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File: thats not a dear.webm (3.72 MB, 800x450)
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Post intresting dashcam videos
File: crazy.webm (4.23 MB, 300x300)
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Fuck! I gasped
File: 1692665529429973.webm (2.39 MB, 480x592)
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>pickup truck
the perfect storm
All charger drivers should be executed. Change my mind.
I bet that dude thought it was his lucky day too.
good on those two for not freaking out, especially the driver for maintaining control
You forgot the retard on the bike speeding
>Never drive without a dashcam
What, so you can show how to drive in two lanes and effectively merge back in a lane where somebody is overtaking you?

Really? Dash cams was a thing then? Also the high resolution seems sus
>literally complaining like he's bitching at a teammate in a video game
Yeah, fuck bikers.
File: spiderman.webm (1.21 MB, 1280x720)
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Dash cams back then were always plugged into the 12 volt outlet, image quality versus battery life wasn't a concern.
Along with women drivers who fuck around deciding which lane to drive in.
Anyone got the Freestyler version of this?
File: driver.webm (2.37 MB, 640x640)
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Perfectly matched velocity!
Retard incel
It's the default date, they never set the right time and date. Cmon man.

The fuck are you talking about. There were no consumer grade dashcams back in 2000, and storage size was maybe 32mb on a normal SD card, micro didn't exist yet. Widescreen didn't exist for any consumer application. There was no 16:9 except in high end professional CRT monitors. Cameras sure as shit didn't record in 16:9 outside of, again, professional grade hollywood shit.
Source: I was in electronics stores every week for the entire 2000s. I've bought every home office and PC item 20 times over.
This probably isn't intentional but did you know drug runners will travel in groups of 3, so that if the car with the dope in it gets pulled over, one of the other cars will sideswipe a cop car to get the agro onto them, and then pull the cop away from the hot car
charger, challenger and mustang
babby's first car
>Trinity you know what I've told you about going onto the freeway
>"That it's suicide, but..."
OP vid is from a police dashcam.
>police officer talking about smoking a huge fucking...
>go fast
>have no leather gear on for if you fall off your bike
I don't understand why people take that risk.
File: 1671041181915991.webm (2.63 MB, 1074x582)
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poor woman froze because she wasn't expectingto see a bike, who is more vulnerable, come at this speed
maybe revving up the engine to look cool and annoy everyone wasn't a good idea after all
as the 2 retards were racing, she probably thought it sounded like one car approaching fast
you can see her copilot tell her about the one overtaking on their right, she probably informed her that he was on the right, which is why she went back to the left, not seeing the other car kek
I made my assessment and it's correct. I am an expert you are not. Police dashcams up to 2010ish were shitty 480p in 4:3 if it was a poorly funded dept.
If you freeze in someone's path who has the right of way, and cause a crash then it's your fault
nice try but you're still getting your speeding ticket
Had this happen to me before but thankfully I was able to avoid an accident and kept driving. Hated truck drivers since that day. I can’t wait until their low iq jobs are taken over by self driving cars.
Am I the only one that thought there was gonna be a shootout?
I want to buy a motorcycle but videos like this scare me away.
Get a dirt bike. Off-roading is much safer, and dirt bikes weigh practically nothing compared to quads/ATVs so there is very little risk of injury even if you do crash.

We did dirt biking for a day at a replanted logging forest as a team-building event and although my knees were absolutely sore as fuck afterwards because I'm an out of shape fat slob, it was still fun as hell and made me look into dirt bike pricing and the possibility of getting a small bike trailer.
Motorcycles have 100X death rate than cars.

So yeah. Its basically for people who dont care about dying
They've basically already been taken by Pajeets
Yeah I thought that was funny, almost died and he just complains about her form
Um, racist much?!?!?!
Low test predditors.
Don’t know where you’re from but around here plenty of white people drive chargers. Seeing more and more black people driving VW’s though.
OP's in the clear, but you're a racist for thinking that. not all charger owners are minorities retard, DC/FCA/Stellantis were just *really* flexible with their financing options
The day they are taken over by self-driving cars is the day they are all robbed by "youths" and immediately hire drivers again.
Clearly intentional wtf man
My exact thought. That stupid cunt just don’t know how to drive
>Ye bro if you get caught i'll just kamikaze into your car
File: timing.webm (1.79 MB, 720x404)
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File: we sail.webm (3.88 MB, 640x360)
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File: 1692406873707630.webm (3.35 MB, 480x854)
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why was he going 126mph through cross traffic?
File: Stealing bikes.webm (2.45 MB, 1280x720)
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You had this happen to you because you're a piece of shit driver, and giving you a driver's license only endangers people around you.
Nobody wants to fucking die for you because you tried to pass two trucks in a row so you can get home and masturbate 1.5 seconds ahead of schedule. Go fuck yourself.

If that dumb cunt knew how to drive any better than you do, she would've hit the brakes and politely gotten behind the second truck for the whole 5 seconds it takes to not piss everybody off.
But no, the bitch had to double down.

Source: I drive for a living and I fucking despise having to deal with imbeciles like you. I'm not even a truck driver.
File: 1711590171886229.webm (3.41 MB, 576x1024)
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kek, is there a full video?
Kanan Dume?
bwaHAHAHAHAHA fuck motorcyclists.
Seething retard

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