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A girl throws the first pitch of the game.
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It's a silly little tradition in some places. Harmless.
I should be upset about this?
They are there to look cute for publicity anon, they are not professional athletes.
cute thread, thanks OP!
>I should be upset about this?
What? No. Why?
>they are doing it for publicity
Yes. That's not a bad thing.
>they are not professional athletes
4 of them are gymastics professionals including an Olympic gold medalist.
Thank you anon. The goal was just posting cute women doing cute themed things. I'm confused by the replies from people other than you.
This is a very, very specific topic. Carry on.
neat throw
No sound in baseball coomer land?
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they're cute and all, but they're no george w
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pls deinterlace your videos
even just a simple "-vf bwdif" in ffmpeg is enough
how tf is the Asian birthrate declining?????
shut up meg
Women are cute but they are expensive and can be a lot of hassle. Men don't need much to be happy
Giving women rights subsequently gave them responsibilities. Women then became just another group to be exploited for money and labor. Couple this with intense feminist propaganda which is especially effective on impressionable young women that are paralyzed by the idea of marriage and family. This places them into a position where they need to provide for themselves in the same way a man does (education, career), and this leads to the very obvious decision to prioritize their own livelihoods rather than invest the time and energy into finding a suitable man to start a family with. Economically forcing women to adopt the roles of men eliminates the necessary role of motherhood from society. Women were not given freedom. They were given slavery dressed up like freedom. The deception that motherhood is less valuable than wageslaving needs to come to an end.
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Why the fuck would there be sound?
For those of us not in Burgerstan:

What is the point of this? Did she screw up or was she doing good?
She hit the batter, that's bad. That's all I know. I don't know why he's so mad aside from that being a response you would have for a real pitcher who probably hit you on purpose. There's really no reason to be angry with a ceremonial pitcher.
It's fake. It's a well done mashup of two clips.
(notice the scoreboard)
Wish I understood Japanese.
Would be cool to watch their baseball and rugby leagues while following their commentary.
Why is this whore wearing underwear as pants?
Oh I see the rotoscoping now that I know to look for it.
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crazy to think that interlacing is still in use in the year of our Lord 2024
Wise post.
you'll find lots of old stuff being used in broadcasting
it doesn't have the same luxuries as internet streaming where a site can just provide multiple formats (latest and greatest as well as older ones to support older devices/computers)
>that stance at 0:03
Almond status: ACTIVATED
If they were sane they would have ditched interlacing when they switched to broadcasting with digital codecs instead of the old analogue signals. But I guess they missed their chance and now it's too late.
It's never too late, but inertia is a strong thing.
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its not even fair to other women when asian girls also have an ass.
just total defeat of white/black/latina women.
is that Sarah Shahi?
so what happened to the retard who kept hitting the batter?
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its not a soft butt though. they discovered the hip thrust machines at the gym.
that butt is just rock made from protein powder and the second they stop hitting the gym it vanishes
they obviously had work done (plastsic surgery) to their faces.

White women are superior.
The white women you're thinking of also had work done.
Women are universally deceptive and fake.
he was forced to commit sudoku after the game
Why did you post ugly white women then
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Liv Morgan mogs those asian bugs
kek, whitoid cope
Her face looks like plastic.
It's uncanny.
I need to be crushed between those thighs
manface lmao
so.....simp thread?
Tokyo “swallows”? Really?
>mocks American intelligence
>can't even tell the clip is edited
this site always did draw in the mentally handicapped social rejects.....
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wtf are you talking about? it's the complete opposite

asians have soft skin and asses that feel like clouds, even when they are flat. latinas and whites have fat packed together with cellulite. have you ever been to a club anon?
Stunning goddamn. Names?
those are women not girls. learn english OP
>have you ever been to a club anon?
yes once, it was to fix an ATM and it was about 0930.
I've also never had a gf, I just watch a lot of their afreeca workouts and make shit up from there
why is everything women do always sexualized?
thanks for you input, mujahideen. go back to your hijab women lmao
The primary function of women is reproduction
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hey I got one of these
Isn't this sexual assault in current year?
it's only sexual assault if you're a man
>an ugly man
that's what i said (women think the vast majority of men are ugly)
Well, my mum says I'm handsome, so I felt like it was necessary for me to make the distinction.
i understand, mum knows best
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god damm the visual disparity in korea is so large. girls getting 25k+ dropped on face mods and the dudes looking like a wardrobe change away from Goblin #2
Forget 0.03, take a look at 0.05
That anon is saying the asians with bigger butts have them from working out, making them firm. Typical asian butts are of course milky soft, and I prefer them that way.
she did better than fauci
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Wow mami
why does Japan and Venezuela like baseball so much
An eternal mystery
Looks it
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Hit By Pitch
450 foot bomb over left
450 foot bomb over right
Benches cleared

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