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Jesus Christ
What brings a man to this level
Ha, that's where I know this guy from. The whole whisper thing, the commentary.
Pretty funny how he decided to go deep with it.
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the OG incel revolutionary
Born in Canada and then moves to Poland = black pilled. Typical story like Robert Wilson.
How does someone become this fucking wierd i dont get it
You mean based?
The whispering is weird
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how sad to make videos alone to flex your body, idiots sick of attention, these gimbros don't know how to do shit, useless ignorant goats
Sound jelly.
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That's what roids do to ya.
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incels are fucking pathetic
Eventually Looksmaximus realized that the majority of his audience were hopeless basement-dwelling incels and blackpillers that didn't understand his brand of irony and unironically wanted to enslave women. He disavowed the "looksmaximus" persona, praised the modern era for its unprecedented freedom, humanism and technological advancement, took a shit on his followers, got cancer, had an existentialist crisis and left.
I sincerely doubt he was being ironic this whole time bro.
What happened with his health? Last thing i read his liver of kidneys were all fucked up or something
I'd say 50% irony, 50% srs.

One simple example was his expression "0% agency prime slave cunny", which was a euphemism for 18-23 yo prostitutes. Many woman-hating incel spergs interpreted it as literal teen sex slaves.
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This is the best video he ever made.
What the fuck, I hope his ass at least gets tazed once
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I think his spleen got smashed by the roids.
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His IRL streams were cringey, creepy, over the top and hurt his image by portraying him as a deranged autistic lolcow. Really don't know what he was thinking with those. Probably lost it after YT terminated his second channel without warning and transformed into Dan Cilley on tren, minus Dan's constant yapping about wanting to "marry white underage virgin females".

Good thing he stopped at just two or three. A separate vid with him walking around with a giant fake penis in spandex brought the lolz, tho, and lots of positive reactions from women.
He's obviously in the deepest and most degenerate porn addiction that a man can develop. It's the only explanation consistent with such antisocial sexuality.
>transformed into Dan Cilley
Who is this guy?
I couldnt believe this was literally him lmao, i never knew about this
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What's wrong with wanting literal teen sex slaves?
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cocaine user?
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>praised the modern era for its unprecedented freedom, humanism and technological advancement, took a shit on his followers, got cancer, had an existentialist crisis and left.
the cancer came first, so then he pulled a 180 after his death scare, which is understandable
facing death either turns niggas super based and stone cold, or into large whiny pussies, he lost the coin flip
He was a large whiny pussy before the cancer. Constantly whining about the gynocentric modern world. After the cancer he stopped whining and finally understood that these are in fact the best times to be alive for anyone, but especially for pleb males.

Patriarchy = pleb males are slaves to the state (military/conscription, religious institutions) and slaves to their children and unemployed wives. And that status quo applies to both pagan and monotheistic patriarchies.

Now we in the West have the freedom, prosperity and technology to be completely selfish assholes and do whatever the fuck we want and go wherever we want.

Also after the cancer he never once had any form of monetization (donations, patreon, etc.) turned on again. Just streamed a few more times to talk before finally disappearing.
People have never been worse off than today.
That's a fat girl's panties lmao
chemical nature, this man is beyond our realm.
Nah doubt
You're doing God's work here, OP. Looksmaximus is a philosopher of our time, and his perspectives are unique enough to influence the coming generation of young men. Coombaya boyos, and seize life by the cunny flaps
this fucking video has me laughing myself to tears every god damn time i see it
Imagine being a sex starved loser like this guy
speak for yourself loser
The man blew 10s of thousands of euros on fucking hundreds of prostitutes and even left his girlfriend even after she put up with him doing it
I don't think he is weird here. I think he is reasonably pointing out a glaring hypocrisy.
>Let's see LooksMaximus' card
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I think something is wrong with his breathing
How does he make money? It must be a bit difficult as a foreigner in Europe. I'd probably be a personal trainer
This is the video where I first saw him. As I go through half of these gifs in this thread I feel like I'm watching a documentary. As crazy as he is, I understand him. He is out of the matrix and goes against the public programming about women and men. He would be a good charismatic gender philosopher when New Rome is reborn. Right now however, he spends too much time thinking about useless women instead of innovating himself with new skills for success/production. Certainly a coomer mind. If he ever has a teen daughter I wonder if he would approve a fellow big coomer like him hitting on her. Either way he gets me laughing and entertained with his thought process.
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I think he actually was a personal trainer.
Simps are the biggest enemies of mankind.

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