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Previous thread >>5557207
Dedicated Suno/Udio thread >>5590329
Post AI generated stuff. Song covers, animations, etc.
OC encouraged, but not required.
This thread focuses on audio and video with an audio component.
Let me know if you have more links to add. This thread is a work in progress.

> Voice-to-Voice

> Text-To-Speech
https://github.com/daswer123/xtts-webui (Warning: Windows version uses prebuilt binaries that anons haven't verified. Use at your own discretion)

> Music

> Animation and Video

> Audio Cleanup
UVR Walkthrough: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17fjNvJzj8ZGSer7c7OFe_CNfUKbAxEh_OBv94ZdRG5c/edit#heading=h.n8ac32fhltgg

> Related boards
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Additional reminder that there is a dedicated suno/udio thread due to high interest relative to other posts >>5590329
Also, luma/haiper stuff is fine, but it's more interesting do something with it like this instead of posting the default 5 second clip with no sound.
Alright the 1950s stuff was never that good and it's getting pretty fucking old now
normies peak AI content. they get hard over the worst low effort shit
Alright, alright. They are a dime a dozen on youtube. Was trying to find an interesting thumbnail for the OP to switch it up but you can't win 'em all I guess.
Fucking kek!
>trips of thread baking

Does anyone have any spectacular results and/or prompts that are still (kinda) SFW? I've been trying to get a shot of a young adult redhead woman walking away from a burning/exploding building but so far all I got was trash.

this one is amazing
>so far all I got was trash
Using what tool, specifically? Your advice will vary depending on what you're using.
Oh, you are right! I just tried out Luma Dream Machine
Somebody else will probably have better advice, but I think most people use a starter image, so generate what you want using Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, etc. and extend that static image using dream machine. If you're already doing that, don't know what to tell you. Seems like people are generally getting disappointing results lately because their servers are overloaded.
watching this during a snowstorm sounds peak comfy
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Chrome Lords (1988) when?
runway gen 3 came out, but it's only text to video, and you need to pay $15 to gain access to it (and they don't explain how many seconds you get with the tokens, but with gen 2 you get 125 seconds, hopefully it's the same)
I was hoping it was in the free tier but it's not, but I was not really interested in text to video anyways.
my bad it's 60 seconds for gen 3.
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I wonder if anyone's made something fun with gen 3 yet. Just want to see how good it is. Their own promo demos don't count.
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Literally just pissed myself laughing at this. Like real piss.
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Shogun, but its about Genghis Khan.
Is there any AI tool that can colorize a greyscale photo or painting? I know about Palette.fm, but I am looking for alternatives.
i've used https://github.com/jantic/DeOldify and it works well
This looks great, I will give it a go. Thank you!
My sides lmao
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Luma's got some room for improvement alright...
Although I can't deny, I enjoy these creations.
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So this is the power of runway. Neat.
>the double headless back spring, followed by the limb merge dismount, and she's vanished. Flawless performance
I'd be interested in how this compares to shit people on drugs "see".
Maybe "hallucination" is a much more fitting term than initially expected.
It's really nothing like this
>source: weed, edible weed, LSD, ecstacy, shrooms, ayahuasca

But it's an interesting idea that "the AI is hallucinating"
Thanks for clearing that one up.
4chan really is kind of a "mixture of experts".

>But it's an interesting idea that "the AI is hallucinating"
That idea has been floating around in its current interpretation since about late 2022 (GPT-3.5).
Maybe there wasn't enough gymnastics in the training data for luma, but I don't know: there could also be other factors at play.
I'm no AI engineer, but from what I can tell, the big challenge for video is temporal consistency and there are various approaches attempting to solve this. One approach is to basically smooth out between keyframes. Well, those keyframes may not be very consistent from one to the next, which becomes evident in a high motion situation like gymnastics.
Take a look at the clips here >>5609221 and notice that even though there is a lot of temporal consistency, the details that do change appear to be blending like there are a few keyframes with in-betweening.
I also have a suspicion that the short clip time isn't just because of the compute power, it's also due to its inability to keep it temporally consistent longer than that.
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AI seems to want these guys to be sword fighting.
Has there really been no advancement in the speech-to-speech/voice cloning field?
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a lot of the time it really resembles dreaming, which is a sort of hallucination
lmao very nice
Thinking about it, I clearly remember having had disappearance-after-occlusion events in dreams, which is something, luma produces at times as well.
You realize, there is something missing/off, that something isn't working like it should have, but you simply don't "care" in a dream.
Is current-day GAI maybe less like a conscious human brain and more like the brain's dream-production machinery?
Which may, in the end, be more alike than one would initially think.
commit supuku you dumb commie fuck
>doesnt turn into a russian
bull shit
It's often said that dreams are a kind of synthesis of your experiences that your brain does while you're asleep. That's not far off from an AI recalling what it has been trained on.
That said, neural networks don't "think" in the sense that we do. We use terms like neurons, hallucination, and dreaming because they're good shorthand, not because they really have potential to be human-like.
what kind of workflow is involved in making something as long as that?
>We use terms like neurons, hallucination, and dreaming because they're good shorthand
Sure, but...
>not because they really have potential to be human-like
what makes you think, humans are more powerful than a Turing Machine?
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The current tech that we call generative AI doesn't "think" nor will it be capable of developing consciousness. It's a bunch of matrix math. Maybe some system in the future can become sentient or intelligent, but despite sensational claims that we're approaching the singularity, we're not even close. We just have a bunch of math utilities that output an approximation of what we want to see.
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I'm fuken' dyin'. Kek.
>It's a bunch of matrix math.
Yes, but what makes you think, the human is more powerful than "a bunch of matrix math"?
I'd be extremely surprised, if there was anything more powerful than precisely "Turing completeness" in this universe, because there is exactly zero indication of that in anything mankind has been documenting and thinking.
The "singularity"-talk is obviously nonsense - and reminiscent of the bullshit Marx and Co. were thinking during the industrialization -, but I don't think there is anything stopping a computing device from becoming effectively indistinguishable from a human.
I'm not saying that Turing machines in and of themselves don't have potential. I'm just saying that the current building blocks of this wave of AI stuff is a far cry from actual intelligence in any real sense. It's all based on a common architecture that doesn't lend itself well to becoming general intelligence. It's not the only way to implement an AI, it's been done differently in the past and it'll be done differently in the future.
I didn't make it but there are watermarks all over the thing that give some hints. Haiper clips are all strung together in a video editor, Pika is used to do lip sync, with audio probably from Elevenlabs, and a Suno/Udio song is playing in the background. The Vinny text effect is just some standard video editing. You can do the lip sync stuff with open source tools like these:
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lol omg I didn't catch that. fixed.
Hell it would probably be funnier if he just randomly fucked up names and events like he was having a senile moment.
LOL, Way to close to reality. Tubba Tay Tay chocking on a Big Mac.
lol that's pretty good. Elrond yapping like Biden about shit that happened thousands of years ago.
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This needs to be extended to 30 seconds for the full hamburger song.
We've got Ilsidor, Godnor, and Argadorn! He was there!
I hate it but I can't look away.
>I'm not saying that Turing machines in and of themselves don't have potential.
I'm saying, the universe and any subset of it, including any human, is probably effectively equivalent to a Turing machine in prowess (given unlimited time and storage).
There is nothing a human can do, that in theory would be impossible to a computing device and vice-versa.
Practically it's currently obviously a different story on planet Earth.
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i fuckin love dubbing over these old amvs with the dbz characters they're about lol
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