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File: 1719135750508914.webm (5.73 MB, 1000x562)
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More like this
Post three.
Also post that one with the "love me love me say that you love me" song by the same animator
I dont like you.
File: OmtXmR1RARvTh0uC.webm (5.55 MB, 832x462)
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not an animation, but it's gacha life so it counts as cringe
Wdym, this is kino
what the fuck
the blonde loli is a fat man in his 40s and the blue haired one is the edgy 13 y/o twink he's grooming
it's Monday Mornin' Live Leaking hence why it's here
Who's the third guy?
Me in the middle at 0:07
This is kind of cute.
this one is based
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he did it again!?
idk and quite frankly idwt look back at mmll
yes, the infinity head is back again
Gooning to this
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ah yes, the classic false flag thread where we pretend to be disgusted.
keep it bumped.
I am going to jack off to Loona, my emotionally stunted wife, now thanks.
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what in satans asshole is this trash
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I edge to this all the time.
Believe me, this is not a rabbit hole you want to go down
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>no fly edit
come on
Based Choobie poster. I miss her so much.
VR and vtubers are cringe, good riddance
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weird coincidence that all the cringe webms are furry
I laughed at this one lmao
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No one tell him about June Velasco
This is what children watch on their ipads all day every day
so this is what the little girls who get traumatized by troons on omeagle grow up to make
Actually wholesome.
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>no sound
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The furry oc animation aside, the chorus of the song itself annoys the everliving fuck out of me for some reason.
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CYBERGIRLZ is actually amazing
what the fuck possesses a man to make this
Levels of cringe that should not be possible
I actually kind of like this
This one's good
I'd fuck Loona, I don't care.
I lold
The only thing cringe about this is the song is not sped up
This video is perfect for j#w pizza
this one's better
papa smurf can i lick your pass?
Fuck I can't unhear it
yes it is
People are still making ytps with music ?
Yes but no?
File: wtf did i watch 4.webm (5.83 MB, 1000x562)
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Found it for you my friend.

Nevermind I was confused with the superior momo mix version
File: Furry song uwu.webm (499 KB, 388x240)
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I will take this opportunity to organize my shitty meme hard drive
File: WTF.webm (664 KB, 480x480)
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Thats a bee
Wasn't the bee 10 times louder?
The amount of times i've been high and just fixated to this on loop for hours is a lot.
i encoded it on my phone, best i could do
Turn off loudness equalization
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Anyone have a version of this with the music that goes "Big fat dog TITS"
>Not the Armstrong edit
Can't believe I wasted twenty seconds of my life just for some furry tits.
holy shit i was not expecting that
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Here's the original
File: trap furry 0w0.webm (2.96 MB, 854x480)
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Holy shit finally I can cum to this one
got a version of this edit but with that one clip from my dress up darling?
God I miss being young
vore artist, guaranteed
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I never knew this was an actual video
neither, i've only seen edits, but i assumed even the original wouldn't have shown anything
File: You Better Run.webm (3.76 MB, 480x854)
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that music's pretty good for a furry animation
song is by vaultboy, pokefurries just used it for the video
yes, YTPs (including YTPMVs) have had a renaissance the last few years. check out cs188.
Speaking about pokefurries songs
omedetou, you win cringiest webm in the thread
Sillypoo is a criminally underrated channel
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Fuck why do these cringe motherfuckers waste their talent making this shit? Song actually bangs if you put the subject aside
>brown hand
is this some kind of gay hypnosis?
Yes, feeling like kissing boys yet?
I don't get reference, but still cringe
Why do the nasally "femboy" voices always sound like their breath smells
based ngl
>that loop
holyshit, wasn't expecting so smooth
I'mma be real with you, furries may be cringe but I'd break my dick off in some wolf bussy. That's just how it is, don't hate the player, hate the game.
File: FBI vs idiots.webm (3 MB, 720x406)
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I wouldnt mind some of that furry cock in my ass if you catch my drift
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You're only human, Anon.
A select part of the population are natural-born diplomats. Like sleeper agents, we wait for a new species worthy to bring into our own.
I feel like I'm letting Hitler down
this is a CRINGE thread!
stop posting kino IMMEDIATELY!
Is this Your Favorite Martian??
Tig Ole Bitties!!!
Anon this is the cringe thread not the kino thread
Choobie? No her voice has been known since forever and live streamed.
File: Fly in the Freedom.webm (5.24 MB, 488x336)
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could be a fake voice
let me have my fantasy
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nah this is fuckin coal bruh
Captain Oreo actually
he always does this
great now I'm on a list
Bonr, Passion or money. Sometimes all three
got me :(
Fucking wow. holy shit
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i gotchu
I hate this DECOnigger for forever ruining Miku and turning her into a whore
File: Miku and Rabbit Hole.webm (5.8 MB, 1280x720)
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You have no idea how many times I've coomed to this video
That's not how people die. They fold and fall vertically and not horizontally.
all the more reason to stay away from fnf in general
the secret is that these are stealth furry threads
Real sillypoo niggas would know that they started their art careers on twitter and used the youtube as an easily accessible archive.

I mean silly was hehesillycomics for anyone that still remembers that name. She always leaned toward this angle since 2016. It only made me think how it took people so long for people to find out about sillypoo.
meh rabbit hole is already outdated garbage. we mesmerizer nowadays.
have you seen the goblin that made it? she is not as attractive as her fursona...
Not cringe(or perhaps yes cringe), but there is an animator I forgot the name that makes hand drawn graffic animations where it's a graphic scene, then something surreal, looping with unsettling music
This isn't cringe, it's fucking awesome
It worries me how well done this is
Post more
People are only finding out about them because of efforts to cancel them for fat/transphobia
>everyone knows that Rarity is the best
Rarity and Fluttershy are indeed the best
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wouldn't be cringe if it wasnt gay shit
what. the. fuck.
Why does the song sound like the Mr. Krabs robot song remixed?
Damn Furries can yiff in hell... at the same time I get some really good music from you faggots
I wish this thread was on /gif/ because there's a specific video I'm looking for where to girls with dog nose and ears get fucked by dog stuffed animals.
And they sing that "Don't Stop Make It Pop" song.
a lot of these are made and consumed by kids in middle school and they are very often subliminaly just sex motions like air humping or shaking tail/bossom dressed as a gay little dance is that the secret freudian reason kids love it? is this the start of the furry porn pipeline?
This is absolute kino
First guy is the dude from the funkytown video. Second guy is from one lunatic one icepick. The third I'm not sure. The last one is from an ISIS execution video of a youngman being shot in the head with a shotgun slug at point blank.
why is this just furry shit, this is the laziest thread i have ever seen.
But this is cute
File: Not Invited.webm (2.02 MB, 1920x1080)
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They look like mean spirited bix nood caricatures
File: cooking .webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080)
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why not both
I cannot cringe. It's just done so well with actual earnest. Blur the innuendos some more and gamefreak could steal this.
Blobby is my favourite
Fucking furries. Anything with an animal involved gets destroyed by them. I still unironically read Warriors (young adult book series about Cats)
You wouldn't BELIEVE how much fan art, music bideos, and fan fics get published. The only reason that fanbase isn't as big as the horse show is because it require picking up a book. However that still doesn't stop drama from entering. Lotta kids getting molested by these freaks.
You should see what the furries did to Smokey the Bear.
how to apply logic to it? The "Moto Moto" is fat okay, but she is not... and he likes big... cringe indeed
sir this is the cringe thread, not the based thread
You can't call a woman fat but a woman can call you fat.
well yeah... but why would he call her fat anyway?
Stealth furfag tranny thread
Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes is STILL hiding from them
Her tits
What Pokemon would you guys fuck?
>>5608679 Is that Keffals at 2:00?
I don't think i'm a newfag. But I feel like there is a lot of context I'm missing here
>Calls the cube a square, the pyramid a triangle and the sphere a circle.
I should too, there is about 30gb worth of shitposts waiting for organizing and sorting
None. They are animals so can't consent.
Its over Skibidi Rizz bros
This. This is the correct answer.
The other correct answer is Liepard.
File: It's So Dense.webm (938 KB, 852x480)
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this one was definitely made by and for 30yo chinese women
This one is good. Reminds me of Tamers12345
oh yes I love the cringe brainrot
When will it be common knowledge that the original game was loli related?
i'm too old for it, the tranny stuff, discord, etc weren't things when i was young
not that there weren't creeps on the internet before
that and since this was clearly made from a girls' point of view, there's a lot of unfamiliar stuff for that reason, too
touching the screen of what is clearly a psp to press buttons confused me, does the artist not realise the psp doesn't have a touchscreen? i feel like this also places the artist much younger than me
There were plenty of sites my 11 year old ass could be seen looking for poontang. Like BEFORE Omegle. As far as I know the reason it belongs in the cringe thread is because the artist is implying only men are Internet perverts, to the point where they can't even buy tights without seeing a dude buy them too. And if they were all sent away the Internet would be better. Its a very man-hating video.
>Its a very man-hating video
that much is obvious, like sending off the ones that creep on little girls to be bombed is understandable, but there's also a scene vapourising random men on the street, which seems to imply they think of all men like this
yeah and it was ALL men. Dides just out watering their lawn. Including the creator (sillypoo) who i guess is a male feminist?
Someone post the one with him and charlie.
>man-hating video
Still enjoyed it
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The music is the vibribbon tutorial
File: mucha lucha.webm (5.58 MB, 640x480)
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Wrong thread, Mucha Luchas intro is great.
Show itself was a little cringe but nothing noteworthy. Just boring and cheap.
Probably never unless someone makes a TikTok about it to generate fake pearl clutching.
what game?
It's actually a visual novel
i remember hating this show as a kid. it would come on nicktoons after ren and stimpy at like 2am and i would change the channel.
>Popotan is a Japanese adult visual novel
File: working on a tranny.webm (2.37 MB, 1920x1080)
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Oh that's kinda clever
Given how I've see 9mm edits with the dancing loli and that shart vtuber is popular, probably won't make a difference.
Fuck you this is pure sovl
Another sovl post, anons itt are retarded confirmed
this would pass if the voice was female.
this one's pretty bad
You just know this shit was made by the greasiest of kikes
fucking based
i dont believe you
That's the thing. Even though this is a shitpost thread I'm still finding good music because of these animal fuckers
double entendre, pretty much
the video is titled "working on a tranny", and it contains a character who is working on a car, at first suggesting he is working on the car's transmission (colloquially known as a tranny), but as the video progresses, the character develops a more feminine body appearance, implying he is also working on becoming a transsexual (colloquially known as a tranny)
a double entendre referrs to a phrase with a double meaning where one is innocent and obvious, and the other socially unacceptable to say directly, which can apply here as tranny when referring to transsexuals can be considered offensive
I hope he will get into Cyn when he done with pomni
I think so
Might one of you be kind enough to someone show me how to scratch it?
Total terf victory, scrotes blown the fuck out
File: Coomer Miku.webm (5.79 MB, 1920x1080)
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I refuse to believe this is a real ad
Did they purposefully make all the models look as dysgenic as possible?
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout music at the end makes this.
yeah well you're retarded so....
one man's cringe is another man's kino
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The argument here is that you start of broken and you can do work to fix yourself into something you're just fucking not.
This tranny agenda is to get you to 'love' and focus on yourself but in a terrible way. You have worth. You have identity. Don't tarnish it by thinking you were scuffed to begin with.

Mucha Lucha was steaming dog shit trying to show off mexican culture but instead all we got was a culture based on fighting out your differences. Stay on your goddamn side of the fence!
That's hot to someone

I laughed my brains out
I'd like to see you come up with a coherent visual metaphor and animate it you presumptuous FAGGOT
>coherent visual metaphor

You've replaced what truth is for your own comfort
It won't last and WILL erode. also who are YOU calling anyone faggot you ACTUAL FAGGOT?
What, did she finally quit? Or did she become someone else?
You don't have to suck dick to be a faggot you're doing it wonderfully
Also what's all this esoteric shit about "truth" do you think anybody would actually listen to that
>underage retard
It always amuses me when talented animators put so much effort into shitposts.
what in the name of fuck
If it has a smooth loop it's most likely from tiktok or it's a tiktok-inspired youtube short. Smooth loops are a meta tactic to get more views because most people won't realize a short video has looped until several loops in.
i like they way this goy thinks
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this is my first time on 4chan in a while. i clicked in here from the front page because i recognized this character. my little brother was working on a real-life, full scale, functioning animatronic duplicate last I saw him.

I didn't realize it has this kind of following. Or maybe I knew better than to expose myself to the realization the obvious.
...he's going to fuck it, isn't he? :^(
this is a jewish glownigger psyop thread. and yes I watched every single webm in this thread so I know what I'm talking about
c CUUUTE >W< so cuuute owo
bye bye goalposts, it was nice seeing you again.
also lol the fucking irony
How is this cringe? I kinda want a link to the original
Did you just say you wanted to fuck a dog in the asshole?
>my little brother was working on a real-life, full scale, functioning animatronic duplicate last I saw him.
please for the love of god elaborate.
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I don't like AI slop songs but it works with the vid no doubt
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This guy made a lot of videos in which this thing rapes girls
Wtf that's kino
they look like cock roaches I say they represented these vermin quite well
Holy fuck lmfao
They are vaporizing gray virgin-walk meme guys a.k.a incel chuds. So basically every single terminally online dead beat is represented (and hated) here.
thats literally what a dream looks like hoIy shit
>Including the creator (sillypoo) who i guess is a male feminist?
That was a stand-in for men that simp for sillypoo, sillypoo is two women.
I like this. It looks like old school 4Chan content.
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Yeah it's actually kino I know.
tf janny gon do lmao?
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Ya want the Charle ntr, find it somewhere else
uh, excuse me wtf?
It's not even the first miku song about her being a whore. I don't remember it's name, but there was that one song about her fucking a dude her father hated. The comments on it were filled with women talking about how relatable it was.
anyone who uses gacha life even ironically, is either a brainrotted Gen-Alpha child or a Creepy Adult
instead of wasting a copy paste i'll ust do this.
Most of these terminally online groomers/grooming victims/both have very poor personal hygiene.
Yeah. The boykisser shit is a good example.
It's online child grooming all the way down, anon.
Don't dig too deep or you'll realise just how bad things really are and it'll leave you all fucked up and demoralised.
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these ones are all cringekino though
parents could also, you know, monitor their kids.
sillypoo.world doesn't go anywhere.
sillypoo.world/home is interesting...
imagine the sexo
My dreams are like this when I fall asleep with earbuds on.
Text-top-Speech existed well before AI voices
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I really hope this one was made in jest
Old era internet is in demand if what im seeing on xitter and tik tak is to be believed, but it pisses me off that people want this era with none of the edge it was known for. Its kinda why I see sillypoo being here out of place, because it shows anons on this thread do not know what kinda shit was peak.
i don't know why it attracts them, but sonic fan media is cringe 100% of the time
i guess that's what genesis does
A peak into the mind of a terf terminally online woman, based but also mentally ill, but it's just a mirror of us retards I guess.
I have a huge attraction to the red dress catgirl. Does she have a name?
this thread is gold
File: Picard.webm (192 KB, 480x360)
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just cringe
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no you are cringe
The one in the video is literally AI though. Thats why some words get cut short. Hell thats why she starts breaking down in the end. I'm including vocoding songs when I say AI music.
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These threads are always my fucking jam
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cmooon this is THE thread for it.
can a nigga getta song name
Oh my
Launch the missiles NOW!
yeah and when I was a kid we watched ecchi anime and played porn games on newgrounds. earlier than that kids found porn mags.
anyone got the video like this where it's li shang and I think prince charming, makes me kek every time.
thank you my brotha
she wasn't invited to the birthday party
>>5614594 At least he used a condom.
>implying the condom was for himself
What is this and where can I find more?
the second one's kinda hypnotising, but i don't understand most of the words
>i don't understand most of the words
no problem, your subconscious does. keep watching and the programming will set in.
This stuff really just confirms how terrible porn addiction is for the brain
Surprised the sexual assault animations weren't featured. But then. This wasn't about cringe was it
I don't understand where it came from, please, enlight me, i need to know...
>>5619698 Kek. Batcuck will never recover.
I love the funky song but that rap bit sounds like someone took a dump on the whole thing. Why did they have to add it?
coomer gooner bait
meowscarada cute doe
Didn't expect this to give me a raging boner.
we got the guillotine
i got that part
yes but when i looked up sex games on new gorunds i was jack ingov gooning 24/7maxxing this is like grooming kids by luring them in with cartoons and without them even realizing exposing them to "not sex"
my mom tried but theres only so much you can do and expect boomers to understand computers. i was playing sift heads world in incognito mode the whole time.
we wanna thank you for flyin with us
we know you coulda stayed home just cried 'n cuss(?)
may (?) all your guns go off if it's time to bust
may all they tanks have time to rust

they got the armies turnin' bullets in the go(?)
they got the hookers turnin' tricks in the co' (car?)
and every time the police kicks in the do'
and angel gas(?) breaks dips in the 'o (?)
and even if (unclear) flips in muh 'o (?)
it ain't enough to buy shit anymo'
sleep in the do'way piss on the flo'
look in the sky, wait for missiles to show
it's finna blow cuz

they got the TV, we got the truth
they own the judges, we got the proof
we got hella people, they got helicopters
they got the bombs, and we got the, we got the

we got the guillotine
we got the guillotine, you better run

we got the guillotine
we got the guillotine, you better run
thanks for the effort
it's amazing how much easier it is to understand when following lyrics, reading along now i can hear much of what you wrote
the accent and choice of words is just too foreign for me (i'm not american)
yea I'm American and some of it was challenging, ebonics is not my first dialect but you get enough second hand exposure in Weimerica that can't fully be avoided, I think some expressions were used that I'm not familiar with
I'm tired of pretending uneducated, stupid people mispronouncing half the dictionary, with no grammer, is a "dialect"
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Would both of them
what list is that?
>Cringe Animations
You're missing it but for the right reasons, this is lolcow / crystal cafe stuff

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