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Post a naturally occurring and observable phenomenon.

OC is strongly encouraged.
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fucking chad
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great thread op, thanks
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Sorry, I don't speak jive.
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Damn bro. 10/10
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is that because the yellow sun is sinking into the blue ocean
guy must have gotten so much pussy afterwards that he nearly drowned
You cannot make a primary color by mixing other colors together.

So No.
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>surviving the biggest wave only to drown in pussy
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If you look at a rainbow it shows you that the different wavelengths of light are diffused to different degrees. Violet blue light diffuses most easily and that's why the sky looks blue and the sun looks yellow, the blue is diffused through the atmosphere leaving the white sun with a more yellow hue. Then when you see the sun going down over the horizon it has far more atmosphere to go through so you see more of the light diffused and the sky looks yellow then orange then red.
Some alt. Theorists believe the volcanos are electrical phenomena just like storms and aurora borealis
Electricity cannot travel without a medium, which space does not have one of. thats why its space, nothing. as opposed to something. yea its not 100% empty but the way they make processors is by putting them in a vacuum so that the electricity that they use doesn't zap around and ruin it.
I don't want to dive too deep into a science cock measuring contest but
>space is empty
In the last link it mentions traveling protons and nuclei, that's charged material flowing which is 'technically' a current.
>Ultra-high electric fields can create particles in vacuum but this takes place at the ultra-high energy levels one finds in stellar reactions.
Not saying it's right, I believe it and you don't have to. Just thought of it when I saw the lightning bolts targeting the volcano ash, which doesn't mean anything bc it's the highest point and so logically would be struck by lightning anyway.
i dont knmwo what all you said but i did say that space isn't "empty". but its a gigantic area of near nothingness, and electricity requires particles to travel - this is WHY they use a vacuum chamber to make cpu processors in. so the electric doesnt arc and mess it up
damn that's a powerful leafblower he has
now i understand why so many mythologies mentions fire and lightning gods fighting each other
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>blud never played with paint in grade school
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>These phenomena are natural because... THEY JUST ARE OKAY?!
came here to see aussie tornado guy
am dissapoint
That's probably the helicopters downdraft because no fought it'll be some fuck off big military chopper to be down on the ice.
What's that?
Its a camera artifact. In a 2x2 square, a pixel in a CCD is 1 red, 1 blue, 2 green. When you're super zoomed in and at the edge of gamut, you'll see green flares sometimes. Better cameras experience less aberration.
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I think its warrior wasps
is this the Kraken?
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I tried to show you that space is both not a perfect vacuum nor does it prevent current passing through it
Some poor creature got wrecked by that spill over
Godzilla fart?
human baked potato
>married couple
You can see it with the naked eye, you retard.

t. San Diegan
is this real?
man fuck these guys
what would happen were I to put my hand between the rod and whatever is spilling that electric shit?
maybe they're communicating with us
you cant show me anything. space is fact like -10 tor on the surface of the moon.
the best in a science lab it can get down to is like -7 tor. and electricity can't pass through it.
no matter what bullshit conspiracy tard article you show me, your not going to be able to "prove" to me that this is wrong
That's just being pedantic, just because it's not a complete vacuum doesn't mean that the emptiness doesn't essentially kill any current you add to it.
Yeah it's easy to see how a display like that would inspire theological awe
the flashing is probably just the camera, but ive seen god rays like that
If you were floating in air and did you'd be severely burned, probably lose your arm.
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Isn't this Ruby Falls, which is man-made?
Ball lightning or another phenomena?

OP's mom let one rip?

I know, it's a lame joke, but it's late and I'm not gonna think up a better one.
>got your expensive video and audio gear packed
>excited to see this very rare natural phenomenon
>thunder cracks are going to sound mindblowing
>get to the spot where it's safe
>bunch of other people there
>audio is just a bunch of soys whoa'ing

>he doesn't know the difference between filter and pigment primaries
bro is not going to make it
A green flash is an atmospheric phenomenon which has been known for far longer than cameras have existed.
They are.
>Stay away
>>5608489 Beastiality is not alowed in this board
>>5608514 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FLRHejWAo8
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What gave it away?
>the sun
>gives off light
>muh pigments
thats a lot of penises
You ever play any god games, and thought "fuck this one tree in particular"?
Can someone give me the timestamp for when there's a green flash? I don't see shit. Those
>it's charged when it's green, charging is amber
led's are frustrating for me

t.red-green colourblind
green flash is a misnomer it's more like a weird green aura
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Yeah I can't see shit. Thanks for the explanation though.
How can I profit from this.
Clouds about to have diarrhea.
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"No tree bowling" has to be a common rule in god-care centers
Oh shit, fat guys can sense earthquakes before they happen.
They also say strange weather patterns signal an impending earthquake.

Just recently in Pennsylvania, there was a noticeable earthquake a few days before that crazy eclipse happened. Coincidence?

The falls were discovered through man-made means.

The actual waterfall itself was formed through natural processes over a long period of time.
I thought tornadoes didn't form near uneven terrain.
Looks like I was very fucking wrong.
Additive and subtractive colors are not the same.
That's not even the colors they'd give you to use.
I wonder if this is where the idea for enzyme 42 came from.
>being this gullible in actually believing this bullshit
I take it you're not from around these parts (TN-GA)?
No. I live in huckleberry finland.
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If someone didn't want to record the voices they wouldn't have to move that far away. I'm sure there is plenty of footage of that exact event without the ooh's and aaah's.
Anyone serious would have done exactly that and not recorded it with a vertically oriented cellphone camera either.
I find it sadder that so many people feel the need to stick their phone up to record it instead of taking in the experience fully with their eyeballs. Guess they gotta record it to get the upvotes and thumbs ups online later instead of just being immersed in, what I assume is, a pretty rare event.
the fuck was that?
looked to me like a distant electric station wigging out somehow, and then a backup system kicked in and everything was ok
Doubling down that you don't understand is kinda funny.
fake. oil platforms don't move
>Approximately every eight minutes, these fields briefly merge, forming a temporary "portal" between the Earth and the Sun through which high-energy particles such assolar windcan flow.
>The solar wind is a stream of charged particles
>An electric current is a flow of charged particles

So it feels like splitting hairs but it ultimately shatters the gravity-centric Einsteinian model for astrophysics. It would destroy the need for black holes, dark matter, time dilation, etc...
Retarded glowie take. NASA is lying to us, yea, but it doesn't mean we live on a disc accelerating 9.8m/s^2 upwards with two spotlights rotating above us for no apparent explanation at all. Get your flat earth disinfo glowie narrative out of here. Nigger.
>when you're in a creep thread looking up from the toilet
are they ok?
Bless the Maker and His water
buoyant ones do, genius
>Conway's Game of Life
I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it.
This is like that stupid dress from years ago. I don't see shit.
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That crab is tall as fuck
Fucking hell, this isn't supposed to be a Rekt thread.
Did anyone think a person would stand next to an active magma pool in nothing but a t-shirt and shorts?
Have video games rotted everyone's brain?
Spirited Away train?
you can sell them as home decor or make home decor that incorporate them. sell at farmer's markets/vintage flea markets/etsy. maybe diversify by making some accessories
some species of them are also used in making soda ash for making traditional soap.
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I was kidding but, admittedly, I should be waaaay too well acquainted with Poe's Law, by now, to play it that straight and still expect my meaning to come across.

Probably should have included this pic.

Captcha: 2STPD (no shit, "Too Stupid.")
everyone can see density of that liquid is water not lava , wtf is wrong with you
NTA I didn't think the lava was real but it was nice to see the before and after, its some pretty good editing
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Do americans really?
if you're red-green colourblind i'm not surprised you can't see a blob of green amongst a red-orange background, since not being able to tell them apart well is what red-green colourblindness is
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here i've flipped the hue so now it's a red 'flash' against a blue background
i'm not a colourblindness expert, but i assume this should provide more contrast
yea they just got a bit stoned
It's fake
if you think she could have been that close, wearing those clothes, without already being burnt, you're retarded. it's an edit.
Newfag please do a 360 and walk away
As someone who lives in the Northeast and sees stone and brick homes all over the place, I'll never understand why tornado valley doesn't require homes to be built with stronger materials.
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As it is mentioned every thread that has tornadoes, even some mid-strength tornadoes can destroy brick houses, which are significantly more expensive to fix after the fact. Never mind EF-4-5's, which are so powerful that steel reinforced concrete buildings had to be torn down after they hit due to the tornado twisting support columns (see the hospital after the Joplin, MO tornado for EF-5, and Mayfield, KY for EF-4)
that's a lot of butts
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The hero we don't deserve.
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Yes, this town evacuated so no deaths, property damage can be replaced. Seethe stupid cunt.

>brick and stone

Sure buddy, I'm sure you would sit out a
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I'm aware this video is fake but-

Ball Lightning is an unknown principle of electricity that (if properly studied and understood in the slightest) could potentially advance humanity light years into the future.

That being said; we're probably nowhere near technologically advanced enough to actually study & understand it :(
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Are YOU retarded? >>5612373
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Is the volcano causing the lightning or is the lightning attracted to the volcano ash?
I hear a foul voice in the air. The pass of Caradhras is blocked. We must make our way under the mountain through Khazad Dum.
No, your eyes will see the same thing. Watch the sunset from the top of the observatory in Hawaii and you will see the same green flash
It's not even that bad of a walk as long as you don't make a bunch of loud ass noises.
>I'll never understand why tornado valley doesn't require homes to be built underground
>"conspiracy article"
Why are you posting Hall and Dollard like they are somehow on opposite sides of the scientific table?
Hell, I'll make it more fun and throw in Ken Wheeler's model of a "non-physical" ether medium into this mix, because they're basically compatible when you look at the generalities of each theoretical perspective. (Regardless of its nature, we do have mainstream researches finding evidence in their experiments of an all-permeating fundamental physical medium acting as the base constituent of all matter and possibly all energy expressions, so it's kind of funny that Science is still really resistant to entertaining the idea of an ether being real)
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It wouldn't matter, and would take longer to rebuild. Underground is the only place that's safe from a tornado. they can destroy anything on the surface.
>has geothermal. aka literally free energy
>use nuclear energy on their earthquake-prone island instead
Why are they like this?
you are brainwashed.
nuclear is the safest, cleanest and lowest cost energy.
He's delusional. Take him to the infirmary.
Friction caused by the hot ash generates an electrical charge fast.

I use to work at a waste coal burning power gen station, and we'd have to use a giant vacuum truck to clean up hot ash spills. And that job sucked to do because the vac-truck hose would constantly shock the hell out of you.

We could not figure out how to dissipate the electrical charge for the life of us. It would visibly arc to our steel toe boots from 12 inches away.
Because 'they' know that's a pipe dream and totally impractical.

To bad cuck united nation nuke treaties effectively killed any hope of your opinion ever becoming fact within our lifetime.

>yfw north korea and iran are actually leading the world towards free & unlimited energy lol
>aka literally free energy
for like 5 people
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Douse them in lighter fluid, hope the wind is traveling towards someone you hate, and ignite
Are you that guy I heard in a Twitter space who said he asks stupid questions on 4chan to illicit more comprehensive answers?
>NASA is lying to us, yea
Here's some ball lightning
It appears to be a very-long-lasting form of bead lightning
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You guys couldn't figure out how to add some wires?
Even most shopping carts have a grounding wire.
>tornado takes out power
>sump pumps no longer pump
>russian invasion
That EF3 tornado was part of an outbreak that produced an EF4 tornado. The outbreak resulted in 6 fatalities and over 156 injuries. It caused $1.2 billion worth of damage.
is this the hirsoshoma thing or what
Grounding did nothing, we tried it every way possible.

Standing within 10 feet of it and you'd already start feeling a strong sensation of static electricity all over your body, depending on the weather conditions & ash temperatures.
Learn to use reverse image search you drooling idiots.

could have been a bird that got hit by the lightning
If I recall correctly, like 30 people died in that explosion. The tourists went up to the volcano to see it and when it exploded... Well let's just say there were no survivors.
That's just basic forum technique. Idiots get more replies.
What happens if you wipe out on a wave like this?
secretly gay
>Man my foot is cold
>I wish I were in Kansas
Just build monolithic domes, easy peasy.
What am I looking at here?
why don't they just ban tornados
You better make sure you can hold your breath for a while.
shitty DEI bridge
I know it has been 10 days since this has been posted but read a book on geology nigger
cool vid thanks anon
>t. has never been to Ruby Falls to see the water pump
Hopefully that wasn't a person running back into the danger on the bottom like a retard
actually looks pretty cool cause it's made by naturally
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