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File: Pal Uk 1697042157364.webm (3.37 MB, 720x672)
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No, it’s rel to the thread theme, seethe mudslime
whenever i hear slavic language i think of the public agent videos on pornhub
especially if its a girl talking
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>Brave Jew
No such a thing.
Go fight in Gaza, COWARD
Kek, how many cope threads do you need, "brave" Jew?
>coward triggered
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>didn't deny
Neither did you, coward goy
the uneducated neon*azi copy pasta, kek what a loser

>copy pasta

And the stupid goy neoLOSERn*azi double down, kek
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wait you are jewish?
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how does it feel that another holocaust is near?
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>schizo jew boi having a meltdown
I bet she’s a demon in the sack.
cry kafir lol
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>talks mad shit
>gets within striking distance with hands at side while outnumbered by three
This line of thinking is astounding to me.
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whats the 2nd nakba?
>coomer brain
>"The Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war."
File: croatst.webm (3.7 MB, 480x848)
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>don't help a racist
why are women so stupid?
gotta love the pajeets
>yes sir, I go
>Debunking the State of Israel

>Israelis Are Not 'Indigenous' (and other ridiculous pro-Israel arguments)

>How Israel Cucked the United States
Ahahaha the jew is so scared
File: Pal-Jl26wrb9bts2tpq1.webm (3.93 MB, 720x720)
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File: blkguy ss.webm (2.3 MB, 720x720)
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why do americans put up with this shit?
File: crying jew.webm (868 KB, 576x1024)
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the actual thread theme
/pol/ in real life.
Womp womp
File: womp womp.webm (2.18 MB, 640x360)
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Well, people cry at a funeral, you insensitive cunt
jews cry everywhere they go

And make a lot of money, business, opportunities etc. seethe poorfag loser
kek shouldn't you be crying less than the goyim instead of more then?

hides post
>jew crying so much he can't even read
can't make this shit up kek
Based hamburger. Pajeets are becoming a problem in Poland, they even appear in small towns like roaches.
Hes actually ukranian, he was hiding in poland, then went to the netherlands
Never seen a Jewish person use that as an insult. It's like you're proud that you've been assimilated and Hebrew isn't your first language. Kinda sad.
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OP is Jew York diaspora, they all have these identity issues especially the white-passing ones. Most of them have never set foot on Israel and never bothered learning Hebrew, they are culturally cucked as fuck.
>>5615252 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotypes_of_Jews#Jewish-American_princess
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neoLOSERn*zis fuming, kek
she was bragging about her family's properties in another thread too
100% a spoiled kikess
Jewish men and women behave very similarly though because the men are extremely weak and effeminate.
He's not even Jewish just a typical retarded western conservacuck.
Based comedian lmao
bro begging for a beating, too bad he didn't get it
You know what's weird? A jew can do the worst thing in the world and still claim to be the eternal victim.
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>my enemies aren't as violent as I pretend
>therefore I am brave

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