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File: Strobe.webm (4.43 MB, 720x720)
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Post clips about Jesus Christ, and your favorite Bible verses.

Previous thread:
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I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
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Again they tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp.
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The high priest tore his clothes.
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Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
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Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,
and they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”

Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
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For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs.

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they watched Jesus, to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath
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Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
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>Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world
Hold on, so this was written by Flat Earth morons? And you believe in this shit?
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Σὺ λέγεις
i like how the filename says churches of the orthodox but it starts with a mosque
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We don't consider it a mosque. This is like saying the Bible is a book of the islam because muslims corrupted and use it.
turkey doesn't currently own the bible though
I think turkey stated that it's neutral on the Hagia Sophia, meaning they merely consider it a mosque because the ottomans 'made' it one by saying it's a mosque, destroying icons and covering others. It was built as a church and in my opinion not enough changed to not consider it a church but if you want to consider it a mosque that's fine. God bless, anon.
File: Matthew 23.webm (5.06 MB, 256x144)
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Which is greater: the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? Therefore, anyone who swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it. And anyone who swears by the temple swears by it and by the one who dwells in it. And anyone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and by the one who sits on it.
i think you're coping anon
File: Online Orthodoxy.webm (4.66 MB, 480x854)
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whats this show?
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Is he a Jewish convert like brother Nathaniel? He looks Jewish as fuck.
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I love my brothers and sisters in the Orthodoxy and I pray that we will one day be one again.
Jesus could be tempted even if he was a perfect man but Satan doesn't care about that, he also tried to tempt/fool Jehovah God in the book of Job.

>Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”
There you have it. Trinitarians altered the bible in Matthew 14:33 to say the apostles worshipped Jesus. https://biblehub.com/matthew/14-33.htm
I looked him up and the guy has no bishop, could be an undercover rabbi for all we know.
What's stopping you anon?
Pretty sure he was Protestant. He definitely grew up in the US though.

Considering he's doing a far better job to introduce people to the faith this would be a bad sign. In my country many local parishes don't even have their sites in anything but the liturgical language.
What is this deliberately-bad art style called? You see it in so many modern cartoons (which are typically marketed towards immature adults).
What's your country? Maybe it's a good thing your parishes don't advertise like he does, I read even the ROCOR won't take him because he says a lot of unorthodox stuff.
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>brother Nathaniel
He's just a political agitator with a 501c3 tax status uniting him with the state. He never talks from God's Word and never preaches the gospel. If you try posting Scripture to his site as a comment, he'll edit all of it out before approving your comment.

The traitor LBJ who oversaw the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty is the one who came up with it and it was used to silence the church in political matters. And democrats (most are really just communists, look at how the CCP in China acts to see many similarities (and most republicans are just democrats)) weaponizing federal agencies or the IRS is nothing new, but they're just completely shameless about it today.
The best I can think of would be something along the lines of 'MS Paint Style'.

I'm in western EU, so I think it's definitely negative that many parishes don't advertise themselves in the local language. Most Orthodox here are immigrants from the old countries so it's quite rare for natives to step into an Orthodox church and I believe that this sticking to their national identity (I don't remember the name of the heresy, but I definitely heard both Fr Peter and Fr Josiah Trenham say that focusing too much on the patriarchate's is heretical) is doing a big part.
>he says a lot of unorthodox stuff
What exactly do you mean? But I agree, the Orthodox church shouldn't position itself as the le heckin anti-woke ideology. Of course, we need to take a firm stance against many absurdities of modern day but that's not new and we can't forget that we need to do it in a way in which we still love those that might feel attacked about it.
>and I pray that we will one day be one again.
You will, but not how you think. You'll all be reuniting with Rome, the Mother of Harlots. It's in prophecy.
>501c3 tax status uniting him with the state
Isn't he still in the Holy Land? I don't watch his stuff but I always thought he still was there.
Last I knew, he was in Idaho or somewhere around that area.
Kek, you can tell by the fact that they always crop the minarets out when they want to show it.
Orthocucks are such a joke. Imagine having your millennia old denomination hijacked by communists in Russia less than 100 years ago and now literal zoomers in America. There just seems to be no end to their humiliation.
>Orthodox priest
>can't grow a full beard
Should've known the man isn't trustworthy, anon.
So he is a fed puppet? He does have that glowie aura like Spic Fuentes, what is with feds shilling Catholicism and Orthodoxy in the US? Is it all for honeypots?
>So he is a fed puppet?
I don't know, I guess it's possible. I know someone he's rather close to with their online stuff glows in the dark. 501c3 puts you under the state and they can use that tax status to pressure you if you start saying something they don't like.
>501(c)(3) - List of exempt organizations, foundations and established organizations, organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes (the church). RESTRICTIONS -- No part of the net earnings of which issues to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office (including the publishing or distributing of statements).
And it's done for the love of money, donations are already tax-exempt, but the purchases aren't. And you have some examples like the mega church false preachers like Kenneth Copeland who have a private jet and promote ecumenism and even claimed "the protest is over". Or like a Joel Osteen who has some huge mansion.
NTA and I didn't read the statement but the archbishop is a higher level cleric and has a proper beard so he wins by default
>what is with feds shilling Catholicism and Orthodoxy in the US?
They are definitely not. Orthodoxy is opposed to what the feds currently want. I would like to say the same about catholicism but pope francis seems like he wants to get a good esg score for his church.
Catholicism is the new world order, one world religion. All false religion, including their harlot daughter the "Orthodox" church and fallen apostate/ecumenist "Protestantism" will be rejoining her, and false world religion like Paganism or Islam or Hinduism or Buddhism will be joining her too.

You can look into the Vatican making nice with Islamic leaders and some of the other religious ecumenical things they've been doing. Only fundamental Bible-believing Christians (the saints) will oppose her, and the saints are alive now, saints aren't determined by some group of guys in silly robes, it's determined by God; and Scripture shows that the NT epistles were written to living saints.

We also have a Catholic-dominated supreme court that forced faggotry on all of America and a Catholic president who promoted cross-dressing sodomites during Easter week, not that Easter is a Biblical holi-day, it's just a pagan fertility ritual dressed up in Christian garb hence all the rabbits and eggs. People care for their traditions more than God's Word. If you want to celebrate a holiday with the world, you should be celebrating it in a way that the world wouldn't. Neither is Halloween Christian at all, it came from a Druidic holi-day of kidnapping, torture and human sacrifice. And what I alluded to twice is that "holiday" comes from "holy day", so you should beware what days you call holy.

James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
Psalms 96:5 For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.
Isaiah 42:8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

The Vatican also has relations with most of the world nations/governments. Then there's the Jesuits and all the wars they've started. They would even rather have the French revolution than Protestantism.
>including their harlot daughter the "Orthodox" church
Anon, you are in desperate need of a history lesson. As far as I see it most Orthodox are cleared opposed to ecumenism with the only exception that I know of being patriarch Bartholomew. However, heretical patriarchs are nothing new.
uh "western EU" isn't a country orthoboy
Correct, and I call you anon
are you afraid of telling us your country?
It would not make a difference. Most of our Orthodox Christians are not native and that's why our local parishes should have their info in the local language.
you could have just said yes
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Dantes Inferno
Putin was involved in the inauguration of mosques and the Moscow Patriarch has engaged in ecumenism as well (see Havana agreement). They are even building an inter-religious faith center in Moscow.
Where is she going?
To heaven, in time.
>Anon, you are in desperate need of a history lesson.
You are in desperate need of some humility and to study God's Word, you arrogant lying prick. Seriously, fuck you. All you people ever do is lie about me. I can't hardly tell the difference between you and the commies/pinkos on /lit/ who will claim Christianity is antilife.
Proverbs 26:28 A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.

>As far as I see it most Orthodox are cleared opposed to ecumenism
It doesn't matter how opposed they are to ecumenism now. They're full of idolatry no different than the RCC, it's a harlot daughter of Rome still clinging to many of their false doctrines (wine) and I do mean more than just the idol/icon worship bowing/kissing/praying (all of which is worship according to God as displayed in Scripture, but liars like you don't submit to God). It really doesn't matter what sort of mental gymnastics they have or how it differs from RCC mental gymnastics, all false religion will unite under the whore of babylon from prophecy.

It's literally in prophecy. It may not happen in our lifetimes, but it will happen. Unless you think God is a liar. The only answer or rebuttal to prophecy is they'll muddy it and say nonsense like claiming 666 refers to Nero or Islam/USA is the whore of babylon despite that it must be a church united with the state (i.e. woman riding a beast). I'm so sick of you liars. Don't reply to me if you're just going to slander me more with more false witness, you lying faggot.
File: James 4.webm (2.93 MB, 480x480)
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What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?

You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil. If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.
prove jesus real
Her schizo apparition forgot to tell her he's been dead for 2000 years
>All you people ever do is lie about me
I got no clue who you are and I don't care. However if you believe that the Orthodox church sprang from RC you need a history lesson. Simple as.
>They're full of idolatry
No, but I won't have this discussion again.
>false doctrines (wine)
What do you mean?
>Don't reply to me if you're just going to slander me more with more false witness, you lying faggot.
Please seek help and don't come here if you expect me to not call out your bs.
>No, but I won't have this discussion again.
Yeah, you're just an atheist liar and coward.
An impenitent liar who worships idols slandering others by bearing false witness and acting no different than the sin-loving God-hating world, because you love your sin of idolatry and you hate God.

Why don't you idol worshipping fools make your own idolatry thread? You can post all your dumb statues and paintings which are your gods that you worship and serve.
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be gone, Satan!
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It was the wicked who with hands and words invited death,
considered it a friend, and pined for it,
and made a covenant with it,
Because they deserve to be allied with it.
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Are the Cathodox idolaters and Mary-worshipers still ruining these threads?
Oh, yeah, they are. They've ruined /lit/ like the fedoralards ruined /his/ too.
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You're just revealing your ignorance.
Not going to watch all these, but the Septuagint is promoted using a bunch of lies that most people don't even believe when they're asked directly, and Jesus didn't quote it.
>that most people don't even believe when they're asked directly,
Like the 70 translator story. There's too much here for me to clip it all and convert to webm, and I don't care to search for any "best parts" of it and clip/convert those.
>Not going to watch all these
The first one should be enough already, anon
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I already know it's not what they claim and it contains contradictory uninspired text.

Pic unrelated.
Sorry anon but I won't argue with you. The guy you posted literally introduces the book with the teachings he finds problematic and instead of saying 'Oh maybe I should reconsider' he doubles down and denies all historical records. This is extremely absurd and frankly I don't believe that the Jews somehow managed to complete corrupt their views and keep the MT clean for 900 years. God bless, may you return soon.
See >>5603698
Apocrypha is contradictory to the Scripture.
Anything that contains contradictions is not from God. God's words are pure and God cannot lie.
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And you just looked for the first excuse not to watch that, btw, not surprised the rest of your post was basically an emotional argument. You're probably a Papist since that's the argument you guys always make to discredit God's Words in English in the King James Bible, kvetching about the MT, as if you ever read any version of the Bible yourself (whether a real one from Antioch or the counterfeit from Alexandria). And the Papists want the apocrypha because it defends the lie of purgatory (and that's from the lie that not all sin causes death, which is unbiblical), but again it contradicts the established Scripture, it's not inspired, it's not from God. If you're not a Papist, you're then an "Orthodox", which is just Popery-lite, both full of idolatry.
It's the ortholarping zoomer, don't bother with him. The little shit never posted a single honest argument in these threads.
>Anything that contains contradictions is not from God.
You mean like how the Protestants believe the Bronze Serpent to be an idol?
Funny, I was just talking to some Papist cultists in another thread, and all they were doing was lying and bearing false witness as you're doing now. Thanks for proving you're a liar not in Christ.
So am I lying or bearing a false witness? How? Did God not say
>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth (Ex 20:4)
Are snakes not on Earth?
you're better off woodworking and leaving theology to actual christians anon
I will accept your concession. God bless
i'm not the guy you're replying to, it's just embarrassing to read your replies to him
>be me
>tired of bullying retards and wanna have friendly discussions in the Christian general
>interdenominational little girls nipping eachother is 90% of it
anyway know that we wrestle nit with flesh and blood but powers, principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places
A lost brother is not your enemy he is your brother
If you want to be seen as the true denomination (which doesnt exist btw some are closer to being biblical than others but each one most likely has its flaws some being more severe than others) or whatever prove it by being loving not by trying to dunk on eachother for reddit points like new atheists
I'm personally of the protestant persuasion due to my trepidation of prayers to the saints seeming akin to idolatry and/or witchcraft, mortal vs venial sins seeming works based and confession as a sacrament controlled by the priests seeming like idolatry however I dont view all Catholics or orthodox as instantly unsaved or anything because they still affirm the death and resurrection of Christ for the final and only payment of our sins sometimes so they're just in a dangerous spot but I'm willing to listen to anyone from those sects which wants to alleviate those concerns
We aren't better than this because we are better we are better than this because God is in us and tells us to be, listen to him.
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You made a false claim about Protestants >>5604150 And you seem to think all Protestants are a unified cult like your Cathodox full of idol worship with a man as leader. It's always the same thing with you people, you tell lies then act like victims over people trying to reason with you. You never address any arguments people bring up.

There's a thread on /lit/ full of your ilk, you could go there and circle jerk with the other religious hypocrites over how much you hate me for telling you the truth.

You remind me of the fedora who used to post on /his/ and whenever someone would mock him, he'd cry "ad hominem" and post the same "I accept your conession" shtick. And he'd do that if someone called him foolish after making an argument and he'd use that as an excuse to ignore the argument.

You're just lukewarm, not on fire for God or the truth of his word. Idol worshippers aren't brothers in Christ. Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox aren't brothers in Christ.

They need to be told they're part of false religious systems and they need to leave that or else they will perish, no different than the Pharisees, religious hypocrites whose traditions are more important to them than God's Word. Christ will spew out the lukewarm, buddy, see Revelation 3:16.

>mortal vs venial sins
ALL sins cause death. The wages of sin is death. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Read Ezekiel 18 and Romans 6:23 and Romans 1, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against ALL ungodliness of man.

>however I dont view all Catholics or orthodox as instantly unsaved
Revelation 18:4

Besides, it would be hateful for me to say nothing, to have a "fine, go to hell then" attitude. It's love that compels me to warn them to flee from the wrath to come. It's tough love, but still love. Love isn't tolerance, it's not inclusiveness, it's not ecumenism; it's saying the truths that need to be said, it's willing to do something that will make people hate or even kill you.
Here, watch this if you want something more in-depth about Catholicism being wrong from an ex-catholic:
Although, he cites John MacArthur who isn't entirely sound in his doctrine and is a Calvinist if I'm not mistaken. As for Calvinism:
And no, I don't really like having to go through all this stuff over and over and being hated and lied about and slandered, I'd much rather just have a "friendly Christian discussion" too, but lies must be exposed especially when it's a salvation issue like impenitent sin of idolatry or false religious systems that keep people in bondage and which hold man's traditions in higher regard than God's word.
>you're not on fire for God
I am I'm just more pragmatic about talking to people, answer a fool not according to his folly lest you be just like him. Only when he becomes proud enough in his folly should he be humbled
>they need to be told they're apart of false religous systems
I kinda stated this but admittedly not thoroughly but yeah claiming to be the one true denomination is kinda dumb when no one not even the apostles claims that there is one and also the Angel's of the churches of the cities in revelation arent all the same angel (which under a catholic and iirc orthodox view they should all be one person because of traditional popehood and whatever the orthodox equivalent is)
>ALL sins cause death
Not if you repent of them. The catholic doctrine of mortal sins is that after you see the priest for confession you have to do serious atonement then you are right with God, this is works based salvation.
>revelation 4:18
I checked revelation and all I could gather is that you were calling Babylon the catholic church. No trust me Babylon will be alot worse (widespread child sacrifice least) which is what warrants such a strong command from the angel
>it would be hateful for me to say nothing
Yeah I'm not saying dont say anything I'm just asking you to chill out a bit, of they're heated and you're not it's probably because you have a point. Flipping the table back to their side just messes that up
I see nothing wrong with this and will watch the catholic video
Thank you
Weird, whenever icons are brought up protestants claim that they are sin by the commandment I posted above. However, they still can't explain how the Bronze Serpent is different.
>And you seem to think all Protestants are a unified cult
They are, they are united by their extreme hatred for roman-catholicism and try to oppose to such a degree that they abandoned Christianity as a whole.
>You never address any arguments people bring up.
That's what I do constantly. Whenever I do people cry that I'm misunderstanding the scriptures. That's why I just started asking questions and now those questions are making me a liar apparently.
>he'd cry "ad hominem"
I haven't done that because it's laughable in my opinion. I can take the insults. Anyway, if you want a proper discussion this desperately please explain how the Bronze Serpent and the Cherubim on the Ark are in harmony with ex 20:4
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You shall not make FOR YOURSELF and idol. The bronze serpent wad not made for Moses, but to help others. The cherubim represent the two perspectives that guard the garden of eden. The key is to jot be selfish when you create language. "Graven images" or lifeless representations, such as statues, and paintings and words must not be interpreted selfishly, not created selfishly.
>The bronze serpent wad not made for Moses, but to help others.
Ok, so do I understand you correctly that if I make a graven image for somebody else without asking for anything or expecting anything in return it's fine?
The purpise of language is to communicate, and work, with others. Engraving ideas into stone has no purpose unless it is for a collective good. When creating code, language, movies, paintings, they are not for the ego, but for the collective mind.

A system of code that is focused on the ego, is a corruption. That is not the purpose of codes. We engrave our ideas for the collective, not for the ego.
>I checked revelation and all I could gather is that you were calling Babylon the catholic church. No trust me Babylon will be alot worse (widespread child sacrifice least) which is what warrants such a strong command from the angel
It's been proven dozens of times, countless videos and articles, go look it up. Seriously...
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what is the appeal of catholicism?
I don't get it.

You realize the Pope and every higher-up in the Vatican knows about the Jewish Problem, right? Yet they're keeping quiet about it to their believers, and if it ever should come up they'll claim it's a conspiracy theory.

How can they possibly have good intentions for you when they're trying to deceive and gaslight you?
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Perhaps the secret society of rulers is a response to the mob rule of democracy, and the tyranny that it leads to.
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Bar Rabbis
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you're such a retard dude holy shit lmao
Confirm or deny
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>whenever icons are brought up protestants claim that they are sin by the commandment I posted above. However, they still can't explain how the Bronze Serpent is different.
God commanded to make the bronze serpent, but he never commanded anyone to bow to it or kiss it or pray to it, simply look at it to be saved.

As it was lifted up so is the Lord Jesus Christ lifted up (and instead of lifting up Jesus, you want to lift up images and statues and pictures of him or his mother or saints made by your own hands, instead of Jesus, as Moses lifted up the serpent! -- how do you not see this? especially when this is your actual argument for defending it!).
>John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

God also never commanded you to make images or pictures of statues of Jesus or Mary and bow to them and kiss them and pray to them or make shrines for them and burn candles around them or put kneeling pads before them. You guys will come up with the most absurd reasons to defend things that are plainly idol worship. And if your defense is that you personally don't do one or two of those things, doesn't mean it isn't in those false churches.
>>And you seem to think all Protestants are a unified cult
>They are, they are united by their extreme hatred for roman-catholicism and try to oppose to such a degree that they abandoned Christianity as a whole.
No, plenty of "protestants" are ecumenical or worldly apostates who don't stand for the truth of God's Word and the sanctity of the gospel of grace. Only those protesting the false and abominable Roman Catholic cult can even be said to be Christian. And even if you overlook the protest of an obviously-false church, there are plenty of disagreements between different protestant groups.

The main difference is authority: is God and His Word your authority or man and his catechisms/creeds/dogmas/and doctrines? Jesus showed Scripture was the authority in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 when rebuking Satan himself, and we see authority of Scripture in application in verifying someone's teachings in Acts 17:10-11 which was applauded rather than condemned as the Popes would do and did and killed millions for doing, and we're told to study the word of truth in 2 Timothy 2:15 which again the Popes had God-knows-how-many Christians burned at the stake for owning Bibles and burned their Bibles too; and that's not even all of the verses or history on this.

Roman Catholicism is a false religious system with a false gospel that does not save.

It's not "extreme hatred", it's hatred for lies of the devil, but it's a love for the Catholics who need to hear a Godly love that saves and frees, not a false worldly love that smooths itching ears. There's no salvation and no freedom in any religious system with a false gospel, especially not a works-based gospel because any works-based gospel is self-righteousness and instead of glorifying God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ, they glory in their own works. Good works are a fruit of faith, but if good works were what saved what need do you have for the all sufficient blood atoning sacrifice death of the Lord Jesus Christ?
There's more of a Jesuit problem than a Jewish problem.

It wasn't Jews that forced sodomy on all states of America, it was a Catholic-dominated Supreme Court. And Joe Biden is a Catholic and just look at what he promotes. And just look at how many world leaders have ambassadors to the Vatican and how many world leaders will bow to and kiss the Pope's hand. The Jews haven't been behind every war, the Jesuits have; and the Catholic church's lie about confessing to a priest gives them a very powerful information network. Look up Alberto Rivera (ex-Jesuit priest), also the current pope is a Jesuit priest and he did the hidden-hand occult gesture in one picture. That's who the Roman Catholic church will call "Holy Father" (which is blasphemous as that's a name reserved for God alone) and they will claim he's infallible when sitting on their superstitious chair in Rome (and that's just... foolish, man isn't infallible no matter how fancy his robe, hat, or chair is).

And that's really just classic misdirection. There just aren't enough Jews, they stand out like sore thumbs wherever they go, and they don't have such similar means of intel gathering or the numbers to influence nations or even the wealth to do it. Just look at the Zionists' counterfeit "Israel", they're constantly threatening to nuke everyone if they feel too threatened; that's not the sort of behavior you'd get from someone who pulls the strings, and I'm not saying the Popes are really those who pull the strings anymore, it would seem naive to think they wouldn't play politics with Popes to grow their numbers, hence why the current Pope is so worldly and condemns fundamentalists (e.g. people who actually believe the Bible), rather than promoting the morals of God he appeals to unbelieving atheists and impenitent sodomites.

There was even some famous military leak that got out because of the Jesuit's intel gathering network via the priest confessional. (And confessing sins is to God, not to man.)
>God commanded to make the bronze serpent, but he never commanded anyone to bow to it or kiss it or pray to it, simply look at it to be saved.
We don't bow to them nor do we pray to them. I stated (>>5586347) before that none of what could be the object of worship for idols is worshiped. Also you still can't explain how this isn't breaking ex 20:4. Do you want to pray to a God that gives you commandments and then orders you to break them?

>there are plenty of disagreements between different protestant groups.
This is like claiming that sunni and shia muslims are not both muslims because they have some differences in their beliefs. Protestants are all united by the belief in sola scriptura and their extreme hatred for the roman-catholic church. They overcorrected so much that in the end they embraced anarchy. This is the reason so many different churches (and even stuff like modern day gnosticism) spring out of the protestant church.
>works-based gospel
Works are required since 'if faith has no works it is dead' (Jam 2:17-26)
You deliberately ignored the entire argument, you're such a massive coward. You're not even willing to argue in good faith either. And you cry every time anyone tries to talk to you if they don't put up with your bullshit. You're just a self-righteous, dishonest, lying brat.

Ephesians 2:8-9
2nd Tim 1:9
Romans 3:20
Romans 3:27
Romans 3:28
Romans 4:6
Romans 9:11
Galatians 2:16
Titus 2:5

You cling to a false self-righteous, works-based religious system and your pagan idolatry and by your dogma you're basically saying the Bible has contradictions considering all those verses I referenced. You can't even address a single argument anyone ever posts, you just quote part of a post and ignore the actual argument and repeat your retarded dishonesty and lies.

I can't tell if you're really this stupid or maybe just a Jesuit here to shit up a thread and defend your faggot pederast pagan cult which covers up for child rapists and blames Christianity for the Papist cult mass murdering Christians for owning Bibles. You're just a massive coward and liar and I know you won't honestly address a single one of those verses I just referenced because you're forced to ignore them or explain them away because your man-made religious system and man's traditions are more important to you than God's Word.

Even with the 2nd commandment, you kvetch and pilpul and claim "don't bow to them" doesn't akshually mean don't bow. Then you claim you don't bow while defending it. You're just a massive pathetic, cowardly, unbelieving, religious hypocrite, and liar.

Go ahead and cry about it, you vile worm, you snake.
Oh, and the Lord Jesus Christ would have much better insults for a lying, cowardly, idol-worshipping, self-righteous religious hypocrite like you than I do. You self-righteous twats and your works-based gospel, why don't you read where all your boasting will get you:

St. Matthew 7:21-23
21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Christ never knew you.
>Ephesians 2:8-9
>2nd Tim 1:9
>Romans 3:20
>Romans 3:27
>Romans 3:28
>Romans 4:6
>Romans 9:11
>Galatians 2:16
>Titus 2:5
So are you ignoring that faith without works is dead or was the Holy Spirit wrong?
>you're basically saying the Bible has contradictions considering all those verses I referenced
No, it's actually pretty easy. Faith saves but faith requires works. This means that also works are required to be saved
>you just quote part of a post and ignore the actual argument and repeat your retarded dishonesty and lies
Really? I can't wait to be accused of the opposite three threads in the future
>I can't tell if you're really this stupid or maybe just a Jesuit here to shit up a thread and defend your faggot pederast pagan cult which covers up for child rapists and blames Christianity for the Papist cult mass murdering Christians for owning Bibles.
I'm not catholic but simply pointing out how you are equally as wrong as them
>You're just a massive coward and liar and I know you won't honestly address a single one of those verses I just referenced because you're forced to ignore them or explain them away because your man-made religious system and man's traditions are more important to you than God's Word.
I just did, however when will you address Jam 2:17-26 or do you think the God of the Living saves through dead faith?
>Even with the 2nd commandment, you kvetch and pilpul and claim "don't bow to them" doesn't akshually mean don't bow
My point is that Protestants aren't even sure by themselves since they start screaming at the mere sight of an icon. Who forces you to bow?
>Then you claim you don't bow while defending it
No, I claim that there's an opposite between literal bowing and worshiping. However if there isn't how come nobody rebukes Saul in 1 Sam 28:14-15 and Saul's men in 2 Sam 1:2?
>You're just a massive pathetic, cowardly, unbelieving, religious hypocrite, and liar.
Do you really think that Christ will enjoy this?
>Christ never knew you.
Yeah and he totally knows you, someone who believes in a God that is both Judge and conspirator. If protestantism was the actual truth God wouldn't be much different from a gnostic demiurge and would deserve about as much respect. Maybe that's why your religion is the root of modern gnosticism.
You didn't address a single argument anyone posted and then now you try this line-by-line autistic faggotry to pretend like you're actually responding to arguments.
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>God commanded to make the bronze serpent, but he never commanded anyone to bow to it or kiss it or pray to it, simply look at it to be saved.
None of this is forced to be done with icons. So the problem can't be with the icon itself.
>As it was lifted up so is the Lord Jesus Christ lifted up (and instead of lifting up Jesus, you want to lift up images and statues and pictures of him or his mother or saints made by your own hands, instead of Jesus, as Moses lifted up the serpent! -- how do you not see this? especially when this is your actual argument for defending it!).
We don't
>God also never commanded you to make images or pictures of statues of Jesus or Mary and bow to them and kiss them and pray to them or make shrines for them and burn candles around them or put kneeling pads before them
Again, the God you pray to is a God that is both judge and conspirator. If you say 'Making image is bad' and He orders you to make one then according to you God made you do something bad. This isn't just.
>You guys will come up with the most absurd reasons to defend things that are plainly idol worship.
Hundreds of years before your church was invented we already explained how all of these accusations are incorrect.
>And if your defense is that you personally don't do one or two of those things, doesn't mean it isn't in those false churches.
Then please explain what the exact problem is since you get mad at the mere existence of the icons.

>No, plenty of "protestants" are ecumenical or worldly apostates who don't stand for the truth of God's Word and the sanctity of the gospel of grace.
Ecumenism is a logical results of sola scriptura and the anarchy of the protestant church.
>Only those protesting the false and abominable Roman Catholic cult can even be said to be Christian.
Simply by being oppose to some group that is wrong you don't automatically are the right group.
>And even if you overlook the protest of an obviously-false church, there are plenty of disagreements between different protestant groups.
Who would've thought this might happen if you deny all authority and necessarily need to claim that any reading of the Bible is alright if it came out of the Bible only.
>The main difference is authority: is God and His Word your authority or man and his catechisms/creeds/dogmas/and doctrines?
Actually, you don't put God as your authority but simply your interpretation of His word. This can be see in the horrible video series of the guy who was posted above who literally saw that his Bible is incomplete and denied the rest because he already made up his mind on what he wants the Bible to be.
>Jesus showed Scripture was the authority in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 when rebuking Satan himself
He's the authority however He confirmed what was previously said and thereby is an example for us
>and we see authority of Scripture in application in verifying someone's teachings in Acts 17:10-11 which was applauded rather than condemned as the Popes would do and did and killed millions for doing
I don't even know what you are trying to tell me. 'Confirm that someone's teachings are in harmony with the Bible'? Feel free to show me any Christian group that isn't trying to base its arguments off the Bible.
>and we're told to study the word of truth in 2 Timothy 2:15 which again the Popes had God-knows-how-many Christians burned at the stake for owning Bibles and burned their Bibles too; and that's not even all of the verses or history on this.
That's bad
>Roman Catholicism is a false religious system with a false gospel that does not save.
I agree, however, protestants overcorrected and the results can be seen in the US everyday
>It's not "extreme hatred"
Considering how anything non-protestant immediately gets called roman-catholic-adjacent I would say it is
>it's hatred for lies of the devil, but it's a love for the Catholics who need to hear a Godly love that saves and frees, not a false worldly love that smooths itching ears
You think just telling them they will burn in hell is loving? Lol
>There's no salvation and no freedom in any religious system with a false gospel,
>not a works-based gospel
Without works faith is dead.
>because any works-based gospel is self-righteousness and instead of glorifying God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ, they glory in their own works
This is absurd. You can perform a good work and glorify God through it.
>Good works are a fruit of faith, but if good works were what saved what need do you have for the all sufficient blood atoning sacrifice death of the Lord Jesus Christ?
You think no one had faith before Christ died? lol
>Hundreds of years before your church was invented we already explained
nigger you weren't even alive two decades ago lmao you larping kids crack me up
Thanks for sharing, hadn't seen this one. I also recommend Roger Olson's "Against Calvinism" book for anybody who is tired of Calvinists and their bad theology.
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What's bad about Calvinist theology?
lol, didn't read. You worship idols and have a works-based gospel.

Who the fuck cares what you think, retard? Especially when you've prove you're a liar and papist pedocult-apologist.
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>Why Trad-Wives are Happiest (& Feminists are MISERABLE!!) w/ Steph Gordon & Rachel Wilson
What movie or show is this from?
Acts 16:30-31
And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Do you have a complete collection of these type of videos?
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 11:26
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
Matthew 7:21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

John 6:40
And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
the raging retard protestants in these threads just make me ashamed. maybe ill join a traditional christian sect.
Please remember that some of us are cringe too. Mainly me, however, I'd be glad to welcome you in the Orthodox church. God bless.
Orthodox Christians are based. They literally worship corpses and they will travel from all over, form huge lines so they can kiss and pray to a skull. They are upholding probably the oldest form of worship in the western civilization dating back at least to the Mycenaean Greeks. The worship of the remains and items of heroes.
Protestants are harmless, just as Satan is harmless. They do not create. They protest. They worship grace above works. You should be more concerned about the hand of the Catholic and Orthodox, as they manifest objectives.
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This is a reminder that the Roman Catholic Church was established almost two thousand years ago and is the church most in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

If you have not already, convert to Catholicism.

Matthew 16
>And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.
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Biblical passages in support of the primacy of Peter.

John 21
>When therefore they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter: Simon son of John, lovest thou me more than these? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He saith to him again: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith to him: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith to him: Feed my lambs. He said to him the third time: Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved, because he had said to him the third time: Lovest thou me? And he said to him: Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I love thee. He said to him: Feed my sheep.
Notice how it is Peter who is commanded to feed the sheep.

Matthew 10
>And the names of the twelve apostles are these: The first, Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, and James the son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus, Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him
Notice how Peter is listed first above all apostles.

Luke 22
>And the Lord said: Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren.
Notice how Jesus specifically prayed for Peter
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Quotes in support of the Peterine primacy.

Optatus of Milevis, Against the Donatists, Book 2
>You cannot then deny that you do know that upon Peter first in the City of Rome was bestowed the Episcopal Cathedra, on which sat Peter, the Head of all the Apostles (for which reason he was called Cephas), that, in this one Cathedra, unity should be preserved by all, lest the other Apostles might claim----each for himself----separate Cathedras, so that he who should set up a second Cathedra against the unique Cathedra would already be a schismatic and a sinner.

John Chrysostom, Homily 88 on the Gospel according to John
>"He says unto him, Feed My sheep."
>And why, having passed by the others, does He speak with Peter on these matters? He was the chosen one of the Apostles, the mouth of the disciples, the leader of the band; on this account also Paul went up upon a time to enquire of him rather than the others

Saint Leo the Great, Sermon 4, 29 September 444
>Yet out of the whole world Peter alone has been chosen to be put in charge of the universal convocation of peoples as well as of every apostle and all the Fathers of the Church. Although there are many priests and many shepherds among the people of God, it is Peter who properly rules each one of those whom Christ also rules principally.
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They know many aspects of their religion are just paganism with a veneer of Christianity. People don't suddenly forget the gods and festivals of their forefathers and start worshiping dead Jews overnight just because their prince was bribed with imperial Byzantine pussy. So in order to convert local populations they had to assimilate quite a few deep-rooted pagan traditions one way or another.
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>the raging retard protestants in these threads just make me ashamed. maybe ill join a traditional christian sect.
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Jesus Christ Superstar 2000
Christians trust in Christ for salvation, you trust in yourselves. You guys should just leave the thread since you're not even saved, nor can you be sure of your salvation since you're relying on your own works rather than the finished work of Christ on the cross..

And here comes the Papist spam with same tired old webms, and worldly music, and le may may music, and just trash that actually kills these threads.
>you trust in yourselves.
I trust in what the Bible says.
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sorry mate, Catholic apologetics are too strong.
NTA but Catholic apologetics is pretty unconvincing if you've read the bible though, their doctrines are by and large unbiblical and the sheer mental gymnastics to defend them is blatant.
The best argument for Catholicism is its aesthetics and centuries of artistic output, since Christianity is just a fashion statement for most people nowadays. And even back then, seeing the inside of a cathedral was a stronger argument to convert a peasant than rambling about apostolic succession or whatever. If you want people to convert people just flex Notre Dame and St. Peter's Basilica because they don't give a fuck what some papal shill said more than a thousand years after Jesus died.
I wish this were true, it would be so much easier to find a decent church in my area if I were Catholic. Not that I consider them non-Christian, but that there are some very big obstacles that keep me away from Catholicism that I haven't yet heard convincing apologetics for:
>Marian dogmas, specifically the Immaculate Conception
>The overall tendency to seemingly focus too much on Mary to the point of at times overshadowing Jesus and what He did
>Mortal vs. Venial sin, having to confess through a priest (makes for some weird situations where somebody can die before reaching confession and go to Hell)
>Intercession of Saints, Mary as mediatrix, "veneration" of saints and Mary
>2nd Council of Nicaea
Much of these points are shared with the Eastern Orthodox. I wasn't even raised with a Protestant background, but when I see those guys lining up to kiss idols and images, something deep in my gut just tells me this is wrong. If you have convincing apologetic works for any of these points (ie. book recommendations) I would like to hear them. To me it's still very difficult to see these things as anything but the result of an influx of pagan, nominal "Christians" when Christianity became the state religion of Rome.
>If you have convincing apologetic works for any of these points (ie. book recommendations) I would like to hear them
The iconoclastic discussion has thankfully brought us a lot of good arguments against iconoclasm. 'On the Holy Icons' by St. Theodore the Studite is fairly easy to read and short, so that's my go-to recommendation.
>Marian dogmas
I can only answer from the Orthodox perspective. I see many of ours deriving from her being the theotokos and thereby having a direct access to her son. Of course He will respect her as He was the one who ordered us to honor our parents.
>Focus too much on Mary
I don't feel like this applies to Orthodoxy.
>Intercession of saints
I haven't looked for apologetics for this topic, but for me it's hinted at in Rev 8:3,4 and in Luk 11:19. As to why they still hear our prayers despite having departed, this makes sense for me when we remember that God is the God of the Living.

I don't have anything about the other points now as I didn't see any problems in them or see them in as a topic for Orthodoxy
>their doctrines are by and large unbiblical and the sheer mental gymnastics to defend them is blatant
Not only unbiblical some are outright ANTI biblical like forced celibacy

1 Timothy 3:2
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

1 Timothy 3:12
Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
>her being the theotokos and thereby having a direct access to her son
Anon she never had "direct access" to her son in fact he himself refuted that claim

Matthew 12:46-50
While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.
>Anon she never had "direct access" to her son in fact he himself refuted that claim
Not only does Mat 12:46-50 clearly not distance her I also said that He follows the commandments too.
It literally puts her on the same level as every other disciple who follows his teachings and does the will of his father she has no "direct access" to him any more than any other believer does
I won't have another discussion that just ends in me repeating myself again
Oh you're the orthodox larping kid aren't you? No wonder you can't read a handful of verses
>'On the Holy Icons' by St. Theodore the Studite
Thanks, I'll put it on my reading list.
>Thanks, I'll put it on my reading list.
No problem, he also says he read the apologetics of St. John of Damascus, so they're worth a read too. St. John wrote also a lot of other apologetics, so he's a worth a read in general.
Vatican II normalfags taking advantage of prot ignorance itt
Reminder that what people refer to as "Christian Zionism" was all started by dispensationalism through freemason and crooked Lawyer Darby. All the societally accepted end-times scares are incredibly contemporary and very new heresies. Freemasons literally bribed prot pastors in the 1800's to start teaching from NIV notes.
Also if you claim to have "read my bible!" and still have no clue that the interpretations that match what the early church established by the apostles is what is true, you have alot more reading to do. Isolating one early church father or genuine heretic away from the ecumenical councils only works on the ignorant, like I was.
t. EO
Bro constant donations to Israel and changing political favor towards Israel via prot zionism is an agenda. And dispensationalism is found in most non-denom churches, many baptist churches and more lower-churches. It's so common many Americans assume christianity literally is just israel worship because that's all that's around them
He has spoken about coming from Greece and moving here before.
Being anti-jew is completely in opposition of the state who are you kidding?
>501c3 tax status
Literally every video with him is in some American state he hasn't been in Israel since he was a kid you can see for yourself
>Being anti-jew is completely in opposition of the state who are you kidding?
yeah that's how you know a honeypot totally isn't run by any government agencies
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Christianity itself is paganism with a veneer of Judaism. Christian apologists to this day still resent early church father Justin Martyr for openly acknowledging this fact.
It has been leaked that (((jesuit))) antipope francis will cancel the Traditional Latin Mass globally on the 16th of this month. Which means that this coming Sunday will likely be the last time any Catholic around the world will be able to go to our Sacred true Mass for the foreseeable future. Watch this for clarification on the TLM vs the anti-Catholic novus ordo
>Vatican II: What We Have Lost
in Spanish
>Cambios en la Iglesia Católica después del CV II
a quick glance
>Novus Ordo Disaster vs Tridentine Mass
Since the beginning we have had the TLM, the same mass and sacraments that evangelized all of Europe and the New World. From AD 33 to 1962 we had the TLM until a freemason changed it in 1962 and again in 1969 creating the novus ordo which all true Catholics understand is NOT VALID.
>what can we do
You must pray the rosary EVERY DAY for the conversion of souls into the Catholic faith, as reparations for our sins, for the abrogation of vatican II and the novus ordo, and for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady the Virgin Mary
Do not attend any novus ordo mass.
Send a short letter voicing your rejection of the novus ordo and for a return of the TLM to your local priest, the Bishop and ArchBishop of your Diocese, and to the Vatican. NO EMAILS.
Prayer is not sufficient without actions. When our Lord Jesus Christ saw the money changers in the temple did He stand by and watch the desecration of the temple? No, He took action with the whip and drove out them out. So how can we stand by and watch?
Don't worry, the gates of hell will never prevail against the Catholic Church. We will take to the catacombs once again if we must. We cannot be defeated.
Go to TLM this Sunday, it might be your first and only chance in your lifetime to experience the true mass.
I wonder if catholics were as mad when they changed the pope changed the creed
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The Vatican confirmed that there will be no further restrictions or regulations on the use of the Tridentine Mass.

Pope Francis spoke with the FSSP and ICKSP and confirmed their freedom to celebrate the Tridentine Mass.

For your sake along with that of other people, you are in schism by denying the legitimacy of Pope Francis or of any popes after Vatican II. This is a sin that puts you outside the church of Jesus Christ. You are leading people to a position that would make them doubt the veracity of their Catholic faith.

1983 Catholic Code of Canon Law
>Can. 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.

>Can. 1364— § 1. An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication, without prejudice to the provision of can. 194 § 1 n. 2; he or she may also be punished with the penalties mentioned in can. 1336 §§ 2-4.

The Pope had and still has the authority to alter the creed. Just like how he had and still had the authority to accept or revoke canons from an ecumenical council.
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It is no surprise that corrupt and violent Latin American countries are Catholic. Conversely, the greatest countries in the world are Protestant, owing much of their success to hundreds of years of Protestant work ethic.

Only through a return to Traditional Protestantism can we regain our lands and our way of life.
>The Pope had and still has the authority to alter our faith and basic truths about God
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The Pope isn't called "Holy Father" and "Vicar of Christ" for no reason, he's literally God on Earth. His are the Keys of Heaven that grant the power to bind and loose, the Piscatory Ring to rule them all, the Triregnum of absolute authority over any matters of faith, the Ferula displaying the crucified Son of Man as His to wield as He desires, and the Throne of Saint Peter the ultimate symbol of His legitimacy. Worship Him EVERY DAY or face eternal damnation in Hell, the choice is yours.
Ave Pontifex Maximus et Ave Dea Maria.
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There was a group of men in a war, and they came up to a mine field. Our Anon said to them, "who here wants to be king? Feel free to lead the way". There was a man among them who thought of himself as a God, so he stepped forward, and exploded.
"JESUS CHRIST!" Exlaimed the soldiers, as blood and flesh splattered onto their faces.
Our Anon said, "Your way has been made straight by the king" and the soldiers followed the LORD, single file, through the field of mines.
Read the letters of Saint Jerome to Pope Damasus
>he's literally God on Earth
Please seek help
Our Anon is very smart but popes don't tend to join their soldiers on the battlefield unfortunately.
>Traditional Protestantism
That's an oxymoron now innit?
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In a spiritual war, we are always on the battlefield. Even as Eliphaz lies alone in his bed.

The man poops on a throne, and masks the smell with potpourri. Our Anus gives to John, and immerses the poop with water. The poop is sent to a deep dark place, but is eventually divided from the water at a treatment plant. The water rises up to Our Anon in the spring, and the poop sinks down in the fall. Once divided, the poop becomes fertilizer for the tree, and when reunited again with the water from Our Anon, the tree will produce good fruit.

It is an orbit/cycle/circuit that we are bound to. Like the orbits of Galileo Galilei.
Protestantism is 500 years old, anon.

>By March 5, the synod had decided to declare the Holy Scripture the sole guideline for religion. The three creeds—the Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian—were officially recognized, and the unaltered Lutheran Augsburg Confession (1530) was adopted.

>After the unanimous acceptance of the unaltered Augsburg Confession, Nicolaus Olai Bothniensis, who was presiding, exclaimed, "Now Sweden is one man, and we all have one Lord and God."[1]

>Another important decision was that only the Lutheran doctrine was to be allowed; Calvinism, Roman Catholicism, and Zwinglianism were all officially banned. The Catholic-inclined liturgy of King John III of Sweden (1537–1592) was also rejected.

Sounds good. If you can't assert yourself in public, you are probably some kind if self indulgent secret society; scheming against the holy spirit.
It does explain why the Vatican is so secretive.
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>It has been leaked that (((jesuit))) antipope francis will cancel the Traditional Latin Mass globally on the 16th of this month
I rechecked with my source I heard the pope will cancel Latin Mass globally at normal dioceses. However SSPX, FSSP, and ICKSP will remain able to conduct the Latin mass thankfully.
I have a source that I cannot reveal. I dont want him or her in danger. Its very strange to say that but it is the stark reality of the Catholic church at the moment. I sincerely hope my source is wrong and come the 16th the Latin mass is not cancelled and I simply look like a crazy person.
>owing much of their success to hundreds of years of Protestant work ethic
You mean Catholic work ethic. Vid related. The Catholic church and the Benedictine Monks taught Northern Europe how to work.
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>Catholic work ethic
No such a thing, which is why most Catholic countries are corrupt and inefficient.
Also, E. Michael Jones is anti-white and pushes the exact same agenda (((Noel Ignatiev))) does.
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god i hate that catboy faggot
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It is currently July 17th in Rome and no new document has been released concerning the Traditional Latin Mass. Your "prediction" and/or "secret source" are wrong and you are still leading people to doubt the veracity of their Catholic faith. Pope Francis has shown time and again that there are no personal conflicts between him and the mass itself.

Will you apologize for giving Catholics an unfounded fear that the Tridentine mass will be taken away? Will you apologize for denying the pontificate of Pope Francis? Will you apologize to God for promoting a position that puts you and all people who hold fast to it in schism?

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