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least obvious 4chan posters in tv series
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oh my god I didn't realize they did an incel one after the gamergate one. thanks/fuck you. fin's right, get a hooker lol
Normies actually enjoy this shit.
Holy shit. That was a good episode.
>Series: The Mentalist
10/10 detective series.
>The Mentalist
Heh. The Asian guy in the second webm plays one of the supporting characters in that. Much better role.
someone self inserted their copium speech after losing lmao
>he's not challenged he's retarded!!
sounds like there's two retards, wtf does she think "challenged" means kek
>le heckin dark web
I hate these retards so much sometimes.
>le heckin 4chinz hackers reeeee
This is the definition of SLOP LMFAO
It's actually kind of funny how 4chan has become more and more widely known yet the people writing this shit still have no idea how any of it works.
kek, didnt even realize he said that. this webm will be so much more funny when trump wins it a second time in less than half a year.
Keep it alive.
Wasnt this the series finale?

Anyone else remember DUN DUN?
im about to transform myself in cum
bump up my post
>works on sexual crimes squad
>"just have sex with a hooker"
good christ, that was hard to watch
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I have to learn some more ffmpeg i see...
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Downmixed to stereo.
this dude 4chans
God I remember when this came out. Liberals are such whiny bitches.
Shows you just how out of touch these normie liberal faggots are with counter-culture. Their attempts at insulting us just end up making them look like uncool, stilted boomers.
>You 4chan

Lol who says this shit?
He's just like me.
Cocaining this thread
I 4chan
you 4chan
we 4chan
I want to know the exact words of his post because you have to be pretty specific with dates and times, weapons involved, and who your target is for any of it be a threat. Plus, the disclaimer at the bottom of the site.
she said it so confidently lmao
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>shut the hell up!
>no no no you shut the hell up!
>fuck you!
>fuck you!
>fuck you!
magnificent writing
is he saying moop
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>uses 4chan as a verb
this thread is great lol
I don't know how they can get things so wrong. Hang out here for a couple hours and use context clues and it's a no-brainer to figure out. Hell, just search the term and you'd find the right answer. Some people are so stupid it's unreal.
I can assure you it's at least realistic.
Its not even an acronym unique to 4chan its a usual thing on forums since the early 90s
Same with having a sticky.
these people are just retarded
who tf is moot
I refuse to believe this isn't some parody
And that's how I met your mother.
There is probably some basedtube vidja about him.
Hearing internet slang being used so casually in mainstream media is so cringe, I literally physically cringe. It's like hearing your mom trying to sound like a teenager
We get it, you 4chan.
It was a different time. 4chan is normalfied now. It was a lot more intense back in 2008 and filled with retarded shit the average normalfag wouldn't understand.
It's not so much that 4chan is normalfied. It's that the world as a whole is more weird than it used to be, making this place seem less weird. It's also not very organized anymore and missing that can-do! spirit.
>get a hooker
based, "incels" have no excuse
pretty real desu
this is how all women experience 4chan
The Fappening 2 when? come on guys...
>works on ATF task force
>"there's absolutely no reason for anybody to involuntarily disarmed, that's why god invented 3D printers"
>land of the free
kek forgot its illegal for you americucks
>living in Sodom is ... le good
>"america isn't sodom because we banned prostitution!" he says as a gay pride parade twerks past his house
The irony

You have to go back
They know their audience. They know that people only need surface level information to get invested in the show.

This scene bellow however is ridiculous. It's almost as if the showrunners were trying to troll the audience.

hahaha I almost can't believe there are people out there shitting themselves over Zion Don
Then I remember how dumb and spineless the average bovine is
It's made by women (who don't know how anything works)
It's funded by men who think they can fix society by propagandising against incels, or maybe they just get a kick out of it and want to make money
wtf is deodorant
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>that's why God invented hookers
You faggots arrest people trying to use prostitute services lol
>hollywood writers think channers are always for real and not terminally ironic baiting retards
Imagine taking anything you see on here at face value
We get it, you 4chan.
I like them
Shut the hell up!
whats the context for this
Nonono you shut the hell up!
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was watching the bear with my mom and this came up and it was like a flashbang
based he Mentalist enjoyer
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imagine trying to insult people that refer themself as faggots and retards

It's like Jesse Lee Peterson asking chicks at the Slutwalk why they're sluts, they try to own that word, but you just know that it still stings no matter what they say XD

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big fan of that nigger, thanks for the vid anon
Did they get rich from that amount of bitcoin
anime Robotics;Notes
song Bubblegum Bitch - Marina

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