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ITT post you're favorite schizo peoples
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emos suck
How is this guy schizophrenic? He is just saying basic bitch knowledge and thinks they are revelations or something. Perhaps they are to him. He's just some guy learning to reason
Actually, never mind. I should had watched the next webm >>5610761
He's not schizo, he's just a dumbass
He's insane. He drinks human blood from his fans and drinks his girlfriend's breast milk.
What did he say that was wrong?
Ah, ok then

I don't remember now and I am not going to watch it again. He said objectively wrong things like bread used to mean meat and so and so. To me, he seemed like he was only learning how the world is deluded on lies in the first webm and starting to realise just how much he didn't know. But then he goes and says a bunch of bullshit. Many people who come to this realisation feel disorientated and can't stand the darkness of unknowing, and so latch on to any kind of bullshit just to soothe themselves from it, so they can pretend they know, so they can reconstruct their sense of groundedness

But if you say he drinks his viewers blood, he must be far gone
You need to be explained??
>objectively wrong things like bread used to mean meat
Bread comes from old english brǣd which means flesh or meat. Prior to industrial wheat production normal people didn't eat bread as we know it today.
he's just a carnivore diet idiot
>Bread comes from old english brǣd which means flesh or meat
That's not correct. You're right that "brǣd" meant flesh or meat but the modern word "bread" doesn't come from that, but a latin word. "brǣd" fell out of use eventually and was replaced with other words for flesh and meat, while the latin word “panis" was used for multiple European languages and in English it developed into "bread". So you are only half correct
The etymological root of the germanic word bread is not panis you absolute motherfucking brainlet what the fuck am I reading
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to be fair, blood and breast milk are extremely dense in nutrition
No, this guy is definitely fucked in the head and his whole story is crazy. There's a whole rabbit hole behind this guy.

It's basically confirmed that he has hired hitmen to kill his ex-gf who he had a child with, and after a failed attempt of trying to throw a molotov into her bedroom window (basically tried to kill his own child), they've attacked his ex by throwing acid on her and she's disfigured now. The police managed to capture the guys who did this, and they've confirmed it, the police report on this is apparently available and Sv3rige is probably on the run right now.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt3IgpW2hZY (i know this vid is by fucking Vegan Gains but it's a good overview)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqzZ75TXJx0 (more in depth)

He's had multiple girlfriends, but every single one of them was saying that he was treating them extremely badly, and he was blackmailing every single one of them after breakup. I'm not sure if the same girl that he hired hitmen for but one of them said that he punished her by putting glue inside of her vagina because she behaved badly towards him or something.

For multiple times in his videos he said that it's normal to want to murder people, eat babies (!!!), drink human blood, etc. Also when he was a teenager, he took 2 knives to school and stabbed 4 people, if this guy was born in the US he would have most likely been a mass shooter.

If you mention any of this under any of his videos on his channel, he will delete your comment extremely quickly. It's fucked up that his case hasn't really gained any popularity.
>Vegan Gains
>Sv3rige Goatis Parody Videos
Bro, come on.
Haha look, this anon believed the stories about a rabbit hole. Watch out, soon he'll start talking about how Gatis stabbed someone at school
Oh shit he did actually write about it at the end lmao. I have met Gatis IRL at multiple occasions and he has slept at my place when visiting my country. If you have questions for Gatis then ask in his IRC, he don't delete shit
I made a comment on one of his videos where I explained to him why working out, despite being temporarily "stressful" to the body, actually increases longevity, and is healthy for you, and he deleted it. lol

The guy genuinely believes that working out is killing you because he thinks humans are sedentary creatures.. Yeah and also 100% raw carnivores despite our digestive system producing enzymes to break down starches unique in plant foods. But you gotta avoid the "anit-nootrients".. Archaeologists also have evidence of cooking being widesspread among humans more than 250.000 years ago. All of these things are basic knowledge to all humans who aren't mentally ill. which he clearly is to some degree. At the very least he's delusional

Where are the old videos of him almost starving to death and getting eye damage from literally staring into the sun? lol
I searched for his channel "sv3rige" but it seems to be removed :/ The practice is called "sungazing", and I've done it too, it's a spiritual thing. What I learned whilst doing it, even if I sound retarded, is that there is only one God and the closest we will ever get to a God is our sun. It explained the ancient paintings where the sun is predicted with a face
>I have met Gatis IRL at multiple occasions and he has slept at my place when visiting my country
Is he as crazy as he seems IRL?
his channel is called "Goatis"
He changed it from Sv3rige
sounds pretty unhinged sungazingbro
If you are a faggot who value a chicken as much as a human then yes. If you mentally rewind 20 years then no.

No, "Goatis" is his second channel, which now seem to be his only channel. He had millions of subs on his main channel.
Did he ever explain how he regained his hair?
I'm male so I never paid attention to his hair. I don't know if he ever lost it or if he ever regained it. All I know is that his diet, raw meat, is superior, no matter what gays, vegetarians or feminists say. A lot of people, even Dr. Jordan Peterson, will vouch that a raw meat diet will cure *all* health issues.
Does raw meat make you throw acid at your mate and attempt filicide too?
Ask your idol Sverige about that one time where he was eating too many raw organs and got a disease that paralyzed him and made him bedridden for months, but the doctors managed to save him. Why didn't he escape the hospital or even go there in the first place? Hospitals are not natural, they're a man made thing, in nature he would have died like a man. Why doesn't he mention it on his videos?
I do not believe this has ever happened, mostly because me myself eat mostly raw meat and raw liver. The last cooked meal I can remember was boiled eggs.
>believed the stories
Dude, there is literal evidence on him, people who have been involved speaking out, or even police records, I think the protocol from the dutch police is available, as well as photos of his GF that got acid attacked. Sverige is definitely hiding right now as he doesn't share what country he's in, and he went away somewhere.

Do you think that she, and multiple other people who were involved with him and are speaking out are doing some kind of conspiracy against him?

>he don't delete shit
He has deleted my comment on YouTube where I was asking him about his fucking hair, lmao. This guy is deleting every single comment that might seem inconvenient, especially about his past or what he has done. Just look at his comment section, zero critique, zero hate whatsoever, only positive comments.
Do you also happen to sungaze, not eat anything for days (just like a human would in nature) and get vibrations and messages from the universe in the form of something vibrating inside of your stomach and almost dying?

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Rest In Power my nigga Terry.
What with all the fucking jugs in the left?
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Kek this brought back memories haven't seen Gale in years.
Yes, as I wrote here:
A single mother desperate for money for herself and son, yeah why would she make this up
I watched the first video with an open mind, but holy shit lmao what is that?
That chick never showed her face in all of those "hospital photos" after the acid attacks and what not. How are we supposed to verify that's even her. She didn't even show he full face in the video.
If you find her channel, she is using a lot of snapchat like face filters and doesn't show half of her face, there are moments where the filter turns off and you can definitely see that there is something wrong with that one half of her face that she's covering.
They fear him because although he is not 100% correct (and who is, as he says himself), he says a number of harsh things that are verboten but are true. To thrive in life you must drain the energy of other living things. The elites are the best at draining life and we all really want to be at the top too. Meat is the ultimate food, despite the suffering.
But normies hear this and think "WAHHHH I'm not at the top so it can't be true. I'm a dysgenic faggot so it can't be true that we should live more naturally. Suffering is baaaaad"
The people at the top don't want you thinking like this, because the stability of the pyramid requires the lower layers to absolutely not think like this man.
That being said, he is a bit whacked. IDK about the stories anons are posting, and I don't care to look into them.
Judge Terry Jenkins is going to be a little perplexed
qrd on this person?
that's fucking based, though
>I do not believe this has ever happened
Here's a reupload of his vid on where he was talking about this.

https://youtu.be/2IlcQDRCOOQ?si=eqhA_1p897fitZLL&t=757 (timestamp 12:37)

You're probably such a blinded drone of his that you're going to say that this is AI generated or something, so whatever. Eat your raw organs and enjoy the sun I guess.
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Srsly what are these betas yapping about, mfs don't even mew, edge or goon, and they have L rizz ratio, these betas are cooked.
tbf that's a biased documentary
I am the guy you are responding too, and the last days I have done research on what Sv3rige has been up to and I found a thread on a website called Kiwifarms and there is proof there of him being a complete psycho. He has never told me any of this. I never understood this Luna situation but it all makes sense now. To my knowledge he is in Australia but it seems like it was just a lie to throw people off. And he is on an interpol list. Lmao! I will not tell him that I know this stuff, I want to keep listening to what he says next
there is literally nothing that should be LESS disgusting than breast milk. Its only purpose is to be consumed by humans
last I remember she runs a boomer YouTube channel where she vlogs her traditional southern boomer life and between every few normal videos she would upload suggestive videos of herself such as her exercising in her living room in tiny bikinis or videos of her newest conspiracy, often related to semen, penises and Jesuits.

As far as I recall she is 100% a high level troll and 100% batshit crazy.
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The hairline progress in this video is top kek
Drinking your woman's titty milk is disgusting bro you must be degenerate af
Tell me more of these farms
Idiot? Google "sv3rige kiwifarms"
Well, glad you did get more informed on what he does. I don't really care about carnivores nor sungazers or whatever, do what you want, but this guy is batshit crazy. If you are supporting him financially, I'd suggest you stop immediately so that he is forced to stop hiding because of the lack of money.

>that's a biased documentary
Doesn't matter, all you should care about is the timestamp that I gave you where he blatantly says that he got extremely severe food poisoning once he started eating raw meat and organs, and he pretty much never mentions it on any of his newer videos. I couldn't find the reupload of this specific video elsewhere.
haha my panis wanis of course :)
If you think this guy is actually schizo then you obviously don't have much exposure to mental illness.
I've had schizophrenic patients and this guy is way to cogent, lucid, and social to be schizophrenic.
I'm not saying he doesn't have something else perhaps like schizoaffective but not schizophrenia
How can she be a troll and bat-shit crazy?
Trolls do things ironically to get a negative reaction from people
Bat-shit crazy people geniunely believe this stuff
I don't think she's a troll, she's bat-shit crazy
She really believes this shit
"schizo" isn't necessarily the same thing as paranoid schizophrenia. For example, he may be schizotypal.
Yes, of course I agree. I do say in my last line that he may have schizoaffective disorder (as an example)
you talk like a steamnigger. just wanted to tell you to kys
When I google kiwifarms this is what I get
>Kiwi Farms, formerly known as CWCki Forums (/ˈkwJki/ KWIH-kee), is a web forum that facilitates the discussion and harassment of online figures and communities. Their targets are often subject to organized group trolling and stalking, as well as doxxing and real-life harassment.[3][4][5] These actions have tied Kiwi Farms to the suicides of three people targeted by members of the forum.[15]
Like what the fuck man, why would I go to a site like that no thanks
I did not know that but still, do you know what site you are posting on right now...?
I have no we bms but I will get around to making some soon but if you like the vids in this thread go watch Cahlen the wizard on Odysee
how fucking new do both of you have to be holy shit
Sorry anon I'm an oldfag but I am also 30 years old so I only lurk on /b/, /gif/ and /wsg/, I never heard of Kiwi or any other gay newfag websites
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Holy shit I never noticed that!
Well yeah no shit it's supposed to be your mother's milk. I just top off every time I visit.
For some reason nobody mentions that time he drank his subscribers urine at a meetup. Am I the only one who remembers that?
Most people who met him irl dont want anything to do with him afterwards. Milkjar, ludwig, the people from the Bulgaria meetup. Theres just an endless trail of people who met him and then hate him. You must be a real low life even more than those others if you are still fanboying
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roastie and simp hating on chad
t. pedophile
look at that frontal lobe! listen to this guy you clowns
during communion you eat the bread and you are eating the body(flesh) of christ. i dont see why people want to play semantic games. language is fluid and cant really be relied on to convey absolute truths. thats why finding the right words to convey things is difficult
he got poisoning from raw none marrow which can be extremely toxic if from a factory farm fed animal, marrow will hold lots of heavy metals and other toxins. this is one of the only parts of an animal you should be completely sure about with raw animal products. I don't see the problem. yet, with his consumption, daily, of all these other raw organs and animal products, he's not in a hospital. it's not so unlike the average antibiotic resistant mutant Ecoli strain (after feeding on toxins created from cooking like acrylamides, heterocyclic amines, lipid peroxides) found at McDonalds that kills a child
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really didn't need the normie retard reactions
If you enjoy braindead content like those two you should go back to le leddit
a troll is someone who does things for attention. trolling is a fishing technique in which you cast a line with bait and then travel forward in a boat in order to entice a fish to bite.

trolling is not intrinsically negative, you have unironically been gaslit into beliving that to troll means 'acting like a monster (a literal troll) when in truth, trolling is a form of fishing (for attention/response).
divine schitzo, i kneel.
>jesuit bukkake in a nuclear bomb
a combination of words I never expected to hear
That's trawling, anon.
this is just what introspection looks like
Having normal people react to something insane is funny.
Link it.
GOATis is a schizo, but most things he says here are true.
cross between mystery method and tommy wiseau
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what he says isn't even insane but they force themselves to react like it was
>advocating pedophilia isn't insane
lmao okay bro
You are a deranged freak and a low T puritanoid cockscuker, it's normal to be attracted to 14 year olds and always has been.
I'm not sure that defense will hold up in court.
I don't ever plan on going to your shithole in the first place, or having relationship with 14 year olds for other reasons.
People like this must've been raped as kids.
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Crazy? For being a free man, you think he deserves no financial stability for self-survival and to starve until he reveals himself? You're a sociopath and talk like that kike who forced Kanye and Ellen Page onto meds those years back. Abnormal? Yes, the guy is obviously abnormal. As well as uneducated. But batshit nuts? You're the one who's crazy by comparison. If you can look around and call the normal "good" by most measures, you're either paid to say so or miles deep into self-delusion and spiteful self-driven arrogance. How about you tighten your own grip on reality, take yourself out of this guy's fate as it's not your place to get involved whatsoever, let alone dictate what he does, and fucking do something of tangible local real-world value. You KiwiFarms losers never cease to reach new lows.
>faggot breadtuber who has one of the most publicized cases of career misses thinks he has any place shitting on goatis of all people
This isn't schizo. This is pretty coherently worded and founded in common sense, honestly.
Where can I find this guy's stuff? I actually like this.
Nvm found him. It's 'Lookoutfa Charlie'
Implying that the attempted assassination of the president is staged is literal pure distilled insanity.
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You tellin me this isn't schizo?
Maybe if you're a flaming homosexual who casts out reasonable doubt just because it conflicts with his worldview, then sure. Otherwise, no. It's not delusional to rationally assess the events and wonder how things transpired, and try to figure out a possible ulterior motive. Name one big shooting in the last ten years that didn't have the same political messages tied to it, by the way. Also, Trump and Biden are both Jew loving pedo puppets who have done nothing good for the world. If you believe in theatrical politics you're cattle who deserves to be manipulated. GTFO. Bitch.
No, it's not. He has a basic understanding of audio editing and modular frequencies. That's nothing special and wouldn't qualify as schizo whatsoever kek.
Any more like 0:00 to 0:15? Really like the sound design especially.
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Not this one either? Not even a little bit schizo?
Seems like he's a paranoid guy, but no. Again, not schizo. Schizo has a very definitive connotation. I don't believe in calling anything and everything on the social fringes schizo just because some faggots on social media who were born when I was in high school wanted to popularize it. There is such thing as a normal person who has bad ideas. Being different or confused doesn't make you a delusional psychotic.
Where's the lie? Gatis is right about 99% of subjects.
Thank god the vegan diet is quickly dying, like their practitioners lol
If you're a literal tinfoil hatter then you are crazy. Just accept it.
who and who?
A very famous youtuber.
Did they really have demiurge in the Spongebob?
Using ad hominems doesn't dismiss anyone's genuine suspicion. Just because you're afraid of questioning the mainstream doesn't make anyone crazy. On the contrary, it makes you look like a fucking retard who's incapable of unique thought.
There's a big trend for middle-schoolers on tiktok to come to /b/, /f/, and /wsg/. They have no opinions of value and follow whatever the popular colloquial is. 10 years ago a "schizo" thread would've probably been called a redneck or conspiritard thread. Mundane thinkers.
Conspiratards are schizos tho
The term conspiracy theorist was introduced by the CIA to discredit people who noticed obvious things. Are you a fed? Or are you just stupid?
Normal people aren't going to be convinced by you saying that the term "conspiracy theory" is a conspiracy by the CIA. Frankly that just sounds outrageously paranoid to a normal person.
>I don't like facts so I'll ignore them
Look it up yourself, retard. Don't take my word for it. If you cared about truth, you would've just investigated for yourself instead of chastising me. If you're that lazy, then there's no helping you.
He doesn't care.
Guy you are replying to is a reddit tier normie. He's incredulous to anything heterodox.
Meanwhile, anons here can watch sv3rige and get a kick out of his thinking. There is so much value you can gleam from a guy like that. Started eating raw myself and it's been life changing
You never lose your hair follicles.
>Angry wall of text
Id delete you too tbqh
He released vid of his ex being deranged, so I buy what he's said about her.
Kiwifarms produces a lot of just straight up lies based upon wishful thinking and resentment.
I've watched for example just about every last hour of content nick Fuentes has put up, and the type of shit that comes out from kf is so disingenuous, often times straight up fabrications, and lack any charity whatsoever. They for example made a twitter account on his behalf and then posted gay porn then claimed it was him...

So I don't buy what they are selling on sv3rige.
>Wow just wow
He's only a free man because he a fucking leech and said freedom only comes at the expense of others. Quite a few people who've hosted him have later spoken about what a shitty person he is and his entitled behavior.

If your idea of freedom involves taking advantage of others for your own gain, then who are you to call somebody else a sociopath: look in the mirror.
There is no "proof" of all these allegations against Gatis. There is only hearsay and some videos of people who don't like him saying negative things about him. Unless you were there, you can't possibly know that truth one way or the other. And more importantly, all these allegations are about his personal life and have nothing to do with the content of his videos. He could be a baby-raping genocidal maniac and it would have no bearing on whether he's correct about politics, raw meat, sex, or any other topic. People like you have been duped into conflating a person's online reputation with the veracity of his ideas, and it's pathetic.
>muh pedophilia
Age of consent laws have chnaged over time and have nothing to do with sexual morality. A sexually mature human of either gender is capable of consenting to sex. People don't magically become sexually or intellectually mature at the age of 18.
It's crazy to me that people take anything written on kiwifarms as fact
People will start raising their eyebrows when you talk about the age of consent like that man, just saying. No one will trust you with their children.
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Not schizo, but a wholesome autist.
You got the source?
You don't know the answer either LOL
we do be doin a lil trawlin doe homeboa
No one here said anything about fucking 8-year-olds, retard. If someone isn't sexually mature, they aren't attractive unless you are mentally ill. A normal person like me wouldn't even think about an actual child sexually. The fact that you bring it up says more about your warped psychology than about me. I'm as disgusted by actual pedophiles as any sane person. But raping a prepubescent child who clearly isn't even a sexual being yet and isn't consenting is in no way comparable to having consensual sex with a post-pubescent "teenager" (recently invented term, btw - they used to just be called young adults, because that's what they are).

However, a 17-year-old, 9 times out of 10 is a sexually mature adult. How many 17-year-olds have you met who still haven't hit puberty? Yet in many places it's deemed illegal and therefore wrong to have consensusl sex with someone who's 17 years and 364 days old. Yet somehow, magically, the next day she's an adult and capable of consenting to sex.

Do you have a problem with a 17-year-old fucking another 17-year-old? What about 17 and 18? 17 and 19? At what point does it become predatory "pedophilia" in your mind? Have you ever even thought about these questions? I doubt it.
>a post-pubescent "teenager"
Oh, so you just think it's okay to fuck 12 and 13 year olds? Good to know, you totally don't sound deranged.
>Are you a fed
Based on the overwhelming number of slide threads on 4chan more widely, Operation Mockingbird, and the fact that a large % of their budget is media control, yes.
You're a brainwashed NPC who didn't even comprehend anything I wrote
Sv3rige also has a video about how 99% of people are retarded. You're clearly in the 99%.
I comprehend just fine. You said post-pubescent teenagers. That includes 12 year olds. Again, normal people are going to think you're a fucking freak when you talk like this.
Who is she?
He really reminds me of Chris Chan but with a Canadian accent and without the rapey vibes
Define puberty for me
If it bleeds it breeds.
So how's lana doing these days? Is she finally on meds of some sort or she keeps harassing random people?
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>he can't read the file names
Gail Chord Schuler on youtube
Since you didn't answer and you seem too stupid to be able to work a search engine, I'll help you out:
>[ pyoo-ber-tee ]
>the period or age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction of offspring
Puberty is, by definition, the transition from childhood to a sexually mature adult. Adults are capable of (and want to) have sex and create babies. That is the purpose of puberty. This is shit I learned in fucking middle school; it's basic biology, and it's true of every single animal species on the planet. Humans are no exception.
Then there are retards like you who have literally never used a single neuron to actually think about this topic, and just repeat the mainstream programming by calling people "pedophiles" and "deranged" for just stating cold hard facts about reality. The irony is that you are deranged and mentally ill for thinking that man-made numbers, modern social rules, and age of consent laws trump nature and reality.
So fuck off with your normie shaming tactics, faggot. You are objectively wrong.
From what ive seen he did it twice at different meet ups. I think it was the Denmark meet up and then somewhere in America. He didnt drink it straight from the source, they pissed in bottles. I might bother to look through Archives of his old vids to find it sometime
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if you think what is said in this video is schizo you are abhorrently uneducated.
So it's okay to fuck 13 year olds according to you.
Nice try, fbi. No, you should absolutely never doing anything illegal. Never even drive 1 mph over the speed limit, because that would make you a bad boy.

You're definitely right though. I now see the error in my ways. Human being have no sexual urges until they reach the age of 18 as required by law. Thanks for showing me the light.
I can't remember the name of the person but does anyone have the Youtube video of that schizo lady from Pennsylvania who killed her parents?
>any further quetions?
he's walking kino
Bro, have you ever fucked a 13 year old? They are literally the perfect age. I have only done it under legal circumstances
this must be how dogs feel about the mailmen
Education means you think the opposite of what he says.
>literally no argument just "AEEERRREEEEE"
thank god these are your average voter
14 is legal in austria
i lost my virginity at 13
it was magical and i still remember it
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Any more of chris hansen?
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Then say it like this: the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist" were introduced into public dialogue by the CIA as a form of PR-style damage control against speculation and accusations of the JFK assassination being planned by members of the US government and/or intelligence agencies.

And, as the other anon said, this is true. This came from an internal memo made by the CIA during that time (immediate post-JFK assassination) that has since been made available to the public.
Oh please, the CIA did not kill JFK.
Probably called him to ask why he didn't pay his rent lol

cracked me up good, man was a legend
take the pill
you dont seem to be in bliss anyways
Say that in public and see what happens.
It's what crippling mental illness looks like.
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genuine schizo, I know someone like this, even down to the shitty haircut because they're too paranoid to go to the barber, but at least they're more reserved.
it's pretty sad, it's not something they're born with or that it just develops gradually, they literally change from normal to schizo overnight.
This is just infuriatingly stupid to listen to. This guy needs to get slapped around.
Who is this?
Is he dead?
>doesn't know saint terry
Real questions, can you subvoalize? Do you think about your actions or the world around you?

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