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File: ryouko.webm (5.64 MB, 320x266)
5.64 MB
5.64 MB WEBM
Videos from the golden age of YouTube.
File: weegee.webm (5.45 MB, 320x240)
5.45 MB
5.45 MB WEBM
File: UrbanNinja.webm (5.45 MB, 640x480)
5.45 MB
5.45 MB WEBM
File: Roflcopter.webm (465 KB, 640x480)
465 KB
File: Theory Of Everything.webm (2.02 MB, 320x180)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB WEBM
Bumping. I don't have any locked and loaded but I'm hoping more join this thread
File: skeleton dance.webm (3.43 MB, 320x240)
3.43 MB
3.43 MB WEBM
Their Friday Night Madness videos were epic back then
File: keyboard cat.webm (2.7 MB, 448x336)
2.7 MB
Holy soul
File: Scrubbed.webm (3.35 MB, 312x240)
3.35 MB
3.35 MB WEBM
File: Cornshaq.webm (5.91 MB, 320x240)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
File: CornshaqRetsupurae01.webm (2.27 MB, 320x240)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB WEBM
File: Warioware.webm (5.3 MB, 322x240)
5.3 MB
File: Warioware 2.webm (5.9 MB, 322x240)
5.9 MB
File: Battletoads REVIEW.webm (5.56 MB, 480x360)
5.56 MB
5.56 MB WEBM
File: 1656982290004.webm (5.39 MB, 384x288)
5.39 MB
5.39 MB WEBM
File: The Picard Video.webm (5.34 MB, 320x240)
5.34 MB
5.34 MB WEBM
File: red yamato.webm (5.61 MB, 320x240)
5.61 MB
5.61 MB WEBM
I saved this from Youtube in 2006 and then was never able to find it again.
I miss old old restsuprae like you wouldn't believe.
File: k-on_chile.webm (3 MB, 496x480)
3 MB
>just running around town in jeans and a hoodie doing "sick" parkour with childhood friends after watching these and random parkour/smosh vids
holy sovl
On youtube you can search with "before:YYYY". For example: "mall before:2006". I think you can also specify month and day with "YYYY-MM-DD"
File: 2005-12-15_freerun.webm (2.43 MB, 854x480)
2.43 MB
2.43 MB WEBM
Is that a new feature? I haven’t heard of searching specifically before a certain year.
No, it's been a thing since, at least, 2014.
File: Intensive Hair Unit.webm (5.59 MB, 640x360)
5.59 MB
5.59 MB WEBM
File: Rainbow Trololol.webm (5.43 MB, 480x360)
5.43 MB
5.43 MB WEBM
Wait is this the chipcheezum guys? What happened to them??
They stopped ripping on shitty Let's Players 10 years ago due their victims getting attacked by their community and it's speculated that the co-creators, Diabetus and Slowbeef, got bored of it all and just stopped uploading content back in 2018. They still upload gameplays in their separate channels via Twitch.

File: annotations.webm (5.85 MB, 960x720)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
The only things worth sharing from those days are the same ytps that gets reposted in their respective threads.

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