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Authentic footage only
this is stupid. how do you authenticate footage since 100% of it is fake?

circling a mylar ballon.
All footage posted will be off topic.
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I believe
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I think they are nuclear propulsion devices operated by ESPers or they contain the pnuema of extradimensional entities sealed inside. just my two cents.
Cool tracers/fireworks bro
Nothing like the sound of CRAM at 3AM.
Isn't this that Lockheed akunkworks thing?
Gay and fake kys
Fake. Hairy bats are stealthy, don't make any noise, and always attack from behind to drill inside the victim's skull to suck out the brain.
Reflection on the inside glass.
I say CG, because it's suffering from camera tracking issues.
That angled turn at 0:38.
File: China 2010 2.webm (1.4 MB, 640x358)
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2.91 MB GIF
>there's a whole fleet of em
it's probably the sun, it goes behind the tree in the beginning
is a ship in the distance
>authentic footage
There isn't any
My favorite one is the insect inside the camera shield
>omg look how fast it's moving and the pilot is tracking it perfectly
What is with this meme cope?
77 years since Roswell and not a fucking thing has emerged to prove any of this shit is real.
I think what people forget about in the UAP conversation is the psychic element. In the same way money isn't real but is real because of that unreality, 'close encounters' and high strangeness isn't real but is real because of that unreality. That is to say that there might not be a Grey in a suitcase somewhere but people have deeply held beliefs that they were in contact with something. Whether or not it was strictly physical these people had a similar material reaction to being mugged or other high stress/anxiety events.
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>every person on the planet is carrying around a 12 megapixel camera with them 24/7 streaming every little happenstance in their lives without reserve
>for some reason they decide to crack out their crunchiest 144p cameras from the 80s when aliens pop up.
Go take try taking a close up video of a bird flying around and get back to me about that
Shut up you stupid faggots
Here's how the moon looks on my modern phone camera
Nvm it failed, but it doesn't look very good
File: Authentic footage.webm (3.83 MB, 544x360)
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3.83 MB WEBM
it would be amazing if we could get someone to actually record a ufo with the same quality as a birdwatcher with a smartphone
Just letting you guys know that all this UFO stuff is fake.
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144 KB
There's that special access program Kona Blue which mentioned something about remote viewing and psionic abilities to operate reverse engineered crafts. The documents were a proposal, it wasn't approved, but the fact the government would even bother to propose it is suspicious. Although I'm sure there's a great deal of psyopping, I have trouble understanding what can be accomplished through releasing documents like this, as the UFO topic still isn't big enough to distract a majority of people from domestic and international affairs.

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