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prev thread >>5557571
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this video is going to look a lot different when i'm not drunk me thinks
probably even better
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1. My spirit animal
2. My fantasy wife
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anyone got one like these where one of the hands just flies off and he gets all emotional about it?
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Whenever I'm feeling down I remember the resilience of a depressed furry facing rape accusations
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When and how did this develop as a"type" I was interested in.
I would buy tea from this man.
Lol anyone got the source for this?
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more wholesome webms
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stupid cringe but i laughed anyway
need more vine threads
thats not a tranny?
Not all, only most. There need to be few cases of true happiness and good ends so that the vast majority of bad ends are worse. Life is a machine of missery meant to destroy your spirit, but a few shinny examples of true light are needed to make shadows darker.
Note : do not tamp coffee inside this type of coffee maker
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you just leave it as it falls? flatten the mound?
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And shalom to you as well!
Kek, nice one!
>white fucking monster
I came, I saw, I loved.
This warms my cold rotten heart
The white claw was my 3rd favorite, and then I tried the Rio Punch. That shit is good
my heart
no legs o massive lifts?
see, I would have taken th cocoa and then taken the crazy eyed sex
that part of the movie was when he was starting to break, to put in a less spoiler-ey way
I don't know what he's selling but I want it
he's selling his japanese tea, from his farm
I am emotionally invested in this
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anemic monsters
>Dyed hair
Yes, I will now work even harder.
What a load of shit. The opposite of judgement is accepting crime and degeneracy.
"Judge not lest you be judged" absolutely does not mean you should not use your ability to judge. It's about accepting to judge yourself first.
Retards like this guy are the reason degeneracy is on the rise.
You work on consequence and action. Judgments are presumptive. He is simply implying you act accordingly to a need. Degeneracy is on the rise because people don't except the consequences of their actions. Without the principle he is putting forward you inevitably lead to violence.
Immoral acts often have negetive outcomes. Adressing those outcomes is how you peacefully resolve the issue. His argument is perfectly sound from a non-aggressive stance.
You're confusing judgment with discrimination. Which we have also been recently taught is "bad" which it really isn't.
Notice that the father is white and the kid is asian
the moralistic judgement is what they're referring to.
its probably easier to separate these into observations and evaluations, as NVC does also:
>moralistic judgement(evaluation)
I think you're being incredibly selfish
I saw your posts tagged at the bar, when we had the project overdue
The observation is much harder to argue, and it doesn't usually result in the listener rising in defensiveness. This is even applies to 'positive' commentary:
you did that job really fast!
I noticed it took you 15 mins to complete that
The first example can backfire as people are still able to disagree with it(what do you mean, I always do it this way?).
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funny ty
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>t lvl 32 wizard
i would have switched wife on the spot
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I wish I could dance
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no idea what she's been snorting but I want to try some of that
File: sonpian.webm (78 KB, 400x300)
78 KB
You love you lose is a page up.
Lost, btw. I miss you Chrissy.
File: 9mm_vs_9mm.webm (1.68 MB, 720x480)
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That's because its inspired by Elliot Roger.
you can flatten by scraping but you dont wanna tamp because it canc reate pockets of unused grounds meaning worse extraction weaker taste and wasted money, you only wanna tamp if the method involves pressing water through the grounds and uniformity is needed such as espresso
In Ireland they'd have executed her for moving her arms while dancing
So much illness in one webm
I didn't even know that it's haram
see that redhead guy at the end just run straight for his friend from the truck, without hesitation? that's a good friend.
Herro, Aki!
Good judgement is objective and deductive, not presumptive. Prejudice is presumptive judgment. You should not confuse the two.
where is this and what is this and how do I acquire a wife of where this is that can do what this is
whats the second clip from???
Its from a great game called "FAITH: The Unholy Trinity on Steam"
Georgia + the eastern balkan states
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>there is no chance that we are going to have wrestling in this house again
Hahaha, I wonder what the backstory is on that? Like, what could have possibly happened in their house because of wrestling?
thank you
Wrong retard, this is some barbarian dance from northern caucasus, she is also performing a man's part.
damn anon I want this at least once before I die
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I'm guessing her kids rough housing and broke something or someone
she says while cosplaying zero two. while zero two's exact age isn't known in the show, all the other characters are 15, so...
I love enthusiasm
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File: PDDance.webm (3.13 MB, 384x264)
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this is amazing. thank you
Thanks I feel worse now
Always makes me smile.
I like the deltarune one
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500lb lizard man*
File: NeverGiveUp.gif (1.97 MB, 640x484)
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1.97 MB GIF
anyone got a better version of this i only got an old gif
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thanks so much
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It could've been so good bros, see? But they fucked it up.
This looks like an Albanian wedding to me. Maybe in Kosovo
Fuck yeah, high score
Yknow I don't really get "love". Which is weird cos I was fuckin obsessed with it in my youth. And spent years in relationships, looking for love and doing love stuff.

But now I'm older and I just fucking hate that shit. I could never imagine myself showing the slightest affection for anyone. And I fucking love being this way. Much better now than before.
What the fuck was the point of that? Reaching max RPM or something?
The only good webm on this entire thread.
This one was nice
that's dvar - hishmalin. fucking love these guys, reminds me of my childhood
I want to make someone this happy
this is excellent
>choose your fighter
Carla Shaw is my waifu
I touched his finger.
I love Tyrone.
gotta love that he starts off with the character she's dressed as, sexualizing the character with her breasts in view.
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he also flipped tables and beat people with a whip and once he cursed a fig tree, so... those are also within the realm of possibilities when considering what Jesus would do.
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This is hysterical. How are they so bad?
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I wonder if it was his last one
it's not amazing you retard
no one give a shit about homeless fent addicts ruining society
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RIP fren
i hope the lady at 0:35 got the role
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>posting the shittest version
You aren't using the concept of judgement in the same way he is, or major religions do. For example what he said about Jesus's teaching, Christianity and God absolutely do condemn/judge sin, which all of that degeneracy you're talking about would fall under. The problem is that the punishment for any sin is death. When you were driving on the road and saw a dude driving a Prius that looked like a basedboy and thought you were better than him, that was a sin, equally as heinous as the degenerate types, although at least contained within yourself.

When you judge external sin, like degeneracy, you don't do it with hatred, or even disdain. You do it with a clinical/detached approach, the same type you would if you were getting rid of mosquito in your house. You don't hate the mosquito, but you're about to condemn it.

There is a huge problem with Christians (of which I am) understanding their religion in even the most basic capacity. Especially the American variant (of which I am). American Christianity is just old testament fixation that pays lip service to Jesus as the figurehead. It doesn't really emphasize the teachings of Christ, even if it sprinkles in quotes from the sermon on the mount regularly. Europe, is unironically more of a Christian society than America, despite being a great deal more atheistic/less outwardly, "fervently" religious.
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well now I need to watch enter the dragon,ty anon
lee,he definitely got the wrong ending.
Never mind this is Chechen
Naw, he lived more in his 32 years than 99.9% of people ever will. He made the absolute most of his time on this Earth, became a legend in his specific art form, and influenced every single martial arts star, who came after him. That's literal all anyone could ask for. I think Lee would have been happy to know that he lived to the fullest in his limited time on this Earth, and his life is a reminder to use the time you have to the fullest because you never know when the end is coming.
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293 KB
Okay, I laughed
what were the contexts of those two moments?
I'm about to propose, shit, life has been good lately.
All I hear is the fresh beat from the vase/girl falling.
Alright, this one is good.
Veey accurate on the crossfit.
The table flipping/whipping was because Jews were being materialistic, money grubbing kikes on sacred grounds and he wasn't having any of it. The fig tree was less a contextual action and more of a teaching moment.
More importantly, it's worth asking what the context of him washing feet is. Hint: it has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with any of the "get along and be nice to each other no matter what" bullshit that the retarded He Gets Us ad was implying.
Zoomers have A LOT of issues
Love how when the son enters he looks hunched over, like a dejected kid. As his father speaks about his vision the son straightens up and swells. He now instead looks like a man

Sometimes its simple conversations like that from a loved one that are all you need
I hate my life, why is it so hard
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119 KB
Holy shit, I've been looking for the song of this webm for years. Thanks anon!
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>90% of the time I have no idea wtf I'm doing
Explain it then. Everyone claims that it represents getting along. Even had the fucking pope wash bix noods feet during the riot fiasco
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given how traditional and money minded Korea is, this is extremely brave.
I can feel that guy's tears.
First time I've seen a GTA RP funnies
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Fucking lost it, I want to feel this feeling once in life
The bible teaches us to cast out evildoers and people who would harm our own in a physical or spiritual way. Just read the bible and give up on this touchy-feely "my own morals" bullshit. God is the only way. Everything else is just suffering.
Little too much autotune, but good nonetheless.
>explain why people subvert the Lord's message to manipulate them and get them to do what they want
blessed thread
thank you based anon
NVC isn't a system of morality, its a communication method based on feelings, needs and strategies.
>god is the only way
Thats a little awfully convenient...
>"God is the only way." -- God
Second song adapted from this.
Which was adapted from something even better. Can't find it right now.
Justinrpg is the best
typical massreplyfag.
I will never have this. What percentage of guys do? 5% ?
Didn't work out for me, but God I hope they're doing okay.

Thanks for the bittersweet memories, anon.
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Had me going with the blanket, lost me with the plushie, dug the hole even further with everything else.

0/10, this is a woman for softbois. Also might be a dude, she(?) is flatter than an ironing board
>proud of being attracted to underage girls
Fictional or not, this is a man who should be burned alive.
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Who was in the wrong here?
I mean it's a dynamometer, so yeah. You are trying to measure how much hp/torque the engine is actually able to put out.
Yeah these work better if you actually get a real person to sing the song, even shittily, and then use autotune & AI alterations on top of it to make it sound like an actually decent performance. That "There, I Ruined It" guy on YT posted a vid of how he does them and it's pretty interesting.

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