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The other thread reach the webm limit:
File: ura amateur sumo.webm (5.7 MB, 1280x720)
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5.08 MB WEBM
Ill drop a couple before I sleep
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4.14 MB
4.14 MB GIF
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3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
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790 KB
Posting the most brutal heems I have below
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1.68 MB
1.68 MB WEBM
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2.85 MB
2.85 MB WEBM
anyone got the fatboy one? hes put on a couple of pounds kek
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2.04 MB
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2.94 MB WEBM
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2.89 MB
2.89 MB WEBM
Naseem Hamed, the guy in OP webm
there was a fat meme webm with him
File: povetkin uppercut.webm (2.44 MB, 480x480)
2.44 MB
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2.81 MB
2.81 MB WEBM
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2.89 MB
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2.37 MB WEBM
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James Vick got knocked the fuck out
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5.86 MB WEBM
Now did he think that was going to hit or was that just luck?
What fight was this?
Jutaro Nakao vs Thomas Denny
Thank you fren.
>kisses opponent on the lips
>heh, this will piss him off make me look tough!
I mean it angered him but going all straight faced when taking the front photo just made it look like he let his gay impulses win.
Switch kicks are awesome.
It's difficult to look someone in the eyes that close for that long without wanting to kiss them no matter who they are

I'm not gay by the way
>I'm not gay by the way
i believe you.
I remember seeing some korean guy going into fencing pose or something in a fight, cant recall his name, but remember looking up him up on instagram or something, he had a wife and a little kid... hope he made it, would appreciate info if anyone knows
this one's more satisfying
He made it.
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>Julian Ruiz
>Brian Zurcher
Did they mix up the fight card?
Its only banter if you can back it up
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2.41 MB
2.41 MB WEBM
Based Potato Tom
Not sure what the ref went in for...kicked him in the cup?
>kicked him in the cup?
Yes. That's the thunk sound you heard with the kick, and that sound was what Herb was reacting to.
>Patty Cake, Patty Cake
Why would you ever take the fight against the one-armed man? Win or lose you look bad. And you have to touch his weird nub the whole time...gross!
it looks like he's hitting with it which I don't think is fair. That's like a bone club he's constantly pushing in the other guy's face every time he gets close.
It should be padded with 4oz just like knuckles are. it just seems like he's fighting dirty
>It should be padded with 4oz just like knuckles are. it just seems like he's fighting dirty
Everyone is allowed to throw elbows and they're not padded. Why would they pad his just because his arm stops there?
In some fights he got a boxing glove for his stub, but yeah just looking at Shinjo's face after the fight it looks like the stub does have some advantages.
kind of interesting idea ngl
I wonder how the scoring works. On knife vs no-knife the Vegas odds are on the knife, so you would have to expect the one with the knife to win most of the time.
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2.9 MB
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2.92 MB WEBM
File: suplex.webm (3.89 MB, 640x478)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
>when he refuses to bend the knee
Reminder that the black guy lost this fight.
Was this some kind of celebrity bout? Don't know why the grill guy would step into the ring.
grill guy is legit one of the greatest KO artists in the history of boxing if not the goat. dude was punching so hard they had to change the rules about gloves.
that one two combo looks like it was nothinng but moorer's mouthguard was broken in two and he had to go to hospital to get + 20 stitches inside his mouth.
File: 1718290876200735.webm (2.04 MB, 514x480)
2.04 MB
2.04 MB WEBM
wow so powerfull pussianian
malfunctioning nato conflict general bot. Got lost in the catalog and erroneously homed in on Naseem's punching bag thinking it was a russian flag.
this is awesome, what's it called?
File: ki8fpf.webm (5.86 MB, 718x406)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
2(?) second KO at BKFC
out fucking skilled
File: Chiyonofuji.webm (5.86 MB, 854x480)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
still after that fedor became the heavyweight goat despite having a fuck up neck via suplex of a roided nigger
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2.93 MB
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3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
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3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
He makes those punches look so ginger and soft
Moorer said years later that he was already ko'ed by the first one-two. if you look at his jaw, you can tell those were powerfull.
so is Jake Paul good at boxing or is he paying all the MMA guys to dive?
He's an amateur level boxer picking and choosing nonboxers and hasbeens for his fights. The one fight he had with another guy who has actually fought in boxing before, he couldn't get much done and lost the decision. It's possible the fights are fixed but it's more likely he's just choosy with what opponents he goes after and does his best to steer clear of anyone with any level of technical boxing skill.
he is quite good. he will defeat Tyson.
Big time pay for dive
Jewish to the core
Ari and Rahm Emmanuel are the money behind Endeavor
Endeavor is the money behind the UFC, WWE, and multiple Hollywood talent agencies
most likely he's a spoiled nephew
File: swingandamiss.webm (1.72 MB, 720x1280)
1.72 MB
1.72 MB WEBM
Phil No Chin Hawes
Nerve gas.
He's definitely improving but he's also paying a fair few of them if not all of them to take a dive. He's certainly nowhere near the skill level he is trying to market himself as having.
The fights tend to have the common theme of Jake Paul's opponents being MMA fighters, being way lighter than him, being way older and either being incredibly passive or giving very blatant telegraphs for him to capitalise on. Other than grapplers, he has fought a business associate of his, another Youtube influencer, an NBA player, an Uber driver with less than ten fights and a boxer that was both his own age and his own weight class who he clearly lost to in spite of the guy being pretty bad. Jake being the weight bully he is also cancelled one of his bouts because the other guy missed weight. This on top of blatant PED use and favourable rulings by judges.
It's a multi-millionnaire picking fights with the broke, the elderly, those smaller than him and people from completely different sports to build his reputation and sell overpriced goyslop. If it seemed too good to be true, that's because it is.
Ooof, pretty sure I saw a tooth fly
Common in most sets for the winner to be the guy that managed to win against the guy with knife just once in like 20 rounds.
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1.75 MB WEBM
More like he is making good use of the MMA guys ego into thinking their MMA skills guarantee victory in a completely different game

Different distance, different pressure and gameplan, energy management, and so on. Jake Paul isn't stellar at boxing, but still, it is the only thing he trains, he doesn't have counterproductive bias and aproaches to it.
I am currently watching UFC's 1-10. Again
I do every few years.
There's some crazy gems in there.
If anyone has any requests of a specific fight let me know. I will try and do it for you.

UFC 8 was David vs. Goliath.
All huge size mismatches.
Some went the way you'd think.
Some didn't.

Also, any critiques of this edit? I am fairly beginner on free apps so, I won't be offended,
You can actually see the light leave his eyes...
Why is the ref stopping the winner from celebrating and not checking on the guy face down unconscious?
He was never the same after that fight.
File: GranbyRoll.webm (2.59 MB, 540x240)
2.59 MB
2.59 MB WEBM

Or instructional vids like this?
I was a pretty good wrestler.
Coached for a few years at a private and promising prep school.
Got a nice offer for a part time thing.
Would promising 9th and 10th grade wrestlers like personalized videos like this?

Possibly of their mistakes also. Like whatever bad position put them on their ass late in a match and cost them?

*I fucked up the last caption and it shouldn't be centered but it's fine, because on a Granby Roll full committal to the roll is very important to sell it, then hand position to seal it. But no hesitation at all.

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