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no she cannot.
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>space is real because it makes you liberal
wow solid argument.
except it's provably flat and you can't provide a SINGLE piece of evidence for curvature.
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>ugly sheboon is le based because she talks like i do
you are going against the wall right alongside her
I really really hope this is satire.
if its not, shes going to get divorced very soon.
ok whats with the afwul trash "music" ?
bitch talks like her jaw and cheeks can't move correctly
I miss 4chan a decade ago
i miss the internet a decade ago
Now everyone who´s online in these spaces are pretty much the same now just congregated into their groups shilling whichever dumb propagandist they support.
Fortunately it seems America is gonna go down the toilet if Republicans win and maybe the realization will hit people of how insane the dialogue and politics have become in contemporary society, and we either let the radicals dictate, or we can maybe get back to some sense of normalcy and not have idiots with a camera influence morons so easily.

Media should have been gatekept so not just any moron or conspiracy nutjob like David Icke could get a foot in the door to persuade the common person, because the common person is sadly very persuadable.
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>you are going against the wall right alongside her
I'll be behind her and she'll have her hands up on the wall.
(I'd be fucking her if you know what I mean)
(penis in vagina).
>I really really hope this is satire.
extremely common counter signal.
vid rel
>if its not, shes going to get divorced very soon.
so you're suggesting there's a high social cost to discussing this idea?
weird yet you can't even make an argument against it or produce any evidence that supports your claims.
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you don't have to like Nicki Minaj
I am unironically a barb (I have the musical taste of a teenage girl).
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>Now everyone who´s online in these spaces are pretty much the same now just congregated into their groups shilling whichever dumb propagandist they support.
shilling is being paid to post.
who would be paying me to claim the government is Satanic and lying about the shape of our earth?
only one side shills
the moneyed side
your side.
>if Republicans win
anon c'mon
you know what's happening
and nothing can stop what's coming.
> and maybe the realization will hit people of how insane the dialogue and politics have become in contemporary society, and we either let the radicals dictate, or we can maybe get back to some sense of normalcy and not have idiots with a camera influence morons so easily.
something like that
the liars will be exposed and brutally punished
sounds like that's going to surprise you.
make sure you say you were 'just following orders' I'm pretty sure that's a complete defense against conspiracy against rights, or deprivation of rights, or using psychological warfare against teh American people. You know normally waging war against Americans means you get droned.
what'll happen to you, you think?
>Science is a cult
>Now if you'll excuse me, im going to critique what we know and see if it holds up to scrutiny

I'm still of the belief this woman is just a troll.
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>I'm still of the belief this woman is just a troll.
nah that's just a pathetic left influence operation tactic.
see >>5607993
Nothing about what she says has anything to do with left or right politics. She's just being contrarian for contrarians sake. Like its so simple, does she think the Earth is flat? Instead she just says " well I'm neither because I think all this science stuff is just cult!". But that's not you were asked that you dumb bitch lmao.
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>Nothing about what she says has anything to do with left or right politics.
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those digits demand a new version.
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last one
My name Sheff.
>shilling is being paid to post.
theres no difference between you and a paid shill because neither care whats actually true
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>theres no difference between you and a paid shill because neither care whats actually true
well I'm not paid and I only post thing that are not only true but you can't even raise a single piece of evidence against.
>so you're suggesting there's a high social cost to discussing this idea?
no you dumb faggot.
she's iunsufferable and retarded. I can't imagine any rational man wanting to be married to that.

>weird yet you can't even make an argument against it or produce any evidence that supports your claims.
my claim of what? the painfully obvious?
whatever the fuck you say, its still trash.
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>she's iunsufferable and retarded. I can't imagine any rational man wanting to be married to that.
you don't pass as cis either moshe
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>whatever the fuck you say, its still trash.
She makes the right people seethe.
Unironically one of the bravest people on covid bar none. Actual hero of mankind, literally saved millions of lives.
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im samefagging here but it's SO FUCKING HARD that Nicki publicly backed ROMNEY which means she was rejecting Obama.
She ain't wrong. Actual true science is just a tool to reach the truth. But science as it is presented to the public is a pagan cult. This is just objectively correct.
What the fuck is going on in this webm?
>what did the taxpayers gained for going to the moon
>globohomo policies and intellectual masturbation
Fucking hell
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>She ain't wrong. Actual true science is just a tool to reach the truth. But science as it is presented to the public is a pagan cult. This is just objectively correct.
>What the fuck is going on in this webm?
So a lefty made a compilation of multiple streamers reacting to destiny's 'debate' with JLP. He's widely considered to have badly 'lost' this debate and the person who put the clip together is a Destiny fan so the underlying video I suppose is to kind of demonstrate that Destiny didn't lose--I guess--because these faggots counter signaled JLP?
But when I saw the video, I thought it was a very interesting example of how left wing influencers use their 'reactions' to shape narrative and belief about a topic.

So I added the text that 'counts' the various tactics. The three tactics really are all the same tactic--essentially counter signaling a topic by acting as though it's so absurd that expressing belief in it is more likely to be trolling than genuine.

I find this does a considerable amount of the 'work' of left-wing influence operations. They are much more prone to consensus filtering (vid rel), so the battle on that side is just signaling which topics are acceptable and which aren't Obviously anything religious or relating to traditional masculinity must be desperately counter signaled.

They're significantly more aggressive against us because we're far less prone to consensus filtering so they generally use hostile social shame bots to constantly attack anyone expressing disfavored opinions with the hope of forcing the target to accept consensus filtering while signaling to others that the topic should be considered as disfavored.

They have a lot harder time manipulating us than their own side.
Damn I'm happy I'm not American cause I'd immediately shoot myself in the head, imagine this shit being your life
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>Damn I'm happy I'm not American cause I'd immediately shoot myself in the head, imagine this shit being your life
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>Damn I'm happy I'm not American cause I'd immediately shoot myself in the head, imagine this shit being your life
or if you're the other flavor of kid-fucking pedo glownigger.
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it turns out
yes she can be more based
The Satanic Origins of NASA
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part 6 here >>5608257
part 7 vid rel
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I mean, if you haven't worked it out yet: She's reading off a prompt, and didn't write any of this herself, hence the dead-eyed stare into the camera. If it was her own work, you might at least expect her to remember the occasional line she wrote.
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vid rel
>trust the plan
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>Science is a cult
>Now if you'll excuse me, im going to critique what we know and see if it holds up to scrutiny

>I'm still of the belief this woman is just a troll.

Isn't that the point of what she's saying? Science as it is practiced is becoming or has become more Dogma than observation,research and study.
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but if we're team God....
who are our enemies?
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its a clumbsy narrative shaping attempt, they're trying to rephrase the critique as being against the concept of science as opposed to the church of scientism.
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>they're trying to rephrase the critique as being against the concept of science as opposed to the church of scientism.
but they already lost
>implying seethign and not just calling trash, trash
you're retarded.
>no argument
concession accepted
the sociopath just made up some shit on the spot?
no fucking way
I'm shocked
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double checked double kek'd
>the sociopath just made up some shit on the spot?
yes but you're more of a narcissist
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much organic hostility.
imagine this shit for brains actually got married to a son of a high ranking British Law Lord wtf am I doing with my life?
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>imagine this shit for brains actually got married to a son of a high ranking British Law Lord wtf am I doing with my life?
rebelling against God
come home.
I'm not a fan of this new meme format where the original gif is looped and then music/sound is played over that loop.
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Candace Leaves the church of Scientism and is open to flat earth

The Satanic Origins of NASA
>>5609847 pt 1
>>5609849 pt 2
>>5609851 pt 3
>>5609853 pt 4
>>5609854 pt 5
>>5608257 pt 6
>>5609857 pt 7
>>5609861 pt 8
>>5609854 pt 9 final

Eddie Bravo on Creation of NASA
vid rel
that is indeed better than this normal behavior of raping women.
you have no idea
if the earth is flat then why can't i see Everest from my fucking house?
>if the earth is flat then why can't i see Everest from my fucking house?
if the earth is a globe why can't you produce literally any evidence for it?

I wonder if you guys have a direct line to the mods or if you have to spam with my IP range to get be range banned.

Do you retards remember that the ENTIRE REASON I went to /gif/ was because you range banned me from /pol/
you fucking retards are suck idiots.
>Avoids answering.
Fucking kek
>believes something with literally zero evidence.
but no you solved it, that's the crack in flat earth's armor, you can't see forever.
Solid work.
you did it.
surely this will convince an undecided.
>from my fucking house?
lol you don't own a house brokie. You live in an INCREDIBLY shitty off-base flat for expats in some shit-berg nothing suburb in Germany.
Destiny already debunked her, time to move to the next grafter pal.
oh man I haven't clipped him in a while, youtube's algo seems to be discouraging me. Good reminder to see what the lil fag is up to
He and Bill nye lost all credibility after all that trans and gender fiasco
Any "conservative" talking head that doesn't name the Jew is controlled opposition. I understand you can't just go out and say "Gas the Jews" but you until you at least drop some mentions of nationless globalists and double nationalities you are a grifter
Lol, like they had any before. The poster boys of the "love and trust the soience" crowd.
>Any "conservative" talking head that doesn't name the Jew is controlled opposition.
have you been under a rock?
Candace been btfo'ing the yids all year.
Moon landing trutherism is anti-white. Candace is a KOOK
>Moon landing trutherism is anti-white.
there is nothing you can do to the government that's anti-white
be a nigger to the government.
>Error: Corrupt or unplayable video
why am I getting tons of these errors recently
>why am I getting tons of these errors recently
oh you're not, you're just lying.
>have you been under a rock?
Yes, I don't follow e-celebs. Are you actually on social media lmao
>Yes, I don't follow e-celebs. Are you actually on social media lmao
we're on social media....
I disagree
same here, on both my Windows PC and work Macbook so that's not it. Must be a problem at the CDN or something
That's actually one method to work with. Lined up horizontally, a telescope should be able to see the object of the highest elevation from anywhere in the world if pointed in the right direction. That being impossible is in line with other horizon-based evidences for curvature.
>people remember the hits and forget the misses
For some people it's the opposite
I can't find it on my device for some reason, but I had a short clip addressing one of these "below curvature" videos and basically it shows that atmospheric distortion would be enough to extend the view by multiple factors easily. Not evidence of curvature, but a check against immediate dismissal, at least.

>Media should have been gatekept
Who is that?
She even started calling out Israel, Bolsheviks, etc. before leaving the Daily Wire. And when she covered the Bolsheviks, she made effort to uncover the reality if the Jewish involvement and not downplay it.
I don't think she's said she doesn't believe in the Holocaust, but she's basically said "who cares? (((They))) genocided many times more Christians and Russians, so why aren't we talking about *that* Holocaust?"
is it just me or does that video look ai generated? Watch her mouth as she's speaking.
has anyone verified the subtitles?
polish here
yes, subtitles are right
which one?
>is it just me or does that video look ai generated? Watch her mouth as she's speaking.
literally everything happening right now is being created by your mind.
You're unconscious and I'm stealing your organs.
>which one?
The one you hate.
>Who is that?
President of El Salvador, he locked up all the criminals in his country and turned it from the murder capitol of the world into safer than most US cities. Biel? Belle? Something like that.
>I can't find it on my device for some reason, but I had a short clip addressing one of these "below curvature" videos and basically it shows that atmospheric distortion would be enough to extend the view by multiple factors easily. Not evidence of curvature, but a check against immediate dismissal, at least.
nope, refraction is exceptionally minor.
Even with massive distortions (mirages) there amount of deflection is extremely minor.
>President of El Salvador, he locked up all the criminals in his country
You have to wonder if this would have been possible if the U.S. wasn't currently harboring a large number of them. iirc about half of Salvadorans live here and not in El Salvador.
Still, at least he's trying. More than you can say for most governments.
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If the earth is flat why would any part of anything be below a nonexistent horizon? All these fucking videos are “I can see more of a building than I think I should be able to according to a curvature calculator and considering no other factors therefore every single astronomer, physicist, astronaut, government space program, billionaire dick-measuring space program, random person with a telescope, etc. for the last 2500 years is deliberately lying in order to hide god from me and no I have no model for a flat earth that can account for days, seasons, which stars are visible, etc.”.
>If the earth is flat why would any part of anything be below a nonexistent horizon?
it's not
sometimes it looks like it is because light bends
here it is bending the other direction
the boat isn't actually flying.
Black people will never be based.
Retarded nigger uncle tom
Actually it is, it's calling the wrong server subdomain sometimes. Replacing the right characters fixes the link but I forgot what they are lmao.
I don't believe anyone is having this problem.
lol gg
I win
physiognomy victory
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fake and gay
>fake and gay
the fakest
the gayest
I dont know how anyone falls for the space grift
That same bending could account for the discrepancy on a globe earth, as well. So, I don't see it as a slam dunk for either side.
>I have no model for a flat earth that can account for days, seasons, which stars are visible, etc.”.
There apparently are models that do, but I haven't had time to go through those playlists to find out what that is.
>That same bending could account for the discrepancy on a globe earth, as well.
what globe earth?
there is no globe earth if there was, you'd be able to measure and demonstrated the curvature you claim exists everywhere.
There is no discrepancy.
You can check anytime yourself, there is no curvature. Light bends and it normally causes the kind of refraction that creates the kind of false images where thing appears to be obscured behind it.

but those views are NEVER in accordance with the curvature math and if you just wait and look again in different conditions, the 'curve' isn't there (because it's just an artifact of atmospheric distortion and perspective).
>So, I don't see it as a slam dunk for either side.
there's many refraction calculators--it's an incredibly complex calculation that requires data that we almost never collect (i.e. temperature and humidity data at all elevations). If you play with the refraction calculators, and keep in mind what the variables mean (i.e. keep refraction coefficients in the ranges we normally experience) you'll find refraction is quite quite minor. and you'll find that when there significant refraction, the distortion and miraging caused by it are overwhelming and obvious.
And this is consistent with your actual experience in real life. We don't see things that are far away and assume they're hundreds of feet in some alternate direction. Even through water, which has higher refraction by orders of magnitude than the air, you just have to aim slightly lower than the fish appears in order to bow fish.
Over a dozen miles normal refraction might cause an object to appear a few feet higher or lower than it actually does.
Over 10 miles you have to make up for 66.6 feet of curvature drop. Refraction cannot under any circumstance do that. That's a scientific fact.

But you know this, you just know that the conspiracy your represent also keeps people ignorant about refraction, so within that lie you find your home.
>>I have no model for a flat earth that can account for days, seasons, which stars are visible, etc.”.
>There apparently are models that do, but I haven't had time to go through those playlists to find out what that is.
there's no conflict at all with flat earth and observation.
There is no 'model' that needs to be found.
The earth is flat and unstationary
the stars are embedded in a solid dome that's rotating over head.
this satisfies all observations.

In fact, the standard model is the one totally lacking observational consistency.

Take for example constellations. Contrary to pop-science claims they've never changed their shapes from when they were first described thousands of years ago. They also don't change their size throughout the year (i.e. Orion doesn't get fatter in the winter).
This literally proves the standard model wrong. How?

If you have any interest in 16-bit gaming you might be aware of parallax, the differential scrolling of backgrounds and various depths to give a realistic horizon. i.e. the foreground scrolls at one rate, the mid ground scrolls at a slightly slower rate, and the mountains off in the distance scroll at an even slower rate.
In essence, the rules of physics REQUIRE the existence of parallax between objects that are at different depths.
Now the stars that makeup constellations are not ACTUALLY close together or similar according to your model. They're all at different depths. Yet between summer and winter the earth has allegedly moved 2AU despite this large distance traveled, the constellations show no parallax--there is no change in shape. The big dipper's handle ought to get longer.

And if you look at any stars you also can't find any evidence of parallax. Science pretends there is some tiny parallax that only they can measure. But the truth is there is none, you can tell by the lack of constellations changing shapes. No parallax means the stars are the same distance away from us, i.e. dome.
Based retard, the same thing happens with Chicago from Michigan you can see it during specific events where the light bends just enough.
>Based retard, the same thing happens with Chicago from Michigan you can see it during specific events where the light bends just enough.
its so fucking weird that you faggots thing that excessive distortion leads to clear views of extremely distant sights.

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