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File: king cobra.webm (2.47 MB, 864x961)
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2.47 MB WEBM
post animals
File: caracal.webm (948 KB, 720x720)
948 KB
Is that a cobra?
File: cobra.webm (2.83 MB, 270x480)
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2.83 MB WEBM
ssOMG! So sscute sswow (โ—‹โ–กโ—‹)
File: a goat on a palm.webm (1.53 MB, 480x480)
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File: tortoise attack.webm (2.59 MB, 1000x500)
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2.59 MB WEBM
There's more intelligence in that thing's eyes than any other reptile on the planet.
How bad would the bite be there? Would he have enough time to reach an hospital?
What the hell is this thing?
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2.13 MB
2.13 MB WEBM
>What the hell is this thing?
Cuttlefish apparently
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No matter who you are, just when you get comfy doing your own thing, some normie's gotta come bother you about it.
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>What the hell is this thing?

Pisaca from Dark Souls
Get a life larper.
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File: CAT IN MIRROR.webm (4.86 MB, 236x360)
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Checked and keked.
the fuck?
audio isn't from that vid, it's from another one
thanks for this webm, that bird is really cool
I thought parrots were solitary animals. Like eagles instead of pigeons.
You thought wrong. Most types of parrots are gregarious and roll together in flocks. The entire development of their "voice" is based on that. There are some odd ones who like to be relatively alone, like the Kakapo, but they are rare.
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ptarmigans are pretty sweet
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got a few more webms featuring caracaras
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5.41 MB GIF
File: Adorable Owl Running.webm (2.4 MB, 720x1280)
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File: Flying Squirrels.webm (2.76 MB, 1280x720)
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/!\ You have alerted the horse! /!\
Is there a reason animals can drink water that would make humans horribly sick?
horrors beyond my comprehension
i would do that too if i were a snake. imagine get your whole body massaged while having fun going through a funny wall maze
This shit is the ridiculous buff ever for animals.
shiny raccoon
>What the hell is this thing?
Dead cuttlefish someone buried upside down for internet views.
Sounds like he needs some oil
File: vXPaZlY3oH4iTA8X.webm (1.15 MB, 320x632)
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1.15 MB WEBM
the fuck is that thing?ยฟ
File: convert.webm (569 KB, 384x640)
569 KB
a classic
Technically no, it's a King Cobra, ophiophagus hannah, and those aren't true cobras (members of the genus naja.) King Cobras are known to HUNT AND EAT true cobras.
That sea snake has very potent venom, however fatal bites are extremely rare. If you were bitten by that snake, which is extremely unlikely (they very very rarely bite people when unstressed in the water) you would probably have hours to get to a hospital. Antivenom for sea snake bites exists, although availability might be a concern.
I like jumping spiders :)
What a drama queen
>Spyderpunk: 2077
it doesn't feel affection and one day it will attack without warning or reason
What is this
any pity?
what a time to be alive
>lamao lamao lamao lamaolamao lamaolamao lamaolamao lamaolamao lamao
Goddamn tokays are mean, angry bastards. The snake is a golden tree snake, a type of flying snake, which are pretty badass in their own right. What a battle!
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2.92 MB WEBM
they can do a violent diarrhea on a car and it's normal, meanwhile i do it and i still have to fucking talk to a parole officer every week
File: Goatpost.webm (1.19 MB, 426x238)
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1.19 MB WEBM
dead squid they buried
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3.91 MB WEBM
Danger (pool)noodle
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2.72 MB
2.72 MB WEBM
That was pretty cool
That's a very feminine hand.
I know its real but this just seems so fake, like someone just played with a colour slider, nature really is crazy sometimes
why are jumping spiders so completely different from other spiders in behavior? they're almost like cats
>Have fucking hoofs instead of any kind of hand
>Can magically climb 90 degree angles easily
How is this possible
Any ideas what this is
Beluga sturgeon
big fish
I thought only alligators among reptiles had the kind of empathetic response to protect another individual of their species rather than simply operate on self-preservation.
Man, does this thing have 360 vision? It has eyes on the back of it's head too.
nasty and freaky
goddamn it
it thinks they're eggs and it's trying to crack them off the pavement
It's called a Muntjac deer, I think.
Commonly repeated myth.
Even jumping spiders can memorize friends and foes. Yes it's more of a transactional relationship, but so is dating your mother.
Even the little ones behave like this. Libtards just don't want to accept that the difference is genetic. Did you know that although they make up only 13% of the giant deep sea creature population, kraken account for more than 50% of the mysterious disappearances of seafaring vessels?
they have depth perception and can see colors
So it can somehow eat the contents off the concrete with a fucking beak? Ok genius.
Nothing in the video implies that the gecko recognized another gecko there. It probably just fought back
yea they built up gut bacteria to be resistant to it. Humans used to drink lake water too, how do you think any of them didn't die? It's the same dynamic that has indians able to drink their own water but if a tourist tries he has violent diarrhea for 5 days
What animal is this?
I thought diarrhea was the leading cause of death in India.
Nah it's trains
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Powerful killing instincts; it refused to stop until it felt the gush of blood.
In this case, the gush of coolant.
Yeah, it seemed to cool him down.
>hehe look at me ima bat
>stop this nonsense
>back off!
>manlytears takes his shetland pony out for a ride
the poor sod that forgot it was the corrida that morning and parked there
social sea sneks
clean it up, jannies
>fuck this inanimate object in particular
>zoomer can't resist sexualizing an animal by the end
the giant rat who makes all the rules
does anyone have that video of the golden dog peeing like neon yellow in a kitchen and the owner is asking the dog why it's doing that
Afaik, yes, though obviously with different quality. The two big eyes at the front are the main ones that can see in high detail and with colour but only in a pretty narrow FOV, the others are much simpler and less detailed but cover 360*
hands maximize grip with surface/muscle area, hooves concentrate force onto a relatively hard and small point. so as long as you find a tiny flat purchase and control your center of gravity, you won't "slip", at that point you're depending on the stability/strength of the rock or wood or whatever
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File: cow bucket.webm (409 KB, 960x1562)
409 KB
'Nam flashbacks
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1.34 MB WEBM
It bugs me that now i see clips like this and wonder if it's AI generated or real
Why does it have so many face pussies
>wtf is that?
File: 1428944218553.webm (2.5 MB, 540x297)
2.5 MB
Those are scent glands, weirdly enough.
Why doesn't he fling himself out of the enclosure?
it should bother you more that most wouldn't even have that thought cross their mind even now
File: Chinese Hit and Run.webm (913 KB, 390x270)
913 KB
i love his confidence
They aren't pit bulls, anon.
They're active predators. They actively hunt stuff down instead of waiting for things to wander by and get caught in a web.
The imprisoned gecko was a girlgecko the guygecko wanted to plow
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674 KB
The best part is the absolute disgust on its face when it realizes it's a bug.
exactly the kind of little prick who shits on my car whenever i clean it
one of my faves webms from 2023
did you even watch the video? look again, the gecko comes around the corner, gets bit by the snake and goes into defense mode, approaches the tail of the wrapped gecko and thinks 'this is not snake' moves again, thinks 'this is not snake', moves a third time and thinks 'THIS IS SNAKE' and begins biting. I've seen other videos of this same thing. Geckos just defend each other from snakes, accept it.
cool critter
why hegheg bite
It fears getting too close to someone, and getting hurt, so it pushes people away.
it is real. it's from a small town in Brazil called Urรขnia

I've never seen a video online of these things(cobras) shedding.
like your mom
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>safe enclosure with no predators, free food and jannies to clean up your mess
I'd stay there as well.
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File: they're in the trees.webm (3.35 MB, 856x1074)
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3.35 MB WEBM
pretty bird
blessed webm
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1.97 MB WEBM
lov bitterns
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3.05 MB
3.05 MB WEBM
File: ear.webm (949 KB, 270x480)
949 KB
If only there were a better way.
That man's tiny
File: Tyke Born Slippy.webm (3.91 MB, 426x240)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
thats what they want you to think
File: 1609359123604.webm (586 KB, 276x480)
586 KB
Same energy.
File: chaotic neutral bird.webm (2.54 MB, 1280x720)
2.54 MB
2.54 MB WEBM
is it just me or is that snake LONG
what kind of animal is that? from australia or something?
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2.02 MB WEBM
loons are cool but i get really paranoid i'm going to hook one when they're around
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1.33 MB
1.33 MB WEBM
what are the evolutionary advantages of making machinegun sounds?
File: mantiss.webm (2.95 MB, 640x480)
2.95 MB
2.95 MB WEBM
ive heard monitor bites be described as "medically significant"
thats just a small one though
File: praying_mantis.webm (428 KB, 576x1024)
428 KB
it's eaten plenty of cherries
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2.15 MB
2.15 MB WEBM
File: platypus.webm (409 KB, 640x640)
409 KB
Your enemies will think you have a machine gun, duh.
Why don't you?
kiwis always looked like a bloke ducking away with hands in their hoodie pockets trying not to look sus
Meanwhile my Goffin's sometimes forgets what her shadow is and just stares at it for ten minutes like "what the fuck is that??"
daily reminder that this is what the cretaceous period would have been like
He should be glad the monkey didn't rip his face off
>how about I slap your shit, 800lbs horse?
made for big black cluck
humans can do it too. you might get horribly sick but if you survive, then your stomach bacteria adapt to it and then you dont get sick anymore. When I was working in the woods, they would send us out with enough supply to keep us alive just long enough so we could adapt to the local water supply. Usually took about a week.
aw shit he dabbin
File: quick load.webm (2.41 MB, 960x540)
2.41 MB
2.41 MB WEBM
>just a box
File: rawr.webm (3.91 MB, 720x1280)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
i think I've heard this in a porno once
File: determined.webm (3.91 MB, 720x844)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
Wtf is this real?
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2.8 MB
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2.21 MB
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1.61 MB WEBM
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1.56 MB WEBM
Do they really square up against anything? how bout a person?
For real. You can't look at the prevalent autism of all modern birds and tell me that dinosaurs weren't the same way. At least the theropods. I can easily picture a t-rex roaring into a hollow tree for an hour straight because it makes a funny echo just like that cockatoo with the cup.
i don't think you realize that modern birds are about as far removed from dinosaurs as we are from the average rodent.
Why are capybaras so fucking chill?
Like they dont give a shit at all. They dont have natural predators that hunt them?
>How do you do fellow ducks
I didn't know those made a noise, goofy Dr Seuss looking motherfuckers
It was probably sour anyway
good thread
he's literally me
he fight with baki
We must accept more foxes or duck society will cease to exist.
>image limit
new thread:
why is the image limit on /wsg/ of all boards so low
Shut up, science bitch
this must be from a lake in scottland
fake and gay
me trying to do a pullup
fluffy owl pants
God I wish I was that snake in this scenario
Being manhandled by some giant?
Lol I've never seen that species before but they must be dicks for someone to be that assblasted by them
For anyone who doesn't know, male platypuses have venomous spines on their hind legs that they use for fighting and although the venom usually isn't lethal it causes intolerable pain and painkillers do nothing. You just suffer without recourse until it wears off. They might be cute but leave them the fuck alone
Like all Australian animals you have to be careful. The male platypus has venom spikes on its back legs.
balenciaga bird
Fuck off! We're full!
I want to touch it.
chad dogo, doesnt give a fuck

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