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One of the reasons for mass layoffs, enjoy
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>the look on the dog's face
Okay, anything new? Stats, maybe?
These 5 "work for us, we've got snacks" adverts don't really provide anything of value to the discussion.
These useless whores make more than nurses.

Do I have her to blame for all the pajeets moving to my town?
Growing up as a skater in the 90s I actually do get a bit angry seeing how skateboarding now (deck in lobby wall of video) is now being used to say "were cool".

I am a professional who works for a F500 company but i still get the urge to tell certain people "shut the fuck up, dont you have skateboarding shit"

It's basically a small part of me is a crazy liberal shouting "cultural appropriation", but i just cant stand companies (especially something as lame as delloitte, kpmg or Ey) using skateboarding in their marketing.

Like every skater hates your guts, hates what your company stands for and would hate all the people you hire.
>inspect element
>maybe 2 hours combined "work"
more like dolittle
>9 to 5 day in my life
>arrives at 10:20
>leaves at 4:45
>doesn't actually begin "working" until 2pm
These people are too insulated to know that normal people hate them. Even if they ever find out, they won't be able to understand why.
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So is this just a hate thread for people who have jobs that aren't awful?
>for people who have jobs that aren't awful
kill yourself
Why would I? I have a job I love and flexibility because I'm good at what I do.
This is the worst one. Room temp iq, thinks she's black (probably has a high admixture), guzzles excessive amounts of water following retarded social media advice, opens box of clothing with a knife. Probably has a black child now and on welfare. Probably very dangerous behind the wheel of an excessively large car.
She looks 35 trying to act 14. Those rings are so repulsive
>grrrrr she drinks water and can open a box with a knife and not damage what's inside

Seriously, what kind of shit jobs are you people stuck in that this is what makes you rage?
You'd figure those who have jobs that involve a lot of typing would invest in high quality keyboards. But instead they just get "the mac keyboard" because they think it's fancy.
These women get hired basically as a platonic harem.
It's very weird, but yes that is the phrasing I mean.
Stop being retarded and brown
This isn't a job it's just some kind of kindergarten for adults.
Pretty sure the bottom guys might earn more money than the top girls depending on their company/location. Oil pays big $$$ for skilled labor
None of that changes the fact.
I fucking hate Elon but Im glad he fired all those clowns
shit, meant to reply >>5617924
>I hate him because of propaganda
>but I'm glad he fired those who were in control of the propaganda that I love
I hate the cunt because he doesn't deliver
>I hate some random guy because he doesn't deliver something that I have no real interest in, no real knowledge, no actual investment into whatever that supposed thing that was supposed to be delivered
8 billion others fail to deliver
>using web development tools
>at google

You retarded faggot
He's a controlled opposition Jew, but shit is usually so bad that I'd prefer the Jew that at least feigns competence.
Nice catch hadn't noticed that shit. Wish i had the money to get some of those cool boards back then
Why aren't you more mad about geek culture being stolen by normalfags?

I remember when big bang theory was called geek blackface. At the time I thought it was an overreaction by the online community, in retrospect in was accurate as fuck.
he's very frustrated to see someone completely oblivious to the other side of work that exists; she basically has no idea of what hard physical work is. For example, working at a grocery warehouse picking and building pallets for 12 hours a day in 90 degrees, or better yet, a roofing job. Some jobs are important, hers is not, hence the time she took to create a tiktok glamorizing a job she thinks has value outside of monetary valuation in a market propped up by women like her. Hopefully I was able to make you understand his frustration. I agree though, he is a fag, but so are you.
Spent 5 years in roofing, not in the hottest place in the world but it'd get hot. Otherwise it's a great job as long as you keep yourself safe.
Yes, it's the same retard who makes those dystopias ,consumerism, pro north korea threads
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It's funny how vastly different the same company is in my country. Here Deloitte means getting fucked in the ass for 10-11 hours every day.
2/10 acting like she's 8
As you can see, her laptop is a macbook so the business appears to be operating on Apple. They probably got a bulk deal on the keyboards when buying the macbooks. Not sure why they'd waste so much money to equip people who just send emails all day, but they sure did.

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