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Post 'em
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The joke would've died years ago if janitors didnt get so angry over it
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and we love it
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Redditbashing never should've left 4chan.
Even retarded xitter kids are now calling things they don't like (being heckin' racist and transphobic) "reddit".
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inb4 thread gets deleated for inciting janny hate
>>2*0 = 0
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>overlaying videos with text is brand new
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Who are you quoting?
look at you! you got the joke!
did not think i would see the day 4chan boards would start resembling a facebook feed but here it is. this is some of the most unfunny shit i have ever seen. half of the time the text adds nothing to the image and the sole idea to make memes formulaic is so fucking stupid. i wonder what husk of a soul it takes to enjoy this or let alone create this vile imagery and then i realised that people make it because it's easy. it takes zero effort to make something like this. your shit sucks, fuck you.
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Was I quoting you are who?
you post this comment every time. If you don't like it, stop coming to the threads.
Go away, old man
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>he right tho
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Fuck I hate this type of people
All jokes aside mr. janitor, I just want to say I respect the hard work you put in to keep our boards safe and clean.
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Every time I play a Def Leppard album on yt or something there’s these fuckers in the comments writing these retarded stories like “I used to listen to this in 1988 when pissing in a bottle on a road trip through Ontario good old days” or some other gay shit like that and I can’t find the fucking time stamp of the songs bc of these shitheads
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Fucking kek anon, gj
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Zoomer here, Idgi
Ikr I want to meme the guys response in each and every "my dead dad loved this song".
Baby's first multiplicative identity
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Does anyone have the gif of Saul Goodman drinking out of the cow trough with the caption "a 12 year old girl swam in this water"?
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An average /s4s/ browser
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nice loop, dumbass
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gonna post a bunch
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I implore you, open up any of sewerslvt's older comment sections. I've never seen so many abused and mentally ill people conglomerate in one place before.
it's from a song called the ultimate showdown
its like 15 years old
Is it sad that I know "ultimate orgy" better than the original?
I don't listen to music made by trannies, so I'll take your word for it.
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note that just watching the source probably won't explain everything if you weren't around for it, since it references a bunch of contemporary memes and old characters
like chuck norris was a big meme but probably a literally who to younger zoomers
honestly, i was a teenager when that came out and still i was too young to know some of the characters in it, like i didn't know who mr. rogers was (from a 60's tv show, it ran to 2001 but i don't remember ever seeing it, maybe it wasn't shown in my country)
You know when you get that burning sensation when you pee? It's kinda like that.
in what world is being racist and transphobic associated with reddit?
you seem like you're either dishonest or retarded, or both
no but it is reddit that you said "is it sad.. etc"
old but gold
who said it's new? literally who are you quoting?
dumb zoomer
I'm here to let you know that >>5599846 was the only decent one you posted
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Friendly neighborhood thread curator here.
These are the funny ones:
Look at any other gif ITT at your own risk. Some just barely didn't make the cut, you may still like them, but others are pretty fucking unfunny.
If you're a lurker I recommend looking through these I've quoted exclusively.
If you're a poster who is not appearing in this list then your stuff's no good. Either stop posting forever or get better material.

Have a nice day.
damn, if these are considered funny then I'm afraid to see the rest of them
Which of the ones quotes were not funny?
I have to ask because there is a chance you are one of the unfunny posters who is buttmad and being dishonest. Please understand.
all of them
buttmad unfunny-poster, got it
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Wow, I'm glad we have someone whose opinion matters more than the rest of ours' here!
I don't get it
he is correct on all counts
I've seen it with my own eyes several times on xitter, retard.
Take it up with them, not me.
and what makes you not one of them?
But have you ever had your pee split in half, when you're taking that morning piss?
Zoomerhumor, millenialboomers wouldn't understand.
funny cause .0005 seconds would be considered extremely long by at least 4 orders of magnitude
>i made the list
Yep pretty much
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Nobody gives a shit about your opinion, faggot.
Nobody gives a shit about seeing unfunny weeb crap in supposedly funny threads either. I make sure people don't see that shit
lulz deadass
Deep truth. All the way to the core.

It's in my body! It's in my soul!
Demanding it all!
It's in my body, it's in my soul...
- Combichrist, Electrohead
it's an epidemic
120k likes on all of them lol
"my mother listened to this in her deathbed and i drove all the way to Wisconsin to be there for her last three days I'll never forget never being there THE REST OF HER LIFE"

100 thousand likes
So sad
Cry, we all cry
Song was about finally making it in life and watching your kids grow


Hahaha so true
pretty damn good
Anyone can make propaganda now, not just jews in charge of multi-billion dollar media companies.
mass repliers should be put in a mass grave
what do they do with the new particles they find?
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Take measurements, compare them to other measurements, revise hypotheses in response to the new data, develop new methods of testing to get different types of data using new hypotheses, learn more, find out new things are possible or impossible. Science and shit.
your shit's not funny, deal with it
you are an animal
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Either I've seen this before and forgotten about it and then "invented" it as my own creation or you are an "intelligence" asset reading my mind / implanting thoughts and harassing me online.
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I'm mad now
nice trips nigga this is doubly funny because it just happened again, turns out they literally have secret immigrant group rape chats
that guy is good
US didn't do shit until 1941
Uh, Futas aren't trannies. If you're not aware of this fact then there's no point in further conversation.
trannies are the closest thing to irl futas though. at least the pretty ones are.
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the cognitive dissonance spans continents
>learn more, find out new things are possible or impossible
Such as?
hated niggers
Its millennial brainrot shit.
more gen x really, half the characters are from 60's/70's shows
Paranoia agent is too good to use in shitty memes like this.
Shame on you.
Such as how slamming helium nuclei into heavier elements can make different elements. Learning how to do this properly is the difference between the product decaying in .0005 seconds and .0005 centuries. An example of this being the production of isotopes in particle accelerators for radiographic use in hospitals. Another example is realizing that messing with uranium in reactors produces plutonium, which is way easier to get to go boom in a nuke.
If you want to learn more, read a few books on the topic instead of asking randos on fucking 4chan.
>Another example is realizing that messing with uranium in reactors produces plutonium, which is way easier to get to go boom in a nuke.
If we developed a bomb that could create a black hole, would you find that a useful scientific discovery?
You miss the point. Being able to produce plutonium in certain reactors, while being a nice way to increase fuel compression, is a problem when it comes to weapons proliferation. Thus knowing when and how it happens is useful information.
Plus, science is just a tool without any inherent morality. Blaming the hammer in a man's hand for his murder of another man is genuinely hollow-headed thought.
To address the black hole bomb you're fantasizing of, depends on how big it is. Considering how a black hole is formed, any bomb that could make a black hole big enough to pose a threat to human existence would itself be a threat to human existence. The black hole part is irrelevant when Earth is destroyed by the required supernova-tier detonation.
>Considering how a black hole is formed, any bomb that could make a black hole big enough to pose a threat to human existence would itself be a threat to human existence
So would you find that to be a useful scientific discovery?
Yes. To be able to harness enough energy to blow up a star system would imply we're already pushing K2 civilization levels and would necessarily already have a sociopolitical system capable of handling such power. Just because you can't conceive of using technology beyond "Grug stick go bonk" doesn't mean others aren't capable of going beyond and considering higher-order implications of tech.
Cool, I hope they're able to continue doing such science in to the future
chuck norris memes were still a thing around 2016 ish, i still see them now and then these days
>unironically posting discord server memes
wondered why this thread was mostly garbage
>japanese city pop song from the 80s
>top comments are all about being nostalgic for time before they were even born
every fucking time
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if you're attracted to cocks you're a fag simple as
I get what you're saying but you're still a huge faggot for saying it. No one cares. Eat shit and die.
>NO people actually LOVE to waste their time on unfunny shit!!!
sure bud, seethe harder about your shitty unfunny webm not making it on the list lmao
>ud rea
damn I didn't know which ones were funny or not thanks for telling us
>enter thread about funny stuff
>post unfunny shit
>"wtf why is someone mean to me ;((("
I didn't post anything retarded animal.
You will never own a house.
And any black man is the closest thing to your dad. It however, doesn't automatically make any particular random Black guy your dad.
which ones do you disagree with, then?
go on, quote the webms and gifs posted before my kino wall of text that you thought were funny and that I didn't
That caption is way less funnier than the original...
I disagree with mass quoting the entire fucking thread as if anybody cares two tugs on a dead dog's cock about your opinion. Shit covered ape.
>the entire thread
the whole point was to quote the good posts THOUGH
your sarcastic logic doesn't even work, retard. the closest thing to my dad is literally him, because he exists in the real world. futas do NOT exist irl, so the closest thing we have are trannies. the same way that unicorns don't exist, but the closest thing we have is a horse with a dildo on its head.
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Yeah you're right.
lend-lease you stupid nigger
>your sarcastic logic doesn't even work, retard. the closest thing to my dad is literally him, because he exists in the real world.
And I'm sure he'll be home with those smokes Annie-Daynao.
Zoomer vatniger here, I don’t get it can someone explain?
My sides
What song is this?
>being nostalgic for time before they were even born
this is a real thing though

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meant to upload this caption with that post
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I don't know how to use the program so it's the best I could do
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You know you can post gifs with audio on this board right? Same as /gif/
this is so raw
>gifs with audio
May have been funny if not for the audio and video.
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teens keep making hard natsoc edits and post it on tiktok
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I've been wanting to make these forever. What font is this? I know it's some kind of arial but what specifically?
Futas are just apolitical trannies. Trannies are just leftist/communist futas.
looks like impact
Trannies have balls. It's the balls that make it gay.
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