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The 2024 Summer Cup in which /wsg/ is set to compete will begin July 19

Our Roster poll is now open and will remain open for the next few weeks.

If you've never heard of the 4CC you can learn more here. tl;dr it's 4chan boards playing virtual divegrass against one another.

If you'd like to see how the team is looking currently take a look at our wiki page and video archive.

If you are interested in testing or managing for the team please contact either of us here.

If you have any ideas on how to improve the team, i.e. new player suggestions, logos, music, aesthetics ideas(stadiums, kits, balls, chants, ad boards, player models), I implore you to discuss it in this thread.

To (hopefully) keep this thread from being deleted, post gifs/webms relating to the 4CC or sports video games in general.
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To recap our Winter performance, /wsg/ opened up /lit/'s asshole with a 4-0 destruction which saw Chinese Steel Worker's first and second goal as well as man of the match for the effort. The second match against /jp/ resulted in a 1-2 loss which only really hurt the management's pride more than the team's success considering what would follow. /wsg/ then easily defeated /a/ with a 3-0 win promoting both teams. Now in the knockouts once again, the team would have another shot at winning an elite knockout match which we finally accomplished after ten entire years with a 2-0 win over /vrpg/. Now in uncharted waters, /wsg/ would only be a three matches and a few hours away from potentially raising a trophy, a number which would be reduced to two after /wsg/ and Gondola would meet /int/ and Gondola respectively in the quarterfinals, where /wsg/ would have their fourth and final shutout win of 2-0. Now in the semifinals thing were getting tense, /wsg/ was only two games away from glory, unfortunately this is where our shot at the championship title was gone with a 2-4 loss to /co/. Our cup run would not end with a disappointing loss though as /wsg/ would take home a third place trophy after defeating /sci/ 4-3, even while conceding a penalty goal.
Following the end of the tournament /wsg/ would pick up the following Autie awards:
Most Improved Team, Underdog of the Tournament, Most Exciting Team, Best Overall Aesthetics, Best Anthem (Sunset Neon - Tonight(knockout anthem)) and the 4CC Pulitzer which featured both Gondola's running side by side. /wsg/'s goalkeeper To Be Continued would pick up the Golden Glove with 20 saves and our gold attacking midfielder would pick up the Golden Ball with 6 assists.
My opinions on the current roster:
To Be Continued - Despite being an outdated meme, TBC stepped up to fill the empty GK position. TBC is the first player on the team to play in the outfield and in the net.
WTF Is This Real? - A dancing cat, how? Keep, silver candidate imo.
Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension - Basically a blanket rep for any War/Creepy/Uncanny, the current uncanny Mr. Incredible model for this player sure is... incredible. Keep.
Why Are You Gay? - Who says I'm gay? You are gay. Keep.
MULTI-TRACK LISTENING - Not really much to say about this player but I believe it's one of the only original memes of /wsg/ on the team, which is probably why you guys vote it so high, also who doesn't like eurobeat? Promote to silver.
Did He Died? - To this day it's still a classic reply to ANY rekt image be it a puppy falling over or actual fucking gore, this is prime 4chan real estate that we've reclaimed and I hope we can keep it that way. Promote to silver.
Duane - After his silver medal tenure surpassed his gold tenure, he would lose his medal position altogether, personally I think Duane should stay out of the limelight and let other more interesting memes be the stars of the team.
Chinese Steel Worker - Somehow survives the worksite only to be killed by a rogue truck tire while on break. Keep as silver.
You Should Kill Yourself… Now! - If LTG's momentum continues he may ascend to gold medal status, I MEAN THAT WITH 100%, WITH 1000%!
Gondola - /int/ has finally allowed us to share him within concurrent cups since we gave our Gondola a comfy pom-pom hat and scarf, keep as some sort of medal, currently a gold.
Ricardo Milos - Our captain, still widely posted. Keep as gold.
Deal With It - Classic player and meme format, but would not bat an eye if people wanted to overhaul the team. Keep for posterity.
Motherfucking Newports - Godmotherfuckingdamn, motherfucking newports nigga, I'm hauling ass nigga, I'M HAULING ASS!!!
Obligatory 9/11 Thread - We did it we recruited the actual twin towers to play for the team and they definitely made an impact on the team, winning the Best Model award at one point. Keep.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik - Added in Autumn '20 by executive order due to popular demand and has continued to maintain his spot on the roster ever since, he's the YTPMV rep.
Lamp Oil, Rope, Bombs? - You want me on the team? It's yours my friend, but only if I get enough votes. Neutral, would prefer to see better memes.
WASTED - Classic, the last true old-blood defender on the team, I truly hope he never leaves.
Look At Him Go! - Recently got a new model, that funny walking bear is looking really good now. Keep.
Thirst Impact - More than just some anime rep, but an actual meme! Will the 4CC continue to have a Misato player? YES!
Big Man Tyrone - Still the classic pay-to-say-whatever-you-want guy. Was a former longtime silver, a bit long in the tooth nowadays, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide his fate.
Literally Me - Omg he's actually factually me. I don't really expect this to stay for to long. Frankly I didn't expect him to stay on the last poll as he received only 62.5% support, the all time lowest for a current player.
The "Burger" King - You know, the guy on the plane who called that nigger bitch a nigger. Scored a goal in the infamous match vs. /w/ despite being a DMF, he even got one in our last tournament. Keep, potentially promote.
Sensible Chuckle - The classic gif used all across 4chan to display mild enjoyment and appreciation of other anons posts, another claim we've staked and maintained for almost as long as the team has been a thing. Keep.
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New Player Ideas, a little light this time so if you have anything to suggest please do so in the poll and this thread:
VB LONGNECK - If your a fucking full grown Aussie, this is what you’d have for breakfast you fucking dog cunts!
Scott Sterling - Our former third keeper, we are thinking of bringing him out of retirement for this tournament only as there is a unique opportunity to use three keepers in our strategy this Summer and we thought there would be no better player to fill that position then the man, the myth, the legend himself.
>Indian >Street >Food - In the same vein that Chinese Steel Worker makes fun of Chinese infrastructure and products, this player makes fun of Indians for their unsanitary food preparation.
[UNINTELLIGIBLE] - Image Reaction rep
Leslie Nielsen - Here's how we bring back a man who died 14 years ago, we make him a rep for gif captions and or image reactions, don't call him Shirley though.
Hansel Staredown - Gif Caption rep.
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Who the fuck are these commentators? Why is one of them a nigger? Where's Kregg? This is bullshit.
>/wsg/ would take home a third place trophy after defeating /sci/ 4-3, even while conceding a penalty goal.
Have any webms been made from this game or this cup?
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go for it
>Leslie Nielsen
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where is the stadium, manager
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yeah, here are some highlights from the /sci/ game
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our poor chinaman didn't have a good game and lost 1000 social credits
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ultimately not enough time for /sci/ to get another one back, still a funny ending to the match that got us our first "trophy"
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Thank you
Friendly reminder to vote in the poll if you haven't already, as it will be closing in about a week.
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done, keep up the good work
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Hello everyone. I'm BND and I'm stepping up as a manager for wussug starting this season after testing for a while. Can't wait to get started!
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The roster poll is now closed.
After 16 valid votes the changes to the roster are as follows.
Out: Literally Me
Golds: Ricardo Milos, Gondola
Silvers: You Should Kill Yourself... Now!, Chinese Steel Worker
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Still my favorite moment of this year.
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kek thats amazing
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I don't really care much for sportsball but I really enjoy seeing the avatars you guys choose run around
kregg is dedd
>skibidi biden didn't make the team
It's joever
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Alright, time to stop hibernating.
The Summer cup will start next weekend, we've recessed as a species, and as a result we're back on PES16.
What that means is, just expect a lot of goals. this game is stupid.

Now before that, the group stages will have to be drawn. As /pw/ is hosting the cup, the draw will be decided via wrasslin' instead of a hat pick.
Surely having a wrestling rep in [UNINTELLIGIBLE] will help us out... right?
Yet, he will not be our representative during SUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMERSLAM!!
For that another man will have to step up, a man who fighting not just for the team, but also for himself, for his daughter, for the debt's he owes and his redemption arc to begin!
Stay tuned for the draw, for SUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMERLAM!, live tomorrow 17:00 UTC time on the official 4chan Cup cytube!
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The draw has concluded, hope you guys like rematches.
vs /jp/ on saturday 20 July 2024 19:40 UTC. We played them in the previous Winter cup. Ended in a 1-2 loss, yet we still managed to top the group.
vs /t/ on friday 26 July 2024 18:20 UTC. We played them previous Summer cup. We won 3-1, but their famous last stand, the boarding party, gave them a 90+ goal seeing them top the group over us.
vs /vg/ on sunday 28 July 2024 17:40 UTC. We're playing them for the 4th year in a row, previous match ended in a 1-1 draw where we narrowly advanced over them on goal difference.
Oof, that group G really is the hardest group this entire cup, very stacked. Group B is by far the easiest, /vt/, as much as I don't like them, is gonna dominate that. I wish you a lot of luck.
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