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Post what you got.
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What is this based on?
The Incredibles
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Anyone else got more Warhammer 40K uncanny maymay webms? Only got this.
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Can someone name every xenos used here, in order, for me? I can only recognize the Eldar, Orks, Tyranids, and Drukhari.
the mental gymnastics of a lefty never cease to amaze me
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I don't have a legit reason to freak out over CO2 levels anymore. I just clean up after myself and move on with my life.
The hero of mankind, everyone!
The order from most to least scariest should go like this:
Victory Gundam
Tekkaman Blade (Must)
Blue Gender
Getter Robo Armageddon
Zeta Gundam
MD Geist
Cross Ange
Gundam 00
Big O
Whatever that anime was after War in the pocket
War in the Pocket
Eureka Seven
Code Geass
Zambot 3
Gurren Lagann
SSSS Gridman
I'm not a loremaster but
I think anyway, the ork food/Helper retarded subspecies like goblins
skilled fighters, but they are a species built around "the greater good" so likely to die a humane death or possibly even be converted to their faction
don't know much about em, ancient space elves but hyper technologically advanced with powerful psykers, they really don't like humans generally but probably not worried about getting tortured to death or something
>no idea
probably pre 40k lore given the old timey music
brutal fungus creatures that multiply quickly and love brutal slaughter and fighting and all they care about is scrap, getting into a scrap, and being the biggest and the baddest. lower on the tiers because they are probably pretty scary being many times stronger than a human and they enjoy ripping you apart with axes and saws and claws
>chaos cultist
I think anyway. spooky rituals and maybe blood sacrifice
>genestealer cult
they infiltrate human society and convert people through psychic, and biological infection and mutate them into abominations that rip you to shreds but may also impregnate or capture you to their cause.
one of the most ancient species of undead semi living machine creatures, they sometimes go insane and have "flayed ones" that wear the flesh of species they flay alive. their weapons are beyond comprehension and obliterate and vaporize. they are tough to kill and reanimate.
devouring swarm hivemind with rapid evolution and unknowable intelligence behind it. people usually know the deal.
>night lords
Chaos marines that used terror tactics like broadcasting your friends being tortured and flayed over vox to scare planets into submission. don't know about modern lore but doubt they are more humane
>death guard
plague marines infect you and make you into a rotting pus ridden living corpse
dark aeldari that harvest pain and suffering for power. will capture for use as torturebattery
lol wtf is this shit?
>2050: climate migrations, billions die, starve, suffer rape
I'm not going to post any because the only videos I've found were quite shitty.
where are the music clips from? i recognized some from the caretaker album.
This order is fucking retarded
The fourth are Hrud, they make shit age near them.
Fuck off you and your imbecile propaganda for retarded morons like you. You deserve to be flayed alive.
Those fuckers exterminated good people like the Gnostics and the Cathars, but didn't touch evil vermin like the jews. That says everything you need to know about that organization.
>denies science
go back >>>/pol/
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You're a joke.

>but if I cry le /pol/
Grow up, tourist. Everyone's sick of you /pol/whiners on every board, you add nothing to the discussion, just baby whining.
Sewerslvt has some of the few good breakcore tracks because they have an actual melody.
Also just found out about the new EP and so far it's great.
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Why are there people angry about memes, like what level of autism is this that people get mad over Mr. Incredible uncanny memes.
>anybody who comments or disagrees with me is seething and angry making me the rational one
Bokurano? Are you serious? That anime was so unbelievably boring and I regret watching it. Your list must be backwards
This is oddly specific.
>good people like the Gnostics
read Irenaeus (181 A.D.) before you call those idiots good.
>memes are propaganda
just from that post we can tell that you're underage
i wonder how big your infograph folder is
Might be the first one to make me laugh thank you anon
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If you can't understand a repeated idea being used for propaganda you are retarded.
Epstein's friends paid tons of gold for AI to generate image and video.
You and all idiots like you will be exterminated by your own spawn. That is what you deserve.
It was never funny and no one ever gave a shit about it. You should've been permabanned every time you tried posting it.
Gnostics deserved it
I WISH they'd actually been exterminated, instead gnosticist faggotry is rampant in globohomo
Do you assume every new gimmick that pops up is supposed to make you laugh?
The guy who thought it was a good idea to canonize four versions of the Jesus story?
Do you suppose your time would've been better spent instead of spamming the same random ass schizoid ten thousand times?
Every classroom you have ever walked into, every car with more than one perron, every train and bus, has 1000+ppm of C02
Do you even know what a “schizoid” is because I doubt you do.
Only a complete moron would believe in such stupid glowie lies pushed by neocons to attack knowledge. Keep worshiping satan and the jew nailed to a stick, you deserve to die a slave doomed to eternal damnation.
It's not that you comment or disagree with a post, rather the way it's done, the language of it. I mean even your post, that greentext has a passive-aggressive tone. I never implied that I was the rational one and I don't care about global warming because that's none of my business and unless you're an esl, you have to admit those two posts had an angry vibe to it.
Good one.
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>doubles down on being underage by justifying that silly memes are a good medium for promoting propaganda
>likely to view the world through memes too
>obvious bait triggers /pol/tards
My friend Chris-Chan.
Yeah that's pretty much how it goes
>Zoomers can't take acat or puke porn
Man, Kazaa would have eaten you up
Is bokurano really that bad
Modern-day Judaism is literally a spinoff of a gnostic heresy though. They have the name of a gnostic deity mentioned by name in the Babylonian Talmud (which wasn't written until at least the 5th century AD), and they have similar beliefs about reincarnation and purgatory.

If you don't like what the people claiming to be "Jews" are doing, you should know that they are really a sect of gnostics. It's really ironic then that you would say something like this.
Anon you are literally describing Africa.
Is there some kind of program to flood this board with inane shit?
Yes, it’s called a webm converter and an idiot to decide which videos to convert and upload.
Got me
have you seen this board
Pol niggers would be funny if they were not so many, instead is disheartening
You are either stupid or malicious, either way you are not worth interacting with.
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> billions must die
literally me when i started browsing dark/deep web
easy replies every time.
anyone know the audio sauce for the groans at :15-18?
lost it at software dev.
Do you know how to lurk a thread before posting?
your mum last night
Includes image sources.
Nice. Didn't realize there were so many other versions.
Anyone got the one with modern classical music?
Ya'll niggers need to chill I just posted the only meme of OP's specification I had stored.
Had a feeling. Checked the replies. Yup. Sixth sense after decades of dealing with scat/gore/screamers.
me a schizoid is me it is me
(not the anon you answered tho)
your religion is gay and retarded, nothing but fanfiction.
finally some one with sense, it's obvious once you read the talmud, and hear the bullshit history behind it. christ is king
Holy newfaggots

In full order:
>Chaos Cultists
>Genestealer Cultists
>Night Lords
>Death Guard
>Dark Eldar
the anime deviates so far from the manga, anime is the "good ending" and manga is the "bad/true ending". It's worth reading
he doesn't sound christian
Only good one
To give you the benefit of the doubt, a schizoid is basically someone who avoids social interaction.
Schizoid Personality Disorder is similar to Avoidant Personality Disorder (both are extreme forms of introversion), but the difference between the two is a schizoid may avoid social interaction due to having no desire to interact with others and are rather content with their lack of having a social life, while an avoidant will avoid social interaction due to avoiding the risk of embarrassment or feeling insecure about interacting with others, despite having the desire to fit in with other people.
Both disorders will cause the individual to be asocial (avoiding society), which shouldn't be confused with someone being antisocial (against society).
Neither of the two personality disorders are psychological disorders, unlike schizos with schizophrenia.

Eureka Seven man that shit hit hard
didn't bokurano shit all over the source material.
Take your propoganda and dilate with it, tranny.







>scat and pukeretard
Kill yourself, faggot. You're the zoomer here.
Talk to me when your balls drop, ok sweaty.
Talk to me when you're not suffering mental disabilities and a lack of a father figure.
>eureka seven
you must be 18 or older to browse this site.
phase 5 always sounds a bit like fapping kek
It probably is.
we had a good run
g'bye everyone
this is about quality, right? because holy fuck bokurano was so fucking boring
Lol, zoomers are so precious.
warmer weather, including overnight low temps rise, kills off many species that can't handle it
it also increases drought length as the water table drops.
the storms are far stronger too, and wipes out crop.
arable land is certainly negatively effected

t. farmer fag
Just as you would The Jews And Their Lies.
>watermarking memes
holy fuck what a fucking fag
clinical retardation
Whelp, looks like I got nothing to do but fap in the 2030s.
it actually has no screamer just a comedy end
>Creative use of the meme format+
This one's my fave.
>>5591215 I love this.
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>Gnostics deserved it. I WISH they'd actually been exterminated, instead gnosticist faggotry is rampant in globohomo
coincidence? ... who hunted them down gee i wonder which 4000 year criminal ethno-state would be responsible.. guess we'll never know \__(^_^)___/
>holy fuck what a fucking fag
lol faggy waggy mad cuz he can't steal content for his own ig or any other fag site
>pisses and moans over a watermark on the bottom right corner, that's completely out of the way
i dont know what the fuck that is, kill yourself zoomer retard
So jews believe in Christ now?
>i dont know what the fuck that is, kill yourself zoomer retard
stay mad chudly kike assume everyone was born after 911, it won't un-retard your head.
>tldr faggot is projecting cuz he can't steal content due to corner water mark
piss and cry more fucking trog
you're so rattled you responded to my post calling you a attention whore faggot twice kek, seek help
now imagine if the outside is 1000ppm, what do you thnk happens then?
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here bois, I hope you like it
unironically better, but too bad the video itself is shit with or without a watermark
>what if we make an anime about a giant robot that is piloted by children and the machine kills the pilot after each battle since its uses their souls as fuel but they keep fighting because if they dont, the monsters they dont fight will destroy their world (actually these monsters are other giant robots piloted by other children from other worlds), the children are promised that at least one of them will survive and their world will be saved but the final survivor realizes that their reward is the ability to invade a new world and select another group of children to continue the child sacrifice blood ritual in a never ending battle of worlds trying to consume one another in which they die as well because they have to teach the new group of kids how to pilot the soul consuming robot
damn daniel
Wait if billions died wouldn't that already lower emissions by like 70^? So why would the rest of it happen?
Always have, it's why they oppose him so hard.
>being scared of when day breaks
>not being part of the singularity sol used to protect us from the hateful star
Samefag tranny.
Anyone got that trollface going to the spiked forest webm?
Sewercunt is the worst of breakcore, not that their shit is even breakcore.
You really suck at detecting samefags.
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>being this autistic
what the fuck is wrong with japan
the anime fucking sucks, they changed everything
all i know is that it actually mindbroke me for like a month and it's still an obsession a year later

the anime completeoy changed everything, it only keeps the basic skeleton but for every choice it picks the worst one possible.
the manga is much better written and has an absolutely kino final arc
>support lgbtq
no they don't, the pope has been heard using the word "faggots" multiple times
>the election tourist calls others babies
Why Tekkaman Blade above Getter?
shut the fuck up, retard
okay anons, I read it. It's mid. It has dark themes, but it is not anywhere close to as terrible as everybody makes it out to be. It's bad, but it's not *horrific*. I still don't know where everybody gets this conception from. It's a *little* darker and overly dour
His opinions are rather different publicly and it's expressed in many catholic churches, and catholic churches are held to a hierarchy control. They may have something on their catechism, and they may occasionally quote a verse or two, but they have perverted the words of the living God in their counterfeited manuscripts and bibles and they hold their traditions in higher regard than God's words as the scribes and the Pharisees did. They're always conforming God's word to their traditions which change like the sands of a desert in the wind instead of the immovable Rock which is the Lord Jesus Christ.
jesus of nazareth
There's no fucking way a software engineer could discover a new life form, can they? Artificial Intelligence and bots don't count. Same goes for viruses.
this nigga didn't watch digimon.
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This one about disturbing games, the one about the dark web >>5597395 , and the one about the Vatican >>5594719 are the only good ones I've ever seen of this meme. And it's been years since this has existed. I wonder why there so few great ones.
Are you retarded? Talking about its placement is in how scary it is as a setting, not how violent or gory it is.
what's with trannies having dogshit taste in music?
There's a good one with "when the lights go out" and a succession of situations
It's so good it got a bunch of ripoffs and I can't find the original any more
Can you describe what's in the video?
The only one's I've found on YouTube only show "what you see when the lights go out" and I doubt those are the sort of videos you're referring to.
It was like this one except it ended on the sun and had more intermediate stages. Like bedside lamp, inside a spooky hospital basement, etc
Found it
Thank you.
Much better than the other one.
Neat. That one is pretty good. Did not expect to find another one I liked outside of the 3 I already mentioned. It's been years since I've seen one I've liked.
it would be better without at least half of these
it just got annoying towards the end
Almost all of them are the same level of intensity. Aren't they supposed to progress?

chan music posters have had edgy-16-y/o tastes in music decades before being a tranny was on anyone's radar
Biological life falls in the category of self-organizing system, a machine can only develop this concept further and become the pinnacle of evolution.
he got exposed as a fraud since they found that cave full of gnostic texts. he was straight up just making shit up.
what games are these from?
there have been some shitty attempts, the most recently are the sigma edits of Epstein
monster hunter.
there is a point of no return where the heat feeds itself by causing more emissions

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