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prev >>5530830
since these threads take a long ass while before anyone makes a reply, post 3 next time
>carm asmr
Fuck yeah, one of the best ASMR channels out there
did another clip test/redo of a previous clip from the previous thread but meant to post the larger copy, brb
How long did it take you to go from listening to fem asmr to be able to listen to male asmr as well without feeling gross? Took me a good time personally. Guess if you're new into it, it's difficult to put the sexual aspect away from it.
I felt gross and awkward listening to male asmr, but now I can't listen to anything else and I get gross out by female asmr, lol. And no, I didn't turn gay.
98% of my listening time is to females but dimitri/massageasmr is just too good, he's the only guy i consistently listen to
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I grew up around the time when ASMR wasn't sexualized yet, so I never made that connection.
Is it just me or was society in general a lot less sexualized ten years ago?
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There's only one good type of ASMR and it's unintentional ASMR.
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Thank you for posting these beautiful women doing 100% unsimpful, pure, TRUE, grass-roots and original ASMR, anons. It is thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. Fuck that faggot who seethes at the sight of any pretty woman on the internet!
I love this one. Good palm reading stuff is somewhat rare, it's mostly old hags with crooked hands who won't shut up.
who be this?
harrissa asmr
Cherry Crush's ASMR channel got nuked off YouTube a couple weeks ago, can we get an F in the chat?

Luckily, I have most (all?) of the channel's videos saved. Unluckily, I forgot to tag them with upload dates, and now that the channel is gone, that metadata is probably lost...
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Well anon... are you going to get it?
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source is in the filename on that one
God bless you bro
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This chick has some nice tit pics from before she got big.
When will these bastards learn to flip the audio
This idiot missed multiple opportunities to flirt with her. She teed him up a couple times and he didn’t even notice it
She was just being a good saleswomen. I doubt she even remembered his name 5 minutes later.
lizi asmr
What are you talking about? If you see the left side of your screen make sound, you should hear sound on the left side of your ear/headphones.
Anything else is plain insanity.
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It's a sales tactic, they're friendly on purpose. Lots of them have these mannerisms and even use similar phrases in some cases which makes them great for unintentional ASMR.
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That's what I'm talking about, the video in the OP and many others do the opposite
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just flip your headset around bro
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A jew have never made me so relaxed
it would be so easy for you to become a pay pig if you aren't already.
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you hit on the waitress, dont you?
Glow is probably the most conventionally attractive ASMR girl, but I’ve always partial to Blue Whisper.
Honestly I don’t think either are particularly talented though.
>Glow is probably the most conventionally attractive ASMR girl
There's like 10 girls more conventionally attractive than her, dude
I could post 100, each girl is more beautiful depending on your state of mind
Name some. More importantly, which ones do think are the most talented? Seems like most of the really cute ones just coast on their looks.
Starling! She looks like a model. And also Cherie Lorraine though I don't like her. And that girl Seraphina being shilled by some anon. And also my frenchie Colomba. And a few other girls from smaller channels.
The most talented among the conventionally beautiful, you mean? Probably also Starling. But I agree that most cute girls have shitty to mediocre asmr.
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Th pretty ones know their looks are enough to rake in money, hence their work is of subpar quality. Unlike the mediocre ones who need to put in real work to pay their bills and consequently, their work is of superior quality.
Conventionally: dot okome._ch / maika ASMR
Unconventionally: alwaysslightlysleepy
Last night I had a dream that I was young again, sick, and staying home from school. For some reason I needed a babysitter and my babysitter was Sleepy. The cool part about this was that she would let me worship her feet and seemed to like it. Then when I returned to school we planned out ways of seeing each other again.
I don't have dreams like this terribly often but they're nice when they come around.
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holy shit i think i found a new favorite.. ive been slumming on this board for months and it paid off. im sobbing omg thx
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misogynist gtfo. or stay and gain some perspective.
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well anon... have you?
Is that the guy from the meme gay porn clips?
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EVERY TIME! Though I can't be sure if it's edited or not. Either way this is garbage.
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does this whore always show tits in her videos? if so I'm gonna need a name
i don't think this is originally supposed to be asmr
What is she eating? Looks kinda like freeze-dried ice cream
looks like corn starch
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Perhaps if i had a quirk chungus asmr girlfriend i would be happy.
I love healer videos
I wish maybe asmr makers got into actual magic.
scam spiritualism is very relaxing, which makes sense all things considered
I love to watch reiki videos and would love to receive a reiki session for relaxation purposes but there's no way I'm paying money to some scam artist that wants people to believe crystals heal you. same with card reading or fortune telling stuff
ASMR is really the best next thing
Reiki vid recommendations?
Same guy? The scar's throwing me off.

>waxy ears
File: Anglo ASMR experience.webm (2.8 MB, 1280x720)
2.8 MB
And since we have them Euros going...
File: Anglo Speech.webm (837 KB, 480x480)
837 KB
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What is this from?
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Reno 911
as mentioned here >>5603628
it's "na ushka"
нa yшкa c yшкo!
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found this after a slightly deep search

lol wtf is that?
it's her heartbeat
this is a good one. i didn't realize it until now, but attention from friendly salespeople is a big trigger for me. thanks.
this isn't asmr, but one thing is for certain::

nearly every instance of black women making asmr is just abrasive audio on a mono channel

like, take notes from lauren and linda for fuck sake...
it's not difficult
might check later
What’s the dumbest vid that still somehow works for you?
this one >>5603891
anyone have christicakes? channel deleted.
Reiki vids really are kino. For what it's worth, the people that are into it always seem very kind and genuine. It's still complete horse shit, but I wouldn't say they're all willingly scamming either.
Funnily enough, I had a reiki thing done once after I had an ankle strain (for free, from someone my mom knew) and while I could feel the warmth and it was unclear where it came from, it did literally trigger my asmr and I really enjoyed the whole thing. I even lied about it working a bit in hopes I'd get to go back lel.
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we are not the same
WhispersOfTheWolf is amazing and I love falling asleep to her.

And once paid for a remote reiki session with TheLuneInnate. She was sweet and charming and I loved it, even though I don't believe in it (I told her that, it was part of our discussion)
>shower cap
>cheap lashes
I always liked male ASMR because they know what works. It's only gay if you actively seek the gay content.
How so? because I can afford to pay for remote reiki? It was a drop in the bucket. Was soothing as hell. And very enjoyable. Would do again.
very nice.
is it just me or there's more sound coming from the left?
She's so hot, I'd like to have steamy sex with her

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