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We love a based babe.
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Weaponized female BPD is so hot.
Do animated femoids count?
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they all seek attention to feed their ego and will end up marrying a nigger jew y'all retarded for believing them
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strange how it keeps happening
Poopskin cope
based lass recognising that scots, welsh and irish are not white
didn't know she was still alive
celts, germans, scandinavians, slavs, anglos, fins - all of them came from the same proto-european tribes, saying that any of them is not white is nonsense
Anything you say, jew boy.
I love this video, i can't remember the last time i saw a woman especially a young one with this much self respect
>race and nationality
only ethnicity and culture, you dumb cunt. Race and nationality are spooks
>Indians immigrate to UK.
>massive families
>eventually outnumber the whites
>they rename the country "Bakalakashaka"
>mfw we were the first Bakalakashakans, because Bakalakashaka didn't exist before us
female logic
most latinas are white cock addicts
if you aren't you English, you aren't white. simple as. please don't try and consider your dirty mongrel selves to us, you are barely even human
Well done saar you defeated her sar
>metal in it's face
should wear a dog collar and be private property of a human
She's absolutely right
Your analogy falls flat because there was a civilization in the UK.
There was no civilization in Australia. There were tribes and cultures, but no civilization.
It's not gaslighting, you're a bad person. And probably been around neglectful people of you've come in contact with smelly dogs.
I mean, they're usually mostly white so it would make sense.
starting understand why it was so easy for Spain to conquer Mexico
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JD Beck is pretty woke and dare I say based
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>didn't deny the jew accusation
ok schlomo
Conquering it wasn't the problem, letting the subhuman natives live let alone mixing with them was
Aren't these felonies?
I wonder what they were charged with for this.
Based and there was no europe before immigrants came
While it's possible there were charges, I mostly doubt it. They're both assault but the first one left the other girl standing and seemingly roughed up but fine. The second is a definite KO but the girl's fall is broken pretty well by the other behind her. Possible she woke up hurting but not nearly as dangerous as it could have if her head collided with the floor or something. My guess would be suspension/expulsion tops.
holy shit that poor cuck deserve all the pain coming his way
Thanks for the input L’Kangdrius
Daisy Duck with piercings
Who is this
You have to understand something... women don't do something for the thing itself. They do it if it brings them attention.
Just like men don't do things intrinsically. They do it hoping to get sex out of it. There, society explained.
You're welcome, Jew.
>he can't conceive that a higher people (the English) can't stand him, and needs to palm it off on the kikes to make him feel like he isn't a parasite upon the Englishman's back
your country has an insane FAS percentage for being so small.

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