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File: Pizza Ad.webm (3.82 MB, 534x352)
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3.82 MB WEBM
File: Holiday Ad-.webm (5.47 MB, 1280x720)
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5.47 MB WEBM
Jews wrote and produce that crap.
old man yaoi
Entire thread has a nose bigger than that challah I ate yesterday!
File: Catseye Pest Control.webm (4.82 MB, 720x405)
4.82 MB
4.82 MB WEBM
this jingle is always stuck in my head
huh i wonder who funds these ads
these ads are directed to women, and everyone knows what women want
Not even women know what they want.
didn't realize e621 had a pest control division
I don't think so, but xmas is about love and unity
I don't see any dogs
>a chudvert
Decide what you believe or someone else will.
you must get your information from porn, this says a lot about you
Especially evil considering that a 2015 study showed that, of those sampled, nearly all the BMWF relationships where a child is born ended in the women being a single mother (97%) with no support from the father (98%). Only 10% of the women in the study who had a kid with a black man actually got married to them. Just think about those numbers for a minute.
woah!! can you link the study? thats so interesting
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2.93 MB GIF
humiliation ritual or demorailization propaganda, call it
This is by far both the most narcissistic vision of a writer I've ever seen (and nothing comes even close), and the most demoralizing, psychopathic anti-christmas piece of media I've ever watched.
Go back to your sharia shithole muhamad, France for French only
Based. I would choose homos over muzzies any day. Viva la frace!
Nah, the Muslims suck ass too. Fuck Mohammad, fuck fags, fuck Jews.
>will this advert encourage people to use the postal service more?
>postal service?
dude wtf lol
Lmfao I needed a good laugh, tf is this shit?
>hire Catseye pest controll because of a rat problem
>now my living room smells of semen, drugs and diapers are everywhere and a giant inflated rats lives on my couch

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