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despair about the current state of our world
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If I ever have the time I'll either make an Asmongold compilation video or spliced webMs, this guy is literally greek philosopher tier at times
at times he also goes full retard on subjects he understand and know nothing about, or thinks he knows but don't
song sauce? I couldn't find it anywhere
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He's a total grifter and preys on vulnerable outcasts to give him money, very much the way e-girls manipulate outcast men.

He may say some obvious simple truth, but he as a person is not all that great.

In fact he is much the "consume" type person he mentions.

He also pretends he's conservative and will post pictures of him with virgin mary in his house and then in others will make fun of religion, routinely uses JC in his streams and is adamant about abortion.

Abortion is a direct symptom of the consumer based world.

In fact Abortion is what enables all of it. When you say a woman has the choice to end pregnancy, you are also saying that if she chooses to be a mother she is choosing to not participate working for the consumer machine and it is thus okay if she is poor.

Abortion is quite litterally the new child sacrifice to the "God of Economy", much in the same way ancients sacrifice children for a belief that crops would grow.

When Asmongold can dare to speak logically against abortion ill give him a second chance.

Until then..
>Asmon = grifter who sometimes says reasonable things

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thats based though
i pray to god this is staged
she has a son that old, and she types with emojis?
pretty much, I don't care about third worlders. Quite literally not my problem.
No. You and his viewers are just idiots that can't generate your own thoughts. Stupid fucking zoomer go to school and stop looking at your phone.
that's fine. Just consider that people with more power than you see you as a third worlder
I wouldnt describe Asmongold as a "direction-brain" he more of just a grifter, like he doesnt have any strong convictions.

He basically plays the direction-brain crowd for money.
lol that is cool. At least he has someone he likes to watch.
here's the song, for anyone who wanted to know

Would be a shame, it's the only thing that makes China based.
I think that anon was mocking you with his picrel.
at least he's happy.
when was the last time you were genuinely happy?
personally I can't even remember when I was.
Eyes Wide Shut was meant to be much worse that the editted down version we got. Kubrick died not long after it was made and the original prints were either locked away or destroyed. The elites don't want you knowing what they do.
The text is added on later
>food made by shitskins >:(

>food made by shitskins remotely through a robot that pretends to be ran by ai :D

it's all a grift.
asmongold has the same talent agency managers as mrbeast and other contemporary mainstream 'big content creators', it's all fake and gay.
OK but how does a remotely robot spit in your food?
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Sir Mosley called it.
Gay. You prople are a bunch of drama queens. You whiny losers won't make it when shit goes bad while rich and capable people like me are safe.
If it isn't for consumerism, those third worlders would be starving to death. Fucking whiny losers on 4chan of all places.
"if it wasn't for consumerism" those third worlders would be living more closely to the same subsistence agrarian stable existence they had been in the previous thousand years rather than a shanty & sweatshop perdition vs destructively spilling out into the developed world.
i come to threads like this expecting to see cathartic videos, but usually it seems more like the intent is to cause despair.
i don't know.
asmonshit is just the worst trash out there whatever he says you can take the opposite for granted i have never seen are worse guy lying to himself and playing that farce to others since the creation of twitch.
Post this webm, but it's cats version
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Anon why did you cut it, give me the full thing
How would you feel if billions of brown people around the world got abortions? Is it good or bad and should it be outlawed or encouraged in your opinion?
You buy stuff in sweatshops from a country that tortures people for having beliefs the communist party doesn't like.
The glownigger vhs effect crap at the end ruined it though.
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he's right, but forgot to mention the reason: cheap money
imagine shaming your son bc you failed to raise him
good post
If I was 13 I'd say you were deep
Just put him out of his misery at this point
this stuff isn't inflicting a sense of despair onto me
>Quite literally not my problem.
>Reeeee whats with all these immigrants and refugees!?
>this guy is literally greek philosopher tier at times
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8, will make someone ir8.
>most sane /vt/ regular
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Thats a lot of fucking steps I just go and konzum.

I just go to my local konzum and thats it.
What people also don't wanna accept is that this is how Industral Revolution start and that this is a necessary sacrifice a country has to make to do it.

UK, France, US and Germany did this in the 1800s Japan did this in the early 1900s

China did this in the 1970s

Vietnam did this in the 1990s

All the current manfaucturers are doing it in the 2020s and by 2030 they'll be doing it somewhere else.

There industries come and give mindless jobs to people but and the end of it. The society as a whole has advanced enough to stand on it's own.
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is clipped from some longer investigation/docu or something? i think i recall that voice, would be cool with a source if you have it
This is so much worse with sound
I know life is unfair but at this point existence itself is starting to feel like a humiliation ritual, I get it, they're more happy, successful than me but why do they have to do these dumbass dances on top. Fucking hell.
>be me
>read about world issues
>plastic pollution everywhere, even in us
>climate change accelerating, ruining weather and crops
>wealth gap huge, rich control politics, poor suffer
>antibiotic resistance makes minor infections deadly
>mental health crisis, rising depression and suicide rates
>data privacy non-existent, surveillance everywhere
>cybersecurity threats, infrastructure vulnerable
>human trafficking massive, barely addressed
>resource conflicts worsening, water and land fights
>global pandemics more likely with poor preparedness
>education crisis, underfunded schools, student debt
>automation replacing jobs, no safety nets
>corruption runs deep, money dictates policy
>environmental destruction rampant, species dying
>ocean acidification alters carbon cycle
>pesticides and GMOs, unknown health impacts
>nuclear proliferation risk, more countries with nukes rising
>refugee crises, displaced by conflict and climate
>political polarization, societies divided
>biological warfare risk, potential for outbreaks
>child labor hidden in supply chains
>corporate monopolies stifling competition
>wealth hoarding, trillions hidden offshore
>pharmaceutical greed, life-saving drugs too expensive
>urban decay, infrastructure crumbling
>income inequality severe, top 1% hoard wealth
>human rights abuses common, torture and censorship
>modern slavery, forced labor and trafficking
>religious intolerance, persecution and violence
>mental illness stigma, barriers to care
>hunger and malnutrition despite food surplus
>substance abuse, opioid crisis ravaging lives
>corporate welfare, tax breaks for big businesses
>economic instability, frequent financial crises
>tech addiction, out of escapism
>everything dire is unseen, unforeseen and everything in between,
>a fresh hell fashioned out of good intention

yfw the world is a dumpster fire and it's far far worse than you think
>subsistence agrarian stable existence
Gee if farm life is so great why do people drop it the moment they have a chance
Outside of global warming, government surveillance and inequality everything else it's either bullshit or blown out of proportion, nice fear monger nigger
encouraged of course. who the fuck would argue with that?
>at least he's happy.
>genuinely happy
This is cope. What he's doing is no different to shooting up heroin in his bedroom to forget his pain. The vtuber is a pale imitation of human contact and you're a loser if you develop parasocial relationships instead of trying to foster meaningful contact with real people in real life.
Because market tampering (subsidies, foreign competition) have made it basically impossible to make a living off of farming.

Farming as a profession is unironically the greatest job in the world. You get fit, get to pick your work hours, and you literally have thousands of acres away from everybody else.
Everything he said is real nigger, antibiotics being so overused means now any random 3 day flu can become antibiotic resistant and we have no way to stop it short of another covid vaccine round for every minor flu.
A single hack can take down power grids, water pipelines, gas, and have done so RECENTLY, 3 day memory goldnigger
human trafficking is the mexican and african cartels' #1 business right now and slavery is arguably more common now than it was in the 1700 including in the world's leading economies namely the US, China and Russia.
All students are retards now because no child left behind means you cant fail a high schooler for not knowing how to read or add basic numbers up.
America alone has shown us how willing people in power are to listen to each other before considering treating us fairly, in what world is a company lobbying for less workers' rights sensical?
We had the first presidential assassination since Raegan I think?
Refugees have gotten so bad europe has elected its first real right wing govs in decades
insulin is 10x more expensive in America with no reason other than greed
Buildings around the world are starting to crumble because no one's maintaining them or even knows how to
The muslims in England are threatening to KILL non believers and establish islamic law
There is real child slave labor in everything from clothes to iphones, human rights is a meme in the west and isnt even enforceable anywhere on earth
the one about tech addiction is more poinient than anything else and you'd see it if you ever went outside.
>at least he's happy.
Bigger copes have not been registered in the database

Well, let's thank God that you're 16 now.
You are in denial.
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I understand. I got overly attached to a streamer girl before.She was the only person giving me attention, chatting with me and being kind to me. I had to unsubscribe from her Twitch and leave her Discord though because I was donating to much money and didn't seem to be able to keep myself from doing it. So I had to just cut myself off from her.
Parasocial is not a one way street
just don't shoot up your school tomorrow, alright?
I embalm bodies, I am far past that in my life.
oh my science thanks for enilghtening me im going to kill myself
anyways, all of that shit is consequence of 2 or 3 main issues, stop being such a faggot
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If that's true, how much cost and time did you spend
I was spending $1000+ a month on her. Her official streaming schedule is 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. But she actually streams between 10-12 hours a day 5-7 days a week. On work days I was watching 2-4 hours when I got home. And on days off had her stream up all day, though I would be coming and going as I ran errands and things.
>Make society around pacific interchange of goods and services
>REEEEEEE why is people buying things???
can you give a name?
Luality on Twitch and YouTube.
he literally tells people to not give him money bcs hes already rich
I'll never understand why 4chan dislikes him so much
he is atheist and openly says he is degenerate,
that Virgin Mary is only there because his mother was catholic
he might be just pretending by letting it stay there, but he also never cleans the house, so it makes sense
>look at this loser who watches cringe shit and is happy about it
>unlike me who creeps in dark by the door like some weirdo filming him, entertaining myself in my free time by watching a loser who watches cringe shit, because I have even less going on
that shit is dystopian as hell stfu
Anyone have that webm showing the kids addicted to mobile games and tiktok? where they would keep trying to scroll the screen and start crying? that shit was cryptic as hell. where is it?
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this video was part of that compilation someone made
You know Abrahamic religion celebrates and demands child sacrifice right? And that it comes from Canaanite religion
There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering.
-Deuteronomy 18:10
Yeah, they just took their cousins' kids and burned them as an offering to Yahweh. And of course there was Isaac too.

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