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Good thing she got fired and ARRESTED, what a psycho
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stop complaining, assimilate to islam you silly baldy
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oh, not this FAILED athlete LOSERn*azi. Hey buddy, grandpa Schicklgruber was not fighting immigrants, he was ethnic cleansing an ancient race who started civilization, language etc.
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Imagine destroying and humiliating your entire family to fulfil your fetish. Contemptable as all hell.
>Hitler ethnically cleansed the Sumerians
Jewish revisionism never ceases to amaze me.
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This is not an argument neoDUMBn*zi
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>Imagine destroying and humiliating your entire family to fulfil your fetish

yes, neoLOSER-n*zis/poltards in a nutshell.
Nice digits, Satan.
Don't you have a bloody baby dick to slurp on, rabbi?
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wait, you're a jew AND a tranny? lmfao
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Lazy bum

Get your eyes checked retard, no indication in the green text, fool
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lmao tranny jew confirmed
>faggy reply
you don't need to confirm it again lol
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Black man can't catch a break in the usaofkkk, mang
Don’t know what year is this video, but currently all the Nord countries have the highest rape reports in all of the eu, and the rapists are non white and not native
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This >>5612629 is the ONLY current event. What a loser thread, kek.
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islam: fuck cousins, name the inbred offspring muhammad, worship a black cube
lol yes that finland public service announcement on migrant rape guidance
Strikingly similar to European royals when you think about it, except they usually named the offspring Charles.
Yes, but they are distant cousins (4th to 7th), so they don't have defects like the austrian, hungarian etc. now when it comes to islam, they don't care, and yet they all think that dying for allah is a good thing
Lefties are the same everywhere lol
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how would one into politics, bros?
>colonel otaku gatekeeper

stops video
You sure there isn't another group that fucks cousins and worships a black cube? I could swear there was one...
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This cunt posts videos of blacks being naughty, then he follows it up with this webm, neoCUNTn*zi get new content, the archive history of you is pathetic
No one cares. And no one cares about your obsession with "nazis" either.
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>This >>5612629 is the ONLY current event.
Leftists are the same everywhere in the past hundred years.
0. The leftists use Emotional Logic instead of rational logic. This helps them harvest and steer hate against their political conservative targets.
1. The leftists believe and strongly use censorship.
2. The leftists disarm the general public and reserve weapons for the police and military.
3. The leftists employ cancel culture variations while claiming to be open minded.
4. The leftists are intolerant while claiming otherwise.
5. They oppose the original constitutions of the countries they rise up within.
6. The leftists believe in and use violence while claiming otherwise.

Russian leftists implemented socialism and branded their version as communism.

The German leftists created the Nazi Party. NAZI actually refers to socialism in its name.

Chinese leftists took over after the original government was worn out fighting the Japanese.

North Korean leftists tried to implement socialism. Did it work? Another culturally and regionally similar population implemented capitalism in South Korea. Did it work? Compare to North Korea in terms of terrorist and drug trafficking problems for the rest of the world.

As far as the leftists implemented Socialism in the USA, they caused that country to have huge national deficit spending each year. Ironically, the conservative capitalist portion of the country is what keeps things afloat as they pay the great majority of taxes.
And the low life coward did not refute, k
You're in every /pol/ thread whining about "nazis". Don't click on these threads. Hide them in the catalog. It's not difficult.
Still no refute, k you yellow bastard
Yeah, it's a strange couple of talking points to make. (1) That "We" Europeans in America are being overrun in our own lands. Like, how dare these brown people come into my town of Winnapaumpanawg. (2) That the Euros are somehow one people. As if Spaniards have anything in common with Icelanders and Romanians. They've been at war more with e/o than with anyone else (there's even one going there right now).
Is this guy being purposefully retarded?
It's fun watching white people discover what it's like to be a minority. Look at how they don't like it. The native people of this land must be having one hell of a laugh at their expense.
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I used to have such a good time making DBZ music vids back in the day. Quickly making this for a mate brought back memories :D
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No serious nationalist believes that white people are all one nationality. But there is a common struggle being experienced by all these white countries outside of the former U.S.S.R.
>Like, how dare these brown people come into my town of Winnapaumpanawg.
Yes...? What, you think nomadic hunter-gatherers built those settlements?
Indeed. It's not the invasion itself I resent, it's the hypocrisy of the people supporting it, i.e. what white settlers did to the amerindians was an atrocity but the same thing happening to white people is an act of love.
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Japan rejects mass immigration, sure this is what poland claimed, liars
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Digits speak
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literally incapable of empathy. kind of comical.
I'm pretty sure you're a troll, but I thank you for these "context" posts, since it just gives more material to work with, instead of refuting anything.
who organized this shit?
Looks edited, but also in the koran its ok to rape natives when lands are conquered
What does the big flag say at the end? "France is for the migrants?"
It's also happening in Europe, so that argument only applies to places like US/Canadia, Australia/New Zealand, at best.
>but the same thing happening to white people is an act of love.
That's the "justice"/revenge part of it. But, there's also the reality that they're are just massively increasing the effects of colonization, just with non-Euros being the colonizers. How does that undo the sufferring of the Natives?
Got anyone better to recommend?
The webm missed one step:
>Get the only "opposing" party to render themselves ineffectual and no longer support the interests of the only base that supports them
this webm is way too funny
He had to stop somewhere didn't he? Unless she wanted him to mow her whole lawn? I'm fucking triggered.
Of course the hands are brown. Yuck
This is a very reasonable assessment, but it's a moot point since you can't prevent people from owning things
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reducing "brain drain" is a good thing and when it's being done right it's pretty non-partisan. That's all they're up to, no need to go flat earther on the subject.
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Watch cnn complain about the roman salute at the end.
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Democrats getting desperate, kek
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this is possibly video of the shooter after the secret service shot him. or someone shot by the shooter, no idea.
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>let me get my shoes
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first thing I thought of
She tried to say the police knocked her teeth out too from kissing that pole.
"I was really horrified to see that." Wow, the white guilt was strong was her and her ilk.


Tranny technology is not at a point where a man can become pregnant. I also don't think they can add a womb to a man - or if they can it would be useless. Tranny tech is also not at a point where a woman can have her vagina replaced with a penis and the fake penis also doesn't look gross. Some context: if you look at shemale porn, it's a biological male with tits and who looks girly. Why not a biological female human with a penis ("girlcock")? I guess because those "genitals" looks bad.

>File: 85690895469098564.webm (6 MB, 660x480)
>6 MB
Neat, I thought there was a 4MB max file size limit last I was here years ago.

Someone IRL said to me: "Trump got shot" and stuff, so I looked at the bottom of this thread, and there it is. News:
>title= Shots fired at Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania as former president is seen with blood across his face
>title= Trump appears to be SHOT in the ear and is left with blood strewn across his face during rally in Pennsylvania
(Title changed)

More before and after web data because why not:
>DDG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcoBjleIv3U - title and desc.="The Most popular Operating System from 1999 to 2022.", now=deleted
>DDG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn7f-YzLzuc - title and desc.="The Most popular Operating System from 1999 to 2022.", now=deleted, maybe this was the same as FB/TheLordMyShepherd/videos/646996474206662 -> yt-dlp -> https://files.catbox.moe/wdkjz8.mp4
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so the shooter was actually on a roof with a rifle. amazing.
Sure, believe whatever you want faggot lmfao
Pure metal gear solid shit LOL
>understanding leftists
Interesting post. Here's something I wrote about that in the past:

Feminism is a bad idea. Maybe I won't go in detail on that, but instead I will connect it to a broader topic (with an idea from Curtis Yarvin, AKA Mencius Moldbug). Some societies have ministers of propaganda, so you have Paul Joseph Goebbels ("Ger-bulls") controlling the politically correct ideas of a society in a top-down or centralized way. In democracies such as those in western societies, this control that political correctness has over society is done in a decentralized way. There isn't one government entity that dictates what's wrongthink. Instead, there's a rainbow coalition of commies, fags, libs, queers, kikes, niggers and dykes, ranging from academia to the media to the government and everywhere in between.

Why is this decentralized political power such a force? Because democracy is incompatible with freedom. Democracy enables bad ideas to flourish. Democracy is conducive to and gives a foothold for bad ideas to gain power. These bad ideas are concerned with "progress" and in the midst of progressivism. A core idea of leftism is ignoring what people are actually like and instead focusing on an ideal of what humans could be, as if that is such a flexible thing. As if humans are interchangeable cogs and can be easily reprogrammed to fit their socioeconomic and political agenda. The left has hope that their dreams can be true and cope in convincing themselves that humans can easily be bent to that idea; put in less dismissive words: class consciousness (or whatever) then suddenly everything will be hunky-dory.

Sometimes records of webpages only exist temporarily in a search engine's data - more proof:
nah the shooter was laying down on a roof a couple hundred feet away


those being carried off the stands were the people behind him.
Rambles part 2:

Maybe democracy isn't to blame as much as the general political focus is to blame. And that general political idea is the one arising from the French Revolution or just Modernism. The western democracies of the past three centuries are a facet of modernism. The political ideas before modernism were mainly disregarded during modernism, so maybe those are better ideas and don't lead to the political shit we find ourselves in today. However, I don't think all modernist political ideas are bad or horrible. Some examples include the American ideas of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, the right to keep and bear arms, and laws being the highest authority (a republic based on a constitution and stuff). If humans are as unchanging as reactionaries think, then a Republic and a Constitution makes sense; as in: there's these main laws that can't be changed, and otherwise, states can have their own laws.

Added today:
Think about it. If the people of a country are significantly responsible for it's political fate via democracy, then that makes academics and other intelligentsia-class lefties very motivated to use their conniving tactics to convince white people to hate themselves due to being white, for example. Would there be so much "Cultural Marxism" and other stupid propaganda directed at citizens if we lived in a traditional society (a monarchy/aristocracy)? I think not. Question democracy at the very least.

( I've been meaning to read more of this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy:_The_God_That_Failed )
Nah, the found the shooter across the way dead and some dude in the stand had his head blown off from the shot before it hit Trump.
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>some dude in the stand had his head blown off from the shot before it hit Trump
literally zero evidence of this
this is a doctor who was at the event who attempted to give medical assistance to the person who. he is covered in blood.
From the sounds of it then, the guy may still live. No point bringing in the heli if he was dead after the shot like I thought happened.
>some dude in the stand had his head blown off
He's a martyr now.
Shooter literally stared right at Trump's face through the sight
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Reminds me of that time some Democrat supporter shot up a baseball game because a bunch of Republicans were playing.

That's what happens when you teach evolutionism is a fact in government schools, and deny the global flood despite the global evidence of it. The Columbine shooters believed in evolution and said they were doing "natural selection".
Huh? Did you mean revolutionism?
>lemme tell ya a couple of three things
That kike has been at this for weeks, maybe months now
Must really need those 0.05c per post
You can tell his posts since he always censors the word "Nazi," which is ironic given that it is a slur invented by his own kike ilk.
For whatever reason, he will never write God or Nazi without censoring it.
National Socialist
Nationale Sozialistische Deutcher Arbeiter Partei
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nice of him to see it and not shoot back. biden was behind this.
why are we training foriegners in the first place. the smartest chinaman will never be able to use their skills and be a liability if we never teach them in the first place. its a false arguement. they shoudlnt be allowed to come here in the first place. we do not need them, and their dual loyalty will always be an issue no matter how much we cater to them.
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no, he means evolutionism as a guiding principle of fact. The reason the ruling class insist on this, even though whether or not a god made you or if you 'evolved' from a lower life form isnt because its a scientific truth, but because of the implication it carries. Unironically, if you want to believe all humans are equal then you have to believe in something unprovable such as 'well, god just made us' because its the only possible way we could ALL be equal. If you actually believe in evolution, that humans were slowly shaped by small mutations and changes that were regional then you HAVE to believe we arent equal, that we cant possibly be equal because each subgroup in each region was changed by their enviroment. The elite love this, because they unironically use it to justify their own scientific racism, which youve been led to believe is actually some kind of social/classism. But among themselves, they describe each other as being more evolved than the peasents, and that it is their duty as the most evolved group to prevent others from evolving and catching up with them. This is why a white billionare can hold hands with a black billionare and claim there is only 1 race of people....... but the quiet part they dont say loudly is that 'only they are real humans', and the rest of us.... are unevolved animals.
You sound a bit mentally ill. Not even sure why I read all that.
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man i love Lookner, he always makes me laugh
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>Trump almost killed
>Biden puts out statement that violence has no place in democracy
>Calls up trump, wishes him well
>Trump thanks him and apologizes for calling him old
>Says it's alright and apologizes for calling him fat
>Let's end this russia thing huh?
>Good idea, getting shot kinda sucks trump says
>America sends a bigrade of fighter jets
>Putin pulls out of Ukraine before they arrive
>Trump texts Pence from his hospital bed
>sorry about jan 6 man, will never happen again, if you wanna run with me again i'd be honored
>replies back with prayer hands emoji and says he'll think about it
>Tom Brady calls Bill Belichick and asks if he's seen what happend
>Bill says yeah man life is short and precious huh
>They both join the Patriots again and win another super bowl together
>New Twin Towers are built in New York
>America is united again
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you should kill yourself.
Naw, I'm good. Your conspiracy theory is just a bit stupid.
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Anyone got the Adam Driver one?
Everything he said is true.
1)there is no actual proof of evolution by natural selection
2) the "elites" profess evolution by natural selection and also equality
3) the "elites" believe themselves to be inherently superior to you and everyone else who isn't in their billionaire club. If they don't believe themselves to be the only "true humans," then they believe themselves to be super-humans.
This is observable. The elites are world-class hypocrites, probably clinical morons, but at worst they are Biblical evil. There is simply no other way to square this circle.
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"Elites" have been around before the scientific theory of evolution became a thing. Think of any king, queen, priest, emperor, or anyone else in the distant past who claims they were put in power by god. Clinging onto the idea that evolution is the source of corruption is retarded. Human beings have been dominating each other since the dawn of time, it's simply in our nature. You're simply a gullible person for clinging onto this.
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there is hierarchy in religion dude
some people are nearer to god than others
they just left him there?
Why won't Ross get over there or explain what he's doing?
What are you? A dead body collector? Of course they left him there
You've never met someone dumber than you? Someone you're always two steps ahead of no matter what? Did you not feel a sense of responsibility that had its root in a feeling of reflexive superiority? You know those things you accuse elites of believing for convenience are in fact actually true, whether you like it or not. The bond that bridges that gulf is not denying that people are different, but loving people beyond their usefulness. Fortunately for normal humans that's easy.
good ending
the government you moron
where is the unblurred version
>Clinging onto the idea that evolution is the source of corruption is retarded.

what a weird thing to say unprompted that has nothing to do with what you were replying to. Daily reminder: charles darwin was originally went to college to be trained as an anglican priest. His insanely wealthy father wanted him to fuck off and get a degree but he decided he would do the karl marx thing and be an eternal student instead, so he hopped board a tropical vaction cruise to the islands and then wrote his evolution larp. The british ruling class ate it up, because, as I previously mentioned and as you are literally confirming, it gave their pre-existing ideals that 'they' were the chosen few a scientific backing.

In the bronze age, the rulers pretended that they were literally gods. In the iron age, they claimed to be descended from gods. After the fall of the roman empire, they claimed to be chosen by god. And in the industrial era, their enlightened minds envisioned themselves as being the only truely 'evolved' humans on this planet. The original darwinian works included a list of races by the way, with anglos at the top, and black africians and the irish at the bottom. This is what gave birth to the eugenics movement, the idea that certain groups should be excluded or discriminated against because mixing with them would cause 'evolution' to go backwards.

You should open up some 18th century history books instead of relying on your third grader knoweledge of evolution before entering in a discussion on it. I know you like to think you are really smart because christianity has been a toothless punching bag your entire life, but pretending that creationism is some how the opposite of evolution is just a red herring propaganda narrative. A little pied piper arguement to carry you away so you dont think about why its such an important facet of the public education cirriculum while having seemingly no relevance in your entire life.
>goyim.... you have a responsibility to take care of 7 billion genetic dead ends. you must spend all your wealth and spend all of your time doing this. dont worry, i know its hard. i will generously do it for you, for a small fee

thank you rabbi. i almost forgot my white man's burden.
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I'm not seeing it.
Did you mean here? >>5618160
Shut up or actually say real sentences using English!
Maybe not in the "it's all fake" sense. But it seems odd that this happened now, instead of any time in the last 8+ years. I think it might be a "warning" to Trump to keep him in lime, like some theorize happened with Reagan's assassination "attempt" (failed on purpose); letting him know that he could go at any time.
Or, more in line with your idea of it being staged, is Trump is in on it and this was done to give him a ratings boost. Would make sense, especially if Fuentes' theory that the Jews want him in now, because of Oct. 7th, is correct. The shppter could be connected loosely to Mossad or CIA, possibly.
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>Neat, I thought there was a 4MB max file size limit last I was here years ago
You can also use VP9 and Opus instead of VP8 and Vorbis for Video/Audio, too. That was just added in the last year or so.
>That kike has been at this for weeks, maybe months now
Probably months.
>You can tell his posts
He also usually adds something (and often capitalizes it) between neo and nazi, lile "DUMB."
I think the sensor is to make it more "bad" or offensive, like it's something disgusting that needs to be covered up. Or maune it's to make him seem more rebelious. Kind of like when trolls or other assholes sensor "white" or "male" with an asterisk in the same way.
>National Socialist
>Nationale Sozialistische Deutcher Arbeiter Partei
Also: God.
I denounce the Talmud.
Did the shooter fire at the snipers, first? I'm not sure what the SS guys are doing here. Seems loke they could have shot him almost instantly, from what the other clip suggests: >>5618194
How do you know that those photos are from the same day?
So much squawking!
Lol wut?
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so the shooter was a little unhinged
Anything less than a Monarchy/Fascistic dictatorship is total failure.
Oy vey we Jews are based and white unlike those filthy sandniggers
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>hes dinked
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That's only something atheists believe.
aren't you supposed to accept the authority of the church and the clergy in religious matters
isn't the pope or a bishop closer to god than some random pleb
even jews believe they're higher than others and they founded the desert religions
how do you know that was him?
also wonder if the guy and gal taunting him is like "oh shit" today.
going to assume it's not him in the video because that's the blurriest and most compressed shit quality video for a phone that i've seen in a long time.
never mind stuff like saints and prophets
fbi released his name, presumably the user account on that video is real, which is the same name the fbi released
I like how apparently everybody BUT the secret service and police saw the shooter
So your theory is that this guy made an account in his own name, and had himself filmed in public by a third party as he was screaming about how every republican should have their throats slit and then had that video uploaded to his own account?

You know what sounds a million times more plausible? Someone just created that account using the name the FBI released and then uploaded a video they found that they had that may or may not have been the guy.
not only have democrats been going "oh won't somebody rid me of this priest" but they have tried to take trump's secret service away by suggesting laws that former presidents lose their right to have secret service if they have been condemned for a federal crime.
none of us have forgotten the trumped up charges they "got" him on, the ones that nobody can list and himself didn't really know about until after the trials had concluded.
after yesterday secret service seems to be incompetent or untrustworthy to not even have a guy on all nearby roofs but it still raises the bar by a lot to have them.
look at the quality bro. for it to be that bad in the vertical video era, and just happened to be especially bad in the face area throughout the whole thing
jesus christ, joe biden's address of the assassination attempt on trump is not even 3 minutes long and it is still painful to watch

for some reason there's only audio on the left but i'm linking this version so you can see him walk in and out. i bet a lot of clips will cut that away.
>here are the measures we have taken on behalf of our jewish masters
The 90IQ mouthbreather probably voted for the kosher conservatives doing the exact same thing as Labour but 10% slower
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heh, my old webm from 2019
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oh right 2020, kek
this might be the view
Christ man these people are evil fucks
some poor dude got domed shielding his daughters
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Total horseshit, White ethnicities are genetically vastly more closely related to each other than to any other ethnic group, and Northwest Europeans are genetically more similar to one another than Japanese are to Koreans. We have publically available coordinates for the abstraction of DNA of populations who we can analyse under principle component analysis, go on vahaduo.github.io, look on the PCA, and download the dataset and compare the distances of Europeans. Whites also objectively share linguistic heritage (both via their Indo-European language and the Common European sprachbund) as well as an obvious interrelated set of cultures predating Roman times. Ignatiev is an anti-White Jew who instinctively seeks to attack his White hosts, his intelligence doesn't expand beyond that goal.
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This is who they assigned to protect Trump
3 cast memberettes from Reno 911
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better version since he repeats it in this one
Yeah, this definitely has some spooky fingerprints on it.
Lol. Nice edit.
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Have you seen how the Colombian football fans behaved? They literally rushed into the stadium without a ticket, deport them.

no, like i need another reason to dislike that stupid game
It is kind of surreal to compare this kind of verbal stumble with "covfefe" which the media harped on for literally months.
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The fuck happened to the /leftypol/ threads? Astroturfers bunkercunts got bored already?
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What the fuck?
>Unless she wanted him to mow her whole lawn?
I mow my neighbors lawn when i mow mine if theirs is too long. they haven't complained yet
I have the suspicion, the audio might be overlaid from elsewhere.
CNN is trash, but that would go just a little too far even for CNN.
>it’s my responsibility to mow my neighbors lawn
It’s also my responsibility to fuck my neighbors wife.
its not my responsibility but i want it to look nice
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Everyone knows lighter skin inherently makes you better. That's why it's racist to exist as a white.
Imagine not just killing him and appearing on dr Phil. That shit isn't real.
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YOU MISSED - You Missed

FACTS (featuring Ben Shapiro)
>I like how apparently everybody BUT the secret service and police saw the shooter

It's like there was malicious compliance by certain members of security. As if they were undermanned for the venue. And basically allowed the shooter to fire first before doing anything.

Did the Biden Administration deny requests from Trump's secret service detail when more agents were requested weeks before? On the Megyn Kelly channel, there was evidence presented that the secret service headquarters denied every request for more agents to be assigned. The democrats multiple times tried to have all secret service protection removed for Trump. As if they were hoping someone would try to attack.
>over 20% of Gen-Z is LGBBQ
does this woman hear herself talk? nobody should read that number and think it is even close to half true and she just sits there and repeats it. the west truly have a crazy bitch problem, women shouldn't be in politics and are not suitable to have a platform of any kind. you don't take a monkey evolving for millions of years and suddenly put it in a position it has not evolved to be in.
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He walks like a retarded fag, that's why nobody respects him.
>dear "wahegru"(?), our one true god
>and in America, we love the Jews, ladies and gentlemen
That far back. Weird that I haven't seen this until now.
Josh Allen is popular in Australia?
holy kino
I really hope Steel Ball Run has a reference or two whenever and if it drops
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more "redpill bait and switch" videos, please.
though i guess we just reached image limit.

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