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Post worksafe rekt webms.
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oh shit that guy was yakuza
now he's yasnooza
reminder he went to jail for this
>ripping off your shirt for a fight that's not even on top of a skyscraper
he broke code and was going to lose
nah, he's a yaloser
He didn’t fly so good
What's the context? I'm guessing he's a streamer doing a prank video but don't actually know
Tattoos doesn't equal Yakuza. Also, unlike the movies, yakuza members aren't some MMA masters that can take on a dozen guys. The only difference between them and a normal guy is they're willing to keep going back until one of them is dead.
either way he'll wake up with a yabruisa
IIRC he found out she cheated on him.
he died btw
He should watch the new documentary about Lalapalooza.

>shoot superkick
HBKchads win again
>Tattoos doesn't equal Yakuza
I'm willing to bet it does, if this is actually Japan.
Especially if he's ripping his shirt off to expose them before (trying to) kick some ass.
Source ?
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They fell
don't you just love it when bad things happen to stupid people?
I think he thought his tattoos were going to do most of the heavy lifting for him.
Nta but you don’t have to know martial arts when you have violent people willing to fuck other people up for you.

Also id be willing to bet far more yakuza members are likely to have at least some training than the average Japanese citizen.
full tilt, holy shit
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my friend threw up on one of those and because of the way we were spinning, he threw up on almost an entire row of people. mostly girls our age and they were pretty mad lol
Next I'd turn and KO the screaming woman who always spawns in combat encounters and quicktime events for some reason
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that was misleading af lol
doing what he loved
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Was a good run until that rock. Looks like he was alright
That's it. Trump's getting elected, that cinched it.
Publicity stunt
he used up all his chi on the first move
Yeah and it's gonna fucking work.
Yea, most likely.
what the
when did this happen?
deserved desu
Fake and gay

I've been in construction for 30 years and this is how many women I've seen in each trade:

Arborist/forestry: 0
Auto Mechanic: 0
Boilermaker: 0
Carpenter : 0
Carpet layer/tile work: 0
Dock Builder: 0
Dredger : 0
Electrical: 0
Elevator mechanic: 1
Fencer: 0
Glazier: 0
Heavy equipment operator: 0
Insulator: 0
Iron Worker: 0
Laborer: 1, maybe 2
Landscaper: 0
Linemen: 0
Mason: 0
Oil rig worker: 0
Pest control: 0
Pipe fitter: 0
Stucco/plasterer: 0
Plumbing: 0
Roofing: 0
Sheet metal worker: 0
Waste management: 0
Welder: 0

Coincidence? I don't think so. These are all hard, hot, dangerous, back breaking jobs that will tear down a body after many years. That is if you don't die first.

Women, just appreciate your men for doing the jobs you don't have to instead of pretending this hasn't been this way since the dawn of time. Thank you, God bless
Wow you’ve done everything! Some would claim you’re completely and totally full of shit, but me? Well, I’m just amazed.
nice reading comprehension bitch
At that height hitting concrete is like hitting water
Whether it was planned or not, this is basically a winning ticket. The juxtaposition of the candidate that can speak relatively well and is healthy enough to survive an assasination attempt against the other that is represented as frail and barely being able to string a sentence together. Biden is DONE
What is even going on here?
2016 duh. Fucking newfags, I swear...
Meltdown on the right if he doesnt get elected, Seething on the left if he does. This election is gonna be fun.
based old man.
Biden should of done it if he was a winner
>should of
jump off a bridge
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>when the wet dream hits at day 6 of nofap
>I've been in construction for 30 years and this is how many women I've seen in each trade:
Nice post composition retard.
What a bunch of morons. They really didn’t recognize the universally accepted sign of “random garbage can in road” indicating a steel cable stretched across it?
>woman screaming
>nigger bix nooding
>oh sheet ohh sheet bix nood ungubu he going down where my EBT at
>totally real goyim
>raises the nigger jew fist
double lmao
Dysgenics deserve what they fall for
>“Little context… this guy’s rapping like an idiot. The busboy, who happens to be black, walks by and this idiot bumps into him and screams out ‘me and broke n****s, we don’t get along.’ The busboy is serriously offended, but doesn’t want to lose his job.”

>He continues in the interview, “as the night goes on, this clown starts looking at me… I go outside to smoke. As I’m walking back, he bumps into me. I put my hand out to catch him, he immediately says sorry. You can see me nod my head like cool. Then he realizes it’s me, the guy he’s been rapping to all night and yells, ‘Hey!’ I turn around and he flexes on me … bad decisions are made everyday.”

To my knowledge he was never charged for the assault either.
I did a little more digging out of curiosity and to add to my post >>5618838
>Representatives with the Fort Lauderdale Police Department initially made contact with Balboa on Sunday night. Balboa had a bloody lip and described Schilling as a 6-foot-5, 270-pound white male who “just hit him for no reason.” Balboa “would not elaborate on how or why the male punched him,” according to the police report, but was “obviously intoxicated.” That same night Balboa told officers that he “only wanted the incident documented in order to file a civil suit against the establishment.”

>Officers also spoke to the manager of the bar on Sunday night. The manager stated that Balboa “was extremely intoxicated and had possibly made an improper remark about the girlfriend/wife of the male who had struck him, which caused the fight to escalate.” The manager also noted that Balboa “is a regular customer who routinely causes problems at the establishment due to his intoxication level.”
>According to the police report, “numerous other patrons of the establishment corroborated the manager’s story,” stating that Balboa started the altercation.

>Balboa subsequently spoke with the Fort Lauderdale Police Department for a follow-up conversation on Monday after watching a video of his altercation with Schilling online. After seeing the video, Balboa told officers that he changed his mind and wished to prosecute Schilling for the alleged attack.
>Casey Liening, a representative for the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, told MMA Fighting on Tuesday that no charges have been formally filed by Balboa at the time of this writing.

>“As far as we’re concerned, the status of this case is on the victim’s shoulders right now,” Liening said. “He has to make the effort to file the case with the state attorney’s office, and then it’ll go from there.”
Low-tier bait.
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Are you really so retarded that you think holding a fist in the air is solely a BLM/commie/leftist symbol?
Holy fucking shit, anon.
Fire benders at work for certain
Maybe the tats would mean something if his gang buddies were actually there to help him
Yeah thats a weak attempt at safety. Tow truck guys are notorious for being lazy sleazy assholes. On the other hand, fuck cyclists. Im kind of on the fence on this one lol
is that detroit?
if this is dubm bullshit is going to make you vote for someone, you are probably actually mentally retarded.
>when you think you piece of shit econobox is a sports car
Trump is a black jew
That's some kinda mercedes crossover. Neither a piece of shit, econobox, nor sports car.
>if this is dubm bullshit is going to make you vote for someone, you are probably actually mentally retarded.
It's not about how smart any of us here are, it's about how utterly retarded the population is as a whole; people who fall for grifts, twitter one-liners, and mass media make up the vast majority of the population and will vote based off of an event like this 90% of the time. I seriously doubt more than 5% of the population (and that's generous) does their own genuine research and reads first-hand sources of information.
that made me kek so much
a republican mind is easy and an undecided mind just needs a little shot if you catch my rifle
It's a demonstration that "the other side" is materially hostile, but let's be honest if the horrors of 2020 weren't enough this won't be either. (the horrors of 2020 actually were enough, but it was actually so bad that everyone knew the rioting would be stronger than ever if things didn't go the way that did, and that included election officials.) It's not like people don't know about that one riot of 2021 which was worse than all the destruction and fear of 2020 combined, which we know because of the way our beloved and trusted mainstream media talked about it more.
Really it's just another step of things escalating towards the gigantic mess the mainstream media desperately wants to get us all dragged into so they can get away with everything they and their ad customers have done.
In other words....yeah it's really not going to make a difference to most people and whatever difference it does make will be offset by some other difference or change elsewhere.

Nothing will change. White people still don't have any hope.
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Kill all gamblers bunch of useless fucks.
there is obsticle in the road, lets just zoom by it like there is nothing there.

enjoy your broken bones. 99/100, bike fags deserved it.
A bystander in the crowd was hit and killed.
Bouncing up and down on a pole haha
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>The USA chant
Holy fuck America is great
I hate bicyclists too but It’s a garbage can retard, They tend to be in the road which is where you should go play.

>acting like it doesn’t matter that this happened against the backdrop of the shit show Biden’s campaign has become
It he was Yakuza he wouldn't even need to fight. They don't hang out in places where security isn't paid or Yakuza ready to gang on anyone at a moments notice.

Not training but they have experience. The average man hasn't taken a punch to the nose, a headbutt or an elbow to the chin. Just fighting with untrained friends put you above the average man. Yakuza never really trained properly, just spar enough that their numbers can overwhelm and they hit hard enough.
>mostly girls our age
Damn did you at least get their numbers?
They both serve the same Jewish master, why are people so happy about this? You think the elections is anything more than a puppet show? Both candidates will send 40 billion to Ukraine and 100 billion to Israel
>if this is actually Japan.
>place full of nogs and mystery meat AYOOOOing in the background
Gambling is illegal in japan and there are no casinos.
how much did the gem goblin win?
no, they were yelling and throwing things at him while I laughed
Anon, pachinko and slot parlors are everywhere. They use a chuck e cheese ticket system to add a layer of abstraction but it's still very much gambling.
This guy seems to clean to be drug addict, probably a mental condition which begs the question. Is there anything barring the mentally handicapped from gambling?
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Oh no!
>Neither a piece of shit
highly debatable
slot machines are cocomelon for boomers
Do you not think there’s any martial arts techniques they train with while sparring? I don’t understand the distinction you’re making. I can’t imagine there aren’t connected guys that know people who own dojos and go there. Even if they’re just sparring with associates it’s still training and unless they, for some odd reason, refuse to use anything that’s also a martial arts technique than it’s training in martial arts. At some point some dude is going to have actual training and pass it on to the people he’s running with. It’s all training. Do you think it’s only training if they go through a McDojo and get a colored belts?

I understand not every Japanese person is trained in martial arts but I bet it’s far higher than western countries and even higher among people who fight as a lifestyle.

I know a little Muay Thai but I never trained officially in it.
No. My town is a rust belt shithole but also in a recreational cannabis state. The city council voted against allowing dispensaries but there’s gambling places on every corner lmao. Now the surrounding suburbs are getting dispensaries and raking in cash. The hilarious part is the dispensaries are all safe and have armed security. The gambling places are all piles of shit that look like a good place to get stabbed if that’s your thing.
It's not his fault you can't read
Those were his 10 "free" spins, but idk the cost he spent to get those.
I think he won like 1k, but probably spent at least twice that, given how he looks.
It absolutely matters. I don't disagree with you. Biden's image has been declining since before he even took office.
>your target is to on purpose hit the speaker in the earlobe
>0.25" target at 100ish yards
>target will move and present itself unpredictably
>this can be planned and executed by a 20 year old kid
>must be fake
I can 100% believe they set this kid up as a patsy, but there's no way they planned on it unfolding like that
I don't get it.
Or maybe he's wondering why you'd film a man before throwing him off a bike
Didnt ask
haha yes, updoots for all those great puns my fellow sirs
source that isn't from your ass?
fat cunt mad at her drunk husband, a tale as old as time.
looks like the girl was trying to be playful and flirty but the dude sperged out
Why did the other two bikers manage to avoid getting rekt? the one guy was in front and he still had time to stop. You're not Lance Armstrong on a closed course, you're Jim Dickskin from Iowa on a public road. Keep your head up and err on the side of safety.
One of the few rekt I actually find funny
I believe this. supernatural intervention is extremely likely
It must be real then follow goy
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That's not a dude. Those are lesbians on a gay cruise. "Tasha" isn't a male name.
Car driver a wanker but motorcyclist deserved it for being dumb enough to break check on a fucking motorbike lmfao
Get gated, euroslime
How can you not see this coming? Was this the first time they ever left the city?
I don't take brains to be a parent...
So is prostitution but yakuza run many brothels in the country. Yakuza can do a lot of things cause gov won't fuck with them.

But ye, I'd agree with the american looking/sounding people being there it's not in Japan. Doesn't mean the man isn't Yakuza tho
Funniest video in the thread. Fuck skaters, bunch of obnoxious cunts.
They're just kids man, at least they aren't gangbanging
not with that arm, lol

faggots pulling shit out of their asses. fuck you
autistic incel turned into a nigger the moment he got humiliated kek
Sounds like they're saying tershel or something, and unless we're talking tit-chopping lesbians that's definately a male physique
I'm just glad they got hurt

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