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File: cute.webm (6 MB, 1080x1080)
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>tzuyu and mina looking pissed
why are they such bitches?
Mina looks pissed because she's the one who farted.
thats just what our chewy looks like, shes incapable of moving her facial muscles
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1.8 MB
Is being useless a cute character trait.
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I guess I can see it sometimes, under specific circumstances.
literally me opening any kind of bag
shits impossible
custom designed, specially manufuctured and built for BBC
I recognize that stand...
File: Tzuyu.webm (208 KB, 480x852)
208 KB
>Shit quality webm with a watermark
You kpoptards really need some help
its called resting bitch face, and they don't control it.
idols are forced to be happy and playful, but if the cameras arent rolling, they're saving energy
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what is this and how can i give chodan a good day
File: Heart of Jap.webm (967 KB, 1920x1080)
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The girl on the right's face at 0:09 is really cute for some reason, like she's going to sneeze or some shit
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Lay off the porn for a bit. Embarrassing
rangeban mutts
kill yourself you faggot
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1.24 MB GIF
Hot damn. Japanese cuties who can cook. That's prime waifu material
yo wtf is going on with her eyes??
I want a wife so bad bros...
tfw you will never be or have a cute gf like this
I’m more drawn to her very long and thin fingers
Not her extra fingers?
nah, 4chan is quite broad minded about body acceptance and has been for age.
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That's a man
Elon Musk?
Beelon Fusk?
Freelon Bisk?
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she dont know it yet, but thats wifey right there.
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>all the dumb newfags replying to this low effort bait
How did this woman manage to break the Internet?
lets see
>low BMI
>no visible tattoos
>decent smile
>small features
>young and animated
any girl with these traits can earn doctor money just opening a youtube channel and doing basic vlogs.
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What's her name?
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This anon >>5591973 is right.
Most K-pop idols are on laxatives to lose weight and during live broadcast she made a loud fart (which sadly wasn´t picked up on the microphone), but everyone heard it and stared at the culprit, meanwhile Mina was super pissed that they would bring notice to such an embarrassing moment.
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i finally have a gf and on top of that shes a genuine chinese. i really like her. i hope we stay together for a long time. shes so cute bros. it feels like a fucking dream.
>Normal white Taylor Swift girl
>Better looking than every plastic kpop whore constantly being posted in every fucking thread
No wonder they're envious of white people
i need an autistic babe like that but im not a fucking faggot willing to kill then resuscitate her every time i need to say good morning. (this is required or you arent manly enough)
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>genuine chinese
so she's from taiwan?
Is her pussy sideways?
and how much did she cost?
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holy fucking mental illness
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File: Dubu.webm (601 KB, 480x852)
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Could be an Indian or some random nigger.
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I wish cute girls were real.
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I don't. It would make the loneliness even more. I'm actually glad love only exists in fiction.
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so true
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she is from japan, i thought she was a chinese but shes a japan ese.
its like normal but not blown out.
its uncanny. shits tights, unlike every white bitch i know.
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Based Dubu enjoyer.
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i dont believe anything on the internet but i want to believe this isnt staged
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They're doing a pretty bad job at covering their hair.
their clientele would pay extra for their soiled underwear, I think they can handle a strand or five
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there is this young asian girl at my work with tiny pretty hands and soft pale skin. she is a little soft fatty from eating amerlard food no doubt but still so cute. I just can't relate to her because she sees me as some authority figure. But still stares into my eyes like she wants something from me. I don't know what to do she's so timid.
p a t r o l l e d
>sees a child
all in your head sick fuck
this is just the inverse of bikini baristas, it's the same part of the brain that's lighting up.
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They always projecting
I NEED a swiftie girlfriend.
I want to finger her until she is whimpering in ecstasy.
i could buy her a dishwasher bro's
but you wouldn't get to hear the cute song ?? bad move
plenty of cute girls where i live just go outside
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1.14 MB GIF
god i love white girls
>behaves like slut
if you like this you are american
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keked when she fall on her back
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>Cute girl thread
>It's just bugs

Every fucking time.
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yeha I bet you just rollin in that white girl pussy
>Plant orange tree
>It's just oranges

Every fucking time.
Oranges don't grow on trees you fucking moron. Jesus Christ, zoomer education man.
Cute 10/10 heavenly perfection
Easily the superior food truck girl. You can tell she’s not comfortable being filmed so you know she isn’t a disgusting roastie with dick sucking vids out there. >>5591663
Cute but not overly interesting. Would still throatpie if given the chance.
Sad sight. Hope she’s ok now.
Girl on the right is cute, girl on the left seems like a blown out roastie.
Korean shit is so boring and it’s hilarious how retarded their names are. Cute girls but I hate the vids.
Classic, love her. The middle part of her nose is too long though.
Decent girl, boring retarded vid.
Was terrified she was pulling a tooth out, happily surprised. Cute girl and interesting video, saved.
Cute girl boring video and you know she isn’t allowed to eat those chips.
Maybe just the lighting but she looks like a weird alien. Cool arm.
Probably cute under all that gay shit.
Unreal girl, dumb shut video I agree with the guy who said you kpop people are retarded.
Cute girls but I couldn’t finish the vid too borinf NEXT!
Gross alien.
Cute, would creampie.
Again, probably cute without all the gay shit.
Would lift up the dress and give her an anal creampie.
Nice body.
Cute in a simple way. Arm tattoo ruins things a bit though ngl.
Undeniable qt second only to the blonde food truck girl for me, in terms of food truck girls that is.
10/10 babe.
Korean girl is cute, I weep for the absolute state of Sweden.
Cute girl dumb vid
Cute girl would throatpie but useless video.
Always thought she was beautiful.
Gross forehead, face like a boy. PASS
Cute but seems otherworldly and like banging her would be weird. I’d give it a shot though of course.
Cute girl hate the stupid video.
Based dog LMAO
Love the girl and love family mart chicken.
Cute girl, pointless video made by a retard.
Fairly cute but in a real life way, she shouldn’t be making modelling videos
Cute girl, nice dancing, would cum ON her tummy if given the chance.
Kinda cute, uninteresting video.
Lovely, not only cute but seems to have a good sense of humour.
If she made this video herself she has a good sense of humour, hoping it’s not a gay kpop video.
Beautiful and she gave it a crack, well done.
Cute I guess, fairly generic as far as Asian girls in winter go.
Love her, despise kpop
Cute enough, pointless video.
Cute enough I guess. Not saying I wouldn’t bang her but nothing too exciting.
Don’t like this vid, alien vibes LMAO
What every man desires.
Cute and would cum on her tits for sure.
Cute enough, her facial structure makes it seem like she will age badly.
Cute girl but I can only fuck on an empty stomach LOL
How retarded are you that you didn’t even know where your supposed gf was from? You must be 12 or a weird autist.
They are thin Asian women so they are cute enough but I didn’t really like the vid desu.
Not doing it for me.
Cute girl but probably a dumbshit “talento”
Fairly funny but the Korean text making it seem like a kpop vlog is offputting.
Hate this fake shit.
Made me kek a bit ngl. Girl is cute.
Cute but boring vid.
Slight LOL from me. Probably would have been funny IRL
ESL retard LOL
Cute, would throatpie
Girl with the tits is sexy af desu ngl. Why do so many of these Korean videos have a fat ass dude with a GAY bowl cut in them?
Ms Joosten is a beauty for sure.
Beautiful.Would cum on her tummy ngl
Cute but not the kind of girl I could see myself banging desu, of course I would if given the chance ngl.
well, of the 6 girls ive been with 3 have been white 2 negros and finally this one chinese.
the whites were very lose, almost as lose as the niggers.
chinese girl has been heaven. i actually enjoying the sex part.
i am pretty dumb. she corrected me and kissed me after laughing.
she dont look like the girls in this thread. shes not a walking goddess but i still think shes pretty. and i like to be around her.
just doing my best to not look so dumb around her so she will stay with me.
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shut your dumb fucking face autist no one asked you anything
That was uncalled for
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is this AI or something....
me in the back
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imagine choke slamming her onto that tile floor and how hard the back of her head hits
Imagine what her head would look like on a spike.
Needs an Elon dub. I think there's an Elon RVC, so someone needs to do it
That's a fairly average size portion for one person, no?
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kys rabbi
Putting a child on display in that context is exploitation. You took the deflection game, and by ommission you went right for sex, creep.
Indeed, trying to justify putting a child on display for attention.
a child posted in a soft core porn thread IS pedophilia.
That´s some Kpop idol right ?
Why the fuck is she living in a garage/storage-unit ?
>delivery food packages
>clothing racks
>dolly for large cargo
>giant industrial bin
thats either a green room for pre-stage music shows or a set for a music video. It looks like Arin from 'oh my girl' and guess what
>they live in more cramped, tiny apartments
File: 1720920484630563.webm (510 KB, 794x780)
510 KB
Yes it's Arin.
>brain status: rotten
the replies are not people falling for bait, its community jew/nigger bashing
i don't even need a flag to see the american on this post
wife material

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