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kek, lost
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Nichijou is so painfully unfunny.
Is that Dr. Disrespect's dad?
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You are right, its not le epic maid reddit dragon with the yummy wummy thicc loli teehee

Piss of, Nichijou is the GOAT
newfag take
This! So much this! Rick and Morty is way funnier than SHITchijou!
Can someone tell me what the elevator says?
The most cultured russian.
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sixth floor
they hated him because he told the truth
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Reddit Reddit Biggie Chungus U MAD? Reddit Go Back Hecking Chunggus Reddit Go Back You're Brown YWBAW Reddit Reddit Biggie Chungus U MAD? Reddit Go Back Hecking Chunggus Reddit Go Back You're Brown YWBAW
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Take your dubs and your shitty opinions back to plebbit, Nichijou is the GOAT.
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Japanese humor broadly falls into four categories:
1. manzai (boke-tsukkomi)
2. puns
3. straight-faced absurdism
4. wildly overreacting to omg so random nonsequiturs
Nichijou is the fourth, and almost nothing but the fourth. It has its moments but wears out quickly.
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1.2 MB GIF
>Japanese humor broadly falls into four categories:
>1. manzai (boke-tsukkomi)
>2. puns
>3. straight-faced absurdism
>4. wildly overreacting to omg so random nonsequiturs
>Nichijou is the fourth, and almost nothing but the fourth. It has its moments but wears out quickly.
Fuckin little asswipe won’t do that again.
it was only the beginning..
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Train by day! Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day!
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This one's really weak.
American (jewish) humor falls into these 4 categories:
1. White guy is nerdy, fat and whacky with the black guy being the serious straight man
2. drugs
3. muh patriarchy
4. meta-ironic trash
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nah thats zionist humor

watch some mel brooks movies and you'll end up rolling despite the fact that he has the biggest nose ever

mel brooks still hates israel tho
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Sorry, I hope you find this one funnier
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Buddy I think you got the wrong door.
the brainrot thread is 2 pages down
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Sorry :( hopefully this one is funnier for you
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anybody here got the symmetrical loaf, i can't find it
the weird part is that judging by the body language of the two women in the background they are getting turned on by his reeeeeeing
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>Ludicrous speed...GO!
Still kills me
Why did the dude lay down
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fucking kek
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Fuck, believe it or not that was an accurate salvia trip. At least I can relate.
Kill all bikers
this cant be real
nine eleven
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does anyone have the chinese tire video
Correct. See all the Family Guy fags responding to your post and raging.
When people say jews are funny this is what they are referring to. Brookes is the only funny jew although I may not be remembering one or two others. But people only think jews are funny because of that guy.
This person is not considered mentally ill. Because to classify this person as mentally ill would boil a few too many almonds.
>little girl instinctively goes to stranger for comfort
There is something off about that. The woman just slips past her too completely ignoring her kek. And the rider coming over and just laying down. wut? Judging by the color of these peoples skin it is in the us too. kek
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Quarantine camps
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the guy in the back is killing me
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It pisses me off that they have arms
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you got the wrong place, cringe thread's two pages down
Its a great animation you retarded zoomer fucking pleb.
though I didnt mean to post it here , was an accident.
Of course its fucking not
your country must be nuked
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>made it worse
kill yourself
its a mockery
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what is the appeal of this video?
A bit esoteric, no?
Well originally there was some chick doing the exact same thing without realizing how stupid she looked.
I hope you get shot in the face by a nigger
More of this guy?
it's a zoomer thing
generation of mouth breathers
More 'toks
Is pissing on an elevator a 3rdie thing?
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I can post a dozen videos of drugged up americans shambling around like zombies, is this really the game you want to play mutt?
Two ancient geezers doing insane shit, in completely different directions.
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>But people only think jews are funny because of that guy.
the 3 stooges
rodney dangerfield
gene wilder(kind of a shocker to me but maybe not)
bud abbott(also a bit of a shocker to me, costello isn't jewish though)
the marx brothers

just to name a few, not making any defenses or attacks or anything, but jews are indeed funny.
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>how do we show the world we're dangerously low on food without making it seem like we're dangerously low on food?
Thread saved
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the chinese originally did that with rocks back during the famine
why is every diverse area like this
this is a classic at this point
screamer kill yourself
Got bored of spamming /gif/ faggot?
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There's no need for those awful sound fx, it just makes the video worse.
>b-b-but i didn't make it
But you did upload it didn't you fucking twat
Thanks for posting this.
i fucking hate it. some people should die in fires covered in acid. i fucking hate it.
what the hell was he shot with? pellets?
wtf did I just watch...
I wasn't expecting the end, fuck
you should definitely kill yourself

I still stand by what I said.
story isn't clear, either the bullet grazed his ear or it hit the lectern and a fragment hit his ear. he wasn't directly hit either way. the shooter was outside the security perimiter, so something like ~80-120 meters away and probably using a handgun.
I assume you know by now but no, those were real bullets and some retard actually tried and came damn close to assassinating Donald Trump.
If you can stand to listen to high pitched jap nonsense you're a fucking weeb autist of the highest degree and should be shamed into hiding forever
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wife material
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Careful. There are way too many weebs on 4chan for you not to get the screeching troons bitching at you.
And some people still think demonic possession has declined and gone away.
Good for you? I'm not American and you will never be white esl.
russians are so fucking stupid lmao
Seriously kill yourself at this point, not about that anime but you for being on this site.
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100% real
Can't believe people watch that awful shit, and jap cartoons in general. It's so shrill and gay.
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It depends on the show, but generally I agree it's annoying as fuck.
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uh, story?
Do you have more pupinha videos? She is so cute.
lost HARD. So fucking stupid too
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Wonder what this stupid fucker thinks now he's in prison. Hope every single minute of his life is miserable.
More evidence to prove it's impossible to tell troons from an actual human female
True, shit sucks.
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25 years for this? No wonder Americans are a bunch of faggots. He shouldn't be doing prison at for this.
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Thank god I'm american and not living in whatever turdworld hellhole you live in
> Using the Autism Quotient (AQ; Baron-Cohen et al., 2001), a 50-item scale that characterizes self-reported behaviors across five domains (social skills, attention switching, attention to detail, communication, and imagination), the average threshold of autistic traits was found to be elevated in Japan compared with the United Kingdom (Wakabayashi et al., 2006). Studies suggest that on a scale of 0 to 50, a Japanese person scores more than 4 points higher than those in the United Kingdom, although the clinical range for the AQ remains the same in both countries. This suggested that, on average, autistic traits were exhibited to a greater extent within the neurotypical Japanese population on existing measures.
Helps explain why Japanese comedy is among the worst in the world
so many oldfag larpers replied to you seething kek
kys zellignigger
>Baron-Cohen was born into a middle-class Jewish family in London, the second son of Judith and Hyman Vivian Baron-Cohen.
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Wow, are you telling met Cohen is a Jew? Get out of here!
What's next? David Levy is a Jew? Sigismund Schlomo Freud is a Jew?
you guys are pissing me off. this shit ain't funny
>fuck i've been discovered!
Nichijou > american slop
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And it's produced by Indian content farms
Joan Rivers was a funny Jew
did he died?
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Someone should make this the intro to Wicked Game.
Good shit
Does anyone have the video of a Asian looking guy that is laying on the bed with pajama looking things, then farts and it's looks like a turd came out and it's poking through?
If you can’t tell that the guy is joking then you are probably mentally retarded.
People screaming in abject fear because of fucking pellets, lmao.
Hope this dude is getting reamed out in prison, actual retard brain.
You’re definitely from a brown country.
Hell yeah dude.
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I'm white, from a first world country. But I'm not a spineless cowards who doesn't defend himself. You, the inferior people, just won't defend yourselves. That's why people are fucking using you. You are nothing more than a bunch of cattle.
You stupid fucking nigger, he hit him with a car. What's he supposed to do? Pull out a gun and shoot his ass? You're despicable with an emphasis on the "spic."
god where have i seen this before
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not funny, but VERY groovy
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No, you don't get a person mad to the point where they want to kill you. It should be common knowledge. If you are such a trouble in someone else life, then your life is a detriment to society and being killed is an acceptable response.
Nignogs like you will just freak out and kill people for no discernible reason. You're doing a whole lot of assuming just so that you can smugly support a living piece of garbage.
Only actual animals just fly into a rage and attempt murder at the drop of a hat. What? Are your feelings so fragile that words are enough to make you fly into a bloodthirsty rage? Violence is NEVER an acceptable response to someone's mere presence unless they have invaded your property or are threatening you. This is actual common knowledge. Turning into a frenzied chimp because someone upset your feelings is unacceptable in a civilized, logical society.
You're a vulgar cretin. A blight on society.
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>Violence is NEVER an acceptable response
Gayest shit I've ver heard. Actual cattle response. Anger is a usefull emotion that prevent you for being walked over. It's the emotional response from being taken advantage of. Whether physically or emotionally. If you refuse to fight back there's only one reason. You're scared. Which make you someone else bitch.

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