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Hyperborea / schizo fantasy thread

Endless white boy summer edition
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Smoking cannabis is the most divinely feminine thing an Aryan woman can do
Okay, so, does anyone have the one where it's like the black sun and sneed and the grubhub delivery dance set to taylor swift? I think at the end there's an edit of CIA where he's made to look like sneed with a black sun in the background
Does anyone have the one that begins with an edit of Ingres's Turkish Bath that features flying ufos?
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the jew fears the hollow earth explorer.
Does anyone have more of these?
Does anyone have that KingCobra edit where he looks into a bottle?
Latest update on social parasites, normies and druids.
these all fucking suck
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Fuck you newGOD half of those are classics
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not the "newfag", but also rather an oldfag; those webms have had their audio replaced and have lost their charm.
Anyone know where I can get my OC edits out besides these threads that wont get removed? Youtube removed it within a day, as well as bitchute and ifunny
found via yt search
that's just lazy
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look how far we going
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well, it was from yt so what else were ya expecting?
Something with effort like vid related
Who's the guy at 16 seconds? I want to rewatch that clip.
Rik Mayall, passed away 10 years ago.

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Couldn't help but have to replace the shitty phonk in this gem.
Need one of these to Santa Maria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs_THb_PxDM
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Its so funny the resentful commie that has lost the culture war to Nazis thinks that a list of suicides is an "own"... they will all be granted legions in the final war for mastery of the earth under the Bogd Khan.

I feel that the text ruins this kino...
best one so far
Great edit except for the opening hurr durr money evil facebook tier animation, feels out of place next to everything that comes after
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who's the woman at 16-17 seconds, such a qt
>christcuck garbage
fuck off
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this is anti-music
legit rap-tier nigger brainrot
kill yourself immediately
>Defending and making concessions for globohomo modernity
I have 0 doubt in my mind that you got the vaccine and wore the mask like a bitch for 2+ years for a virus that didn't even exist
Your own ancestors, if they saw (You) a docile and pacified urbanite, would unironically sell you into an Arab sex slave trade in Baghdad
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it's Independence Day,show some respect
Does anyone have the Mr. Beast one where there’s the “ Hyperborean no nigger zone.”
What's the song?
Puritans banned Christmas in New England, they have no respect for other people's holidays.
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Haha very funny kind stranger, one updoot for you!! :) +1
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does anyone have the lil peep sonnenrad edit
Every hyperborea edit summarized
based and gnomepilled
htaman si a frnied of nmei
Assuming that you aren't trolling: Gigi d'Agostino - L'amour toujours on church organ, uploaded on YT from Darko Pleli.
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That music fucking sucks. Jesus. Here's the correct version for future reference.
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Song on this banger?
Jewish propaganda. Stop watching porn, its warping your mind. There's a reason almost every civilization in history has broadly banned or stigmatized incest. Opposite of traditionalism, decadence.
hello, glad you asked and hope you check back to read this. She is Maria Orsic, believed to possibly be a nordic alien and to have founded the Vril society and invented ufos for the nazis
disappeared in 1945
i hope you burn to death
4 u
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Everyone point and laugh at the mossad agent, he thinks he can dismantle the Aryan spirit this easily with porn addict cartoon slop. You'll have to get more subversive than this, its too on the ((nose)) Oy vey!
>Choose a random pantheon from history
>They are all products of incest
You are just plain wrong dummy. The only reason incest was considered unfavourable was when it interfered with the power structures of the family and the successions lines. If it didn't it was fair game. Cousins,siblings,uncles-nieces,aunts-nephews etc they were all a-ok. It was Christianity and Islam that stigmatized incest in most of it's forms and even then it took fucking centuries to completely stigmatize incest.
remix name?
>"Dude, that's cringe, bro. Here's the good shit"
>worse version of gigachad theme
Smells like summer
Not a remix, it's original just using the white boy summer line. Not sure about its origin, but here's an upload of it by itself
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fuck off kike
very based
>constant hyperborea general
>no one ever converts new shit
stop being niggers
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was it necessary to use Baal's head on the motorcycle while playing some demonic subliminals when Baal's head was shown on the screen? also, why did you write tnd and Talmudic pictures instead of TKD which is way more important? are you some kind of satan worshiper or a filthy kike? everything aside, that's an amazing edit
wtf is this? why are you promoting incest????
too many jews in this thread
it 4 u
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how is incest good? you are promoting something damaging and degenerate to Wypipo, please burn yourself alive
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itt autists repeatedly give (you)s to low effort non-serious posts clearly intended to mess with them. Many such cases.
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a lurker might fall for the Jewish tricks
4 u, fren
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^^^^^^^^^^^^ no (you)s for u
kill yourself you disgusting jew
whites are not this creative (outside maybe italians).
This is all jew creativity at work.
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we dont need your opinion on the goyim, you fucking KIKE
4 u
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^^^^^^^^^^^^ no (you)s for u
fuck off already, you are supposed to be spreading effective propaganda, when you are exposed you move on to a place where people are clueless, are jews this low IQ?
but it 4 u
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"but it 4 u"
stfu nigga
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Yes they're literal soulless subhumanoids. The Jew has no true home, he can only wander, destroying and corrupting whatever he touches. On top of a cowardly, conniving spirit, this is why their only rebuttals are subversion, subterfuge, and psyops, through things like porn, mainstream media, pop culture etc. The Jew does not even have the decency to reveal himself or formulate anything original or noble for his vile cause.
Post "good shit" and you wont get corrected again.
>my future tradcath aryan wife would love it if I asked her to dress up as my sister or better yett.....
>why does everyone worry about fragrances and looks maxing
has not seen the sun in three years and smells in perpetuity of semen
>I do it for you ok? For you!
ask me how I know you're brown
Holy shit kill yourself. kikes may be into sister fucking, stop projecting your fetishes onto whites
4 u
and how did you come to that wrong conclusion?
post the originals, then
How do I learn how to make an edit like this? There used to be a gif explaining it but I can't find it
Wtf is that map on about in Africa? I'm an Algerian berber (The actual natives of North Africa, not the blacks or Arabs.)and my skin is as white if not whiter than a European.
14 year olds on tiktok who know nothing about actual history or culture using random google jpgs for their shitty videos. Berbers are alright in my book, shame about being dominated by French, Arabs, and Romans for eternity though. You could argue Islam is to North Africa what Christianity was to Europe
You can make something pretty decent just in clipchamp with the built in transitions and effects, free in browser
Sister fucking is based and redpilled
according to what?
now thats a glowie
Stop being a retarded newfaggot. The OP isn't original. The original was made by Al-Oakhwan years ago.
I wasn't doubting you, nigger, it was clear to me that the audio didn't fit. I was literally just saying to post the originals if you had such a problem with a hyperborea edit
damn that is the gayest shit itt
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wasn't the same anon, I'm just a salty archivefag
oh, ok. have a good day, nigger.
Islam in north Africa isn't the same as Christianity in Europe. I get where you're coming from but we really only started following Islam properly in the 70s/80s (at least my family and surrounding people, since we were the semi-isolated mountain types) and it has pretty much replaced most of our culture. Stuff like our tattoos and our spirituality was replaced by Islam.

Onto the Romans and that. You could say we were dominated but I beg to differ; just like most parts of the Roman empire it was Roman in name only. Carthaginian culture remained in NA (Especially Tunisia) for centuries after Roman military conquest. The French on the other hand were far worse. They put us Berbers (namely Kabyles, like me) through eugenics programs since they thought we were "more civilised and European" than the Arabs, since many of us have the general blue-eyes light hair combo. (Especially in cities like Tlemcen or Bejaia, though you'll find most of these guys living outside of big cities and in towns or villages in the north east Atlas mountain ranges). Though to their credit the French did try to get us to retain some of our culture they thought was "European".

The Arabs were probably the worst conquest we as a people had. It took them nearly 100 years with hundreds of thousands of troops to break the thousand strong Berber lines. They brought Islam to NA/Spain then over time began to integrate with the population. This integration of course also came as a cultural one, where over the span of 100 years the cities turned from berber dominated culture to American frontier-esque Arab outposts. It's sad to see, though us Maghrebis still have a fundamentally different culture to the rest of the Arab world. For example; we don't hit our women. Nuff said.
this kind of shit jew ai music should not be promoted
would be more unique if you sang it yourself even
very interesting post. I hope you are able to save some of your culture and bloodline
what types of tattoos?
because you obsess over meaningless bullshit :) go outside anon
thats not an argument retard, just because I use my spare time to browse an image board doesn't mean I don't go to outside, I literally play football outside with my team 2 times a week.
>focusing on the irrelevant part
this is exactly what i mean anon :/
everyone has a obbsession (relatively) retard, and you might call my obsession stupid or meaningless but I could say the same for your obsession and whatever that is, the point here if you find my obsession meaningless bullshit it doesn't matter and your opinion is as useless as a nigger, furthermore this whole thing you are trying to argue about is all subjective,
think about your words anon don't just yap out of anger/frustration/ or any emotion that you might have felt, you need to be more rational
I hope that makes sense and have a wonderful day!
no that makes no sense you went on a side tangent, dunno where you got obsession or me being angry from but to make it more clear to u, those webms are jokes and you become an even bigger joke by serious posting about them :)
i know he is fed posting, but some retarded lurker might fall for it, lurker live matter
and if you havent noticed i was not the only one who replied to these fed posts
and if you havent noticed for the second time, these types of posts always get called out, you can check the archives for it if you don't believe me
No way is this OC? Love the FMA references, if you made this OP please do more Nazi+FMA
ive been in these threads enough to know, well i guess as long as it keeps it alive you can enjoy being a fag :D
>resorts to namecalling
You must be really mad for an anon just to point out that something is bad so lurkers don't fall for it
it started with name calling and it ended with namecalling
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you must be a young one to think calling someone a fag is such a big deal, i meant it as a term of endearment i promise :3 anyways im gunna contribute and go to sleep
im fine with getting namecalled, because it wont change the reality, I was just pointing out that fallacy
Anyway thanks for the convo man and have a good night + sweet dreams
thanks anon. so did she actually exist or not? I did a quick search and didn't find anything definitive.
it's philia, kino newfriend editor
You should have helped it because it's shit now
It depends on the region or village. My local village/tribe only had traditional tattoos to signify that you were married/widowed/divorced.
Though other cultures have different customs, only women were tattooed in mine. If a man was tattooed, they probably had done it in prison. There's a saying in my local area, "If you need an extra hand in becoming a man, get a tattoo", which is said in an insulting way towards those "hard lads" who tattoo them self and think they're tough because of it.

Our culture and bloodline still exists, we've just mostly integrated with the cities. You'll still find us speaking our native tongue (For me, Taqbaylit) in many areas. Some towns don't even practice Arabic (as a daily language, though the residents are fluent in it since you need to speak to the rest of the country. The best comparison I can bring it to is like gaelic in Scotland. They still speak English, though with familial matters they speak their native tongue) , being purely their native dialect of whatever berber language that grew there.

Our culture is still pretty prominent despite what has happened to us, (granted, you need a pretty strong culture to survive 2900+ years of constant war) you can tell the difference between us and a run of the mill ME Arab from how we treat our women. We never had a universal suffrage campaign like you did in the Americas or Europe. Women have always been treated as our equal, if not superior (as in they still have special treatment where the man is still the protector) in some cases. Though this isn't me speaking for everybody, some people still have that Arab mentality of women being sub-man. Some places in Algeria, and the Sahara as a whole, have matriarchal cultures (Tuareg peoples as an example) and the men have to cover up instead which is quite funny, given the rest of the country being the opposite.
does anyone have a version of Hitler as an Emo?
It was basically him in these emo videoclips and the song in the background was Gotye cover by Three Days Grace.
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Dropping some classics
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Anyone have the one starting with some girl saying "White culture doesn't exist" and it cuts to shut up bitch
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better quality
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Hitting the mainstream.
yes, that one. whoever did this is a personal hero o'mine. (former emo here)
Good to see people still make high effort shit. I thought it died out
Does anyone have that old braxaculee edit where a guy quickscopes JFK?
So this isn't really a hyperborea vid but this seems like the right place to ask it, does anyone have that video of the guy in the siege mask cooking a chicken rissoto?
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who else do you guys know that fits the OG status like Magmashice and Anhkler?
Thank you, anon. I've been trying to find this for the longest time.
gosh i wish i could meet braxaculee irl he's so hot
Hyperjumper is in my opinion the best to ever do it. Slonker and phantasy are really good too. I’ve been an editor in the field as well so I know a lot of these guys. Puldarrb is fairly unknown and underrated along with reeljod
bruh it's blue board fucking porn brain cooked
ok janny lover
this just sounds like a hyper-KYGO genre.
i could probably decipher a normal sounding song with melody from this webm.
Jesus man, this thread fucking sucks, what happened to the good hyperborea edits?
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4 MB
It's an off thread desu
The word kino barely does these edits justice, the music choice, the cuts, the quality, the splicing, the overlays - just absolute perfection. Thank you for the X link.
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Real these have so much soul. The editors just make them for fun and to show off skill. There really isn’t anything else like it out there. Pure kino.
this is the worst one I have ever seen, wow
Change your entire life
best place to find their stuff man?
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This is the only reason I come to these threads. If I lurk and see that it’s not posted, I’m in a noticeably bad mood all week and I take it out on my friends and family. Thank you, anon.
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funny too cause those webms were made to troll the leftist fans of the game but now some indian is getting triggered because incest jokes hit too close to home

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