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File: Maria Farmer.webm (5.09 MB, 1920x1080)
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Previous Thread
They are literally BLOCKING AMBULANCES attempting to rescue INJURED CIVILIANS

Completely Barbaric.
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File: Senator Josh Hawley.webm (5.28 MB, 640x352)
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Dublin, Ireland

Population replacement is real.
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ye forgot some
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>chasing people around with a camera at the grocery store
i'd rather live in a muslim majority country than spend 5 seconds around a psycho like you lol
Silence from Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao after FBI raided her home

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Go, Dan! The tide is steadily turning. If guys like him are not only questioning, but recognizing the problem and clearly calling attention to it, then there's not going to be many holdouts sticking to the old normie paradigm of what's going on.
>chasing people around with a camera at the grocery store
Other than a couple moments where he pushes into someone's business, he's not doing that. It's just walking through a store like normal and casually filming it.
Which year was this again?
The Jew looks like Sharlto Copely from District 9.

I can't believe he is actually speaking up.
File: P+K 4VR.webm (4.42 MB, 1280x720)
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Fresh OC just for fun
Please rate, comment and subscribe
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Those committee hearings are 100% for show only. Until they start taking people to real federal prison, it's all jewish controlled theater.
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>Other than a couple moments where he pushes into someone's business, he's not doing that. It's just walking through a store like normal and casually filming it.
looks like Noah Wiley
You think crying in your bedroom about brown people is going to help your life?

It shouldn't be surprising that incels like him are psychos
surprised shlomo sold advertising space to that
Fellow germans, I present the new version of the summer hit from gigi dagostino lamour toujours.
File: onepiecemoviefrance.webm (3.48 MB, 576x1024)
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should be busy breeding instead of filming minorities.
fuckin (((meta)))
god damn this ultra tall portrait view, it's even worse than joggers holding their phones in portrait for world star videos
kayaks are really worse than joggers
based jew namer
now if someone like Dan >>5594209

would put his money where his mouth is we could

get like 20 of these, but the cheapest panel trucks and get some /g/aylords to help out ,but a bunch LED matrix fromaliexpress and go to work

imagine if Mike Delaney form pro think had this on the 911 bus

with one of these we could recreate a version of the urban moving mural truck and play this video

I hope you will not collapse like soviet killing house
no sorry idk what to say, probably you worse than soviets
Bro, your screeching doesn't make your point any less invalid. Walking videos and "tours" of businesses and places is incredibly common and normal noawdays. You're acting like social media doesn't exist.
And "pushing into someone's business" was meant coloquially, as in he got into someone's personal space a bit.
I know you're probably trolling, but I'm choosing to engage in good faith just in case you're somehow not.
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If she were as significant as Gypsiecrusader or Andrew Tate (oh noo they're not uhh duhh buhh pretty just like me I'm literally Ryan Gosling), she would know the answer to her silly silly questions.
To those of you who are reading my words and are illiterate, (((rich people))) do this to people they dislike after they refuse to cooperate.
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Opening of Merrachi in Belgium, a store selling fashion for Muslim women, like hijabs.
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File: maga.webm (1.66 MB, 854x480)
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1.66 MB WEBM
Welcome back
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based on the filename, this is not sfw.
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3.73 MB WEBM
>gay music too loud
Why does it keep happening?
>this is not sfw
yeah it is and it also was before internet porn
where the fuck did this boat depart from, Detroit?
This dude's redemption arc has been one of the best ever. It's anime levels of quality. This clip was so fucking based it hurt.
made me chuckle
File: humour_sillyAI.webm (5.82 MB, 460x382)
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pol just needs to allow fucking sound, seriously.
New Hyperborea thread up
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him and Kurt have become legendary
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>pol just needs to allow fucking sound, seriously.
are you suggesting that the site is ultimately controlled by people hostile to us?
desu it sounds onions to me senpai
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drop should be within first 5 seconds
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'nudging' is so incredibly evil and anti-human.
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kek well done missed your post but saw the seething it caused and reliably it pointed to a great contribution.
Corporation love it. How can we nudge our employees to be more woke? Luckily for us, Big Data and AI are there to help us.

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