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Part of the giant crab scene from "Moana" animated film by Disney with the sound of "The Trial" song from "The Wall" album by Pink Floyd. Better quality: https://filebin.net/u4hkasogyl068w7z (131 MB).
why the hell would anyone want this?
post 3
>>5609064 My kid was watching "Moana", and I thought that somewhat darker atmosphere in the scene may be not inappropriate. In the result there are sometimes mildly amusing time correlations between video and sound.

>>5609698 The video is based on a single idea, it would be hard to post 3 different ones.
kek literally cut this into 3 webms and make them all better quality while you're at it. Give it adjustable volume while you're at it too you absolute unequivocal complete faggot. Or just post it in an existing thread so it can be ignored.
>My kid was watching "Moana"
My God, we really are being invaded by boomers.
Zoomers are having kids now little Aoomer (or failed Moomer)
It's less of what he said, and more of how he said it. Also the formatting and the video.
lol what a funny thread
Smartest Pink Floyd fan
wow, that really sucked.
>he doesn't have kids
Newfag or incel
Take your pick
>>5610202 Adjustable volume is a feature not of a video file itself, but of a video player, one can easily change volume here. The better quality video is available, the URL is in the thread's opening post.
Stop telling on yourself.
You type like a facebook boomer. Go back.
You should literally not be here if you are a parent. You have to quit video games and gay ass anime too.
>not of a video file itself
it's called gain you fucking retard, and setting an appropriate gain to audio is required for the volume slider to work efficiently on the viewers end
Awesome ^^
>it would be hard to post 3 different ones.
then don't act surprised when i ruin your thread
File: lv_0_20230621114336.webm (5.37 MB, 1280x720)
5.37 MB
5.37 MB WEBM
Roger Waters is a horse-faced faggot who can't sing to save his life. The Wall was one of the worst Pink Floyd albums and it's mostly due to him wanting to be the lead vocals.
pink floyd is utter trash
mumble mumble mumble
The previous upload of the better quality video has expired, just in case here is the new one: https://filebin.net/5ibxa7wlx0k4qdkl (131 MB).

>>5611586 Here is a fragment of Monty Python's "Buying a Bed" sketch. (If you meant "mattress", why didn't you say "mattress"? I mean, it is very confusing for me if you're gonna say "dog kennels" when you mean "mattress". Why not just say "mattress"?)

In the thread's opening post I can adjust the volume so that it is both too quiet or too loud for me. I don't know whether you are almost deaf or have oversensitive ears in order to find out what change of gain you would desire.

>>5615008 Not very informative statement without examples of something not being "utter trash". Personally, I like some pieces of classical music much better than anything by Pink Floyd, just "The Trial" song seemed to me a better match.
>give examples
all of it.
would you like to know which specific shit covered piece of corn smells worse?
k den
just upload it to catbox.moe like the rest of us
>>5617407 If "pink floyd is utter trash", then, having in mind examples of "utter trash" by Pink Floyd, the answer "all of it" is only logical. But I was writing about examples of something *not* being "utter trash" (not necessarily by Pink Floyd), otherwise there is nothing to compare Pink Floyd with.
What is this guy's deal?
give me more gold

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