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File: Wild Swan.webm (3.06 MB, 144x144)
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give me your most suicide driving songs
I'll start
gay ass site didn't even load my webm after sending it
let's try again
Previous Thread
seems to have worked
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just needed to bump thread
Fuck off with your general faggotry you /vg/ nigger.
I'll stop when others beside me post here
Does anyone have the shortened webm version of this?


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i have a whole folder 4 this lemme reupload some
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Anyone has that scene from some old movie when the guy tells his mom "I've suffered enough"
not a webm but hopefully yall can enjoy
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I love Oragami
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Based low life poster
song name?
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Today I just stopped and had a look around my room. How did it come to this? Where did I fail? Why did it have to go this way? Wasn't there any chance things could've been different?
Let's throw away our lives and watch a movie - Oragami
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based koyaanisqatsi poster
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I hate my life bros
>Be me
>Be guilt trippd into a relationship
>Be guilt tripped into doing shit like this
>My friends look at me in horror
>I have no idea who I am anymore
>She gets angry that I don't really want to do shit like that with her
>I get confused and feel even more guilty
>I try make it up to her but she doesn't relieve me of guilt
>I am dying inside
>I am a former shell of myself
>I look at her and my former self cringes over her behavior, but my current self just wants to help her and make her happy
>For the first time in my life, I am depressed and consider a way out
>She does NOT make it any better, not via text, not on the phone, not in person
>She becomes distant
>Every interaction matters and makes the guilt worse
>I learn she has found someone else
>I can not begin to describe the despair
>I never wanted her
>She leaves me
>I am on /adv/
I am testing my friends' patience
Is it literally over for me?
Was she just evil? Will she lose in the long run? Or have I just lost?
I think you just got the shit end of the stick on that man like I ain't exactly the greatest person for advice but I think your best bet is just to cut ur losses and move on from her try hanging out with ur boys alot more cause women come and go but ur boys r eternal they should b there with u thru thick n thin idk if their real friends or not only u can tell whether they r or not but like yea man u just gotta move on from her and try again we're all gonna make it
I think my situationship will evolve into something like that. The girl likes to do those types of whacky dancing videos, I'm cold as a stone and really can't see myself doing any of that, but at the same time she's depressed, so I feel like I'm going to eventually fall for it.
It's completely normal to be a curmudgeon and refuse to do stuff like that. It's also normal to be silly with her. Being a bit wishy washy about it is a pussy move and women don't respect men like that.
That said, your ex sounds like a cunt and it never would have worked.
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Finally getting a diagnosis for ADHD (and maybe more) that I've been putting off for 2+ years. Finally getting glasses after putting it off for 6+ years. Starting to look after myself more (slowly but surely). Netted myself a job relevant to my career. There's been maybe one time in my life where I've felt as bad as I do now, but at the same time I feel I'm going to make a big breakthrough in my life. Here's to hope, the only thing that's gotten me this far.
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Found a big red lump in my dogs mouth last night and I just can't come to terms with the fact it's probably his time.
stay strong bros, love you
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have you listened to drunk about it
having a sadge but sorta cozy sick day today everyone in this thread has my love
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Anyone else stop feeling in general. I've noticed that in the past 5 years i haven't really felt anything besides guilt. Not happiness, sadness, anger, nothing but guilt. I tried all kinds of drugs and alcohol but they have little to no effect on me (my roommates told me to just quit since they said i didn't change much after drinking or smoking). Last few days i randomly had this thought, what does happiness feel like. I genuinely have no idea, i can remember a few times when i was happy (like when my elderly neighbor who had a type writer told me if i went to kindergarten she'd let me play on it and i jumped in happiness or when my dad got me a laptop in 7th grade) but i don't remember what that felt like, i just know that's supposed to be happiness. I haven't felt excited or bummed out in god knows how long. I'm just there. I never leave my house and it doesn't bother me one bit, i don't like being near people because they cause the only emotion i feel which is guilt. I don't want friend, love, a girlfriend, sex, a family, a good job, money or really anything. There's a part of a song by radiohead that really resonated with me "I'm not living, i'm just killing time" and that's what i've been doing these past 5 or so years. Just rot in bed from the moment i wake up till i go to sleep doing nothing. I started smoking and living like shit in hopes of dying just a bit sooner because i really can't do this any longer. I went to 2 therapists as a last ditch effort because of my mom. First one talked shit about life and shit and i told him i didn't care for it and then he told me see you next week, second one diagnosed me with bipolar for some reason (never experience mania) and gave me a bunch of pills that have had 0 effect on me. I'm just done with this shit. I'm not sad or anything but i can't do this for much longer. I got 6 years until i hit 30 and if nothing changes by then and i gather the courage i might just end it
>I am a former shell of myself
what did he mean by this?
>I never wanted her
>She leaves me
>I am on /adv/
why tho? nothing's lost, no harm done here. i really see not the slightest problem here. just gotta walk away from this. this is precisely the type of situation where sleeping well, doing sports, eating more healthy, hanging out with the lads etc. applies. if you feel depressed over this, it's really just a matter of poor physical health affecting poor mental health and/or bad attitude in life. absolutely nothing to mope about.

if you worry about how your lads will see you, i wouldn't care. just go "sorry guys, i dont know what have gotten into me, that was weird" or so and take the bantz.
>Caring about women.

What are you? Fucking gay?
please spread your hatred in a different thread
I have enough hate for every thread.
I feel like this a lot nowadays. I mostly just go through the day feeling guilt for wasting my familys and my own time by doing nothing with my life, coupled with the occasional pangs of sadness. I'm going to try going to a CBT therapist soon.
It's like there's something in me that just refuses to let me improve myself as a person. I want to get better, but it's like I just can't muster the effort it takes to actually change. I tell myself that its because life isn't worth that effort, but I know that's not really true. I'm just afraid that if life is worth it, that I've wasted all these years for nothing. Which I have. I suppose we both just need the balls to own up to that anon. I hope your life works out, please don't give up.
get the fuck outta here normie
fuck man. FUCK
can anyone post the true detective season 2 "better off alone remix" webm from the last thread please? i really like it and want to save it
nope. Being toxic on a feels thread must be a new all time low for you. I genuinely hope you'll get better one day (I wish this to everyone on here)
song name? i think i've heard it before but can't recall what it is
thanks and you as well, love you too
You pretentious cunt haha fuck out of here.
ok i can't help but giggle when i hear violins paired with civil war memories in narration and sepia pictures. probably because of that community episode.
I'm still waiting for my life to start. When is it my turn to be okay to live? I don't get it.
I'm a 28 year old NEET virgin with no friends. I have nothing. I just want a life. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do
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plz post webm of gif related with "unlock it better off alone remix"
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Anyone knows the source for this?
fuck off
I've been feeling like this a lot, I try to pretend to act as if I was sad or happy to see if I can change mood but there's nothing. I don't feel sad, I don't feel happy, I can feel stressed and I can feel angry, maybe calm is the closest I can feel to happiness, maybe that's happiness being able to just lay there and relax but I don't think so. I feel lonely, is that sadness? I don't feel particularily melancholic, it's just that I feel what's happening but there's no emotional reaction to it. I try to force the reaction to no avail. I wonder if my whole life will be like this, I wouldn't mind it because it doesn't hurt, it's just that I'd prefer to be able to feel something.
The only genuine reaction I've had in a long time is hitting my table or screaming when Im angry or laying in bed when Im relaxed. I used to feel very sad for a long time, I would walk around my house and outside restless at early hours in the morning thinking for hours, I would see the sun rise and I would get with my day after that, I knew I was sad and I was so extremely distraught I couldn't sleep for nights, no crying though but it hurted a lot, but I could feel it. It went on for about a year. I still had motivation to do things. This is not it. This is just unmotivated idleness, not uncomfortable.
>been looking for a job for like 8 months
>cuz need money
>finally find a place
>perfect location, great payment
>the job is tough but it's worth it
>fuck up on first day
>without further explanations I was told that this is not for me
>feel betrayed since I worked my ass hard
>month later
>still lurking
>someone writes me in dms about a job opportunity
>holy shit.3gp
>everything goes smoothly and the meet is tomorrow
>happy again
>20 minutes later
>"thank you but not interested"
>"you don't need my services?"
>"thank you"
>fuck this
>time to sale vape
>post about it in every group of the city
>friend says he will buy it
>he needs time to make enough money to do so
>at least something
>week later
>"sorry but I changed my mind good luck man"
yeah about that

also what's wrong with my webms they are vp8 and opus
I've been looking for this song 40 minutes and the only thing I can find is this /f/ thread from 2018 http://swfchan.net/39/ZU73WL6.shtml
I had to run it through AI to decypher the lyrics
found the author's name on the /f/ archive, this is the song for anyone who wants it
i'm gonna kiss you on the mouth holy shit. I've been looking for YEARs. I found the /f/ thread but not the full song
anyone else feel just completely worthless as a person? i second think everything i say and decide just to delete it before hitting post, i write lines and paragraphs but never hit the send or post button knowing my opinion is worth nothing and not even worth reading
hell i've been browsing these feels threads for the past 3 years never interacting at all despite feeling sympathy with other anons and wanting to wish them the best but i always get discouraged from saying anything
i think thats just unironically just called being intelligent
Cafuné - Tek It probably
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>decide just to delete it before hitting post, i write lines and paragraphs but never hit the send or post button knowing my opinion is worth nothing and not even worth reading
Are you literally me? I've written so much shit I never end up sending.
I save everything that's on my mind on .txt files so I can think about it later
You guys are not alone...
thanks you absolute legend!
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[spoiler]It took me 10 years to make my first post on 4chan.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I also fought with low self-esteem during that time and know where you are coming from.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Those high standards you apply to yourself also need to be applied to others. You won't believe your eyes.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]The effort you put into forming a post is reason enough to have it posted and seen.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Didn't your post resonate with people? See, you can do it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]My post took 21 minutes to write.[/spoiler]
I miss my dad
he died recently
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im sorry anon
An old patient of mine died today. He was healthy and in good spirits when I last saw him….

Im like you… i ask myself those questions in every silent moment I have. I dont know how I allow myself to live like this when I could die tomorrow. When a small stomach pain can become death at any moment… how can I tolerate allowing myself to suffer like this with the short time that I have. Ill change. I have to. Sorry Anthony. Im sorry.
It's messed up because I'm in a long term committed relationship, yet I still understand where he's coming from. Never alone, but never truly fulfilled.
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Hang in there buddy. I’m pulling for ya… we’re all in this together.
Music is GENESIS by AUGUSTA TREVERORUM. I believe the footage of Saturn is from the Cassini-Huygens mission and the footage of Jupiter is from the Voyager mission

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