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i never realized how shaky this is
Sergeant L'Darius Tyrone of the 45th "Dune Coons" Infantry Division
chambering the first one before filling the tube is something I've never seen in a video game
Usually they like the sound of pumping it at the end too much to do that
>no HL2 pulse rifle reload
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I dont know man, its pretty common nowadays
File: Equip Of Freedom.webm (636 KB, 1280x720)
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not reload, but kino equip.
>Black hands
It never even began...
>>5608876 Imagine the smell
Anyone got the DOOM guy where he holds the bullets and hits them with a tiny hammer.
Requesting Halo Needler
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why is it being rocked in backwards? wtf?
I guess thats just how the malyuk works
>>5609536 No, but I believe its part of the Too Many Shotguns wad.
>>5609536 >>5611694 Yeah, it's part if the The Too Many Super* Shotguns wad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adSlxtgNaSk at 1:18.
what game is this?
Looks like a fallout new vegas mod but im not sure
Song sauce pls.
Its the valve intro vid theme
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Nobody reloads like this IRL. People take their time and enjoy it, after all it's a break from actually pulling the trigger, and the last thing you want is to miss the clip and drop a bullet on the ground. You can't put a dirty gun in a bullet and you can't wash them, so it's pretty much just wasted if they get dirty. Same thing with when people are pulling back on the slide knob, if you do it quickly then the old bullet might pop out so you have to be careful.
its New Vegas yeah, hitmans animation
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This thread shouldn't have been limited to vidya only
thanks guys
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Would be awesome if a game like this had a 10% chance of garand thumb
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