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Muhammad's dream harem
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>muslim europe
Hitler's dream became reality :')
white women's kryptonite
This is just normal education kek
presuming this is scandinavia, all classes (while learning about religion) make field visits to churches, synagogues, mosques and if there are any buddhist temples or similar sites of worship near where the school is based.
it's stated by muslim scholars that even if you say those words you're not automatically muslim, especially in the eyes of Allah.
if you hold up a piece of paper and ask someone to read it, and they read it out saying "I am angry", does this make them furious? Obviously not.
They need to say it and mean it, or it is merely a recitation of words.
europe turning into a shithole?
fake and gay. They're only visiting the mosque because of school. They're clearly not having a good time. stop trying to spin a narrative
see, we need immigrants or who else will make sure the big brands keep making money?
>they need visibility
thats kind of the opposite of what a hijab is for
those women never work, they just loiter
but yeah let's take immigrants because we need workpower, it's not about the replacement at all, chud
it's laughable they still wear that shit in 21st century even when living in civilized countries, even blacks are more able to integrate into society than mudslimes, they stick out like a sore thumb
As an atheist I've never understood what drove people to kill another over their faith until I met Muslims, I want to see all of those who willingly chose Islam to choke on their blood, pedophile warmonger worshiper the whole lot of them.
As others have pointed out, this is a completely standard school field trip to visit a mosque. The pupils will also visit a Catholic church, Jewish synagogue and Buddhist temple, if possible.

Denmark is a Christian (Danish Lutheran) country with no separation of church and state and as such children learn about Christianity in school from an early age. When they are older they will also learn a bit about other religions, as depicted here.

I get that you're trying to make a point about failed mass immigration, something I would tend to agree on. It's just a shame that you chose to lead with such a poor and misunderstood example.
Get yo thong out yo' bussy playa'
True but they still will try to make you say it for some reason
piss of you dunecoon you have free palestine as your name yet you "people" are only in the west because of zionist kikes.
remember that next time you wake up and make your coffee you inferior sandnigger; that you only live to serve jews
imagine needing a face cover to prevent men from raping you
mass immigration is such a frustrating and depressing thing.
I know all the facts, details origins and motive behind it yet there is nothing i can do to stop it. im 19 and I dont want to live the rest of my life with these sandniggers who hate us. Some of my peers dont like it either but for the most part people are too blind and unaware of the problems. Labour are set to win by a landslide so it seems like the problem will be larger. I avoid contact with them as much as possible but there is really nothing i can do to stop my homeland being taken away
its a good inflection point as the only whites that will exist are the intelligent ones that are racist
>need visibility
yeah they're so hard to spot in a crowd lol
Remember that webm of the guy getting the turkeys to gobble in unison?
same vibe
Vote Reform lad, it's a step in the right direction.
yh i will be. Problem is they're not as strict as I want muslim expulsion but they will have to do. Farage will probably win in 29 given the clear right wing shift in zoomers and the fact that Labour's Mps and Policies are a recipe for disaster. After 5 years of Labour own goals and the imminent end of the tories, reform have a decent shot at PM
All you can do is make alot of money and move to an area they can't get to
It kinda is. I live in Denmark and muslim kids don't attend christianity lessons here. Their parents don't allow it
What he's really saying is:
>Look at this piece of shit i got paid a million bucks from our retarded city mayor to make
Islam is a joke and their prophet a pedophile faggot.
Might makes right
>pedophile warmonger worshiper the whole lot of them.
jews are exactly the same, they just keep quiet about it
>there is nothing i can do to stop it
There is. Its just a question of whether you prioritize your own safety and comfort over it.
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no one cares. islam is just another fake and gay club. when they die, the same thing happens to them as the rest of us.
lmao white cuck thinks he's tough until chad pulls his machete. fucking retards reap what youve sown kek
i hope they rape even more white stacies this year.
Northern Europeans are finally moving on from being gay Germanic barbarians braindead idiots like they always had been
Would love to see the flags behind some of the posts on here.
Grew up in america to pakistani muslim parents.
I fucking hate pakistanis and indians and i've hated them since my early teens.
It didn't take me long at all to see that white christian families lived way nicer lives than I did.
I got whitewashed bad that when other muslims talk to me they immediately point out "you talk very white" and "you probably kick it with white people dont you".
The term sand "niggers" is very fucking apt. The FIRST time i EVER heard the word nigga was when I went to a mosque with all the dumbass hoodrat muds that went there. I didnt even know wtf the word meant at all and I started saying it myself.
Anyway yeah mudslimes fucking suck but their savagery has no subtlety. Jews are far more dangerous because of how cleverly they assert control.
unfortunately if i was in charge i would still kixk you out of evrope
sorry, no hard feelings
Yeah I hope you get that sibling you always wanted too.
We should kick you out for not knowing how to read
United under one faith to liberate Palestine :) :) :)
Insanely based
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Never a good thing for someone to outright hate their own heritage. It's a part of you, no matter how much you might try to distance yourself. I'm sure you can find things to be proud of if you do more research.
Yes it is. Just be proud bs is why those shit cultures never improve
>those women never work
and that's good
Yeah, they can be barbaric walking bombs instead.
imagine the smell
white sharia is the most based thing that could ever happen
these are the people calling you a pedophile shitskin online
didn't le pens party get the most votes?
Okay Rabbi.
yeah lol. the left act like they won even tho le pen got 2m+ more votes and they had to cheat to get a hung parliament. This "victory" doesnt stop the clear very fast rise of the fAr-rIgHt with european zoomers. le pen's support has doubled in 2 years
>Hijab wearing women
>in Birmingham
No wonder France is a massive shithole since 1800. Nothing of value was lost anyway
Funny how so many muslims are now sola scriptura Protestants
honestly very well put into words, anon. You hit the nail on the head
>grand parents are québécois
>great grand parents from Dijon
>grew up speaking French
>was really excited to visits my ancestral home in 2021
>finished my trip jaded and incredibly more racist than when I arrived

Genuinely think and hope we will see a serious French civil war by 2050
This. the smallest step to do is to unironically make more kids, and work to get your friends/family married too and making babies.
They look like they're being held hostage.
Accept your fate, pig.

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