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leftoid shenanigans
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bruh this shit is too funny bahahah
is this parody or real, i can't tell?
"tell me why the fuck" this girl ain't ready for that conversation hahah
Biblical Christianity tells you to do nothing about these freaks
>Peter put down your sword
All the good that has only come from Christianity is it's syncretisation with the Aryan spirit
>doing something to help others based on all existing medical knowledge
well, i mean, yea
conservatives prove their iq every time they call leftists liberals or liberals leftists
Transmissions are socially left
>a bunch of kids are gonna die
like more than the 42% that already do after they mutilate themselves?
I think this faggot actually went to jail because not even the far left canuck court could ignore a clear video
a lot of people consider themselves leftists and also liberal. it just depends on which definition they use. ideologically, they are liberating themselves and others from a supposed "hegemony" or simply, that which is normal.
it's mostly the hardcore leftists who deny the term liberalism when they want to pretend they're simply advocating for an economic model.
wtf he sounds like this
kek he can't keep getting away with it
Cuck Norris is a classic fucking hell
hrt never helped anyone, it only destroys them. the idea of 'transitioning' in general is worse than death, because it puts you in an ever worsening state of mental health. all trannies and tranny enablers are rapists.
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Banging this chick would be such a trip.
That first girl is kinda cute though :/
Anyway I don't actually care about Israel or Palestine, they both have a right to exist though imo
That's a man
your opinion is uninformed. israel is not an actual country. look up the balfour declaration and the benjamin freedman speech from the 30's.
I'll keep it in mind, I hope
I'm watching a semen slurping match rn
Palestine or Gaza are full of dirty mudslimes and we all know mudslimes are the lowest form of life on this planet. I hope they get eradicated. Jews are fucking based now. Thank you IDF for killing those subhuman savages. I hope the entire world will be free of mudslimes one day.
KEK top 10 anime moments
>they both have a right to exist though
Neither should exist. Nuke that shit off the planet
It's a tragedy but nothing lasts forever, and criminals like this are just pawns, they don't understand what they're doing.
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comedy meets reality
Is that not a cross-dressing sodomite?
>a bunch of the people that run these trans kids organizations have trans kids
I don't have it on hand, but somebody post that one with Peter Boghassian's interview with Helen Joyce, in which she stated that parents of trans kids will always be the most defensive over this ideology
Source of the second part?
>starts on May 31st, 2024
>ends on May 30th, 2024
Maybe I'm an idiot but I don't see the purpose of flipping it like that
World War II: From the Frontlines
episode 2
The body language when he says that he won't make money from it.
This world is made for those who have no morals or problems exploiting weakness and idiocy.
it's not flipped if you let the webm loop
"I'm a 16 year old and I can't have a baby"
You literally can my friend
>all trannies and tranny enablers are rapists.
Statistically, per capita, the vast majority of rapists are straight men
This dude actually commit to trooning out now?
Per capita??? Have you ever looked at the rate of sexual crimes by trans individuals?
Yes. Under certain circumstances.

Not that hard.
Isn't this literally, LITERALLY, a conspiracy? i.e. "a secret plan to do something unlawful or harmful".
yes. and literally nothing will be done about it.
Hit 'em with the "yes and no".
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>right to violence only for the sake of violence
thats the same mantra as the jews. well well. typical isnt it?
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I honestly did not have Australia on my bingo card for going full commie authoritarian during the scamdemic
too bad the people gave up their guns or they could have dissuaded the govt from going as far as putting people in internment camps
S-shinji i-i-is that you?
Limmy is such a faggot cuck
the fuck
Australia has been fucked for a while, I think lingering image of them being a wild and free outback state from the 80’s/90’s is still around but in reality they give even us bongs a run for our money in the cucked olympics
If she's was ever in the triple digit club that was a long time ago.
>cant gamble, drink nor consent if underage
>banning life-altering PUBERTY BLOCKERS? le bad!
xhe is so brave for breaking the law to fuck up kids' natural growth
It's interesting that this video is so unserious and self-promoting, despite her belief that Trump is a grave threat.
that's just their go to
>think of the children
type response to anything not going their way.
hogwarts legacy selling well had them all ranting and raving about how this is going to lead to a literal genocide
The big report on trans health outcomes and healthcare in the UK actually showed that none of this is true so idk why you feel the need to lie? Are you dishonest or just so brainwashed by flimsy social proofs that you can't engage with reality anymore?
>why you feel the need to lie?
Trans activists MUST lie because truth is poison to them and their death cult.
I'm more for this bad boy here

the goal: get the government to care about anthropogenic climate change

the tools at ExReb's fingertips: The most lunatic people to grace this planet.

There's gotta be something more useful they could be doing than breaking windows.
Unintentionally based. Haha.
Thanks, anon. Annoying they use the "Psycho" music to remind us that the Germans are supposed to be the villains.
Reminder that they are funded by big oil and perform weird cultic rituals at their larger meetups.
Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tj4DIyUlJERH/
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fucks with the masonry chisel
why don't they use the hammer on the glass directly
Why don't they get a sledgehammer lol
those are small sledgehammers
Read the Cass Review. 388 pages of analysis and data - commissioned in 2020 and just published in April this year.

It disproves the fallacy that children who don't transition will kill themselves (suicide rates don't change after HRT or gender-affirming surgery.
It shows that children will naturally grow out of questioning their gender during puberty, and any intervention during that time will prevent that from happening.
It shows how mental health in general is negatively affected by medical interventions compared to doing nothing at all.
It shows how some doctors and medical professionals know all of this, but prescribe medication and refer patients to surgeons for fear of backlash from activist groups and threat of losing their registration.

Calling right-wingers conservatives is the same thing as calling leftists liberals - but you're too thick to get that.

>get the government to care about anthropogenic climate change
This isn't a good thing. Even assuming that humans cause 100% of all long-term climate change, thirdie countries won't give a shit for decades to come.
While the US works to shut down coal generation, china is building more plants - they couldn't care less.

The effects of climate change are also overblown - with completely unrealistic estimates (RCP8.5) being misconstrued as a "business as usual" or "worst-case" scenario. In reality everyone knows that these models assume factors which will never happen but researches still publish them to "raise awareness". Climate alarmists love it and that's how you get your headlines.
And I won't even be surprised when none of this pans out and people will realise how stupid they were like with tetraethllead or smoking on airplanes - just on a larger scale.

It is an undisputed fact that measured temperatures are rising, and it is an undisputed fact that average global temperature is somewhat correlated to atmospheric CO2 levels. Question is if humans are the reason for these changes, and how much that impact is. After all, average surface temperatures have fluctuated for the last 500 million years without human intervention from 90 degrees to 50 degrees. Having polar icecaps is a rarity and on the grand scheme of things the earth is extremely cold compared to historical levels.

I'm rangeb& from uploading files but just search "earth temperature over time 500 mya" to see what I'm talking about
Fuck you, kike piece of shit
I don't mind in this case.
>too bad the people gave up their guns or they could have dissuaded the govt from going as far as putting people in internment camps
any country NOT WILLING to be under the control or a monarchy, regime, dictatorship, needs the ability to defend themselves.
the best well known most respected way with with firearms.
typo's aside, I like my post number. quite fitting.
Didn't he officially come out as trans now? He doesn't even try to have a passing voice
what the fuck happened to laws about treason?
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Thank you for your input on society
landlords love him
This is why democrats want to disarm everyone, they wish they could have cops do that to any right wing protest or anything else.

Don't forget that the DNC was caught indirectly paying for violence at republican rallies around 2015-2016 by undercover journalists, but of course nothing came of it nor were any democrats held accountable for openly inciting violence against political opponents.
l m a o
4chan is pretty immune to your tricks and spams shlomo
So fucked up that he went from "doing a prank" to a pornstar to now I assume he sees himself as an activist. He actually got brainwashed, like you can see the progression happen in real time. I remember when he started doing this years back him being aggressive about how he would never, ever start an onlyfans and then another tranny moved in with him and within months they were showing their dicks on OF
holy fuck what an ugly retard
>man wearing a childrens cartoon T-shirt calls someone a loser
many such cases. sad!
trannyism is the goth and emo of today. Most kids will regret it.

jew walks into crowd to incite and incense people to try and get a gotcha clip... Jews simply are the worst.

You can tell that guy is an israel shill trying to use sympathy as a way to kick them off their land and further ruin the demographics of his country. Palestinians should be free to live on their land without the threat of persecution and violence from satanic jews.

useless politicians. Too many kikes getting into the immigration boards.


Technically we should be helping Christians in gaza


Damn, I did not know they went that totalitarian.

Hate this cunt, they are running a targeted campaign against the conservatives on X right now and it is so poorly done, but it seems there are a lot of retards who still love this fuck boy.

It sure shows how corrupt biden is if he won't even support the laws he touted to others


pro choice arguments are always funny when it doesn't involve incest or rape. It is just another way for women and men to live without the consequences of their actions. Oh and I guess it would be anti-semetic since apparently abortion is a jewish custom.
Leftism and liberalism are two exclusive things. Don't confuse the two.
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It's clearly a woman.
Sigma energy radiating from this methamphetamine oracle
cuck mentality
she should be [redacted]
balfour was based
he did the balfour declaration to get jews out of europe (sound familiar?)
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Magnetosphere is weakening
We're a few decades from the pole flip, and its gonna keep getting hotter
Literally nothing we can do, but the hysteria will force political upheaval all over
Just stay safe, lads
This is done to 'treat' mental disorders btw
Brits are so weird
the smile from the first one is adorable
Imagine getting praised and paid to hack up someone's body. extremely based
I mean baldie has a point. If only you could get all the white women to abort their negro babies after jamal fucked off, the wolrd would be a better place.
i'm glad leftists are claiming responsibility for trannies and blue-haired fatties now. i'll make sure to only refer to them as leftists from now on, thanks.
>no you aren't allowed to bring your flag near our flag holding party
cry about it fag
Fuck off chud, go worship your criminal president
He is still just doing this ironically for le memes, right bros?
somebody hasn't been paying attention
He came out in a video with his parents sitting with him, is on hrt, and has been fucking another tranny who lives with him and also does porn
bro can't change that voice its a dead giveaway
ITT jewish kikes desperately trying to equating hating their disgusting faggot dysgenic people as left wing
> I have an unwavering respect for children
She would lose that respect if she ever joined a COD lobby
He's a soft cunt.
He's wearing pants.
>I think lingering image of them being a wild and free outback state from the 80’s/90’s
I think you better learn some Australian social history, unless you're resting incredibly heavily on "image" in the sense of your own imaginary.
did this jew guy add the pol gif to the video lol?
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Not bad
and that tranny is a pedo and groomed another to be another pedo... then they groom kids on discord

it happens. endlessly. that's why cp is a real epidemic and I and many others wouldn't think twice curb stomping as many pedos as possible cause they are poisoning the atmosphere
just like the real thing
slut showing off her legs
>isn't it so weird to be brainwashed by degenerate cultists?
He's gonna have a hard time coping when the facade falls away
100% of trannies are rapists. Calling yourself "trans" is an act of rape.
>when you fall asleep first at the sleepover
You can lie to yourself all you want but you're not fooling anyone else faggot
Those are sledgehammers…
Dunno why seeing the chair cover design made me assume it was Australia lmao
I wonder if this faggot would still do this if he knew he'd be going to hell forever.
Not believing in hell has no bearing over whether it is true or not, btw.
The worker's flag is red and black
The red flag's waived for bureaucrats
For 'ere our bodies had grown cold
Our life blood stained its every fold

The newest flags are deepest red
Their mums remember their son's dead
The oldest flags are caked and black
We remember history, we're coming back.
This the guy doing those omegle I often see posted here? Thought he was just being ironic, heh
Guy effectively said he got groomed in his coming out video and somehow still doesn't see it as such. That's crazy
KEK, this cant be real
I didn't know you could kick a woman while looking that fucking gay holy shit
When I think of sledgehammer I think of the big two hand grip ones.
He is a faggot cuck but he made some funny stuff.
Israel has been expanding literally since the country was founded, but they pretend to be victims all the time while constantly attacking and stealing land from their neighbors. the reason they face no international backlash for it is because every time there's a UN proposal to do something about it, USA shuts it down with their veto power.
Good, keep crying about it fag, idc lmao
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but it's you guys crying all the time despite being the aggressor every time., and then hiding behind big daddy America. it should be embarrassing to act that way
I like the parade float in the back with giant paper mâché devil head on it.
Nothing quite says gay pride like depictions of Lucifer.
He's a scottsman, they're ALL cucks. Easily the most sensitive people in Europe.
The answer is no
And this is exactly how they keep the two party system going. A fascinating lack of introspection
Holy moley
>Helping the mentally ill by affirming their delusions
Retarded cope.
I have that same shirt...
Limmy is a damn treasure, you're a faggot cuck
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the ultimate lefty shenanigan
That was pathetic to watch.

The problem is that these people are dumb idiots and are protesting at the wrong places, against the wrong people.

HOW does protesting climate change in FUCKING EUROPE changes anything? You need to group 27 countries together for their numbers of polution to even be in the top 4. Even if Europe got deleted from the map it would be meaningless, unless you start the conversation with "huuuh, maybe we should blow china, india, and USA from the map" you don't really care about the issue, you're just a dumb faggot who chose that to pretend you are a deep person.
>no guns
>no free speech
>not just no free speech but significant censorship of media that can't even be shown or sold in australia
>can't stop importing chinese and indian migrants by the truckload
They're as bad if not worse than the UK right now and only getting worse with time. Long gone are the days of Australian cowboys and Ned Kelly. Despite most australians not really being that proactive in voting or their elections, they can't spread their cheeks fast enough to do whatever bullshit the government want's them to do.
No. The children they made have the right to live and the chance to win or fail, most likely fail since his mother is a whore, but still, he have a small chance

If a roastie oppened her leg to a negro, it's on her to raise the little mutt. Stop trying to protect women from the weight and consequences of their poor choices
It is. Brazilian television is regularly that stupid. They're just government propaganda machines, trying to force globalist propaganda in a country where a sizeable part of the population is below the poverty line. Basically importing first world problems into a third world country

Only boomers watch television, and honestly is more out of addiciton. They see crap like this, go "what the fuck am I watching, I hate it" but still keep going. Any grandchildren that have the patience to teach his grandparents to use a cellphone for entertainment should get a prize money
Children don't exist in a exist in a vacuum. The consequences of poor choices are felt throughout the entirety of society, not just by the mother
There are a fuckton of contraceptive methods, if you want to dimish the natality, you should enforce that.

Abortion is just a means of inconsequential people to get away from responsibility way after shit is done. At least on a first glance. For some people it became a political talking point, and some lunatics even defend it just for the pleasure of being edgy. The point stands that from months before you have sex, to the moment you have sex, and even 72 hours after you had sex, you can avoid conception. But stupid people still ignore all that, and only demand an action to be taken way after the line. Well guess what, it is not just about (your) life now, there's someone else there too.

The reality is that if man had uterus, they would be installing IUDs on themselves before they're even sexually active. Women are just fucking retarded, going around having unprotected sex and just praying that pregnancy doesn't come. Imagine just "getting pregnant", as if that happened magically. And they still claim to be intelectually equal to us
damn i used to live 5 minutes from that corner. like that was my corner store
it does. about you.
>you wont record me and let me continue on my childish virtue signaling rant
>have a good day
>fucking facist
jesu christ Oregon
>ACAB! 1312!
>cops are all violent, racist pigs
>those cops are beating the shit out a guy for not wearing a mask? good, he deserved it. he's literally killing millions of grandmas
>suddenly, I love the police
how leftoid's necks didn't snap from that whiplash is beyond me
godDAMN look at those bohbalonkers. Them hujungas wouldn't be possible under communism, I tell you what. All skin and bones, that's all they were under communist rule. But, sweet milky mamas, I'd sing the praises of Lenin and Marx all day if she let me get a good look at them thing. I'd tell her I'd vote for Bernie Sanders, and attened commie rallys just for a chance to fuck her and have those majumbadumpies bouncing in my face, before I nutted all over her glasses. Then, while she's still sitting there, jizz-faced, I'd wipe my cock off with her hammer and sickle flag, slip on a MAGA hat, and strut on out of there, leaving her to come to terms with the horror of fucking a chud like me
What a silly lad.
Nice hair.
Is he one of those men that got thicker hair from estrogen?
you have no idea how much i agree with her, sans the white supremacy bit.
i'm a nazi btw
based kek
no money no vagina
fucking based nog
>i just wanted to make sure the brown person is ok
fucking kek
He got groomed by a tranny, not joking.
as usual, the left only sees race, even thougth they claim they are not racists. they consistantly are what they acuse their political enemies of.
That's what happens when you ask /b/ to name your cat.
Protesting in the US makes sense, but only if the demands are to bring manufacturing and waste management back into the mainland. Otherwise, we have little control over what China and India do with their junk when handling our junk.
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Part of it is being interventionalists. Basically, the oppressors in their narrstive see and target people based on race, so they train themselves to notice those same things to take away their enemy's advantage and be able to counter any oppressive actions or potential ones. She was a good example, since she thought:
>Vulnerable minority
>White(?) man aggressing
>Must prevent minority from being taken advantage of
>Intervene and make it my business what happens here
It's sort of like an extremely convoluted form of whiteknighting.
Pic related.
If this doesn't at least resonate with you on an emotional level then something is deeply wrong with you
>the truth
The "truth" is the problem is 5% money and 95% meth addiction, homelessness, and schizophrenia.
>aaaahhhh the world is dying and it's all because of *checks notes* prehistoric cavemen!
Why are Dutch Calvinists protesting? Are the Spanish up to something in the Netherlands again?
He was made to pay $200 to the woman and was put on probation. Apparently he also openly laughed at the sentencing while it was issued.
>oh, huh... don't worry about it
>based on all existing medical knowledge
>conservatives prove their iq every time they call leftists liberals or liberals leftists
hi, "libtard" is sort of a generic term for retarded liberals, so it specifically qualifies what sort of liberals is meant by it, i.e. the leftist variety of it. but it's funny that you should care about how a derogatory term like this is used. similarly, a leftoid is someone who superficially assumes leftist position because of brainwashing. as you can imagine, there's a great overlap between libtards and leftoids to the point where distinguishing between these terms is not only autistic but also pointless.

it's funny that you should care though. as if you subscribe to being one, but not the other because you equate libtard with liberal and leftoid with leftist yourself, lol. that would be precisely the perspective of a leftoid / libtard. so what are you, a leftoid or a libtard? kek
>ask /b/ to name your cat
>deny god ~10 years later
how does that work?
>the arguments have been made
>not leftist himself
>engages in semantic wordgames on a mongolian basket weaving forum about meme words like a faggot (((French))) commie philospoher
>t. leftoid
Swift's a tranny so of course he wouldn't be a fan

Both equally worth one's time, which is evident from Putin only going to him now.
Putin could have picked any point during or before the conflict in Ukraine to go talk to Kim, but he only does now multiple years into a three day special operation as he's desperate for someone else to start a war to take pressure off of his own. It's quite the irony that he goes to the North Koreans to beg for weapons and a mutual defence agreement after he himself had sanctioned the norks in 2017 over their weapons program.
>"pointless to distinguish"
>semantic wordgames
what did he mean by this?
>just another 60 billion and we've got this
christcucks detected
You do know that Swift was born with XY chromosomes, right? He's a man, he has always been a man and will continue to remain one.
heh nice bait kid
got a chuckle out of it
I don't think she's denying God, she's just rightfully disagreeing because she knows musicians owe their success to the Satan.
they need to be stopped
Property taxes have skyrocketed as well. You don't own anything, welcome to the plantation nigger.
these retards think "ISRAEL IS THE MODERN DAY NAZIS" jews are not White but they code them as such. Nazis, if won, would have prevented israel from existing. They hate that fact.
It must be crazy thinking every gaffe is a "Freudian slip".
Whiter than you
t. retard who has never heard of the Madagascar plan.
Literally just beat them to a bloody pulp. No more retards wanting to play le revolutionaries/martyrs. People really have forgotten how so many problems can be easily solved with violence.
kek westoids are so weak it's not even funny
what? where you're from, you attack them with a machete
>he's either flailing around or he's thinking of something dramatic
like i said weak

then what would be your course of action, stupid
theres no special course of action
ok then, fuck off faggot
sure is summer huh
He obviously enjoyed dressing up and pretended he didn't. But That's about as far as it went for him. Then all the perverts flocked to him and encouraged him to keep doing it, effectively grooming him. His self perception was warped by them and the echo chamber and his new lifestyle, and it just got progressively worse

He only "passes" at a certain angle with makeup. When this hits home, especially when he ages, he is going to an hero. He is a fucking disaster, it's like watching a car crash in slow motion. It's fascinating watching tranny groomers at work, there is much to learn about them
I think she was thinking "no. None of this would be possible "
>Lord Balfour
Good. Fuck him
Estrogen thins your hair, nobody has ever gotten thicker hair from nuking the hormones responsible for thick hair.
How do you even recognize that? All those nondescript soulless american cities look the same to me.
If you do that in bongistan you get 10 years in jail surrounded by pakis.
The main leftist party in France, which is the second largest currently, supports these animals. Tells you everything you need to know.
Beat up the coppers too. They only know how to handle teenage girls. There's also a slim chance that they only dispatched female officers, making everything even easier.
It's Toronto, you shut-in retard
kill yourself faggot
Why were they undercover cops?
that's not the point, but narcissistic society of today don't get that... it's not the content, it's the work itself that has value.
no person who actually cares about art goes to see this painting and thinks about the lord much, unless there's an interesting story.
imagine if pacifists decided to destroy all drums because that's an instrument of war...
blind sheep
Tommy Robinson is a Zionist shill. You can check his Twitter account to see that he regularly praises Israel.
Okay Muhammad
Mask cucks getting the treatment they deserve
>world famous
what is even happening here?
a skit?
>you're under arrsest
>gets arrested and taken away
>thats kidnapping
Throughout all the Palestine protests police completely ignore anti-zionist protesters getting beaten, but actively attack peaceful Palestine protesters. If there was any question in your mind about ZOG this should be the final straw. At every level of government, law enforcement, and mass media zionists have the final say.
Before Oct 7th I would have called this a conspiracy theory, but now it's as clear as day. Hopefully people are paying enough attention and seeing it like I did
I chased a screaming crackhead down that road and witched the police tackle him to the ground at that gas station

I love my job
or machine a fine point on a larger hammer?

or use a pick axe?

or use a ramset?
you don't need a point thats the point
I despise muslims as much as jews. I want my European country to remain White.
Robinson is a civic nationalist who claims anyone is welcome in Britain as long as they assimilate. That's how you get replaced. He is working against Whites in their own homeland.
>I want my European country to remain White

This is a pipe dream, why? As long as single, unemployed, UNEDUCATED idiots like you exist, immigrants is what is keeping you alive.
Every single one of those problems is exacerbated by importing third-world savages who can't tell the difference between a twelve-year-old and a sexual relief goat.
So, there's no NATIVE-born pedophiles?
When the fuck did anybody say that? ALL pedos get the rope, and importing backwards populations who see nothing wrong with grooming and raping children and teens DOES only make the problem worse. Of course, you will ignore all that to point at the exception like the ape-brained retard you are.
>b-but whatabout-
no. Fuck off back to chomostan.

>Only existing photo of Banksy

Reality is a comedy skit.
>muh kids

What is the 1st century Roman Catholic Church known for in modern times, for 200, Alex
They vehemently supported and collaborated with nazi germany, pedos, pedos, pedos, jimmy savile, pedos, pedos etc
These posts are clear examples of JEWISH shenanigans. No matter how much you post this shit always remember that these liberals/brownoids would not exist in the west if your kind did not invite them/brainwash.
>They vehemently supported and collaborated with nazi germany

You say that like its a bad thing, jew.
k, noted schizo
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I think you're misguided and blind aggressivity betrays some deep-seated issues. Or maybe you're simply a moron.
>golems rise against their former master
it's a beauty. kikes can't even listen to their own fairy tales
She talks like a black guy trying to rizz up a woman but it's a completely different topic
Horseshoe theory was always right
>some other group touches kids! That means it's okay when I do it!
kill yourself, childbreaker filth. All pedos get the chipper.
the woman talks to "the brown person" like he is a child
besides, why does he has lip stick on?
>demons arent real
Its common liberals talk to minorities like they are retarded children
Tfw I'll never bang a hot left wing chick
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is Toronto not in America, you retarded piece of shit?
caught the same thing, anon.
He attracted a lot of troon fans who groomed him into doing it for real
Damn, great song
Agreed. Look at the passionate look on her face.
wow its so easy to be a politician, when you fuck up and get confronted about it just say "im not going to comment" and go home and nigger cattle wont do anything and you get paid for it
high life right there
>immigrants is what is keeping you alive.
not really they just want to keep inmigrants for cheap slave labor and to keep the cost of labor LOW and keep the slaves disposable because theres so many fucking people in the workforce
the only people that benefit from this are the rich cunts running this show, you dont need infinite birth rates going up forever, the fucking population growth is as it should be and its stable, not every country has to be some super high ultra dense bughive like fucking china or india, the ONLY fucking people benefiting from this shit are the same fucking people leftists supposedly oppose, you're so fucking STUPID you fucking stupid fucking faggot
>keeping you alive
inmigrants are what is keeping you DISPOSABLE and leaving you with LESS WOMEN to mate with because most inmigrants are FUCKING MEN
inmigrants are what are depriving you of a reason to even bother working to begin with, and are what are keeping your wages LOW and your quality of life WORSE whereas the opposite would be true in a more sparcely populated nation
>inmigrants are what is keeping you DISPOSABLE and leaving you with LESS WOMEN to mate with because most inmigrants are FUCKING MEN
oh and when SWEDISH MEN say "fuck this" and either fuck off to japan or marry thailanese women THE ALL FEMALE SWEDISH GOVERNMENT throws a BITCH FIT and starts harrassing the men and poking their noses into their business looking for signs of "exploitation" cause when the shoe is on the other fucking foot suddenly it bothers the same cunts that spread their legs for an infinite flood of diarrhea flooding in from shithole countries where people dont give a fuck that they're living in a shithole and are comfortable living in a shithole and it will remain a shithole forever and they turn everywhere they go into a shithole because its their genetically racially embedded culture and moving them to a nice wypipo country isnt going to overwrite their evolution and make them not turn everywhere they go into a shithole and the fucking rich people will just fuck off to the next best place there is to live while the natives watch everything they hold dear get torn to shreds by cultural enrichment and the rich people dont fucking care THEY DONT FUCKIN CARE AND THEY GET ALL THEMONEY AND ALL THE LUXURY WOOOHH ADRENOCHROME WOOOH CHILD ORGIES WHOOOOH I LOVE EATNG BABIES WHOOO
those are the fucking people that benefit from this GENOCIDE
and leftist cocksucking faggots like you DONT FUCKING CARE
Too funny that this is real
Notice the discrepancy in behavior between the mp "demographics", just too funny
don't you have a scheduled dilation session to take care of?
It's feels so fucking wrong to let kids get this shit. I'm cool with trans people. For kids though? Like if they wanna wear a dress or wear pants with short hair to feel one way or another then who cares. But don't let them get surgery or medication for that shit. And even the argument of how letting kids go through puberty means there's more shit they gotta do as an adult to "affirm gender" or "pass" or whatever term for it there is now. Also whatever happened to that stat of most trans people never get surgery or hrt, it was more about being accepted and living as whatever their brain tells them they are? Or has that changed with hrt and surgery being more known and probably more accessible?
But if we all can widely agree it is a bad idea to let kids legally get tattoos then allowing HRT because for kids who say they are trans is irresponsible.
die yourself faggot
why is there a knocking sound on a door at 0:29?
i thought someone was knocking on my door
bruh some people are so fucking delusional. its so funny seeing themselves getting exposed
Please some /pol/ anon or american non retards can you explain WTF this is?
ik there was some sort of fag shit happen during the pandemic and the president change, but why would a staged riot be useful at all?
What is the objective, what to gain, what public opinion is to be changed from it etc.
I am completely ignorant that this was even a staged event and at a loss why it would have needed to be done
What the most comical and ironic thing about it all is that antifa "punch nazi" i.e use violence to suppress political rivals. which is...Fascism
They are retarded beyond levels of retardations I never knew could be reached.
This is wrong.
While its not disrespect to paint over another artists grafitti its a sign of war, which is what they were doing there, they were having a graf war.
It IS however very disrespectful to tag over someones work, and when you do that you often then get marked as a tag fag and other graffers deface your tags so instead of being coolkid875 or whatever you ill strat seeing your tags saying coolkid875 "is gay" all around the city.
Graf artists dont respect taggers anyway and taggers are normally just kids who are not taking grafitti seriously. Not artists.

He is world famous. He has done grafitti all over the world, even some of his grafitti is on the gaza wall.
B#Has a pretty good movie about him. Well not actually about him but about grafitti artists, worth a watch if you have never seen it.
He has also had art shows in other countries including USA.
He is probably the only world famous grafitti artist outside of the scene itself.
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ok dude
Lol hi Goldberg.
Well fucking said.

Fuck any and all civnat cucks that make excuses for non-white immigration.
I still would have a hard time not punching them if i was there. Especially the extra retarded ones like those that vandalized stonehenge.
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>but why would a staged riot be useful at all?
I got banned from reddit for calling it the Reichstag fire.
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>I am completely ignorant that this was even a staged event and at a loss why it would have needed to be done
Jan 6 was supposed to be a lot different than it was. It was supposed to be a mass casualty event; you can get a sense of this from how the left talks about it; as worse than 911 etc. The bombs were supposed to go off, there would have been dozens of deaths. It would have been portrayed as potentially being organized by Trump and he'd be arrested with nothing more than that suspicion floated. The MAGA movement as a whole would have been thoroughly investigated with thousands of right-wingers arrested one at a time over the course of the last 4 hours, it actually would have been increasing even now.
But on the day of the inauguration, when the Biden regime was to complete the crime of stealing the highest office in the land, the military stepped in. There's tremendous evidence for this, we can go over it if you like, what's happened since that day is basically a world-wide red pilling operation on what the left nearly completed; basically a hostile takeover of our entire government that would never have been overturned. It was to be the end of our nation. And if it wasn't for the military, we would have let it happen.

vid rel is the national guard turning their back on Biden motorcade, doing this constitutes a court marshalable offense for insubordination, no one was punished.
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you guys gotta stop huffing your own farts.
when you build your strategies off your own cope about us, you have zero ability have any success.
>Well fucking said.
so pathetic
>Fuck any and all civnat cucks that make excuses for non-white immigration.
I am a racist for fun and I still have no fucking idea what the fuck civnat means; I know it's something allegedly NAZIs say to non-NAZIs but I've never really encountered a nazi because even here, nearly all nazis are larpers like you fags (if there's even 2 of you).
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I was gonna be super boomer about this but the idea of attacking banksy from the right as inauthentic, bothj stylistically and ideologically; is extremely funny to me.
Cool video and interesting perspective I really wanted to make fun of you but your passion for the subject is obvious.
I can relate as I am a massive barb (Nicki Minaj fan) who is a middle-aged very very lame white dude and also approaches the issue from the right.

vid rel: Nicki Minaj Conservative Icon
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>Reality is a comedy skit.
God is so insanely funny.
we had jews scurrying out of the sewers earlier this year.
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its CRAZY he would publish that
I swear to God jews are Trying to get genocided.
>seething rabbi
You guys still have not answered the question.
The one anon has just stated shit that makes no sense
"end of our nation" lol wut.
afaik trump lost ellections, called it a false ballad etc and some fags stromed the capitol which is a public building anyway.
What I am asking is if this was a staged event (looks like it clearly is) what was teh objective.
The ballot wont be overturned, trump wont be put back in office, the next president was already in or on teh way to office...
There seems no reason to even do such a thing.
Now if this was a diversion for something else, what was the else event that this was taking the heat off of?
Like negro st floyyd and monkey riots was an event to take the heat off of the government being retarded on how they dealt with the pandemic...
>you want me to animate WHAT?
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>afaik trump lost ellections,
Yeah he lost the elections.
You are still not answering the question. Like you have it in your head this shit was for a reason but not stated the reason.
Trump already lost the election storming the capital was not gonna change that.
You are saying its a staged event, OK, but what for, what was the objective of the stage?
What was the desired outcome?

I seriously have not got a clue and would like to know.
I cannot think of any logical reason to create such a stage other than misdirection.

I dont even know wtf that webm is trying to say either, is it trying to say in 1 place they kicked voters out? put cardboard on the windows...ok, why. They would have to do the same in every ballot to get a desired result that way. Would be more easier to just completely lie about the results.

Of course I am not stupid, trump was/is a controversial guy, seems a rather honest actual person in comparison to the other puppets they put in the US pres office so I guess he was not fully playing ball with the jews, hence why they have smeared his name and are probably gonna try send him to jail or whatever.
Still the question at hand is the whole staged capital raid. WTF was that for.
Size of those hands
>He only "passes" at a certain angle with makeup
Fucking worse thing is he does pass and his fucking face looks very similar to girls I know and 1 I dated. Just has similar facial features.
I bet without all that makeup and shit though he looks like a feminine boy
My grandad was in Algeria in ww2 the locals really liked them because they all hated the french
This one was based though
>I am a massive barb (Nicki Minaj fan)
kek wtf
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>Yeah he lost the elections.
no he didn't.
It was cornflour paint that comes off in the rain luckily. Still ridiculous
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>You are still not answering the question.
you haven't demonstrated cognition chat bot.
>Trump already lost the election storming the capital was not gonna change that.
fucking mark
so why'd you guys do it then?
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>You are saying its a staged event, OK, but what for, what was the objective of the stage?
I already answered that question you stupid fucking nigger,
>Reichstag fire.
how stupid are you glownigger? The one thing you're supposed to know is the rise of NAZIs.
>What was the desired outcome?
you were trying to kill all of us ultimately.
>I seriously have not got a clue and would like to know.
You're lying and stupid.
>I cannot think of any logical reason to create such a stage other than misdirection.
and you can't read.
>I dont even know wtf that webm is trying to say either,
you're just lying.
Keep spamming me
I'll post high quality 2020 webms
you fuckig nigger.
That was a pre war plan though? And considered expensive and unworkable. The final solution was already going on so if the germans had won the war they woulf have just kept going with that
Every crime commited by immigrants wouldnt have happened with 0 immigration
Famous welsh jews
>Reichstag fire.
The event is used for what outcome.
You are a fucking retard, Cause AND effect
The fire was a cause and it had a desired effect...which is?
So the faggy american shit was the cause what was the desired effect?
Fucking retard.
You have not said shit.

Literal schizos.
Have all these conspiracy theory but cannot even logically answer a simple question
>CIA orchestrated some riots
What is the fucking reason, what is the desired outcome?

Crazy people.
Fucking americans, you are just showing how fucking retarded you are.

From the wiki:
>They sought to keep Trump in power by occupying the Capitol and preventing a joint session of Congress counting the Electoral College votes to formalize the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

>wahhhh he didnt lose election
Or some gay shit like that you keep spouting when in reality...
2 months before that the president was already changed/elections had been counted
Sounds like he lost the election you fucking imbeciles.

So again, what was the desired result of the staged riot?
I mean if the people stopped the formalised swearing in of the next faggot its not like that is gonna stop the process...so the narrative shit from the wiki is stupid anyway.

Fucking schizos are saying its a stage, saying you have said what the desired outcome of the staged event yet actually are too retarded to even answer a simple question and too retarded to even realise you have not answered the fucking question.
Because obviously, you are all americans, so retarded by default and are shit talking nonsense rambling schizo droooling retards.
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>The event is used for what outcome.
I'm not going to teach you history.
He will always be male, he can't change his genetics.
XY chromosomes = male
XX chromosomes = female
Any other (for example X, XXY, XYY, XXXY) = genetic disorders
He can pretend to be a woman, you can pretend that he is a woman, but he will be always be a man.
schizo shit
Because you dont know, you literally dont even have an answer, you pretend like you have some deep answer and have already answered in cryptic ways when in reality you have not got a fucking clue and are too fucking retarded to even answer a basic question.
You are just a retard, typical american.
mahhh pwezzydunt wahhhh ma pwezzydunt he will save me, make america more gay again

fucking KYS.

Shit looks staged sure, but like all of america, everything is fake. Everyone is retarded, all fake people, nobody speaking the truth, all ruled by jews and propaganda.
>getting your knickers in a twist over some big caveman rocks
Neither your life nor the country has changed now that the rocks are a little bit orange. They weren't even erected by Brits, English or Anglos, you soppy cunt - they have nothing to do with you, your life or your culture.
You are such a grim little paki, imagine thinking stone henge isnt British culture, its like saying mt fuji isnt part of japanese culture because actually its just caused by tectonic plate moment millions of years ago.
here you go
What is British about prehistoric druids? The entity you refer to as Britain was founded by Germans and fine tuned by Romans, with hints of seasoning from Vikings and those dirty frogs from across the channel. The big rocks in the ground were here a long time before anything you identify with was.

They are not your culture, they are not your legacy, they are not your creation. Apparently you think they are naturally occuring though because you are comparing them to a fucking mountain lmao.

Mate, go get yourself a brew and some custard creams, you're an embarrassment.
What is stopping anyone from taking a pressure washer to those rocks? Theyre fucking rocks. If I can pressure wash my driveway without damaging it, surely you can pressure wash a huge fuckin rock
Her attempt at poetry is nauseating
Oh you're american and thats why you cant grasp culture or nationalism. Fair enough

So why are you so mad about stonehenge? arrest the retards and force them to clean it up....I get the anger at people pouring tomato sauce on da vinci paintings and shit, but its just giant rocks that can be cleaned. Who fucking cares?
>What is stopping anyone from taking a pressure washer to those rocks?
shouldn't have to in the first place.
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No, he doesn't pass

If you ever seen him without makeup, you would know he doesn't. And if you ever seen him stand up, you would know he doesn't. And if you ever seen him from the side, you would also know that he doesn't pass. His frame is too masculine, it's a dead give away. He only passes when sitting down infront of a camera with makeup on facing it. His world is just a tranny hugbox right now deluding him
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>schizo shit
thank you
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>fucking KYS.
It's not about nationalism, it's about wanting to punch retards. I would like to slap your pedantic ass too but you're not in the middle of the street ruining my day.
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irony. the post.
"I'm not even gay"...................
>He only passes when sitting down infront of a camera with makeup on facing it
Well that is all I have ever seen of him.
what are you laughing at.
I actually watched the documentary yesterday again as its very good. Seen lots of celebrities at his instillation in the USA
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both sides think this. congratulations, you have discovered allegiances.
why did i bother listening to a nigger ...
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>What is the fucking reason, what is the desired outcome?
people don't do these kind of things for those kind of reasons.
I don't know if i believe all the skitzo stuff either, but let me tell you how some people work;
They do not have clear desired outcomes or goals, they are evil, they simply want to do evil things. they will take advantage of any situation, anything that is happening to twist it to do more evil. The things they do, do not make sense and are very often counter-intuitive and self-destructive, but they allow them to be evil in the moment. This is a VERY simplified explanation. they rise to power and seek more power only to allow them to be more evil and get away with more evil.
see: fable of the frog and the scorpion.
I'm over 30 now, been through a lot, and THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I have learned in life is that people don't do things for reasons like money or fame or to attain the magical treasure, they do them because that's the kind of people they are. If they are a liar, they lie and deceive, if they have no respect for property, they steal, if they are empathetic, they are kind and helpful. no goal, no purpose, no desired outcome and if they have one it's very often arbitrary and lost in the complex haze of their predispositions.
>from the wiki
vid for you.
Nicely done

No argument, kek
"You're a faggot, I suck dick for cock"
He sounds Exactly what I thought he'd sound like
Her username is literally "hole"
the obvious. which makes your post that much more hilarious.
the only arguemtn you presented was nuh uh you're dumb.
here's one for you though.
if the immigrants are keeping them alive, how on earth did they ever survive without them?
you knoe, back when they were in their own country.
don't worry, this is a rhetorical question.
The next "look at how crazy I am" make shit up in your head schizo.
Just typing HAAAAHAAAA after a logical explanation just makes you look like a fucking retard, you fucking retard.

You dont even know anything about the world or culture.
You most likely literally are retarded, have american education and have either never left your city or still live in a small town in burgerland. Fucking retard.
you said world famous. he's not.
I laugh
you still dont understand
but yeah
whatever you posted, idc, I didnt read it. stay mad though buddy
it wasnt meant to explain shit to you.
whats retarded is you don't understand that.
He is a world famou8s artist you dickhead.
Why do you think his art instillations around the world are then full up with people seeing his art. Why do you think he has art around the world and has people commentating on it or has celebrities, actors, art fags going to his art shows,

Ohh because they never even heard of him before...
Fucking retard.
>this magical thing I made up in my head
>its retarded that you dont understand it
Fucking hell americans just get more fucking retarded as the clock spins.
cool sotry. I know who he is. he jus thave very different ideas about what world famous means.

>still missing the entire point
man, you must be special
*we just have
no he's a semi-famous street rafiti artist peddled by artist fagos and richfag commiefornians with no taste :)

hides post
>still missing the entire point
>man, you must be special
is not a point you fucking sperg. You have no fucking point or a retort at all because such debate is beyond your IQ level.


He is literally the most famous street graffer, an art form that is known and practised around the world.
His art is in several continents and any serious graffiti artist, or even amateur who takes the practice serious will know who he is.
Stop being a retard
like I said, don't worry champ, its rhetorical.
just shining a light on your dumb shit
cool story
stay mad though
gonna run out and buy all of his stuff now, thanks for the rec
>is not a point you fucking sperg.

thats exactly what I said.
k, still no argument
This is the definition of "based, but bluepilled".

I've never seen a livelier cretin than this wretch, and yet his actions amuse me, and will continue to amuse me until the end of time.
One strugglers how do we cope?
>based on all existing medical knowledge
You mean the "medical knowledge" that primarily came from WPATH which has been found to have suppressed concerns raised by doctors about the effects of hormone therapy on children?
>cope cope cope
You speak like a tard

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