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Title says it all. Post a WEBM that matches your mood and vent a bit.

As for me, I'm just a grad student anxious about his future. Things are going good for now but I always have this paranoia at the back of my head that fills me with dread and fear. I fight it daily and hope for the best.
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And that's 3
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STEMchud here starting new semester next week, been feeling like im completely wasting my time these past few weeks, hopefully it goes away once i start getting busy with classes
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forgot webm
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you cant have anything good in life without also suffering, because we live in the closest thing to biblical hell. got a good stable job after years of unemployment and now i'm slowly going blind and i find i've got cancer. it never changes. last time i had a stable job, got engaged, and then i'm accused of sexual assault and lose it all. it just goes on and on. i wish i'd get used to it like everyone else but really im just over it.
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also this didn't match my mood at all it's just the only webm i have on me
Needs more tranny dnb in the background (which I unfortunately happen to be a fan of...)
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Similar here, except I gave up and now just leech off the taxpayers through kraut NEETbux. Feels pointless to keep grinding when you can see the collapse on the horizon. I do miss being in a relationship; I'm generally aloof and inexpressive, but I enjoy cuddling a lot and I want a recipient for my massive reservoir of affection. I recently saw this webm and all I can think of is how bad I want to hug and hold this giant cat because it actually looks like a giant cat instead of some misshapen furry donut steel. I thought of actually getting a cat, but I just bought a new computer so I'll wait until I have more savings.
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I'm hopeful for a semi benevolent AGI being invented that will become self-aware, and learn to improve itself.
On that time scale, it can then become more intelligent than we can measure. After which, like the girl in the doggy rickshaw, we're guided by them.
We become the pets, and they decide our direction in life, but they don't hurt us.
The days of endless drudgery for income would be behind us, we could choose what we wanted to do, and the race of bots would clean up after our messes(like bringing people back to life after we've murdered).
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People keep telling me to create a social media account to share or sell my art, but I'm not interested in that. First, I'm not social at all, so making a social media account would be pointless if I'm not going to interact with anyone. Second, why does everything need to be money-driven? Is it wrong to go to college or art school just for the knowledge, with no intention of making it a career? Sometimes it feels like I'm in a society where having a passion for hobbies is considered pointless if you can't make any money from it.
Its true that things don't have to be money driven, its just thats the way society has decided to transfer value.
So, its not the money they're valuing, its your artwork. They want to show that value through the use of money.
If you play path of exile even once, and have to make do without a stable fixed currency, you'll see quickly how bartering on random item value is shitty and cumbersome by comparison.
>it feels like I'm in a society where having a passion for hobbies is considered pointless
It's worse. You're in a society where the majority of the population doesn't actually have any hobbies at all and they are completely unable to understand why you do. They think watching TV/Movies, going to reunions and parties, jogging/going to the gym are "hobbies". Just the other day a cousin was telling me how he needs to go out and socialize because otherwise he feels days are too long and I felt extreme contempt (for someone I do care about) because even before I graduated high school I already wished every day could last 50 hours longer so I could actually do everything I wanted in a day. I don't remember the last time I went to be and didn't think I wish I had more time.
Make sure you aren't actually wasting your time on a degree you either hate or is useless. Uni is a scam for most people.
yeah, I thought about it a lot before entering and ended up going for industrial engineering, i do like it and theres definitely demand for it, plus where im from, Uni is basically free
My main concern is if getting a degree and trying to be a normie its even worth it considering where things are heading
If every day were 50 hours longer, the expected work day would be 48 hours longer. Wage slavery is destroying us.
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You don't have much to lose then all things considered. Also run away from academia into industry unless you are 100% sure you want to go down that path. Good luck.

And don't be a normie if you want to excel at your field. You can't be normal by definition if you want to be excelent. I'm in gradschool so take my advice how you will.
thanks man, and yeah from the minimal experience ive had with academia so far its probably not my thing, just gonna avoid ending up as an excel monkey if possible that'd be great
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My name is George. I'm unemployed and live with my parents.
Do you think that shooter was mind warped into shooting trump by his psychologist parents?
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Wouldn't surprise me that he was groomed by alphabet glowies into doing it. Social media and hypersocialisation are used as tools to turn people into neurotic psychos who are easily controlled.
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What do you do to pass the time, George?
of course no one ever does something on their own. they have to be made to do it by someone else. that means they aren't responsible...

no asshole he hated his target.
The arrested development left within me from my Catholic school experience, a separated and vaccinated family in which they inducted me into despite them being lukewarm themselves, has left me feeling increasingly numb and emotionally disconnected from the feelings of love, affection, and compassion where I feel myself suffocating, crying inside everyday, (particularly from witnessing my college roommates during my second time in Sept 2017 into going back fucking and moaning, which in itself triggered a bad memory when I was 9 walking into my parents fucking in Oct/Nov 2007), and feeling myself suffocating for not having a place to belong to or having a family worth loving.

In reality, I'm nothing but a ghost and blank slate, haunting the lives of my parents as they sought validation in society through their convenient marriage influenced by telegony. Despite my mother's attempts to make me into a surrogate husband in 2019 and to fill voids and roles that were not mine to bear after the fallout in 2017 and the mistress affair in 2018, I find myself torn between feeling responsible for empathizing with others and grappling with the realization of how easily people can be deceived due to their own vulnerabilities.

In retrospect, I see myself as someone who never had the social foundation that others seemingly effortlessly possess. My life has felt like nothing but an abandoned relic of my parents' ambitions and societal pressures and I felt like nothing but the cosmic byproduct of a false pretense of Christianity, when all I wanted was genuine human emotion and a place that I feel I could belong to and love.
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I can't sleep. Maybe it's because I listened to music too late again, I really shouldn't do that. But even then it normally never gets this bad, I'm aggressively awake it's crazy.

Felt like shit today again. Dunno why really. Just felt kinda tired and drained despite not doing anything. Just a little depressed I guess. Socialised a bit with some neighbors but it stressed me the fuck out because social anxiety. I hate myself and I hate my empty, boring life. I think I kind of want to die a little.
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wait sorry that one makes no sense I forgot this wasn't a random thread, like I said no sleep
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this is my life
Why do you hide and stare at girls, creepy nigga
she is my wife friend
as in waifu or your literal cheating wife
I get it... you know what the bad thing about life is... sometimes it feels good. So you go, ah, I can trudge through this... and you carry on turning the hamster wheel.
You're a funny guy... your paragraph sounds relatable until the parenthesis... you just want to evade consequences.
One goes to art school either to make degenerate art or to drop out and kill those who make degenerate art... no inbetween.
this is critical of therapists, thus anti-Semitic. Please take it down.
>a place that I feel I could belong to and love
people only get that by accident--if that helps you. So, if you see people that have that, that doesn't mean something is wrong with you. You are free to take that from them. But be careful: people who have that guard it fiercely.
i usual come into threads like these to laugh at other's misery but holy shit anon

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