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Shooter freaking out like a bitch
I hope trump or the families of the people killed/injured sues the media for created trump derangement syndrome
this video is old af though. I've seen it posted here for years
lol no you havent i just made it yesterday
How many assassinations attempts have happened in the US and who have they happened to?
I know the big two are JFK and Lincoln, but I would be surprised if they're the only two.
Like wasn't everyone sure there would be an attempt on Obama during his presidency?
why is it uploaded to an account with his name if he's recorded freaking out?
>the shooter was born in 2020
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get really for the big red
So? It could still be him freaking out years before.
Obviously not the shooter, who are you trying to kid?
Damn, Trumpers are REALLY upset that the shooter turned out to be a registered republican that they're using this old video of some random person to promote their agenda
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And the guy continued his speech after resting for like 5 minutes. Too bad shooter only hit his hand
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Is this post some form of damage control?
>nine webms
>only one assassination vid
One happened to Trump in 2016 too
What was up with that rolling guy? Looked retarded
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Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan both caught bullets and lived. McKinley and Garfield were the others that were successfully assassinated. RFK was killed while campaigning but he was never a president. Don't know how many others there are like that, but I imagine before the 20th century when people used to shoot each other in the streets all the time there must have been smaller politicians that got killed while campaigning.
Everyone expected attempts on Obama because of his vocal the KKK were over his election, but the Klan have been pussies for decades now.
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>Everyone expected attempts on Obama because of his vocal the KKK
Literally who expected that?
Leftists are schizos, think they're victims and the world is out to get them while they are going out of their way to cause violence and incite violence and firebomb churches and pro-life clinics.

Democrat politicians have been inciting violence for YEARS and nothing has been done to any of them. The DNC was even caught paying for violence at republican rallies in 2015-16.
You're bad at this.
There were several plots against Obama but they all turned out to have shitty opsec, and/or were generally goofy like that KKK guy who was building a van-mounted radiation gun.
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>election is in the bag
>muh voter registration
Pure cope
What a shit thread my word
Didn't even post the japanese glasses nerd
Name three church or pro-life clinics firebombings in the last ten years.
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tons of people register in the opposite party cause they're not worried about their home party having someone bad but hope they could mitigate the opposition being overly bad
didn't he get an anthrax mail once
>registered Republican
>but donates to the Liberal party
Is there really nothing on the Reagan shooting?
blue board
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part 1

tried to turn the entire thing into a webm but the original is 60mb and getting it below 6 looked like shit
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part 2
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In the utter cesspool that is Twitter this was the one video that made me smile.
glad someone put something together like this
los chiriguanos - subo
Absolutely fantastic edit.
I love all the Jojo memes that came out of this.
He didn't donate to liberals. Same name but different person.
Keep trying
Yeah I'm sure it's just his identical clone who also appeared in that blackrock video
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People having same name is common
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but why the fuck would he upload this himself? its his name in the @
are you people fucking retarded?
Thank you for putting this together so I can watch this from the safety and comfort of my home. I feel jomo (joy of missing out).
Condolences to the family of Former fire chief Corey Comperatore who died at Trump rally used his body to protect family from gunfire.
i usually dont believe this sort of shit but goddamn
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>ITT:Liberalism is leftist
Only a warped american brain thinks like this.

I have to be the only person to both entertained by a happening and realising that Biden and Trump are still shabbos goys.
>He didn't donate to liberals. Same name but different person.
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LOL. HOLY FUCK! This is cope!
I'm registered democrat because there's no point in being registered as a republican in California since they will always lose.
reminds me of the men vs women photo image. You know the one.
Same, he also discussed economic collapse once Trump is in office. I'm actually spooked. Then again, he shills XRP.
>this is your brain on maga
Holy shit
crooks is not a common name, nor is having 2 first names that fully match.
that's why we have second/middle names.

why is the one fucko posting literal advertised clip webms???
No one doesn't know trump got shot. people get breaking news from their phones, not from TVs in random restaurants. The TVs behind her all look like they're on various sports channels with one pre-edited program of someone talking, and of course the Times Square screens are all advertisements. She didn't show a single screen displaying a news program of any kind. Dumb cunt
I can't think of anywhere worse than times square to be in and pretending to be social and blending in to feel part of something... shit must suuuuck
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>appeared in that blackrock video
if that's true that would make him the
BlackRock Shooter
>Literally who expected that?
What? Most people expected it.
Hell, Obama being surrounded in bullet proof glass was an on going joke in 07/08.
Most common variations being
>Why does Obama have so much bullet proof glass? Because it reminds him of home!
Or the joke being that it's to keep the crowd safe.
So let me get this straight.
The shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks.
TikTok seems to belong to him (@thomasmatthewcrooks1).
Person filming seems to be standing next to trump promotional stand.
So unless Thomas Matthew Crooks stole someone's video and posted as his own, that's actually him filming.
He was also registered republican, hence trump supporter, this video reinforces this even more.
Am I missing something?
trumptards really trying to shift the focus from him being trump supporter.
The worst part that there are retards in this thread that buy it.
why are you arguing with retards, he's probably zoomer who wasn't even born back then.
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>Shooter freaking out like a bitch

most likely a third party who uploaded the video and is attempting to connect the person with thomas and most likely not even him.
we would need to know know when the account was made, when the video was uploaded to that account, which is now deleted to "get this straight." especially since people are saying it's an old video. for example, if there is an older upload without the caption.
"leave me alone" caption doesn't make sense with your theory.
him having tried to assassinate trump does not make sense with your theory of him being a "trump supporter" either.
supposedly he doesn't have a social media presence, so the account probably didn't even belong to him.
>unless Thomas Matthew Crooks stole someone's video and posted as his own
not likely but still more likely than your theory, sherlock.
>him having tried to assassinate trump does not make sense with your theory of him being a "trump supporter" either.
same as it doesn't make sense him being registered republican but donating to the left organization.
many things will not make sense looking from outside into shooters mind.
but trumptards like you coming out with crazy conspiracy theories or focus shifting doesn't help the situation.
anyone has the remix ?
Low test liberal faggot
>coming out with crazy conspiracy theories or focus shifting
that was you just the other post coming up with the least likely scenario regarding that tiktok when nothing about it is confirmed in relation to the shooter.
Oh please this shooting shows just how much Leftists will cling to conspiracy theories after claiming such shit was beneath them. Then again if democrats didn't have double standards they'd have none at all.
Occam's razor tells me the shooter is a plain ol' RINO and essentially harbored liberal beliefs in spite of family and upbringing. Feel free to correct me I guess.
That said, it is quite a common tactic for a power-grabby party to get their voterbase to fuck up opposition from the inside, at least in other countries, so I should expect it here too.
From my understanding his mother was a jewish democrat and father was a libertarian. Both were employed as some type of psychologist. He was a registered republican, but donated to actblue the same year, along side his mother.

My personal belief is that it was a devouring mother situation. A momma's boy. He tried to kill trump on behalf of his mother. Zero friends, zero social media, zero manifesto, zero ego. His whole world probably revolved around mom, and trump was her biggest enemy.
Fake as fuck. No one with half a brain cell believes this bullshit.
What movie
>trump was shot by a trump supporter
I guess once you accept that chopping your balls off magically turns you into a woman there's no level of mental gymnastics beyond your reach.
LOL what is in your head where your brain should be
There was a big push to get democrats to register as republicans in closed primary states to vote for the uniparty candidate Nikki Haley over Trump since the dem primary was essentially uncontested. According to exit polls a huge chunk of Haley's primary support was actually from dems.
its weird how there seemed to be absolutely no effort to control or censor any fotage of this event.
>it's not the media's fault I'm a deranged psycho, I was just born that way
Garbage thread. There are like three legitimate clips and a truckload of shitposts.

The media's kvetching that posting pictures of it is making Trump look good.
Pretty funny, Senpai. I like how the guy is a cripple.
You wanna say someone has your name, Shlemil Goldstein? Maybe your last name... but then again, those are your people. We others have human last names.
Gotta be honest, Jews and Gentiles, at least the kid feels something...
>trump was shot by a trump supporter
Now, I know this might come as a huge surprise to you, but there are republicans out there that hate Trump, most of them think he's destroying the party (and he is), and they just don't want to be associated with a rapist and a pedo
did you two even watch
sickening to see so many violence and death threats thrown out so casually from countless online news journalists or washed-up actors/musician influencers with no repercussions. Glad to see people finally calling them out on this shit after so long
Can you point to a mainstream news org person that has called for violence or called for death? Because I can easily point to those on the left.

My theory with no evidence is that the Shooter was radicalized into thinking that if Trump was assassinated, it would start a civil war that the right have been clamoring for.
>they just don't want to be associated with a rapist and a pedo

Oh, that must be why Biden hanged a pedophile flag on the White House right next to American flag.
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Well, your brain on leftism usually make you shriek about Hitler for a decade and then makes you shoot up a political rally, drive your car into Christmas parade or spread pandemic virus during six months long riots.
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based gramps
not him
no you didn't you lying liar
FBI confirmed it
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There's no such thing as a 20 year old nevertrumper. The nevertrumpers are the boomers longing to return to the glory days of corporatism and foreverwars and Dick Cheney, and the last time anyone not named Trump was in charge of the party it was Jeb! and the kid was 10.

Nevertrump is a tiny and shrinking share of the GOP voterbase and the ones who haven't jumped ship to the dems by now only haven't because they want to be the guy CNN hires to run the "See, even conservatives hate Trump!" narrative.
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I really hope she doesn't have any children
It's honestly more horrifying to see bodies limp after being shot. Typically hollywood has them flying backwards for whatever reason
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>Oh, that must be why Biden hanged a pedophile flag on the White House right next to American flag.
Oh yeah of course, the pride of acceptance is a pedo flag, grow up
>There's no such thing as a 20 year old nevertrumper.
The truth is it's looking more and more likely he was once a Trump supported and then found out that Trump is in Jeffrey Epstein's book and just took matters into his own hands
Man even shills operate here. Rotaly explains his appearing I a blackrock dei video awa right?
>smug, self-righteous trump-hating politics nerd, t. former classmate

Keep trying shill.
>fox news
Holy cringe, next you'll give me a link to the Daily Wire
Thanks for this.
>the pride of acceptance is a pedo flag
>grow up
I did so you pedo groomers would lose interest

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