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no boring blonde haired swimsuit wearing tik-tok using dime a dozen whores addition
You have to be 18 to post here.
File: 1651171627264.webm (789 KB, 576x1024)
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her OF is lame
>a tiktok whore
lmao the bar has dropped
i cant fall in love with obvious whores sorry
File: big milk trucks.webm (3.58 MB, 960x540)
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3.58 MB WEBM
i want to rescue the one on the left before these dastardly lewd corean girlfriends of theirs rid the world of yet another DFC
Ok, now post women that do not poop
what is this and how do i threesome those girls
asiabait, so much makeup you can't tell what's beneath
I'm taking a shit right now
File: Sword Snow Stride.2021.webm (4.95 MB, 1280x720)
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>another gook thread
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instantly gets swarmed by fishjawed slanteyed gookposters
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you are if you thought about sex , children are like cute pets like cats but talk more
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1.71 MB GIF
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is there a booru for shit like this
File: Nat is queen.webm (1.82 MB, 898x1168)
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No more gooks! Only pretty white girls!
File: all I have.webm (1.74 MB, 720x1280)
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oh, it's cursednat or something, I downloaded her whole tiktok playlist one time and was pretty disappointed as she's not really putting any effort in these videos
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I feel nothing for online whores
all women have agp
it's the only way you could fawn over yourself while being giddy and touching your face like this. women are attracted to themselves (when they dress up and do makeup of course, they hate their normal selves and feel dysphoric looking at it.)
Be that guy anon
Nah, that's just how I name my files
File: ITZY - Yuna.webm (3.01 MB, 960x1704)
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lol. lmao even
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literal insect phenotype
liken children to animals in this thread, spoken like a true pedo.
>no muh dime a doze
>posts the most generic looking whore you can find
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i can smell the obesity on you from here
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no, more blondes
is this that brown tomboy bih at the convenience stor?

lost. @?
I miss the Bonbibonkers generals.
no more white women
you have tricked yourself into thinking planks are hot. Asian women who have well shaped butts and big boobs will always be hotter than their thinner counterparts, and I am not talking obese. Besides, why do you think the beauty standards are more European centric and not Asian centric.
File: 出门玩啦!.webm (2.91 MB, 608x1080)
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for you
File: arin.webm (5.85 MB, 960x1706)
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>Besides, why do you think the beauty standards are more European centric and not Asian centric
nobody likes fatties tho
rip bonbibonkers, we lost her so tragically.
I should finish this. What's it called again?
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90% of white women aren't worth the time of day after they hit 25.
Asians keep their beauty well into their 60s.
At this point, it's no wonder why passport bros are leaving western countries to find women.
In the Philippines, the average slum girl is a trophy wife.
In the west, the average white woman uses a mobility scooter.
the way she acts is so cringe
The Asian women are not attractive, and they do plastic surgery and bleach their faces to look white but just look evil
>disliking asian girls
Thanks, more for me
4chan chuds
>real women
.tik tok sluts
>and they do plastic surgery and bleach their faces to look white
>white women never do cosmetic surgery
File: Sword Snow Stride.webm (4.88 MB, 960x540)
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4.88 MB WEBM
its the filename bud. heaps of hot grills form a harem around the MC.
he only picks the jailbait though lel
>women touches her face
why are trannies like this?
File: nat lonliness.webm (5.91 MB, 720x1280)
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i used to work with a girl who looked like this ... fancied her a lot, but she never would have gone out with me and now she is dating some retard.
Did you even try? Like i'm not trying to start shit but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Something as simple as "would you like to catch a movie sometime?" would be more than enough to gauge interest levels without being overly pushy or weird.

The retard got her because he took the shot. Maybe he's also a chad who is tall and has muscles or something too. But my god dude, even if she puts you in the friendzone you don't have to volunteer to be there. You can just be like "I appreciate it but i've got plenty of friends, sucks it didn't work out but I wish you the best"
File: shake your booty.webm (5.86 MB, 720x1080)
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>he took the shot.
while she was off work and single for like 1 day.
i am the last guy you have to tell about missing all the shots you don't take, but thankyou for the advice anyways. there's many reasons she would never have gone out with me and she made some of them clear. but mainly it was because she was not single, for any of the time i knew her.
File: 10.webm (2.83 MB, 1280x720)
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correct me if i am wrong, this is a husband and wife, wife kept berating husband saying that the husband does nothing all day and he just sits in a tank doing nothing and it is easy... so he showed her.
>loves muscle on women
Anon, sorry but you are gay
This nigga ever gonna swallow his food or just keep talking and leaving food stuffed in his cheek?
The ugly trick is that you have to make your interest known before she's single. You don't need to bang her (and if she does bang you while dating someone else, don't be her next simp) but she should know ahead of time that you're on the table.
>no basic blonde whores
>posts basic brunette whore
What was her name again?
>no generic tik tok whores
>posts generic tik tok whores
What did OP mean by this?
retardation, as we are all aware
Only stacies of any race have have any worth but there are way more white stacies than Asian ones
File: may-marmalade-13415.webm (3.92 MB, 800x600)
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so she did end up dating you after all

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