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File: people_change.webm (1.54 MB, 1080x1026)
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Being Hopeful for the future and love for being here at this moment with us
I know this dialogue. What's it from?
File: 1681363406278463.webm (3.98 MB, 320x240)
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Recently got out of a very very bad 12 year abusive marriage. A few months pass after literally building my life over from scratch. I decided to try some video chatting service to build my socializing skills back up and learn how to talk to people again. First people I talked to were laughing asking me why I was so freaking happy? I didn’t even realize but I had a big goofy grin on my face I didn’t even know I was smiling and that’s when it finally hit me that I was truly free.
File: catrules.webm (1.19 MB, 1080x1050)
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File: motivation les brown 1.webm (3.66 MB, 608x1080)
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I just got over throwing away half my 20s being my mothers full time care taker, she threw it all back up in my face and said she never needed me and reverted to all the poor life style choices that took her health from her in the first place, I wipe her shitty ass and changed her pissy adult diapers for years.

Im looking forward to what the rest of my 20s bring and looking forward to never talking to her again. I just got approved for my first apartment and moving out at the end of the month. I also lost 50lbs
Good luck fren.
Seek Jesus and God bless you
>dat filename
>recognize its mine
glad someone downloaded this clip and shared it. i ripped a couple of that motivation channels shorts off yt but the channel privated everything. genuinely had some of the best edits ive ever seen, actually really touched my heart. Les brown in general has some great clips, but the music and grayscale were an absolute perfect touch, a heartfelt masterclass. Also vidrel here's the other one I downloaded.

Amazing webm anon, I love that song.
Who is this?
Oh that's the "It's not over until I win" guy. I like that guy.
Hey man, I'm happy for you!
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File: Christpost Status.webm (3.76 MB, 1920x1080)
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>smilepilled socialmaxxer
Can someone please post those supercuts of movie scenes that get increasingly positive?
I think there was one with the Goose und one with Jake Gyllenhaal

I can't say that I've had it as rough as you, but you've eaten plenty of shit and you still have a positive outlook on life.
Please keep that alive!
>the rest of my 20s
Good luck, friend!
You'll make the best of it.
>t. 35 y/o boomer
Hey man, I'm happy for you
>t. divorced in 2022 from an ungrateful disloyal harpy

I just gotta keep going for the sake of my kids. They'll never see how low I got when the bottom fell out, but they'll have their own trials and I need to be their absolute bedrock someday. That only happens if I can show them strength through positivity
10/10 cringe
your mom is angry because of her condition, she said something hurtful because she felt you would be by her side unconditionally, look her in the eyes and don't say anything, what do you see in there?
this is coming from someone who took care of her mother for 14 years, with hemiplegia and completely disabled
His name is Isto on youtube if anyone is curious, great guy and great dad.
that song sounds so familiar, what is the name of it?

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