that guy really ate it
Women defend those who are hurting, men strike to hurt.
Imagine being this pathetic, what a good little goy.
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wow lol
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No tail lights needed
party horn at 0:29
>the best way to have a civil society is to increase the number of lynchings
this is why your country is considered a developing nation
>I can’t into context clues
The fat fuck cop recording it leads me to believe it was a dummy
Twat you say? I cunt hear you.
This is the only thing I'd chose invulnerability superpower for
NTA, but please understand, the perquisite condition to a civilized nation is the just treatment of victims and victimizes. It's not the severity of the punishment that matters, so long as the punishment matches what is expected. Media do a disservice when they underplay or overplay the circumstances of a crime to inflame injustice one way or the other. In a properly functioning and civilized society, it is still justice if the thief hang, so long as his judgement was fair and the punishment expected.
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Those idiots standing by the side have the reflexes of a rock.
what even are the positives of those things?
How does he stop?
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Look at it glow.
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If only they were faster they could have lept into the road in a single bound and saved him like a flying squirrel.
there are no reasons unless it is somehow unusable and/or unsafe.
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This why you don't ride sidewalk
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He sure LOOKS like he's street skating. But what do I know
Obviously it's to signal an obstacle. However in this situation it was too little too late. These guys are going full tilt and are definitely not paying attention to their surroundings fully. Why would they? They're on a track, the only point is to ride as fast as possible, all other variables are *usually* removed
she missed the opportunity to get issekaid by the truck-kun
turn signal doesn't give you any priority. It just to signals your intention. Before manoeuvring, you need to make sure that you wont hit or cause speed change of other participants.

Bike is wrong here, because overtaking cars that stopped due to traffic jam, using oncoming traffic lane is not permitted(at least in eastern europe)
I traveled to another country where like 90% of the population are on bikes. Nobody behaves like this. Even though I got on bike for the first time in my life, and was driving super slow, nobody ever even honked at me in 2 years. Everyone is chill and laid back. But even in europe people become quite agresive when driving. Bikers are even more so
Well you’re asshole shouldn’t be a cock sleeve either but it’s the world we live in.
that aint the tire
I 100% expect an olympian athlete to be able to look forwards. I've seen toddlers that are capable of looking forwards.
the worst thing is you can even see there is a small bike lane. Its small, but its there and he ignored it. Also if you HAVE to ride on the sidewalk for god knows what reason, if you reach a corner: slow the fuck down.
the song slaps
Noo :(
Everytime a fatal car crash happens, I just smile
Mind you more car drivers die in accidents then cyclist, even relative speaking
>there's several reasons to not use the bike lane
Doing so is illegal
>1. pedestrains and slower cyclists are to bike lanes what cyclicts are to the roads, they're in your way, often even more ignorant and unware of their surroundings and can switch lane in a blink
You have a bell. Ring it.
>2. bike lanes are secondary roads in the meaning they rarely leave you priority when passing streets
If you are on a bicycle road and you want to cross the street, but the road ahead of you does not have a bycicle road, you are supposed to go onto the road, where a clear order of things can be established (atleast on civilized countries with traffic rules)
>3. bike lanes have often poorer asphalt than roads
True. I know my bike lanes tho. I know when to temporarily use the walkway in order to avoid a skip that might damage the tire. If its busy, I temporaily get of the bike.
>4. there isn't always bike lines so you get used to the roads
...Its the same experience. You put preassure on the pedal and move forward.
>5. you assume people on the roads signal to you in situations like <<5599565, a big honk from the truck/bus would likely gotten their attention (meh, looking at the clip these cyclists were dumb, the big shadow should've been enough of a tell to make them stop, step aside and let the traffic through)
They were clearly breaking traffic rules with their shit training session.
God bless America!
I hope the robbed guy got prison for life; he forgot to kneel to black kings
Its a product to be sold to inflate egos just like most stuff in cycling stores
>damage to the tire
jeez, just get a mtb instead of riding fragile shit and then complaining about it breaking down
you're not getting a performance difference with your 50w cycling fatty
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>I hope the robbed guy got prison for life

Holy ESL!

This is a Philippines movie called Rekorder 2013
he can cut the fuel to the engine
and teh bike has regular brakes
Nta but I love posts like yours so desperate to lash out at someone that you invent outrage that isn’t there and project obesity onto others. Pretty telling desu.
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that filename slaps
Hello fellow fruitbooter
There's ample space to fitt two cars side by side, anon. Or do you expect every car to be the size of a F150?
All of those reasons are null and void when you consider the one reason to use a bike lane
>it's a fucking bike lane
Go fuck yourself cycuntlest
>go 30mph
>>wow I really FEEEEL like a vehicle here
Do bikefags really?
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that was fuckin sick
i wouldn't call them bicyclists
thats a great question
pissed off the bike wieners lol
Idk i wouldn't record myself saying id kill somebody, even if I said like, and I was being playful. What if something happened then that video turned up in court.
I feel cheated
sauce on the song?
Fake and gay
I wish my city would build a good cross-country bike path. I love cycling but I fucking loathe sharing the road with cars. There's only one short gravel trail I can use and I have to cross a few busy roads to even get there.
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All trolling aside you sound like the rare non asshole cyclist and that sucks you don’t have one. My town is a rust belt shithole and it has one.
Learn to read moron
That vehicle was moving way to fast to count it’s wheels dipshit.
you're saying there's a chance that mini tanker had only 2 wheels?
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>i wouldn't call them bicyclists
They are on bicycles. Therefore they are bicyclists.
Vegetarians eat fish. Therefore fish are vegetables.
I only come to these threads to see this fucker get smashed, never gets old.
Oh they're speaking "english".
first time i ran into it i was a playing an online game on a SEA server, since i'm close to that area, and i was so confused. like i recognised a lot of it, then there was just random incomprehensible words peppered throughout. at the time i was still fairly young and didn't actually know what SEA meant nor was i familiar with singapore or singlish
>"that bike just overtook me and is trying to overtake the other car ... this is why we have accidents ... some people are very retarded"

this happened in rural spain near mountains were space is limited and roads were built ages ago, not everyone has massive cars you mutt
Even CHINA has 2 lanes, you stupid poor euromutt cunt
Bad actors, yes this is from a movie scene, but you claim this is actual event! Lmao idiot
Is that the same cyclist all three times?
Yes, that’s literally what I’m saying. Maybe it only had half a wheel. Or maybe four halves.
The driver was like fifty meters away to give them room, why the fuck are they shrieking and falling over like feinting cuntwaffles? Jesus christ.
Been riding motorbikes on the road since 05 and I'd be stoked to have been given this much room on a one-wide road.
One of the lesser known entry methods - Bucking it in.
They sure have a diverse city fauna.
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since the other guy is talking out his ass with some subjective bs: on a non-clip pedal you can only push down for most of the stroke to apply power to the bike. when you're clipped in you get the benefit of pulling up on the pedal after your downstroke and that upwards motion gives you a bit more efficiency with less wasted effort. it's still stupid though unless you're racing competitively or something, there's literally no point on a casual bicycle due to increased risk of fucking yourself
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